Former Jewel Thief Reviews Famous Heist Movies, From 'The Dark Knight' to 'The Town' | 63 |

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it's amazing when i watch a movie i watch it a different way than you might watch it because of a man who did some seriously very big crimes and stuff i look at things of how they could have got away with it how realistic it is good and bad of it this is larry love america's biggest jewel thief and today he'll be reviewing some famous heists from the movies [Music] all right everybody i'm back uh before we start i just really want everybody to check out our member program on here on youtube and we are on patreon we got some really cool stuff and listen this is the biggest disclaimer in the world please don't try any of this this is all about movies i don't endorse crime in any way you all know that right now uh but i want to just emphasize that it's not cool so to speak the movies are cool i love movies the first movie the town arthur shay former medford police officer 57 years old as soon as his partner leaves with the coal bag and he cracks a herald and he don't look up till the guy gets back maddie mcguire cummins ahmed courier 5 10 220 52 years old what really jumped out at me was in the background when they were explaining the guys the guards in the armored cars there was a jewelry store behind him it's amazing how i actually just picked that up right away i actually noticed ronald renard george that was in the background that's crazy but what really struck me right off the bat is what information they had on all the people in the heist picks up every wednesday and friday at exactly 8 12. makes 110 a day carries a cigna and he's about to get robbed i mean really it's amazing the detail they had on these two guards their height weight age what they do they did their homework that's pretty good man that's exactly what i did i knew who was in the store who was coming who was going go go they jumped they went hard they took control of the facility really quick and if you notice they lock the doors behind them with zip ties so no one could come in on him great move [Music] another great move did you see him flip through the money when he flipped through that money he was looking for what there was there either a die pack or location devices not all of them are dye packs they have what they call location devices that will just stay with that money and follow that money that's more dangerous than a die pack come on when's your time last step for nine o'clock don't lie to us that's not your money you understand pull out of us again notice how he talks to the lady and he knows more than the lady she said that the time lock was on at nine he said no 8 15. check it out they know their stuff they are prepared the girl is super nervous which is is again that's that's normal i've had reactions during robberies that are a person that laughed cried uh different things so people's emotions are different how they handle that stressful situation is kind of interesting and the dynamics you don't know what they're going to do you have to be prepared for everything and he would [Music] very well organized crew everybody had a job everybody did their job the one guy went got the security footage in tapes same thing i used to do i did i used to take the tapes with me i didn't put him into a microwave and destroy him i'm assuming you can do that but with fpi technology today i wouldn't trust that i wanted the tapes in my possession out the door what huh somebody did anything you pulled your arm no no did you you didn't pull any of them leaving you [ __ ] you always have someone who's the wild man the guy started beating a guy never a reason for that never and i never had to do that in any of the robberies i committed and again i'm not proud of those robberies it's just what i did but what i really noticed here is when they did something stupid people started looking at them and they saw the tattoo they saw the tattoo on the back of his neck identification mark that was a mistake mistake will get you caught the cops get us well then we're gonna need him get away major bad move taking a hostage and it's now kidnapping if they got caught it was a bank robbery now it is kidnapping if you take a person and i'm not a lawyer but i know a lot about the law i think if you take a person a hundred feet away from that facility it's considered kidnapping not only that once she's out she can hear things even though she was blindfolded she could hear certain things she could try maybe hear bumps or a siren or uh go and buy some you know uh building or area that she knows she used to hear a sound if there was a construction site in the area she used to walk to work that way she would know what direction they left that there's no reason whatsoever to take a hostage in that situation well well planned well coordinated well executed uh except for a couple of minor mistakes these guys obviously with the pros and uh but again don't do this at home now come on guys we all know these are movies enjoy them enjoy the lockdown what you're doing as well all right we're gonna go to the next movie the dark knight again this is another wild one and it's another bank uh and it's another wild kind of robbery this is this is a great movie review three of a kind let's do this that's it three guys two guys on the roof every guy gets a share five shares is plenty six shares don't forget the guy who played the job he thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice i know why they call him the joker i did get a kick at this they're all talking about the guy who planned the heist the joker and why they call the joker he wears war paint you don't know who you're working with you're doing a major robbery but again it's a fun movie gotta love it i love movies man you know as bad as this lockdown is and i'm calling it a lockdown uh catch up on your movies guys [Music] here comes the silent alarm and there it goes [Music] that's funny it didn't dial out to 9-1-1 i was trying to reach a private number is it a problem no i'm done here boy shot right in the back and there is my old adage three can keep a secret if two are dead and again it's a movie but man how well do you trust somebody you're gonna do a major robbery like this and don't know who they are let me come on guys great movie i thought it was a great twist they threw the guy to bank manager which we know in the movie is one of the dirty guys but it was pretty cool uh that they had him come out with a gun like really what manager would carry a sawed-off shotgun in his work wouldn't happen obviously couldn't even have it there don't any idea how you steal it from you and your friends are dead he's out right i love the masks i really do uh i mean i just love all that kind of stuff again if you really want to talk about descriptions you don't need to wear a mask you can just alt yourself in some way or another and believe it or not that's just as good as a mask i love the way they made the banks uh with the with the tables of cash make it real easy that that doesn't happen in a bank just to let you know uh they have counting tables they have big tables but they're through a whole bunch of different things and it's a table with counting machines and stuff it's not just sitting there waiting for a robber to come in and take it all out unless it's ready for the uh armored car guy even major banks don't carry that much cash anymore there is a certain day they do have cash and it's usually on paydays when they have it but they're it's not like it used to be a lot of things electronics anymore everybody so it's not like it used to be jewelry stores are where it's at and i didn't mean that to rob a jewelry so of course i'm only joking um [Music] and i think the joker's gonna kill about another uh seven bus drivers because they all have to be in on this guy comes out a wall no one honks a horn no one hits him no one stops again it's a movie love it next movie up good time [Music] stop messing with it next what blew me away on this one was the disguise the disguise was one of the best disguises i saw for a movie ever it looked so real you couldn't tell it was a disguise obviously they went into the bank they use the note which is pretty standard you know and if you don't have a firearm during a commission of a felon you don't get five years by the law and i'm not a lawyer but i know the law especially the 924c it's using a gun in the commission of a felon [Music] mistake first mistake i noticed is when when they told the lady to get the money the 65 000 you know i guess they put a number on it thinking she's going to go actually get 65 000 and they would never have that in a draw uh as they didn't tell hey no dye pack no location device if you say that they're not going to put it in there not going to risk somebody getting hurt their you know tellers and bank employees have one motive get you out of that place with nobody getting hurt so that was pretty stupid not to say listen no die packs no location device uh and obviously at the end of the scene we're gonna see what happens because of that [Music] i mean it was really well executed but you also would never let the lady go back into the vault i knew a guy who did robbery something like this he actually went into the bank he went with a large large check a 75 000 or 100 000 check he asked for the manager and says hey listen can i see i want to deposit this at open account the manager wants him in real quick he had a briefcase he opened the briefcase and he put a piece of dynamite with a timer right on the desk the guy looked at him i used to hear his stories he was crazy man he i loved the guy though he was a nut but he used to tell the story the guy would look at him and now he would say listen go into that safe and get a 150 000 or whatever number he said and if you try anything right now i'm gonna walk out and detonate this bomb everybody was oh my gosh the guy went in gave his money they got him out and the reason he did it that way and he explained he goes because it gave me time to get away because they can't just hit alarms do anything they want to have to evacuate the place they have to clear it with a bomb squad again i'm not trying to tell people i've just heard it from some of the best who did robberies in their life but guess where i heard it from in prison so nobody gets away with it for you know forever you never get away with it you will be caught and again i'll never ever recommend any of this uh this is the movies and i'm just reviewing movie heists so remember that when i'm talking to you guys stay with me where did you go where are you is you're in the bank you're circling around i'm on the corner i'm on the corner where you drop me off you're gonna get back here right now i'm outside the mango rico yes yes yes [Music] [Music] i'm so sorry dude the cops they moved me here they don't worry don't worry about it let's go what had me a little bit smiling was when the guy wasn't there you all know about a robbery i had when the car wasn't there when it was supposed to be it was a screw-up but i had myself covered these guys were done what happens if that guy never did come back now what you're doing obviously you wouldn't use somebody like that either you'd have your own driver or there have been robberies guys use a cab and get away with it like that as well so uh that is possible you know all of that is somewhat realistic to be honest uh and they make mistakes because people aren't real criminals and thank god they're not what was that song [Applause] that stuff doesn't come off it would take a lot in the money to i mean it's pretty much ruined if you want to call it that uh dye packs did and they worked for a while but obviously the criminal world picked up on that and they won't work how die packs work is either they have a device on them that when the pack is open it explodes or it leaves the certain distance it'll explode a die pack that's all it is so it would go off like that and i'll tell you what man i mean i've heard of it going off i don't know anybody who had a bank job and the dye pack went off uh i do know cop friends of mine tell me about this happening as well and it's kind of you know it listen it's an amateur move again all of these devices in banks they don't catch the professional they catch the guy who's you know i hate to say it hard up on his luck he's doing something desperate and usually there's more to it and hopefully that the system sees that with normal people and made bad mistakes they need to pay a price but they don't need to pay for the rest of their life especially a guy with a note i don't believe that at all you know i'm on the compassionate side our next movie the other guys in progress they're using a wrecking ball to clean out cassidy and jewelry all right we got it good luck guys have a good one let's go no i got work to do what this is work mark wahlberg was benched so to call we want to call it that benched as a detective and he's wanting to get in the action so it's a kind of funny movie go let's go come on fellas wednesday night of taco night at rikers island what i loved about this movie in the wrecking ball and everything else it was a jewelry store they at least got smart they got to the jewelry store you can get out with a lot more jewels than you can cash we all know that now anybody's been watching my channel knows that so uh pretty good movie but i love all these guys i love the actors in this one this was a and look at the named actors in this movie this is pretty funny too another good movie entertaining to watch i don't know maybe heist or entertaining i don't believe my heists were entertaining i really don't and again i always will say this i'm sorry for that and that doesn't make me that bad guy i told i believe that okay i got sad tough tough tough thing to see did you see that ss charger get crushed oh i'm not a big car guy but i like cars i like different kind of cars that ss got crushed by that wrecking ball well anyway the other guys pretty funny movie another worth seeing you know all of these clips were sent to me by various people who want me to review them and thank you everybody who's been doing that keep sending clips stuff like that [Music] you
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 2,793,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Knight, The Town, Jewelry store, Jewelry thief Robbery, Crime, Heist, Getaway, Getaway driver, Larry Lawton, Lawton, Jewel thief, Robbery, Crime story, untold stories, prison, jail, gangster, gangster redemption, reality check program, Former Jewel Thief Reviews GTA V Fleeca Job w/ XpertThief, Former Jewel Thief Reviews GTA V Jewel Heist, Coronavirus in Prison. What You Need to Know
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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