Will this Willys Pickup Run after 31 Years? SEIZED Engine

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what's happening budget builders and welcome back to the channel here behind me you see this absolutely super awesome 1952 willy's pickup this thing has been off the road since 1991 and in today's video we're gonna bring this thing back to life [Applause] now obviously you can see it's kind of dusting stuff so it doesn't look like it's been outside and that's because it had that huge military tarp on it but i've actually already been ate up like three or four times and that tarp's not going back on this thing if you wonder why it looks like it does it's because it has actually been covered up for the majority of its life here about six months ago we came and bought an old c30 for some wheels and this thing was we could see the silhouette of it under that cover and so we asked him about it and he actually bought it in 1991 you can see that's the last time it was registered and he was going to do a chassis swap on this thing things got in the way life got in the way and here it sat and so we don't want to see the same chassis swap but we're going to bring this thing back to life [Music] check that cool little four banger out i can't wait to find out if it'll run this is just such a such a cool machine there's wasp everywhere and he just wasn't sure he was ever going to be able to do anything with it so we told him if you ever wanted to sell it give us a shout and it took a good six months or so but he got with us and told us to come save it and so here it is man that thing's cool it's crazy even though these tires have no air in them they have those big old tubes so it kind of keeps them up afloat [Music] go ahead [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i guess yeah no no no yeah battery light we're not charging let me watch the road here so we're gonna keep trucking down this mountain and hope that we make it with the wheelies back at the shop we can go ahead and start checking out everything under this hood first thing we'll notice there is no carburetor just what you just to be oh yup yup i don't know what that was used to be a shirt long long many times ago [Laughter] doesn't look like it's seen a ton of moisture definitely not good not having a carburetor on it though oh boy hey i'm taking the nut loose wow let's lock down solid let's go ahead and pull those spark plugs see if we can figure out why she's not turning over doesn't look terrible a little bit like molasses but hey that's okay looks pretty good not too shabby not bad no not bad well we might just have a little bit of surface rust on the rings because so far not bad at all well we've let that marvel mistral soak in those cylinders for a couple weeks now and quite honestly it is supposed to snow this weekend let's see if we get this thing running so we can play with a little bit i gotta say sitting out here for a few weeks after being covered in that tarp for as many years as it was as soon as it started seeing the light of day and i think probably because of of just i don't know just how the tarp works the moisture that held down in there as soon as it dried out this paint is just peeling off look at the pretty metal that's under though we're gonna have to get this thing treated pretty quick though we might as well be driving it into the shop [Music] this one seemed really stuck especially with that carburetor off for no telling how many years so i don't have a ton of hope that just marvel mr oil is going to break it free [Music] you've got to be kidding me this son of a gun was locked down solid i'll give it to that stuff you that that blows my flipping mind this thing's going to be a darn runner you've got to be flipping kidding me good the fuel pump is working smells like pure but holy oh but my goodness if you'd have told me that fuel pump right there was gonna pump fuel i wouldn't have believed you this thing's flexing on flat ground that's how that's supposed to sit right the frame on this thing is absolutely pristine now moving back to the engine here one thing we need to go ahead and take a look at is whether or not this is 6 or 12 volt because this is from 1952 this is right around actually i think they use six volt all the way up until about 56 or so if you take a look here this is a six volt generator six volt starter now originally this was a push style so you have like a little lever that you kick down to engage but if you see it actually has a six volt ford style electric solenoid there i do believe this is a six volt coil i have not verified but realistically everything here looks to p6 fault we ordered a six volt battery it'll be here in the next couple hours so until then this ain't gonna run i think right let's get that oil pulled out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] that is molasses oh my goodness it is thick it's not sludgy [Music] with the entire one quart of oil drained out of it we can tackle the oil filter and what's bad is i put at least a half a quart of powerful mystery oil in this thing maybe someone was changing the oil i'm going to throw some rizlon zinc additive this is going to be kind of like a break-in but it also works in oils and older makes newer oils work in older vehicles our new oil doesn't have near the zinc that this would have used and so we got to supplement it with something like this uh it's just coming straight out of the valve cover gasket so the gasket's actually on the inside the leg goes that way for a long time see how oily nasty the back of this is so i think not only was it bad in the first place but it shrunk up while it's after that 30 plus years well we're all glooped up here and back on and that's just temporarily until we get the new one in that we ordered online got our cap pulled off you can see looks actually really nice and clean in there as well over as well as our points and our condenser here and and that just really goes to show that industrial tractor type system you have going on there those old tractors can sit out in the field for years and look just like that they there are certain things they designed right on these and that was one of them rolled over you can see we have some gap there right about a 20 000 scalp which is what this little f4 134a actually calls for so i think we're okay there i'm just going to take a little bit of sandpaper this is just a 600 grit and i'll crimp it down in there you see we can clean that crust off no explosions and our moment of truth i've got this jumped out to the starter solenoid sounds like a brand nerd now i've got another jumper here and that's putting 12 or 12 volts 12 volts six volts to our ignition coil and let's see if we have any action going on down here ah that fuel does i guess gas isn't flammable after so long right just a little more clean in here with our sandpaper so i put these absolutely beautiful wires back on this thing now for some reason we got to turn this over it pops around on us what we may have to do is go ahead because there's nothing actually marked there that's just what it's supposed to be if it does act up on us our number one cylinder will get at top death center and our compression stroke and then see where the rotor actually points to and that'll give us our number one nothing at all it did at first and then so we had an issue with the wiring powering the ignition coil there so i went ahead and made a fancy little jumper here and oh yeah all of them yeah cool i'm sure you've noticed you've probably been wondering there's no carburetor on this thing and the gentleman i talked to the gentleman that we bought it from could not remember whether or not it had it when he bought it back in the early 90s or about 1991 and i don't think it ever did someone must have been working on this thing i guess we'll probably find out why check this out though don't you just love online now i got some battery acid on my finger yeah put it on your pants 92 for a brand new probably you get what you pay for carburetor that looks mighty mighty fine on top of this pretty motor we've got our fuel tank hooked up to bypass the gunk that's in the back to original fuel pump our carburetor is installed but what i want to do first let's turn this thing over a little bit get the rest of the sweet tea run through the system until we get some fresh washroom sweet day we've got new fuel line rain here let's go ahead and turn this thing over a little bit and see what it do this is hi don't you ask me you got oil everywhere this six volt system is just hilarious to me it's so slow but it's just constant [Music] let's pull those spark plugs let's check compression it works good that's got good compression i don't know why this thing doesn't run it might have something to do with the lack of compression that had three three psi [Music] all right i think i know why this thing's not starting so i just realized and i was not paying attention to this this is based off the flathead platform so here we go this is how it works valves are driven here and then on your thankfully they're in your exhaust side so we actually have access to them down here where we might be able to bump them around but you see the exhaust valve drives like a flat head wood up because this is based off of the flat head with that f head on top of it so you can actually see i can see the valves can you see if they're moving down in there and look at all the rust down in there too oh really let's bump it let me go ahead and pop on these a little bit what i'm going to do is try to pop the tops of the valves to get them to hopefully seat a little bit better we're going to start with the intake and we'll see if we can figure out figure out something for the exhaust what i got here is this one's all the way up [Music] what we're going to try to do because they actually are moving they're just not seeding all the way down maybe because of trash or something we're going to soak it down with this wd-40 and just turn it over a bit and see if we can get those they probably just got crust where they were sitting up so something i realized as we're going to try to get this thing to pop off is we had one completely dead spark plug this right here small engine j8c this is the spark plugs that this actually calls for had jhc's in it which originally would have been j8s but they've been updated to this part number and this is an 841-1 jhc champion small engine spark plug and that's what this thing takes let's stick some plugs in there and i'm also going to do something that i generally don't like to do we're gonna hit it with a little starting fluid and the reason being if we can get this thing to pop off those valves that aren't seating are gonna seat because they're so stinking close to seating at this point why does it turn over so slow okay so we definitely want this thing to run tonight because it's supposed to snow tomorrow but we might be trying to attempt to get this thing running tomorrow it's getting really late it's like 30-something degrees which again is is too cold for for us folk plus i need to get home to the wife and kids and we're going to attempt it tomorrow in the snow well we just pulled back up to the shop this morning got my doors about blew off it's a kind of a winter wasteland here the wind is crazy we didn't get we got more snow at the house than here but am i just because all the wind on this hilltop blew everything away trying to do some crazy stuff here to get these exhaust valves to seat wd-40 we've got a compression gauge fitting in here getting stuff some down in there and then i bump it over until our valves are closed [Music] or as best as they can get and then we give it some air see it's trying it's closing enough to push that cylinder over that was some popping it's gotta be whether i wanted to or not making this baby run is going to involve pulling the cylinder head off we just cannot get that compression up enough we can't get it to pop off no big deal let's pull this thing off really quick and see what we got going on [Music] so [Music] you know this isn't exactly the way that i had planned on this going but i've never worked on an engine quite like this and i do unders i do enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to learn more about this motor and get to dig into the mechanicals of it maybe that's why that's all beat like that so this thing could easily be torn apart [Music] so get this there's a bolt underneath where the carburetor goes you can see all the rust rings you can see all the rust which is what had us frozen there to begin with but i honestly think most of what we had going on is all this trash probably just from corrosion and rust and that intake sticking open is just holding our valves up look that one's down but just i mean sticking way up not seated this one's almost seated i think our main issue there is just these valves not closing oh my goodness now it's time to get this motor and that head pertified because my goodness it is crispy just a lot of rust a lot of buildup this is just like dust and dirt uh probably from not having a carburetor and it's just such a mess in here not only that we have a ton of carbon buildup and it's breaking off because we put that marvel mystery oil in there to actually get this motor broken free where it was rusted stuck and it's blocking those valves off that's why our compression numbers were kind of up and down we'd have 40 and then 20 and then zero and it's just all over the place because it kept hanging those valves up so we i think the main thing we really need to do here because it looks okay it doesn't look wonderful but it'll run this is a tractor motor we just got to get that compression to stay there we need to get some get it all back together and i think she'll run but let's get all this mess cleaned up the oil filter actually jumped ship while i was sitting here i noticed a huge puddle underneath this thing and these lines are just brittle as to be and that oil filter just they just broke from the pressure of the weight of the oil filter not being bolted to that head so we'll need to take care of that as well so we can be able to have some filtration and not make a mess [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] and it's possible [Music] don't [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one thing you just want to remember when installing those head bolts back in is to put on the head bolt and water jacket sealant and the reason we do that is because these actually bolt and are drilled straight through and threaded into the water jacket you don't want it to leak past these head bolts because then you'll have water leaking outside or into your oil galley [Music] the spec is 60 or 70 foot pounds i am going to do 60 first and i'm just going to top it off with 70. [Music] we're almost all the way back together the only thing we have not hooked up is uh we don't have the carburetor on there we don't have our cover on and we don't have the oil filter on that'll allow us to see if the oil pump is pumping out of our fitting down there but i want to go ahead i know it's not going to have good compression but maybe it'll have some compression which is what we want because that'll get us maybe running let's start compression gauge in this thing let's see if we got any compression now hundred hundred psi that one had a hundred hundred minus seventy five i think that's all this is supposed to have is 25 psi i think 25 means 170 psi i'm telling you i am almost positive that's what that means it's gotta be what that means oh come on this thing's gonna blow up so it doesn't appear that the distributor's been messed with but it's been so long that something's been that anything has been done with this that maybe someone's been toying around it's not spot on where we feel like it should be so we're going to try to pull it out nerd move it over a notch and see if maybe we get our timing closer if maybe your timing's just that far off we get it to pop off i think we finally came down to figure out why this thing was parked in the first place and it would appear the cam timing is off a tooth i don't know so the thing is is this is gear driven i would imagine i doubt it has a chain it might have a nylon gear maybe that jumped a tooth i'm gonna tear the front off of the motor i'm not sure if we'll do it in this episode but we'll get the front of that motor torn off and see what's going on there let's see if we can figure out i'm not gonna let it defeat me yet we went ahead and got this front cover pulled off you can see our gears down there lower one is your crank right here is your cam gear which is that nylon gear now we don't see it stripped out here i wonder if there's a possibility stripped out at the key there one thing i did notice though is our timing marks are lined up we were close to top center top dead center on the compression stroke of number one i don't know if you can see it that piston is actually down just a little bit i think i might have figured it out so i spun it back around until we got that piston all the way back up and going back down on what looked like the compression stroke our mark actually lines up just where it's supposed to down here but our cam is almost 180 out i think it might have had a stripped out nylon cam gear you can actually see goop and everything on that probably in the late 80s early 90s when this thing got parked they went through and replaced it and put it on the wrong stroke let me get these gears pulled off and let's see if we can get it back the right way and see if we got compression so there we go gear looks to be really good shape i don't see anything maybe this could have spun but i don't i don't think so i think somebody put this on there some things that i've seen is potenti i'm not sure i have a feeling it probably just had this gear replaced because look how good it looks and was installed wrong we'll know as soon as we put it back in the right way so so oh man wow wow it's not often they put me through the ringer like this i did go ahead and pull the exhaust and that rocker cover there just to verify my suspension suspicions and sure enough our timing looks correct now so i think we were off by a good bit there our compression was still low and so i soaked the cylinders down with some lucas to hopefully try and bump us up enough i think our rings are just really sticky there still you can see that luke is dripping out and i'm gonna try to give it another hit real quick and let's just see if we can get it to pop off and i think if it does it'll really seek those valves good and pop those rings back into place fingers crossed come on lady yes [Music] [Laughter] i'm sorry for that oh my goodness i have been all over this thing for days why we just made a mess but holy moly it runs all you need is some compression i am going to pop it off one more time to verify that we have a running motor and then that's probably going to wrap it up for this video i think we're probably getting kind of long we have been all over this thing and in our next episode we'll get this thing driving [Music] [Laughter] that smoke is the fruits of our labor [Music] well that's that's going to wrap it up for tonight that's going to wrap it up for this video i really hope you enjoyed the rescue of this little willy's pickup truck and getting this thing fired off i have got to be honest this thing has been all over or had been way back in the day and they clearly did some things that they shouldn't have and that got us to where we are now but sitting since 1991 with no carburetor clearly did a lot did some more damage that we also had to take care of by pulling that head and getting everything cleaned up but she is she's a runner it's so worth it this is so much fun thank you all so much for coming along with us and supporting us we really do appreciate all the love and support and we cannot thank you all enough if you haven't already and you're enjoying all this fun stuff that we do rescuing these vehicles reviving them doing some restorations and rebuilds on a budget be sure to subscribe button notification bell and of course you can follow us and instagram and facebook budget builds youtube i'll put links down in the description to them for updates future rebuilds and a lot of fun posts but that's going to wrap it up peace out catch you all on the flip side in our next video we'll get this thing put completely back together we'll take it out we'll do some trailing [Music] you
Channel: Budget Buildz
Views: 876,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: willitrun, sitting, barnfind, fieldfind, oldcar, classic, budgetbuildz, drive, garagefind, woods, buried, dirt, crazy, bringbacktolife, scrapyard, crusher, save, rescue, gas, fun, crush, crushed, crawlspace, dirtfloor, willys, jeep, pickup, truck, 4x4, 4wheeldrive, mountains, hurricane, F134
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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