Forgotten Roads | Ep.1 Big Sur | Hammerhead

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Hell ya Brian, dig your stuff!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TamoyaOhboya 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello good night all right so who's kicking this off welcome to forgotten roads episode oh no one this is alex this is alpha and we're the two guys running the whole show here this is fully self-supported so it's just brian and i so we're carrying everything with us camera is included and there's also no water or food obviously that we know of on this route so doing this loop we're bringing everything with us for garden roads to me it's kind of like a love letter from gravel cycling to the rest of the world what's it to you alex uh well you've given me a hard start there um i don't know yeah it's kind of just getting out and really showing what gravel bikes are which is just exploring places that you couldn't get to any other way i mean you could hike there but you know these hikes would take days and these routes will be able to do in you know a day so yeah i mean that's what gravel cycling is to me is that you can feel like you're a million miles away from the city and you're just going on a day trip and that's because you're on a bike you know so we're just trying to show people that you can go on these cool adventures you don't need a huge pre-planning you don't need a whole team or you know to stress out about it that much you just need to do a little bit of scouting on maps and then go and explore you know i hope people watch this series and they want to go out on their own adventures maybe if they're in california try the routes we tried or modify them and do you know extra or a little bit less or if you're somewhere completely out else in the world go and check out your maps and don't just think oh well those guys in california they've got all the cool spots to go ride you know i've lived in a lot of places and everywhere i've lived i've always found somewhere really cool that the only way i would have found out about it was by a bicycle we had a little slightly different route planned until yesterday when we really dove in on satellite maps and we're like oh maybe that doesn't work out so good but right now we're about 50 miles with 8 000 feet of elevation and we might throw in a couple of the side bonus missions just to make a little more interesting and really test our legs out the start of the route is a huge climb like yeah that kind of scares me because right out of the car pretty much how long is it the whole climb is like eight miles somewhere around there yeah it's got a few little dips down but it's a lot of elevation yeah i know right in the middle there there's like a two and a half three mile segment this 11 average and just when that elevations so that gradient stays that steep for that long like it takes forever and it really kills you plus we've got all the water weight on us and camera gear and stuff so but like just pure riding hour and a half at least climbing and then we get under the south ridge road and that one is not flat at all you know but it looks spectacular it goes right uh north south parallel with the ocean and tons of undulations but it looks like there's going to be views like a lot of cool views and lots of cool little down and up sections so it's going to take it out of us but i'm looking forward to that a lot yeah something could be beautiful but definitely when i looked at it the strava segment is the ridge route demoralizer so i think that kind of that tells you kind of what you need to know once we make our way across the ridge we will be greeted by nacimiento ferguson road which is an amazing descent that both brian and i are really looking forward to riding down and after that once we hit pch it'll only be about seven and a half miles back to the car where we started [Applause] i haven't even done any hair makeup yet alex [Music] do you fear yeah that's really steep hey climb of the day first climb of the day looks pretty flat on this gopro mate i'm not worried about it just gotta keep filming and you'll be fine it's like 10 10 a.m so i guess it's about time to actually stop peddling bike packing with brian house bike packing huge 50 miles i got to find the vikings oh that's right just tell me make up look at the guns yeah this is my super lightweight gravel speed machine and we just decided to see how much weight we could add so yeah we've got three bottles that's cool though we've got the extra cages down there or the extra cage on this updated 2022 model i've got this thing thing on the back never had one of these things that's got some extra food some of the film gear i don't really even know what's in there anymore in here we've got the colin strickland sneaky bladder move a bagel that i'm gonna forget about and eat when i get back to the house and then i've got the gopro to bust out and film any action that happens got the hammerhead um to be honest i'd be lost without it tires are 45c full lovely style pretty sure i don't have enough gears for these climbs with this weight or the first big climb at least on the other side we've got a little secret um supply sunscreen and you never know what's gonna happen out there guys so don't forget the bog roll all right so this is my adventure machine for the trip brian's old 2020. out of gravel time what's in tarts there food and the top half of the gopro gimbal is in there then got it a little feedback here made by the homie mica g out of utah i'm running a little gopro nine in there with the foamy on there for a better audio also ripped off colin strickland's sneaky bladder move but i've got a three liter one so that's all that's in here i've got two bottles this older one doesn't have the third bottle cage on the bottom but what it does have is a beautiful 31 tooth small chain ring which i will be utilizing all day tires and then 11 to 34 on the back and then tires i'm running these kind of beat up victoria tereno dry 38cs yeah they're uh they had more tread but i ride a lot that's what i had so that's what's on there and then got a little blender of wheels as well but together but she'll be right yeah and then you got the backpack too and then yeah i got this as well carrying all the all the camera stuff in there because i didn't want it bouncing around especially my fancy camera there that brian's holding so i got the drone in there like white balance card chest mount a few other things all right alex is ready to roll get this route plugged in quickly routes garden roads right there and that means go time let's do this [Music] today fellas we're about to hit mile 0.1 um happy climb time [Music] and here is the dirt the adventure begins all smiles we haven't done anything yet here you go just made it up the first climb morale is high feeling good we've traveled 0.4 miles that's 0.4 how you feeling brian spent night absolutely spent we were thinking we might have to walk that first section so we're doing good look at the view [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot of stopping and starting today but we trust alex to make this look beautiful because it really is a lot of shade on this climb which is a good thing because it didn't take very long at all to climb above the marine layer the sun is coming out [Music] so you're saying that this is going easier than you thought you're making great pace making great pace we're two miles in two and a half so i don't really know what you're talking about at this stage of the game well good luck to you cheers matt all right back in the bin well we are three miles in and we found the part where we're going to start to walk greeted with 20 grades and this beautiful surface a lot of traction hi what are you doing man you out here filming something yeah i'm here to film a new intro for burning man 2022. this is ridiculous it's behind the scenes and the scenes all at the same time oh crap spike is this bike's got so much more water weight i keep forgetting [Music] let's tip over i think we're a third of the way up this main climb and this is the really steep part where it's like 11 average for a couple kilometers i'm gonna speak in kilometers celsius leaders and you know general sensible stuff and alex will do the american version so this is the climber feature from hammerhead and currently i taste the rainbow lots to come let's see if we can catch up with alex 28 [Music] according to my calculations we are halfway up the main climb which is only six and a half k's but we've taken uh 45 minutes 50 minutes on us to get up well um i think i've used two gears the whole way granny gear and almost grinding gear uh but we're not really too stressed about it you know like we've been having a good time hello bloja how you liking the climb alex it's great this is great actually proving to me how much my body can sweat how would you rate the dust levels appropriate jersey color choice that was white when we started hopefully it's pretty oh i'm getting a push wow stop for brian really showing off his bike handling skills here he's just showing off now keeping me entertained we're finally over we're not over the main climb but we're over the bad part now we're just kind of doing some lumpy stuff definitely starting to get a little more fun in terms of speed [Music] remember that bit where i say we're over the west part of the clan i don't know what i'm talking about [Music] my freaking hamstrings about a tear oh happy oh boy older peak first side mission of the day first gel of the day because we just finished almost finished the main climb and we're just gonna go up to older peak because it's gonna be the highest point of the day for us one of the highest peaks i'm out here so a little dip down super steep hike up and then we'll be coming back this way and getting uh getting back to the ridge road um bottoms up fellas catch you later got our first technical difficulty of the day what's going on here brian well did a little jumpsy poo and burned a hole through the bag on the back tire plopped down shuffler just got bit by a horsefly first uh major animal sighting complete restructure back here we bike pack all the time this is this is normal back to the grind mate back to the grind on the way up here to older peaks so it's been a really stimulating ride [Music] take that in [Music] it looks walkable to get out of the peak um definitely a worthy side mission yikes up there up there to eventually i think be up there what four yeah fuse sandwich let's roll [Music] so [Music] hey buddy huh yeah we're done this is a it's gotta be one of the steepest climbs of the day i'm sure saying 35 just now yep she's big i'll take it out of the souvenir you got a room in your back pocket hold the peek accomplished five missions done [Music] we're both pretty worried about carrying too much water but i'm definitely happy we didn't pour any out at the beginning because i think our riding time is kind of on schedule but i'm through two bottles already i've had a little bit of my camelback but mostly just out of the bottles i reckon it's just just enough to get me through and for me i've drank about a liter and a half of my three liter camel pack maybe a little bit less i was honestly kind of drinking a lot of it at the beginning to make the bike a bit lighter but feeling good about it where does the where does the weight go when you drink it yeah i'm sweating it out that's a good point actually it's a slow it's a slow weight relief slow burn better than just sitting in a tank but yeah i'm feeling good that will have plenty of water a lot of flies up here so a lot of bitey flies so let's get out of here dude i feel like we've been here before i don't know [Music] just hit the summit on the well we've been doing a lot of climbing we've only been climbing really i think it's going to finally let up a bit 12 miles 4 200 feet of climbing earning these views now we're on the ridge road [Music] all right we finally seem to have a hopefully a little bit of a sustained descent [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] huh looks a little steep but there's another descent on the backside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as soon as we got out of the main climb there's no more shade so we're just getting baked i've been like going pretty slow because of all the filming but i just think just the time out in the sun starting to cook us a little yeah definitely not making as many jokes as we were an hour ago i mean it's awesome out here it's so beautiful i'm not complaining but i'm just saying it's getting a little tricky it's almost better when the climb is sustained all this these sharp spikes you know kind of can't keep a rhythm so we are very quickly realizing her actually not so quickly realizing that filming this by ourselves takes a really really long time we're uh 3pm and we've done how many miles have we done it's 3 p.m and we've done 14.7 miles we've done like four hours definitely uh learning why the ridge has the name the demoralizer because you get a little taste of the scent and then yeah then another spike up to 20 plus percent gradient just to remind you what you're doing we're still on the ridge road i haven't got to side mission two yet but definitely making up time now a little descent coming up and the is to half it with one hand but uh give it a red hot holy [Music] oh all right i'm screwed it's a one break wonder [Music] oh hello and the climber tab pops up all right pit stop 682 getting the drowning up this is the story of our day [Music] so [Music] [Music] we're chest camped up we're about to do side mission two down at the campsites we're gonna go a lot deeper but 4 30. it's taking a long time to get here hopefully get some cool views a good photo uh take 10 minutes to eat some some food and yeah hopefully it's a cool descent on the way down there and it's worth it double chest cam time [Music] [Applause] [Music] comfort [Applause] [Music] so [Music] that's what we came to see [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] damn look at that road down there just like that folks the morale is on an all-time high yeah well the reason we made this side mission 2 is because we're reading how packed these all these campsites around you get because they're obviously incredible but because of the road closure they're completely empty there's not a soul up here right now so we have it all to ourselves definitely worth a little side mission down and also like all the flies and trash and stuff that people leave here is kind of gone because it's been closed for almost a year so worth a trip and this is how it should look you know crap free i thought i had like a whole another bottle this should be enough to get me down to the coast to get out of here man this was an epic way to kind of cap off the climbing well not cap it off yeah not samantha ferguson is calling to make this end of the day picking up [Music] [Music] oh boy it ain't looking pretty yikes um last fine of the day though oh tarmac [Applause] forgot that existed this could be a game changer for the climb if it stays tarmac all right out of gears nothing left but here's my nice way to finish the climbing off 22 and going up well we're almost coming over by respite i mean 13 take it that's easy on this route last big climb unreal man this is why you buy a gravel bike people [Laughter] so you can wonder why and then you find out it's great pretty stoked this is exactly what i was hoping for [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] dude that was sick that was probably the coolest girl i've ever done that's so groomed yeah that was nice well we have finally done it we've completed the ridge route demoralizer we finally made it now to the tarmac being blessed here with amazing views beautiful riding all the really tough stuff has really paid off here at the end for us this last hour and a half has been amazing so i'm gonna throw on both the chess cams now brian's gonna do a third gopro on his head and we're gonna rip down we're planning to stop but i think it'd be a nice way to cap it just run this thing all the way to the beach [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh my goodness what the hell [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh boy [Music] special man very special [Music] sometimes things work out the way they should we weren't planning to come down here at sunset but couldn't have imagined a better way to do it oh man that was amazing one of the best roads i've ever ridden [Music] [Music] there she is i'm back already all right nothing stop to drop the hammer on the way home gotta get you home son before the moon comes out and your mom calls me epic stuff bro damn well that was uh epic epic day the sun just set crazy red disc i don't even know what to say i feel like i'm at the edge of the world after venturing through a unknown brand new land it was awesome we saw one car in the last five hours no humans pretty much uh but yeah we made it it was a hell of a journey that's for sure it was steve and then it was steve and yeah it was steep but we end up somewhere like this we're way up on that ridge it's uh i think we uh i think we found what we were both looking for you
Channel: SAFA Brian
Views: 153,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Safa, California, Los Angeles, road cycling, gopro, descentdisciples, safa brian, gear, helmet cam, descend, kom, road bike, sram, shimano, LA, road biking, strava, bike indoors, downhill, fiets, velo, ciclismo, fahrrad, bici, bicicleta, bike, road bike descent, gcn, indoor trainer, workout, peloton, zwift, terry barentsen, helmet camera, chest camera, descent disciples, roadie, scott addict, gravel, gravel bike, single track, dc rainmaker, SCOTT bikes, Scott Addict RC, scott spark
Id: 5AndYlDOW6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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