Former Jewel Thief Reviews GTA V Jewel Heist | 47 |

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This is Larry Lawton, an ex jewel thief, and this is the story on his time as a thief, how he got caught, and his life back on track.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 24 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zetrical ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy has some really interesting videos, I'd recommend anyone check him out.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nitelytroll ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s so cool how this guy went from being a total piece of shit scumbag to being not only a great guy and stand up citizen but a true stead fast positive role model who is taking his vile past and using it for good. Itโ€™s beautiful how people can change.

He's done a lot of good to make amends for his past. He helps law enforcement, he helps businesses and citizens better defend themselves from criminals. His reality check program is such a great thing. People like him who have that dark past and have over come it, people who have changed can be so influential and impactful in such a Remarkably positive way when it comes to helping the youth. He not only chose to live a honest life For himself after prison but he chose to take his shameful embarrassing past and use it to for good and to serve others. Much respect to him, he sure deserves a lot of respect for what he has been doing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HankMoodyMFer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why do people assume there will be โ€œheistsโ€ in 6? Iโ€™d prefer they stray away from the whole heist thing and make you rather sell drugs, or even rob people, for money. Iโ€™d prefer not to have another game based around Heists.. Unfortunately though due to microtransactions, shark cards, etc I believe rockstar will have to implement something like heists so you can afford those $10m cars etc.....

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AlarmingProfessor1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Isn't this the guy who's suing the NFL halftime show for making him horny?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GAMESHARQ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
ok everyone I'm here to review the gta5 jewelry heist scene with Michael and his crew and there's two scenarios here so I'm gonna review them both I understand it's a game but I am to this day considered the biggest jewel robber in the United States and I'm gonna tell you how I wouldn't did it and what the game might have did a little bit off or how they can prove the game and how you can maybe play it better and may be a little bit more successful as well so let's get right at hey listen what do you got the Holy Grail really don't know who the brains of the operation is the one guy supposed to be the tech guy yet look and Michael is supposed to be the guy with the crew but cuz I wrecked his girlfriend's house I don't need to go crazy here which Mexico what team is right so he's not supposed to be very nice you also you never robbed just a good money quick like that you have to plan it a little bit more reason to do it then just I need quick money let's do it you're gonna get caught right away well stores usually easier I gotta make a big cake well gems it is then let's go to van Jellico buy ourselves an engagement ring I liked how they just pick I'm stop it how they just picked and Gela cos jewelry's or whatever that was they just pick it out of the blue let's go there that's not how your case place that's not you'd get caught in a minute you know you got to pick what store you're gonna pick then you're gonna pick why you're gonna pick it you got how much money is it the best getaway they just picked one that they came off the top of the head or no old guys Moses ironically he found Jesus all those Irish crazies they mostly just disappeared that crew from the second there picking a crew like it's a shopping mall as well the Irish crew disguise gone it doesn't work like that either you know you build relationships you build the knowledge and you actually grow up with a lot of the people you rob with and you actually understand them better than they understand themselves if they all went down there was a an Eastern European guy making moves in Liberty City yeah he went quiet I don't know why they even need the guy with the king you got any contacts in LS or not glass he's their fence and it's kind of says he's gonna sell them at the end I'll have to reach out to some other guys when you go put case a joint you know just don't take your car either you might have a rent-a-car knew you could change the plate or you don't have to but you better drive a lot better than that driving this this is a kick out of Derry man you gotta learn to drive go through every stoplight every stop sign I mean you would have been stopped a long time ago in this game would have been over but I understand it's a game every stop sign even hitting stuff here we are pulls up in front of the place he runs to the place it's another thing you don't walk what are you running from unless this is a time game you don't need a guy to do what he's doing going in there taking shots you do need to go in the store in case it sir thank you he's not gonna know wait why he needs that along keypad that doesn't mean anything as he's casing this place he's taking pictures very conspicious you know I mean you don't think they'd be looking at him any real criminal would be pinned out in a minute hey beautiful I need is a big mistake too while he's talking to the girl well one of them sir I'm sure we can help you tell me about her what's her tastes cheap thank God and say my wife we're talking about I don't know I don't want to spend too much I'm thinking maybe 10 grand our ring start at 8 our pendant start at 12 all right so these things built the last or am I just paying for the van Jellicle logo here no we use perfect clarity jewels he asked the lady like she's gonna tell him everything she's a sales lady that's number one he doesn't even ask if there's loose diamonds if you're a real jewel Robert the mistaken escape they would hide a jewelry box full of loose stones in that jewelry box juicy a box that big they'd have loose stones and you would take that that's where the money is in jewelry stores not in the stuff in the display cases it's in a box in a safe or in a hidden compartment and you'd have to find out where that is so there's the mistake there what he could have did was you know what the game could have did is show hey listen we're showing you some diamonds and break out a box from a different area and show where that box was that would have been a better way to show that this place had a lot more money in the display case is going to only be X amount of dollars 18 karat gold 950 Platinum nothing but the best all right I think you just made a sale I'm gonna take a look around think about it come back to you baby don't go anywhere I understand good thank you sir he really doesn't case the joint he's really not you know looking around he's kind of looking around but he's not looking in the cases even to see what's in what case you know you gotta know where the stuff is where the important stuff they're gonna have some bling that's not even worth anything in certain areas and that that's gonna be nothing that doesn't mean anything the way up to the roof nowaday a case and how do I guess throw a canister the driving is funny I get a kick out of there you can't drive I hope he has a better licenses in a road construction yeah they're gutting the place I might be able to get to the roof this is their case Nikki walks into the wall so that's pretty good [Laughter] so you keep up with the old crew they got the technology to be talking to each other through an air piece so they got technology so they wouldn't have to do what they're doing you can find all this information literally in the city ordinance or the city codes or anywhere and even while he's casing this place he doesn't have any gloves on he doesn't have any kind of something on him that once the cops figure out how they did it they gonna he's just runs into the wall that was hilarious well he gets there and he keeps looking around and he runs up this ladder and his fingerprints the whole way up they gonna check everything on a big enough score you gotta actually case this place like a Robin and make sure you don't leave anything anything behind looks like the highest point is on the northwest side nobody around somebody woulda saw him I mean obvious this is a game and it's pretty good game I got a kid I watched it a few times and that's a hell of an arm to throw it across the way and hit it right in a round a well how many canisters you're gonna really carry what happens if you missed the first one that would have been funny game it says from get down here before someone sees you he runs everywhere guys got a lot of energy a lot more not a lot more than me most robberies are not done like that they they're really planned out a lot slower a lot more meticulous and and the less action of better you're gonna get away with it more I did go in hard and I'll explain that in a minute just says I don't want to beat anyone up draw attention he says here they are he's getting out of building and getting back in their car looking away a park that was great you know the worst thing you can do is bring attention to yourself a little a little quick here stop when we did a robbery and I went to dinner robberies in its cities all over the east coast of United States you go into a place it and I might be in a city for two weeks three weeks we don't leave the hotel we make sure we don't drive crazy anywhere we'd go get some food and pretty much live in a hotel you don't want to be seen in that town because you don't want to have them go to a hotel you might have been at or what you're held up at so this guy's just all over the place obviously he just parked the wrong way it doesn't take take anything seriously in that regard let's go back to the garment factory I called ahead and told him to start setting up the information [Music] and erasing so what did you see nothing that'll just going straight through red lights hey check it out looked like a simple set up cameras broadcasting to remote server you might be able to wipe remotely security guard on the door they won't want to die for it just planning it right now you know each other talking and planning it door lock we'll get a good window someone talented exit anything else well the more valuable merchandise is and the cabinets in the center of the store by the register he's telling him where the most valuable stuff is how does he know he didn't even go in it that guy secondly if you got a talented enough hack like that you're gonna be able to hack into their system and not only shut it down you can actually find out where the cops are you should have that too they didn't have radios hooked up to the cops either and stuff like that they need that glass and the cabinets wasn't bulletproof means you can smash them easy enough but the stones will be in the safe at night so we go in when it's open then right once we melt down the gold recut the rocks that's an OK score yeah shame we can't go in after hours man those vents look promising might be able to flip that another way I'm listening wait till we get man drivings crazy daring stay on the road maybe we could cut him in I don't work with an amateur being an amateur rash once they do something like that is over the things over matter of fact if I even had a ticket in fact one robbery in city we're gonna do I even thought the cops might have knew who I was not by touching me or anything or catching me or anything doing anything but just something happened so once you think you're spotted you're not gonna do the robbery in that town dumb remember the vents if we're gonna be smiley going over to two plans and have it as well everyone's out you'll have to source the gas of course but crowd control won't slow you down and that might improve the take the cover is pest control so no one will look twice when you're wearing gas masks that means getting a pest control van though you go in dumb and you'll need your a famous way with people and for carbine rifles we can't buy him in a risk of getting traced no no we've got to find some in circulation it's dark word it's a real awkward but this is the gun favored by LSPD tactical teams so one of their vans is probably a good place to look the hacker can disable the cameras the length of time depends on their ability the alarm will be operating on the same window the exit strategy is more or less the same for both options the driver you pick will of course source some bytes you come out of the store and make your way for the new subway tunnel there dick don't stop it here right now that they're planning these k2 capers two different ways you don't do that you don't have two different totally different ways to get in and you know what you're gonna do before you get in in a robbery of this magnitude you actually case the store from the backwards forward if you get away they say to have that plan you if you get away and can you get out but the first thing you gotta know is where the stones are can you get out of that store and what you get away which supposedly they have planned here which I like but I also don't know why I have two plans you're gonna pick one and go with it and now it down more like in Ocean's eleven you're gonna have a plan and stick with it and you're gonna do it you can improvise during the plan but you're not gonna improvise before put two models up and say let's choose this one that that's not how it works taking off the Del perro freeway you lose the cops in there and meet a truck in the ls River all right I want my guy Franklin on the getaway he can handle a bike all right if you vouch for now the one guy doesn't know the crew either so he says I'll vouch for him this guy about doesn't seem like either and I'm knew it knew anyone that well believe me when you case a store and when you pick your crew you better know who they are and you'll know them better than you'll know you yourself you want to know what their what's gonna make them nervous will they act how they'll act under pressure you're not gonna do a robbery just say oh I heard he's good that's not how it works I'll take the risk that's how you get set up that's number one that's how a cop set you up that's how rich gets you and you're done so how do you want to do this pause I'd make him a whole different way to make this thing I'd have where a backstabbing can happen where could be an undercover cop in you and you maybe bribe the cop you maybe get something on his family there's a lot of different ways I would've did this whole whole thing for GTA running to the front door or try to play it smart the loud way of the smart way they choose the smart way first you know I like that select personnel with that in mind as ever the better they are the bigger the cut he's talking about how the better they are the bigger the cut you know who they are you know how much you're gonna give them you know what your cut is there's no oh let me get a little better guy cuz I can afford to give them a little more we're gonna get more money that doesn't happen either that's that's just a game now the driver they'll source the bikes lead you out through the tunnels going over the guys in the on the corkboard ed ito now you can count on him to get you out of a spot guns now we're hoping to keep quiet so this guy shouldn't make much guys you pick and are gonna be more there's got to be only one brains of the operation one guy's gonna do most of the stuff that was me and my robberies and then I had crews come in afterwards and help me unload the stuff have a driver to get away look on the outside and he also helps you case it at certain times so you're not the only one a case that I usually did most the casing but you might have somebody else checked a driver or somebody coming and going or even go in the sword Harris good feminine text I like what he says his girls a feminine touch and a hacker I could care less if it's a monkey behind that computer if they know what they're doing moving great they use a pest control smart move to use a company I like Michael now is me which is pretty wild come on Michael better do it right ready you'll need to pitch it to the guys and how they work this is they do get a different stuff they I would add a few other things too and I'll tell you that in a minute because I'll never forget how I did it now we all know what crew meeting this is a good one we've got a store to take the plan is simple elegant listen to Lester pay attention to the information he gives you and we'll all make a buck things go bad you know the drill things go bad we don't know each other that's a good one if you trust these people and you don't you have to tell them that you don't trust them to begin with I mean if you don't know him that well you're not doing a robbery you know it is an old saying and it's well known they say three can keep a secret if two are dead think of what I just said three can keep a secret if two are dead this wasn't organized we don't know each other we got caught up in our ride your hacker looks like a junkie girl because everything's gonna go just fine yeah what do they need this Lester for except I'm guessing he's defense I could have it offline myself no problem but you should be able to get us a pretty decent window how decent depends on the job you do the way they should have made him the hacker you signal Michael he makes the call things look good we should build a drop of present right through the air vent on the roof Mike Mike he looks like me he's asleep no problem we take our time if we run into trouble we move quickly and with force any questions no you do have a meeting beforehand and a stop it right there before them getting out of the office we totally had a meeting not only a meeting get ready and I'll tell you what that's when your palms sweat your adrenaline starts pumping and you know you go there's no turning back that's one then the heat counts that's when you know who's got the balls to do a robbery like this and the brains cuz it's easy to have balls and no brains and get caught but you know like it says what was that it for seven years and robbed fifteen or eighteen million dollars and got away with it so there's something to say for that Frank you're with me Paige he's telling people on the way down who's with who they should know or whatever in the van right I like where they use names they said oh you names are never even used the less even talking the better you don't him to know your accent you know want to know anything about you might slip and say anything say nothing you might say go out there's no talking at all in a robbery everyone has a job and knows what to do I would go in hit the cabinets take the people down bring people in and work it like that obviously I'll be talking a lot more about actual robbery soon all right you got it down there he go they didn't talk about changing the plates doing anything for this car this part kind of confused me a little bit because and to get away to tell you in a minute I stuck my neck out for you here again this guy's driving like an animal man that's the worst time you should drive like an animal even it's a few cars and think when I jumped off the back of a yacht on the highway huh yeah but these guys don't kind of vouch for each other on the way to the robbery if I don't trust someone on a way to a robbery two robberies off even if I know man good I got enough [ __ ] I hit somebody robberies over what you got to worry about I don't know I ain't done any real working years you know so I'm giving half the take the guys are supposed to be the best in the business all right and making us out to be there's a lot of the businesses a lot of them there's there's hit smash and grabbers and then it's pros that guy was 15 to a hacker and that's on top of all the other outlets I feel like a chump buying myself a score on the way to robbery yes we'll find out if they were fee right [Music] alright this isn't up there there's a way through the Sun he's so funny he hit so many people in the way I was laughing so hard yeah we went over this I'm cool [Music] [Applause] here they go he's going he parks right there to head up to go throw to the gas into the event oh he's going up the stairs now not worried about seeing it all he mentions hello or something excuse me exterminator hey you would know that already and if it's darkness must be a weekend robbery because there'd be somebody there door in a week again here he is doing everything right this time cuz he's got gloves on but they would a court you took place before when you did the case in a place he gets a little lost there up the stairs almost Disney when he cased the joint he actually went up there with his hands and fingerprints and believe if they get that they're real good I think I can tell the difference I like this part I gotta get this he throws it picks the gas canister one shot pretty good pretty good throw Wow that was it they going out here's another thing they're in the store and a gas comes through they have an along they have buttons in a jewelry store the buttons that have been hit right away automatic cops are on their way there's no wait for the alarm for a minute and a half they're done already the alarms went off every day of the managers carry an alarm in their pocket man I would have made this this robbery a lot better in GTA I would have made it more realistic and look when they're banging it in they're not even getting into getting a few pieces you know it takes a little time to get the whole stuff I would be in a robbery I would be in a robbery for sometimes 10 minutes 15 minutes take people down a strip joint come on let's go I'm stopping it while he's doing a robbery and I'll tell you why one robbery I did I was in the store for almost 30 minutes probably 25 30 minutes there was a cop call waiting out front not for me just pulled up and he was talking to other people and the cop car was out front so I had to wait for that cop car to leave even though I wasn't going out the front I couldn't have somebody get out of that there flex-cufs or what we had them in and all automatically that cop would have been way too close so we waited till he left when he left then we went out the back and that was in Daytona and and I'll tell you what I mean we were in that so as long as we had to be in that store first of all if you go in the right way alarms aren't going off obviously this is this is they are going off blobs water went off already just started you can earn your 12% that was a good one it just takes one or two pieces you forget a thousand things everyday pal make sure this is one of them I like the way two guards just thrown out forgets it doesn't pose gun doesn't do anything then they stopped now they're going to plan to the loud approach run into the front door or try to play it smart this is smash-and-grabs this is I actually went in and never loud took him down slow but when I took him down I own that store and I did go in the front door through the tunnels Eddy toe now you can count on him to get you out of a spot guns it might be hot and heavy in there this guy I'll keep it from going bad McCreary he was part of a well-known Liberty City stick-up crew smile like they're picking their crews they pick him like this like you got a book to pick people at it it's so not how it is you better know two people you're robbing whether you're done before you even start this guy Ricky I met him at the life invader office he may not be that good but he's enthusiastic he might not be a good actor but he's enthusiastic yeah you really want that guy there she'll be able to find any back doors they got like a little back door in sin you endow with the woman team and get their weapons and I'll be in touch he's Larry again I mean Michael what my rep don't count for nothing no more you're a dead man Michael I'll call you there it is morning all right I'll stop it here right before they're gonna do it and they're in there together I did rob them in the mornings usually when the Sun was coming up at a certain time so nobody else can look in the store because of the light or the reflection you know Sun rises in the east and falls in the West and if there's glare coming into that window nobody can see in and that's important in a robbery also if something's in the robbery windows they can't see in so that stuff that jewelry stores need to fix themselves obviously in the game they don't talk about that they should us we're all professionals we all know the score giving his little meeting again we're gonna move quick and we're gonna keep cool anybody gets pinched this meeting never took place we don't know each other is that clear now we've looked very very carefully at the plans we considered something more complicated but given the location the weakness of staffing and yet less that's given the his plans the brains I guess he is disabled security and waltz right in through the front door security guard should be to our left we neutralize him 15 seconds later you come in I want extreme pressure applied to the staff the customers are to be calmly subdued I want one guy on crowd control while you and I empty out the merchandise from the cabinet's stop it here he's talking about the jobs each person that's good that was really good everyone will have a job you gonna be either the driver you're gonna be the guy taking down the salesperson I take down the owner if it's gonna be a multiple take down and I've done those and then you hit this side of the store for all the cases and you hit the other side or you hit the safes I would always get to the box of diamonds and I would also get to a safe where where the big money was we're anything out ninety seconds guys in and out 90 seconds not happening I'm leaving on foot any questions good luck everyone in the parlance of robberies they call them smashing grabs the guy go in and smash a hammer right through a glass and take a thirty thousand dollar ring or three rings or whatever's in that case calm smash-and-grabs you're never gonna get good you're never gonna get as big as I am and you're gonna get caught and that's just gonna happen yeah come on get in yeah heading down the stairs and head to their robberies guy falls down it made me laugh Franklin's driving I'm telling you you're dren illan would be pumped right now believe it I mean pumped I don't care who you are and how many you're done I've done it to over 20 major jewelry robberies and other robberies not counting those your adrenaline is blowing out your palms are sweating and it's controlling that adrenaline it's the people who make it funny i got michael on my shirt all right listen up four of us in this van we're about to become accomplices in a major crime I got to be able to trust you with my life I think you should trust me you don't have to tell him I gotta trust you listen to me did a robbery today I would kill everybody involved I know that sounds rough but that's the truth that's the way it would have to be did a 20 million dollar score I'd have to kill everybody involved because only three can keep a secret if two are dead that's that's a true statement people in the joint used to tattoo that on their on their necks people anyone yaps about me or any of you warning everybody yaps hit his own truck good now Frank over to you uh yeah man I'm Franklin dog you know they're giving their resumes in the van on the way to the robbery I got a kick out of that believe me it's quiet in that van or in the car you're doing it's very quiet everybody's getting their own own thoughts together getting psyched up you have a couple of things you can do make sure you you gloves are ready and all the equipment you need on you guess I'm pretty gonna pull a trigger but it was a couple of years before they started doing it for bread know what I'm saying instead of that rapping where you from [ __ ] and here we are he's got to sell himself I'm yeah I love that oh he'll be cleaning out the cabinets and handling the getaway he's got you some bikes for that all you need to know about him is he's good [Music] I guess for time they just do everything illegal I mean that I get it the biggest kick at it we could make it robbery pretty cool in one of these videos if you did it the right way and you really planned it like a real robbery like I did him they took some of my robberies and I went over them it would blow you away because I used to always want to be a fly on the wall after a robbery hit let's move pull right up why would you have a suit on you'd have comfortable clothes on number one two you wouldn't need a suit what do you need a suit for you're going in with rifles out it's not like if you're going in quiet and then breaking out the rifles you go in with big rifles right through why do you need suits the lobs are here to manager while they're in there doing this right now the manager hit the alarm cuz he's got one in his pocket he's displeased there you go clean after this place it's some big big briefcases for the little stuff okay see that alarm thing again is a big misnomer the alarms are set even if those glasses broke the alarm set automatic now if you could disable that alarm they have what they call now to have off-site alarms and they have buzzer along like your car buzzer they didn't know the girl was in the back pretty big mistake she could have been on the phone with the police if I didn't know who they were where they were I would never Robert I'll stop it right here one way to prevent me from robbing a store was put a 2-way glass and then if I couldn't justify where everybody in that store should have been from no one who's coming and going I wouldn't do it and a lot of times in case I couldn't get to that thing maybe a car was in a parking lot that I might have thought someone was still working in the back late and I cased it long enough to way glass is very scary me for because I don't know who was behind there and that's an easy way it's another safety as security they could have put any up continuing guys talking we hit our toad they wouldn't say a word go the words would go here's a ticket taker or kinda thing didn't have a radio see it the river go now we go to the getaway love the getaway cops weren't coming they're ready why would you go crazy again I keep getting it going through my head I think the game missed the cops and helicopters they're up and quick and they're out there especially in a big city right and we got cops everywhere they sure would have the helicopter do like that they have a plan getaway love that they knew where they were going when they were gonna hit it what ways they went obviously they they actually went their getaway that's what you do you plan you get away and you do the getaway no way the cops would have found them if that really was what they did too many ways to get out [Music] he's a good motorcycle driver darien but he's not such a good car driver system [Music] yeah that way is pretty cool I mean it's a good scene you do want to get out of that quick you want to get as far away from a place and as fast as you can you know that all adage of you know staying laying low right around the area and then getting out later know you want to make have as much distance as you can without being seen so you don't have to go down 95 you know or 100 miles an hour to get away from the scene stay inconspicuous and inconspicuous but you want to keep going when I rob the jewelry store me stop on the getaway when I did my getaway and I robbed the jewelry store if I robbed the jewelry store in Florida I was in New York in 20 hours the jewelry and everything was out of my hands within 24 hours no matter where I was I got to the where I had to go straight with coffee multiple drivers non-stop that you get that stuff out of your hands as soon as you can get to your destination get to your fence as quick as you can [Music] love the IT knows everything I love this motorcycle chase with the cops this was good this truck must be souped up because it's catching cop cars knocking him off the road I just love this part see actual motorcycles would be a good getaway if you inis in a specific area you knew you get away and got it too under a like a parking garage had another dumb hoe we got a big showdown with alone totally got a kick in of this get away you hearing the sirens I don't know twenty cop cars I saw in this whole thing or fifteen whatever it was now they say no cops in here no helicopters he is funny we got a window let's stop at the end of the river get the bikes they stop at the end of the river and it put the motorcycles in the same truck they were just in you would first thing I'll stop right there while they put in the car motor seconds in the truck obviously if you do they call double getaway vehicles you go from one to another to another sometimes because you don't even want somebody to see you get out of one and into another because somebody's gonna call the police somebody's gonna contact somebody so I saw them get in this car yes the first thing you should do is switch vehicles but you don't go into the same vehicle that's running from the cops that was kind of funny so and you want to get to where you're going as quick as you can like I said but you do it with this switch car and then obviously the best way to do that too is have a can of gasoline in your car and when you dump that car you torch it you literally torch it that quick yep come on get in they're waiting all this time they had all that Jason now they're waiting to get these people in the truck Lester's waiting I would just drive up the river and they get out they get out of the river and they're free okay even here he drives up on the road and you'd think he would like stop at the stop sign if you're not being seen I didn't get that he goes right through the red light right now he makes a left turn at a red light in front of a car why would you do that I just think - realistically it's a good game no goes right through the stop sign gets in did it all in a day's work I do like this they get the vehicle underneath something not out in the open again for air they cover or it is this funny end of the part here comes Michael covers the door I got the door I thought the girl was the hacker where would she be she wouldn't have been in one of those vehicles here keep our heads down hey you did good good what'd I tell you Lester huh mm-hmm all right look everybody take off hey Franklin listen listen I got something I was trying to get his crew together now this is what it looks like to me that's what I would be doing trying to get my crew together getting a real crop we're back in action okay as this thing comes to an end a couple of notes it's a pretty good game a lot of fun I actually got into it everything jumps at me really quickly I'm like wow why wouldn't he do this I think they could have made the game better more realistic could have made it just like a robbery I've done him know exactly what they could could have made a little bit things more realistically they could have the diamonds at the end that's a big place where they people get away to tell him he's gonna go get your money get lost you know obviously you do do that you know you have to give out the money the right way you don't just get the money especially with diamonds they got to be sold and you're gonna get about 30% give or take about 30% on a dollar maybe less maybe more depending on what it is so there was some realistic parts of this obvious is a game I think I could I mean the way the jewelry store was set up I think the way the cabinets were set up kind of brought back some memories there's I've been in jewelry stores that were just like that the way they set up and then I could tell you it is buzzers and how they have over override systems there's a lot of things they could've did differently in the game but it's a good game it was kind of fun to watch it was kind of fun to watch Michael try to get a crew together which that's not how you do it either you know you crew and you know from history you know for a lot better you're partying with him get to know him very well so great game glad I reviewed it give me some feedback I can answer any real questions I almost want to make a game to show you what a real robbery would be like and the real casing of the place and the real getaway setup and all that but it was kind of fun fun to play and maybe you guys gonna get me into gaming I'm gonna review other robberies check it out you can check out my my merch and all that stuff in the links below it's pretty cool we've got a lot coming up have a great day everybody man check out the series like us subscribe if you can do it you can thank you have a great day and don't don't do the robbery man you know you know me I'm all about prison reform and making good choices have a great day everybody thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 6,217,636
Rating: 4.9174519 out of 5
Keywords: Larry Lawton, jewel theif, Gangster Redemption, Reality Check Program
Id: lO42mt_wZd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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