fortnite coach part 2

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previously on laser beam the fortnight coach we got my six-year-old nephew Bodhi he's first ever win in fortnight he had the time of his life he was very grateful but the thing is he never got a kill and he really wanted to get a kill so this week we're focusing his lessons on getting some kills so I had my mate Alex put together his discord and got a bunch of people to essentially stream snipers that way Bodie could feel like an absolute god and get lots and lots of kills while Alex was putting that together I took Bodie into creative mode so we could do some dumb crap he's also now on PlayStation he's no longer a mobile default congratulations everyone cheer Bodie on we're gonna do some silly stuff okay yes sure Burnie welcome to my world I am a god what oh my god what can you do you with your phone buddy dude what can you do with it hey what you Barney you've learned how to fly no stop that's reckless you're being reckless Bodi yeah it's my favorite item in the entire game right fly to the ground I'll show you something just drop you won't take you won't get hurt just drop yeah what's that what's that what's that birdie totally I guess hey our dough let's click on the toilet and see if you can make your own toilet click yeah you doing it now hit click again you made a toilet he did it he's making toilets ladies and gentlemen he's insane look at all like away nice toilets them all welcome to my toilet empire Bodi look at all the toilets Bert I'm gonna trap Brody and toilets I'm gonna trap him in toilets no I get your hanging in toilets though i got you trapped i had trapped in toilets I've trapped him successfully in my toilet castle he will never escape he escaped immediately you're too smart for a six-year-old look at the house look at the house ready you ready deleted it got you trapped if you say use code laser beam I'll let you out oh you just just walked out damn it just stupid cars you suck yeah you build a tower dude way to go Wade you tell go birdie-birdie I want you to come here and I have a challenge for you I think you're gonna like this challenge open this chest now start destroying the city Bodie make me proud well shoot RPGs shoot rocket launches at all the buildings make me proud buddy make me proud [Music] this is the best day of my life and blowing up buildings with me nephew made me proud man you were nautical a to help you we're not gonna have enough time like I can't let him witness failure I couldn't let him witness failure in techie some actual games and see how many people you can kill Bodie Oh I'll wear my do you think you're better than uncle any what do you want - you have my youtube channel would you like to be lazy being when you grow up how many kills do you think you can get Bodie I think that's like my kill wreck hmm maybe get 11 we're gonna try and get you one first all right ah I have a feeling you're gonna perform really well in this game Bodie you see uncle Ernie's name yeah see the big purple thing go to that easy mate you got it you're learning how to jump that's a birdie soon as he land mate grab a gun cuz then the enemies are gonna come I haven't seen one in here hey guys one oh yeah there's a gun right there Barney yes I come in look at him oh ho sure to pull you got it hot for you got it buddy quick get him I'll build for you I'll build big get you coming out get you gone out buddy quick I bet you're you'll figure it out quick ready here they come shoot him shoot him Barney get him [Music] yes yeah got him quicker right there's more of them quick quick quick quick alright stayin here staying here buddy I'm gonna bring one to you I'm gonna bring one to you quick get ready to shoot turn around turn around turn around [Music] oh god dynamite quick throw it again throw it again you got him yeah there you go back to your shotgun quick birdie there's 70 people you gotta get him keep going keep going you got him yes you killed a streamer yeah 15 so proud quick save Alex save Alex get this guy get the ones on Alex save him yes birdie you save it Alex quick get the other one yes birdie you did it you saved him quick one more alex is getting hit birdie he's down quick save him I'll revive him you you're Bodhi you did it now you want to revive him Bodhi good job mate you did it how many kills you get birdie have anything to say to the people you killed bori bori is so much battle going on there's so much happening Vic stay in there stay in there take this take that and take that ready ready use that and you should be able to put place it on the roof it should show up on the roof oh yeah okay see that trap that's gonna that's gonna protect us if they come into our base okay so just sit in the corner sit in the corner that I'm in right now you sitting there already they're coming they're after me stay still stay still stay still Oh oh my god buddy you're killing them traps getting all of them mate oh my god dude how many kills are you gonna get you got seven buddy I'm getting shot I'm getting shot buddy oh my god birdie oh no it's someone someone kill this how many kills you get there no eyein kills yeah that's more than six dude it's so good we'll get you we'll get you eleven alright alright we're landing here in this spooky place landed at the back towards me okay birdy stay it's barodius lots of people coming birdy just stay there stay there birdy okay Bodhi there's lots of people coming if you see lots of people in this room throw dynamite on the ground okay alright wait just wait just wait don't throw it for yet don't throw it yet steady people okay I got one I got one throw it on the ground hey you good you good buddy Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron where do you go four of them now shirt shirt shirt get him quick descent many of them oh my god you're insane I got one I got one he was attacking me get him buddy remember you can always pick action if you need to there's so many open birdie-birdie I'm trying to save you all rightie how many of you kills you have one more and you beat my record you've officially beaten my kill record Bodhi how do you feel Oh shucks can't say could I kill that one but no you got 14 that's crazy yeah mr. Boddy is turned blue he's a through-and-through everyone bing sing singing that to me astral [Music] no they go this now you're a good game didn't you bode well you have any kills you get all up 14 Bank pally all right just a reminder it is Christmas Merry Christmas everybody make sure use code laze beam when you're picking yourself up some Christmas presents support the channel and yes gingy is dying it's very actually very mad he's coming back but if he's gonna come back make sure you use code laser beam it's what Bodie tells you to do he's he killed 14 people in our last match he's a monster
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 24,323,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, fortnite coach, bodhi
Id: uYatfDjuCqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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