Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Exposes the Lies & Intentional Deceits of Ellen White & the SDA

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[Music] dr. Raymond Cottrill who had just retired gave a another Adventist forum this was in San Diego and he was on the committee that wrote the Bible SDA Bible commentary and because he was the denomination's best hebrew scholar their number one hebrew scholar he was assigned to write on Daniel well he got the Daniel 8:14 and he could not get Adventist interpretation of Daniel 8:14 so he went to elder lo who was in charge of the committee and then the two of them went to our our figure who was the General Conference president at the time they said look we can't get Adventist theology out of Daniel 8 and that's the pillar of the Adventist Church well figure said you get the best minds of Adventism and you form a super super secret committee and you work on this problem until it's all so they did they got the best minds of Adventism and there when the men are listed in my book Coptic doctrine and they worked on it for five years and realized they could not biblically support it so they didn't know what to do if if we say it's not biblical then that blows the church up and if we say it is we're lying so they finally disbanded and left no minutes is this that never met and they were instructed to tell the pastor's to continue to teach the investigative judgment based on traditional assumptions well so that was the second thing I knew it was wrong I knew they knew it was wrong and it tried to cover it up then the next thing that happened was I in the mail one day I got a set of six either five or six long cassette tapes from dr. Zane chyme he was a medical doctor a friend of mine and I did not ask for them and what happened was that duck Walter Ray who was a pastor I'd known in Southern California and I think you may have his book there now I'm looking for it right now here it is yeah Walter Ray it's a book of white line by the way we have this on our website anyway he he was really strong believer in Ellen White and he wrote a lot of books summarizing some of the quotes from Ellen White toss that business anyway and he was reading some old books on the life of Christ and suddenly he realized man that sure sounds like Ellen White and that so he would witness oh that's that's almost like Ellen White says so he had that piqued his interest he got a copy of all the books that Ellen White had in her library and tried to find them and lo and behold he found that Ellen Y plagiarized huge amounts of material and that's what this book Danka Lola he documented everything in this book called a lot the white lie from the research you're referring to right exactly exactly now the way they try to plagiarized and she had some secretaries that helped her they would change a word here a change a word they're put in a synonym or something else that would sound the same or but but change it so it wouldn't be quite as evident so is it was deceptive plagiarism if you will anyway he found that she had plagiarized huge amounts in her books even in her testimonies to individual people sometimes even her dreams that she had were quotes from some books and even in places where she said said the angel and she would quote she had an angel - supposedly spoke to her she claimed to have 2000 visions and so on and often she says I was shown you know like the angel of God told her and then she'd quote something and they'll behold even those I was shown statements often were from some other authors so basically the angels that the Ellen White was talking to or really these other authors that had written books that were in their library yeah they might say this now she's written a lot of good things too and she she quotes for some good authors at times okay so those are three things I knew I couldn't trust Ellen White anymore I knew the Adventist Church their investigative judgment was wrong and I knew they knew it was so about this time Advent isn't this all this stuff started leaked out in the others Church and there was a tremendous underground people were discussing it and I was pastor of the Watsonville Church and people are asking me about my research and so on and dr. Raymond Carlos tape I were out okay and I had some very professional PhD type and MD elders on my church board so I felt free to give it to them and say let's consider this because I had always thought the truth was the hallmark of Adventism and I've always sought for truth I mean I always want to be a true seeker well the quote hit the fan about that time they got a call from the conference president you want to talk to me and he said I understand you shared all that anyway to make a long story short I told him why I could not preach the investigative judgment and he says well you got to do it I said I can't unless you can show me how to do it well he had me meet with two people a Herald West who was a ministerial secretary like the pastor over the pastors and mister dr. Zamora who pastored a large I've in his church in the San Jose area he had been at the Glacier View trial and he had read that thousand page manuscript - so we met for four hours it was recorded they never gave me a copy and I know it'll never be released because both of them edited privates that Daniel 8 probably referred to Antiochus Epiphanes we should not use Ellen White for doctrine and there was no problem with you know two weeks later about a camp meeting they were up in front quoting Ellen White / met promoting the same Adventists and I began to lose faith in the personnel of Adventism one day Harold West knew I was struggling he took me aside pain it was it was a camp min he took me for a walk Easter day let's go for a walk want to talk to you so we wanted to go for a walk or nobody could hear us they said Dale we both know the doctrines wrong it's not our fault we can't do anything about it look at the church as your employer and do what you can of declare conscience and don't make anyways and you'll be fine it's good retirement here and I said Harold God called me to teach the truth of the gospel maybe I'm in the wrong denomination well the day came when we resigned we had to at the time we had just built a new house and those that was in the 80s our first loan was 12% our second was 18 hmm my wife was employed at the church she was a van jelastic Bible worker like my grandmother we thought would probably lose her house we didn't the Lord has provided and when I left I had determined we would never speak against adventism I didn't want to be one of these you know people's our greatest threat people but then over the years I started the church mostly former Adventists a lot of people who a lot of members of the Watsonville Church came with me when I left and we started the church it's in my book truth led me out of it but inside anyway you kept the name Adventist and yeah that's it what was the name of it well at first it was the biblical Adventist Church and then we got all kinds of flack from that by the way it was giving you the plan well the church was Adventist Church seventh-day Adventist were giving you a hard time about using them me absolutely they didn't consider you part of them now anymore in fact some of our friends at Monterey Bay Academy we have still friends out there okay we're coming to our church mm-hmm and they got a letter from the conference presidents if you continue that debris you're going to be lose your job so they didn't want anybody to come to our church and threatening them wasn't employment so we changed the name to biblical fellowship church now two years after I left I was just by the way this is a good insight I decided I put the writings of Ellen White I'll pick on all of her books and she's written a stack of books about that I put them in the garage and I said I will not look at these for six months Wow if you like our YouTube channel please subscribe by clicking on the subscribe button and then by also clicking the bell above to get an automatic update whenever we produce another YouTube video for our see answers TV channel please share our videos with your friends and relatives may God bless you only one life will soon be passed only what is done for Christ will last [Music]
Channel: CAnswersTV
Views: 680,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sabbath School, Ellen G. White, Amazing Facts, The Forerunner, Clear Word Bible, The White Lie, Adventism, Investigative Judgement, William Miller, Works Righteousness, Sabbath Keeping, Commandment Keeping, Judaizers, Works of the flesh, Evil Workers, Wandering Stars, Justification by Faith, Faith Alone, Circumcision, Dung, Knowledge of Christ, Keeping the Law, Justified by Faith, SDA, The Great Controversy, Hebrew Roots Movement, Jehovah's Witnesses, cults, Daniel 8:14
Id: umBu2OvAZnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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