FORGOTTEN Pontiac Straight 8! Will it Run & Drive After 51 Years? Part 2

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what is happening budget builders and welcome back to the channel we're back here with the 1953 pontiac chieftain that we rescued in our last video this thing had been sitting since 1971 we were able to get that old straight eight to fire back to life you'll notice we're in the shop here we've got it up on jack's hands with the wheels off of it and that's because in today's video we're going to get this thing back on the road [Applause] [Music] definitely a perfect rainy day kind of thing to do now let's go ahead and dig into these breaks and see if we can't get them built hey baby you want to help me build these brakes yeah i like building first thing come here we need to do is take this cover off all right grab this and let's wiggle wiggle wiggle nope okay maybe not that's kind of been in there yeah it smells like old wd-40 grease doesn't it i like the smell of cars smells like like it smells like syrup yeah kind of like syrup huh you want to eat it it makes me want to eat the car all right look how good that looks in there so we take that off okay now amelia take this and you're gonna grab this come here and twist it down twist it see how that twist all right now belle you're going to take this come here and pull that out okay that's easy for me to cut it off there you go put it over there with that please we're almost there i'm ready just put that where it needs to go oh my gosh there you go um you can twist it so it'll pop on right at this edge it'll pop open you pop out mine we want to keep it like this it doesn't get even dirtier right daddy yep oh there it is it actually doesn't look all too bad it's been sealed up really good what's nice is the actual brake kit itself is in excellent shape even the wheel cylinder is not terrible this has a really nice tight fitment i think it really helped and just by i don't know i can't say how nice this car is but maybe this car spent some of its time in a barn which it is it is all pretty crusty i think a lot of the condition here is just because of how nice the fitment is and how much grease was packed in there now one thing which is great for these springs are in pretty good shape i'd imagine a brake kit for this car would probably be a monster to get a hold of out it goes definitely crusty we also want to come back in here and soak down where our line attaches and hope that comes off one thing you want to verify work smoothly and easily is your adjuster here i was going to say self-adjuster this obviously does not have that this end works you can see the rust though we're going to clean that up we'll re-grease it but oh there it goes it's got some rust in there surprised it popped loose let's go ahead wire brush that i don't want to grease it because what grease will actually do is gum it up so we'll just wire brush it then i'll soak it down with some penetrating oil some wd-40 here make sure it goes back together nice and smoothly put it up there i like to grease the ride points to keep the brakes from squeaking so right here there you want to get a ton on there because you also don't want this getting on the brakes we ride right here right here right there and right there [Music] so to be honest this drum cleaned up pretty good it's got a little bit of pitting rust right here i'm gonna let it work itself out i don't think it's a huge deal we may have to open it up later on and kind of clean up a little bit these bearings are an awesome shape so i'm just gonna pack some grease in here yep i want to back the adjuster out until we just barely slide on and it just barely scuffs and then if we need to adjust it further once it works down you just get your little spoon and come in from the back side oh there we go go ahead and move on and start addressing the rear first thing you'll do is go ahead and there's two bolts that you take off here and then your drum just slides right off [Music] [Music] well i gave dad the fun job of finishing up those rear brakes i went ahead and knocked out the front here and got all new brake hoses on here all the lines look pretty clear and everything now we're going to try to bleed it i did order a rebuild kit for the master cylinder which is on its way we were going to temp that first before going and replacing it because it's quite expensive on this car and obviously being on a budget we want to make sure we do things that way but for the time being it's probably won't work we're going to try to fill it up and bleed it and see if it possibly pushes fluid and holds fluid if it does we'll get brakes on this thing we can throw some wheels on it it is off way down in here what a monster and a half that's just got a little lot of rust it's all good hey take the brake back with you is it hooked up yeah really oh no that means the piston is all the way in [Music] sure enough this is just a keeper and the piston is stuck so let's see if we get that freed up and if it looks like the seals are okay we might let it ride but the kit does come with a new piston and everything so huh it worked spring so the issue we're having here with the possibility of just honing it is because this was down and pushed in instead of back here this whole end is really pitted there's no way this is gonna seal well we can order one they're about 130 dollars i think maybe 125. i'm gonna order one and get it on the way i should have done that in the first place but sometimes you like to try it's fun to save stuff like this now you know a gal like this has to have some white walls i guess these are technically blue walls but they will be white walls with some water oh yeah nice pretty wheels and you wonder why we left the wheels a little crusty and that's because we've got some hubcaps now you these probably look maybe familiar these are 54 cadillac hubcaps which i think are just going to look sweet on there [Music] should you do this with your hands probably not [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i guess we can see if there's anything we can do with this door we definitely want to take care of that before we put paint on it i did get another piece of trim to go here we had one it is the other side but it's gonna be good enough for that let's see if we get this door panel off i'm hoping we can possibly save it a little bit but probably not [Music] so you see how that clips in that specific spot and d attaches or whatever not good size again [Music] there's the last one clip fans [Music] [Applause] yeah this thing was like a half an inch let me get a 2x4 too long and now the door is perfect with it's weird it's wider now it's it will not be perfect we just want to make sure we can try to get the creases out enough where it doesn't pop back in on us [Music] it is far far far from perfect i mean it's got a few little ripples but it's nice and strong i'm sure you noticed what we were doing was actually we were getting it popped back out and then dad would take and pry it while i pinned around the hard creases to kind of get it to stretch the metal kind of move it back around so it's nice and strong so it doesn't just pop back in and that'll really do wow it's so much better i mean to see how crunched in this door was that also kind of shows you how much of a big piece of tin this car is these old cars are just pure tin but uh wow that makes a huge difference got it cleaned up and now it's time to attempt something we've got some rags and poppy's patina wipe on clear coat that's what we're gonna attempt on this car i think it's a good one to try if it works out well we'll probably use it on some other ones you can actually take and spray this this is a big car be a little difficult to try to do it in the booth so i think we're going to try to just wipe it on and see and see how it comes out we've got it all cleaned up really well this is one of those the amount of bodywork and rust cleanup it's just mostly surface rust there's not really bad rocks in this car but so much surface rust so much work to actually paint the car would far outweigh the value of the car by thousands and thousands if not tens of thousands to bring this car back and the problem is a nice version one of these is six or seven thousand dollars so so we'd be kind of pushing it off pushing beyond that by quite a bit i personally really like the patina on this car and so we're gonna try to clear it save it and keep it looking this way for many years to come so what you do also came with this little uh spray detail kit thing that we'll be putting on there or to keep up with it later on once it's done this is your little applicator to apply it it did come with this scotch brite which you've already seen we scotch-brited it and everything and got it all cleaned up one thing i am going to do um let's see we've got so you use this stuff this is a wax and grease remover i doubt there's much of anything on there but we're gonna do it anyways what you do is you wet your towel wipe it on as as i'm wiping it on that'll come behind me and white behind me and then to finish we will be putting on and then right before we paint it i am going to use a tack cloth to kind of get any a little bit of extra trash out of there to make sure it's as nice of a finish as possibly can be now you're probably wondering why we're not pulling all the trim off uh the clips are pretty rusty on a lot of it and there's like 9 000 clips on this car plus if you notice like the door jambs and everything the car is pretty nice in the jams underneath a lot of the trim and so i don't think it's a huge deal to get all that trim pulled off we'll just get right up to it later on if we need to we'll pull the trim touch up underneath and then put the trim back on top for the time being i think we'll go ahead and get the whole car done and like i said we can pull the bumpers later on and do the valve do the uh the rock chip guards and everything and so on and so forth but let's go ahead and start this process and see what we end up with okay putting little fuzzies on yeah eight to one but we don't have to necessarily be extremely specific probably should be but i cannot find anything at the shop here so we're just gonna kind of wing it because that's always fun it looks like about eight and then it's one part catalyst here tiny little bit in here that's about one part catalyst perfect i don't know about this but we're gonna try it we might be spraying this car then even coats what they say yes it is that's weird looking it's actually on paint oh let me just put my hand right there i'm trying [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're gonna go ahead and get our trim put back on now and as far as these clips go you can see you have your little bevels here you slide them in and then you take this little end and it latches it into place they should be pretty good anyways now i've got to say especially with how rusty this car was and everything just how well that clear coat laid on and just how good it looks it's it's pretty slick this is cool i i'm the paint was really dry in spots the rust was really dry and so i'm probably going to scuff it into another couple coats just as time goes on in a few different spots before the most part the car looks awesome what a cool product be able to just imagine having to pull everything apart you know if we weren't going to go the restoration process just this process but to be able to clear coat it and then not only that but even linseed oil or anything like that this is a permanent solution until you were to knock the car down and restore it on down the road but for the time being to give it the patina look that it's still classy just the way it is and i'm really digging it what it's a cool product especially for the money you know it's a little expensive but when you think about how much clear coat cost those kind of products get quite expensive to be able to preserve a car and make it look like this for 150 dollars for the whole kit i'm pretty excited about now that she's looking pretty sharp and she's all sealed up one thing that i kind of wanted to do if you remember the roof rack that we did on the volvo sunglasses it's too bright especially all the stainless if you remember the volvo we did those quick and easy little roof rack things and we actually built our own roof rack but i found something you don't come across often it popped off on ebay pretty cheap actually an entire kit of the original quick and easy which is air correct so let's get that thrown on the car and then i have something else that i think is going to be really cool once we get it on there this has been inside for about a day and a half and then after that it's been out here for about two days i just wanted that paint to cure the best it possibly could and that was dumb it's on there some scratches in it now whoa that's really hot when i saw the rack and we were able to purchase it with the boat hangers i knew exactly what was going to happen with it this right here is my great great grandfather's aluminum 14-foot v-hull sea king and my grandfather gave it to me quite a few years ago it's been tucked here and there and i think we have a place for it now and that's on top of the old pontiac this is a 1950s boat we believe it's a 56 it may be earlier but i think it'll go perfect on that car and it'll be pretty neat a quick napa aluminum brightener wash and miss joanne is looking like brand new i think it's time to try to get it on the pontiac i should probably wait for somebody the wind's blowing pretty good and there's a thunderstorm on the way but i can get it on there there's no way good oh and there it is ready to go to the pond kind of i dig it you may not but i think it's pretty cool a bunch of perry correct stuff and especially when this car slammed to the ground wait what i think it'll be pretty slick on there these little hangers are really cool how they bite down they really hold this thing in here and we have it in place here where the trunk can open up no problem it's kind of dead in the middle here i think it's really going to do well we got that new marine master cylinder put back up in there we were able to bleed and get all the brakes working and again we did end up having a line pop nope oh yeah okay yeah that ain't gonna do but we got a new one in there down the road we may end up going through and putting all new ones but for the time being we have them all working we have new tires let's fire this thing up and let's take it on its first real drive just a cruise around here up and down the street right here obviously there's still a few more things that we or quite a few more things that we have to dial in let's take it for a quick spin this tank sure does fire right up and sounds so good that water pump is still still squealing but that is something in our next video i have a new water pump and everything for this car that we had a special order and we got it in and so we can go ahead and get that put in in our next video [Music] [Music] what an awesome car [Applause] driving miss daisy right here okay so this is kind of cool dad found this up under the seat it's a sweet little note from 10 28 1970. we can only see some of them we see howdy and we miss you and the puppy misses you it's so sweet well it's kind of cool down there back to the car uh temperature looks good oil pressure looks good and we're actually charging how awesome [Music] how bad is it it hasn't smoked it don't smoke it needs to be run it's getting better yeah it's running that hole this thing is awesome what a boat what a boat it's so different i mean this is a big car oh my goodness [Music] it's smooth it is i mean just a quiet smooth i can drive this thing every day it has no brakes huh we got to finish we got to work on bleeding or they're a little low little whimey it's cool yeah it is this thing is awesome so we're parked back here and i did rev it up quite a few times and it's not oil smoke it doesn't smell like oil what i think maybe going on is maybe there's something in that muffler it's blown apart it just smells like burnt it's i don't even know what it smells like but it doesn't have any oil smell to it at all so i think maybe we just have a muffler and exhaust issue i do have a new muffler for the car that'll hopefully help us open that old straight aid up just a little bit because i do want to hear what that thing has well there she is the 53 is back on the road there's a lot more that we want to kind of dial in with the car i want to button a few things up brake wise i'm a little torn on the boat i like it i think it's really cool i'm not sure i'm thinking maybe we should put the rack in the boat on a station wagon of this era but for now i dig it up there we may pull it up and then another thing that i'm kind of considering is lowering the car you can't there's something that you can do with the lower control arms you drop them two and a half inches and it actually corrects some of the front end geometry that these cars originally had issues with they say makes it a bump steer better makes it handle a little bit nicer and you lower about two to two and a half inches and then we put blocks in the rear to match that we could also take a coil out or put lowering coils in it from that point and maybe get down to four inches lower but i'm not sure i really do like the car the way it is i think if we see it this height we should put some fender skirts back on it really give it that classy look i think the cadillac hubcaps look awesome on the car and i do love the patina i think it really suits the car well that original black lacquer paint with the with a little bit of rust showing through the lines of paint that are still here it's it's just overall a really really neat car and it's been fun to be able to get this thing back on the road after being forgotten for so long but that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you are enjoying this rescue and some of the other rescues that we have be sure to the subscribe button notification bell if you want to see more and for those that have been with us we really do appreciate all the incredible love and support that we have so far with that we have had so far on this channel we can't thank you enough the you are the reason that we're able to do stuff like this but that's going to wrap it up peace out and catch you all on the flip side [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Budget Buildz
Views: 291,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: willitrun, sitting, barnfind, fieldfind, oldcar, classic, budgetbuildz, drive, garagefind, woods, buried, dirt, crazy, bringbacktolife, scrapyard, crusher, save, rescue, gas, fun, crush, crushed, crawlspace, dirtfloor, pontiac, gm, chiefton, straight8, flathead, generalmotors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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