Gravel Bike Vs MTB | Iceland Bikepacking Epic - Which Is The Ultimate All-Rounder?

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Man I think this is the nicest video of them on this topic, yet. The cinematography is amazing. Makes me want to do the same trip.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sumpfsocke ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love this video, and these channels philosophy. The gravel bike does x well and the mountain bike does y well, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter, just get out and ride what you brought!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The only point with the gravel bike, is that you'd have to plan your trip very carefully to make sure that no sections get too rough, whereas on an MTB you can just go wherever without worrying too much. The hiking trails they went on were really very smooth compared to a lot of hiking trails I've ridden on. Also if you started to get some washboard, I think the lack of front suspension might be a bit annoying. That said, it's a much lighter and faster bike...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/P__A ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What was the verdict?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tuctrohs ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This and this are my favorite bikepacking films. Can't wait to start doing this as well.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thewynnest ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 01 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
(dramatic music) - Gravel bikes are becoming more and more popular as riders are increasingly looking beyond the road to routes less traveled. And to meet this need road bikes are effectively evolving to give more comfort, more control, and the ability to ride over anything. - What, like a mountain bike? That's what mountain bikes were invented for, that's what mountain bikers do. - Well that, that is a fair point Neil but is a mountain bike actually the best tool for the job? What can a gravel bike do better? Can a gravel bike do anything better off road in fact? I have a feeling it probably can but with the help of these two hand built titanium bikes from Moots, and 200 kilometers of epic Iceland gravel we're gonna find out. We will find out, but it could be quite a challenge. Iceland is a remote and inhospitable island in the North Atlantic. There is road riding here. You could do a lap of the island in a week or so, or perhaps explore the northwest fjords, but to really make the most of the very short summer season we're heading for the Highlands, a land of glaciers and volcanoes. Our route is split over two days, but with the weather hovering at around about freezing and the fact that there is no guarantee that it will even stay as warm as that over night, we're gonna aim for a remote hut for our nighttime stop. Rather then sleeping in a hedge, sorry. I actually also don't really feel very qualified to head off into the wilderness, given my still very limited experience. - Hence, the support from Neil Donahue, who you will no doubt recognize from our sister mountian bike channel GMBN. As well as being an ace mountian biker, Neil is also an experienced bike pather. - Yes I've traveled for years, packed my bike into loads of bags. Oh, I see what you mean. Now I get it. I've only done it once, I went to Wales with Blake. It was great, we stopped into pubs every half an hour. We only rode 50 miles in two days. - Right. Well we have a pretty good idea of what's in store as well don't we? We consulted with the local experts. We then plotted and planned our route on Komoot where it's given us the breakdown. Apparently 40% of this route is on gravel, 60% is unsurfaced and interestingly 284 meters are on tarmac. Now they've classed it as a mountain bike ride. But when you try to investigate a little bit more closely, using Google satellite imagery, well frankly it just looks terrifying. But cold would be a problem for both bikes, both cyclists. What I'm worried about is if it gets too rough, and too rocky, then I could well come unstuck on this gravel bike. Where is Neil is going to absolutely fly on his fat bike. - Fat bike. It's not a fat bike it's a plus bike. - Oh sorry mate. - It's going to be great when the going gets rough. (mumbles) When it comes to the gravel roads, or should we say even volcanic ash that's been compacted roads, I think I'm going to struggle a little bit. It will be a lot slower rolling than your tires. Actually, 200K could feel like 400K. - Oooh! 400K! That's quite a long way, Neil. Good luck with that! And so the adventure starts. Conveniently, at the highest point of our whole ride at 920 meters above sea level. If nothing else you've got to say that mountain bikers know the value of gravity. It does however, mean that it's really, really cold. We're on the snow line and we can see our nice warm support vehicle disappearing off into the distance. Shall we? - Let's do it mate. You lead on fatty. - Why don't we go that way. It's plus bike size. - It's that way. (bike brakes squealing) - Whoa! (deep based high octane music) That's called artisan water, bucko. (deep based high octane music) We can't go too far into this video without addressing the burning question, just what a gravel bike actually is. Now, unfortunately, there is no easy answer. But I think it has to have drop handle bars. They have to have tires that are thinner than a mountain bikes tires. And the geometry of the bike, so the combination of angles and dimensions of the tubes has to bear a resemblance to a road bike. This Moots looks kind of like a road bike doesn't it? Although when you look closer, the chain stays are quite a bit longer and the front end is a little bit more relaxed. Both of those combine to give a bike that has a lot more control, a lot more fun in fact, when are riding fast in loose conditions. But yet, it is a long way from a mountain bike. Although, you've got to say, I see that there is a lot of tech here that comes straight from mountain biking. So the wheels, they are tubeless compatible. Which means that we can run less pressure in our tires, and we still reduce the risk of punctures. And then although those Reynolds carbon ATR rims have a similar silhouette for us roadies, I mean they're 40mm deep, the fact that the internal width of them is so broad to support that wide a tire, that is tech that comes straight from the mountain bike world. Just like the disc brakes, straight from mountain bikes. Even the rear derailer borrows technology from Shimano's mountain bike group set. This is the Ultegra RX and it has a clutch mechanism on there which is designed to keep the chain under control when you're bouncing over bumpy ground. Yeah, despite all of that mountain bike influence, like I said at the beginning, it is still very much like a road bike. It feels fast, it feels agile, it feels responsive like a road bike. It's just more capable. - More about this mountain bike. This is a Moots Mountaineer YBB. It's a hard tail. But it's not a hard tail. It's actually a soft tail so no pivots on the back of this bike. It's just got flex on this titanium bike, that damper on the back just to smooth things out. A proper adventure bike. These Reynolds Blacklabel 27.5 plus wheels on here. Actually, the inner width of these is 40, but the actual external width of this is 45mm. It's not even the same sized tires. So I've got some 2.6 inch tires on here, but they are actually really nimble and surprisingly good. Really good for taking out the bumps on these gravel trails. How was it? - (gasping and giggling) Let's get warm. - Let's pedal. I didn't realize you were sitting on the front. - Oh my God. Looks so good. (dramatic music) - We've been descending for what feels like ages on a fairly rough mix of either super smooth tracks or some pretty gnarly rocky stuff. But I think our turning is just here, Neil, on the right. I think this is our hiking trail mate. - Do you want to stop and double check? I've got Kamoot app on my phone. - Yeah. Good plan. How are you finding it Neil? - We're pretty much half way through now I think. - Yeah. - Let's be honest, I've sort of forgotten about the bikes looking at the breathtaking scenery. But I love bombing those descents. Those double tracks and there going like that. Oh my God, it's amazing. And the grip and the comfort, I'm struggling slightly compared to your bike, on the climbs. But not massively. - No, it's funny actually, they don't really feel like they're not evenly matched. Inevitably, probably 'cause you're a better down-hiller anyways, but you're bombing he descents whereas I'm running out of gears a bit on the climb. So I'm gaping you a bit there. But actually, given how different the bikes are, it's quite easy to have a quite a social ride isn't it? I can see a hut over there, do you reckon it's a Starbucks or something like that? - Yeah I've heard that. Although, Neil, we do know there is not a single McDonalds in the whole of Iceland. - I did know that, yeah. (deep based dramatic music) We've seen a variety of scenery. - It's change is hot. - The trails have as well really? - They have. You know what, it's been perfect. 'Cause I think we've seen the strengths of a gravel bike and the strengths of your mountain bike already. This one does get over face when it's really rocky. But, I've been giving it a lot of thought, because as I see off in the distance, I kind of think well you're going faster. But I reckon you're probably having the same amount of fun. - True yeah. - Just 'cause this is slower, it doesn't mean, I have to go slower to pick my way through rocks and stuff. But actually, I'm on the limits still. So it's kinda, I'm still getting the same kind of, the same vibes you're getting maybe. - Some of these gravel trails are like the double tracks when we arrived, have been surprisingly really good fun haven't they? - Yeah they have. - Some of that single track is, well it's not sand is it? It must be volcanic dust, but it's soft. I feel like I'm floating nicely over the top, really enjoying it. Where you must be digging in a little bit. - Yeah, I'm getting a bit of suck across, reminiscing. - I've got some good shots from you going sideways and almost going over the bath. - Whoa! (dramatic peaceful music). - The scenery, can't be real sometimes. - No. (unintelligible) (dramatic orchestral music) - It cuts it very fine in here. - I tell you what mate, that looks like a pretty banging hut. Could do that, I just didn't want to. - Well, look at this place. - Aw! So good. Right, day two coming up. Once again, Iceland has come up trumps on the weather. Although, looks might be slightly deceiving. It is bitterly cold this morning. Now having said that, we had an amazing night sleep in that hut just next to us there. Now, according to Kamoots, today is a little bit shorter than yesterday which given all the filming we did, we finished properly late yesterday. So that's a bit of a bonus. Just 63 kilometers and also this is a little bit less technical. So probably gonna go in favor of the gravel bike as opposed to yesterdays three star technical difficulty. This is just one star. Otherwise, we are entirely off road on gravel or unpaved roads. So potentially a little bit more of that lava feel, dust action which we had yesterday. So, I can't wait to get started honestly. (high octane percussive music) Right Neil, shall we? - We shall. (high octane dramatic music) This is the last river we'll see today so two each should do us right shouldn't it? - Yeah, it's weird isn't it? It's so dry, like the trail is dry, the air is dry, but yet it rains a lot here. It's weird isn't it? So anyway, we're going through quite a bit of water. Even though it's cold. - Unfortunately, I think it's the two driest days they've had in ages and we're here to ride. - Yeah. Man you know when you just feel like you've stuck it so lucky. There is basically no point in coming back to Iceland. It's never going to be this good again. (dramatic percussive music) We can't come all the way to Iceland, ride for a couple hundred kilometers and not talk about geology. So bear with me for one minute. Behind me, those rocks there, they're probably going to be younger than many of you watching at home. That is magma that cooled in 1970 and it erupted from that mountain behind us which is actually Icelands most active volcano Hekla. It erupts like clockwork, apparently, every ten years. Except, it last erupted 12 years ago. So, we won't hang around too long. (lively synthesized music) The roads today have been pretty different than yesterday haven't they Neil? We've had a lot more big wide open gravel tracks, and an awful lot more wind. It's got us thinking about two more really important points. Differences between the gravel and mountain bike. The first one is position. So this bike has allowed me to pretty much get in my road position on it. So I've got quite a big drop between the saddle and the bars. It's impossible to replicate that position on a mountain bike isn't it? - Yeah, I defintely feel like I'm much more sat up. When you tow me in that wind, I can see over your should most of the time. - That is good. When it comes to riding fast, or riding long distances, the fact that you are so much less aerodynamic makes quite a significant difference. You are having to work an awful lot harder not just because of your fatter tires, but also because of that wind resistance. People think that air dynamics is feared about in pro racing and stuff, but it's not. Just riding a 10K into a head wind, makes a difference. The other thing is the weight of the bike. A mountain bike is always going to have a weight penalty over a gravel bike. Again, you've got that penalty, when climbing as well. It's also going to change the way the bike feels I guess. (energetic music) - Woooo! So we're in an abandoned pool of magma or (unintelligible). It's 42 degrees outside. I'm boiling. - Yeah, it's a bit like swimming in a bath isn't it? But before we get relaxed, I think we should address our initial question. Which is, is a mountain bike the best bike for riding off road? What can a gravel bike do better? Can a gravel bike do anything better? - Well we rode some really varied terrain. The first time I've ever ridden gravel roads I'd like to be fair. But I loved that bike. For me, at home especially, the mountain bike is more versatile and is the bike I would choose. - It's interesting that you're right. Technically, the more a bike can do, the more versatile it is. Because there is nothing stopping it from riding on the road. But, what can a gravel bike do better? Gravel bikes can do roads better. Which I know, technically, is not off road. But they can also do simple gravel trails better. Actually, I think they can make simple mountain bike trails more fun too as well. Because they do make things a little difficult and they reduce that kind of speed that you can sustain. But without a doubt, anytime it got technical, or down hill, you were absolutely flying past. - What I loved about that Mountaineer as well is I could swap out the 29 inch wheels. So I can imagine that bike at home on my trails with 29 inch wheels would absolutely fly as well. It's a great versatile bike. - Yeah. What I think was super interesting though, was the fact that we rode these vastly different bikes on this incredible ride that touched on loads of different terrain, and actually both of us were super happy with the bikes that we were on. Yeah, there were times when you could drop me, there were times when I could drop you, but actually at the end of the day we both had a massive grin on our faces. - I loved it. Great experience. I've fallen in love with that bike a little bit. I love it. It's amazing. I wouldn't have chosen a different bike. - Yeah. So no surprises there perhaps. The mountain bike is better at riding off road. But where the gravel bike comes into it's own, I think, is the variation. So the longer the rides we're doing, the more of the influence of tarmac, and faster smoother gravel roads, the less you want to actually do proper mountain biking, the better that bike is. Your mountain bike could not feel like a road bike. My gravel bike would be super fun with 28 mil tires. - I'm sure yeah. - Right. I'm getting a bit of a sweat on now. Which has never happened in a swimming pool before. Do make sure that you head over to GMBN because Neil has another perspective on our Iceland epic. Plus, if you head over to the tech channels, there is more info on your Moots Mountaineer. There is more info on my Moots Route 45. So basically, you've got an evening to fill with amazing bike riding videos. - Yeah. Thumbs up if you like watching us having a great time. - Ha! This is going to be the least thumb down video ever Neil.
Channel: Global Cycling Network
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Keywords: GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, iceland, epic, epic adventure, bikepacking, gravel, mtb, gravel bike, gravel vs mtb, gravel bike vs MTB, mountain bike, gcn vs gmbn, gcn v gmbn, gmbn, all-rounder, all rounder, do it all, freezing, ice, volcano, icelandic, GCN Cycling, Cycling tips, cycling workout, cycling training, velo, simon richardson, neil donoghue, sec-feature, gc11shs, gc04s1, c3, h3, gc11sas, n1, p1, ี‚, เฝ‹, เคเฏบ, เฅฒเฏณ, ิฒ, ี, เฏบ, เค
Id: GsAlxJjuY7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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