"Forgiveness, Letting It Go!" Rev. Rodger Hall Reed | RTAME

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[Music] welcome home reed temple registration to join us for in-person worship service is now open read temple has returned to the temple join us for hybrid in-person and online worship service registration is required for all in-person attendance read temple ame covet 19 in-person safety guidelines will be enforced in-person worship service is at 9 30 eastern standard time stream worship service online at 7 15 a.m 9 30 a.m 11 15 a.m and 6 p.m eastern standard time at reedtemple.org forward slash watch and by following at read temple ame on our facebook and youtube the following activities will not be provided in person on site until further notice nursery teen church children's church sunday school and the bookstore registration is open via event right at read temple dot org forward slash return read temple's marriage enrichment ministry presents preparing for marriage god's way on september 11th through december 11th from 10 a.m to 12 noon on zoom register at readtemple.org forward slash events be a part of the virtual 12-week pre-marital counseling course designed for all couples seeking to be married at reed temple or by a minister on staff here at rue temple the class is free but you must purchase the workbook for the class you do not have to be a member to attend this class register today at readtemple.org forward slash events join the movie matinee and discussions via zoom the american lows the american legacy of white supremacy a documentary created by darnley r hodge jr join us on saturday september 25th from 3 p.m to 7 p.m screen the film and be a part of the discussion with director damn lee r hodge jr register at read temple dot org forward slash events read temple ame soul care ministry presents griefshare each saturday from 10 a.m to 12 noon eastern standard time from september 11th to december 4th of 2021 are you mourning the loss of a loved one let griefshare help you heal for more information visit readtemple.org for slash events or email men griefshare at readtemple.org or call 301-352-0320 extension 489. read temple family save the date join us for official board on september 20th at 7 pm eastern standard time via zoom visit read temple dot org forward slash events for more information calling all ministry leaders on saturday september 25th at 10 a.m via zoom join us for this quarter's ministry leaders town hall zoom detail will be emailed to ministry leaders visit readtemple.org forward slash events or email info read temple dot org for more information hey i'm pastor mark whitlock you may have heard about it but the 1500 project is for you in hebrew 1500 means the moment you decide to take a spiritual journey is when you begin to realize your greatness the bible says in second timothy chapter 2 verse 15 study to find yourself approved god gave me a vision that we're going to have 1500 people in worship we want you to be a part of that we want you to grow spiritually we want you to be able to divide the word of god join us on wednesday how do you do it you simply email bible study at readtemple.org let me repeat it bible study at re temple.org let's grow in god and grace together the 1500 project let's go read temple christian education presents virtual church school sundays at 9 30 a.m via zoom visit readtemple.org forward slash events for zoom information read temple christian education presents virtual children's church school each third and fourth sunday at 10 a.m via zoom church school classes for pre-k kindergarten and first grade second grade third grade and fourth grade students visit readtemple.org forward slash events for zoom i was information when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and our feet shall stand within thy gates o jerusalem for a day in our courts is better than a thousand i'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than to dwell in the tents of wickedness because of the house of the lord our god i will seek thy good those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god blessed are they that dwell in the house lord i have loved our habitation the place where thy honor dwelleth for the lord is in his holy temple let all the earth keep silent before him let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer o sing unto the lord a new song for he has done marvelous things make a joyful noise unto the lord all the earth sing praise good morning beloved people of god this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same our god is worthy to be praised i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continuously be in my mouth o magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together for the lord is good and his mercy endureth to all generations hallelujah glory to god let us go before the throne of grace hallelujah oh god our father how excellent is thy name from the beginning of creation and through time and space you manifested yourself as the very essence of power when you said let there be light you dispelled darkness and evil and became the light of the world we who love you bow down and honor your holy name for there is none like you we glorify you and thank you for your goodness your grace and your mercy hallelujah so much is going on today that we ask you father to keep us focused and help us o lord to navigate in a world with so much confusion father my father i hear the psalmist say i will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me i will keep you in perfect peace for you are the keeper of my soul we thank you father that you are the keeper of our souls and that your thoughts our thoughts are stayed on you we pray that you gird up the loins of our mind and set our minds on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on earth that cause us much turmoil anxiety and suffering help us to refocus on whatever is true whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly whatever is pure whatever is lovely and lovable whatever is kind and gracious and if there is anything worthy of praise we will think on these things and fix our minds and our hearts on them for you have given us the mind of christ so why why lord should we be bound when you have set us free we thank you we thank you god for speaking hope in a pandemic through miracles signs and wonders and [Music] for showing us your glorious presence oh lord we ask in the name of jesus not in our name we ask in the name of jesus the name above all names hallelujah here hear us o lord and answer our prayers in jesus name we pray amen [Music] amen our scripture lesson will come from the gospel of matthew the sixth chapter verses 8-14 and the word of god reads this way therefore do not be like them for your father knows the things that you have need of before you ask him in this manner therefore pray our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses the word of the lord my brothers and sisters we are blessed this morning because we have the music ministry of brother gennar carpenter and he's brought some levites with him he's a visionary musician and worshiper just a few of the titles that is described to this home-grown gifted young brother he comes out of randallstown maryland at an early age he found his calling in music and ministry he's inspired by his gospel heritage and the unique culture of inner city living gennard formed the experience that shaped his unique take on music he's a graduate of the illustrious morgan state university and here it is he was taught under the tutelage and guidance of the late great dr nathan carter gennard has a hunger for god ministry and personal development he makes it a personal mission to avail himself for praise and worship and choir workshops vocal training and many other platforms to share his expertise and abilities with the world read temple let's welcome him the way we do it here he is brother gennard amen come on praise the lord everybody we've come to give god glory we've come to give him honor and we've come to declare that we love him more than anything so i dare you wherever you're watching from just open up your mouth and give god praise we love you father we give you glory we honor your name thank you for being so great we love you there's nobody like you so we've come to give our all to you this today we've come to pour out everything we have and declare this come on you can help me say it wherever you are it says lord [Music] i love you [Music] say lord i love you [Music] i love you i love you lord [Music] while you're watching i love you lord [Music] say it again [Applause] [Music] say [Music] we honor you we bless you now you got the hang of it you can help us say it now this time let your voice [Music] say lord i love you and say hey lord i praise you [Music] [Music] i love you [Music] say it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] we give you glory we honor your name we love you more than anything say more [Music] i [Applause] [Music] i love you [Music] more than anything [Music] [Music] come on [Music] say we love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] say we praise [Music] [Music] i love you [Music] i love you lord your voice [Music] the phrase [Music] well [Applause] [Music] i praise you [Music] we give you glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone says [Music] now come on right here wherever your idea to open your mouth and give god the greatest praise you can give them come on open your mouth and bless them open up your mouth and love on them open your mouth and adore his name hallelujah oh come on let's give god a glory praise this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it aren't you glad that you're in the house of the lord one more time come on right where you are just begin to give god praise right now if he did something for you this year give him praise if he did something for you this quarter give him praise if he did something for you this month give him praise but if he did something for you this week if he woke you up in your right mind dressed you in righteousness you need to stand on your feet and begin to holler i'm yet alive in the power and the might and the glory and the praise of god come on give god a glory praise good morning early birds good morning good morning good morning we want to invite you to be a part of the 1500 project 1500 in hebrew means when you decide to start your spiritual journey that is when you begin to achieve greatness we want you to be a part of the 1500 project god gave me a vision that 1500 people would be in bible study every wednesday at 7 pm now we want you to be a bible student disciple yes we do yes we do we want you to be a part of the great discipleship of god how does that work well you have to simply amen email bible study at readtemple.org email biblestudy at readtemple.org and when you do that that says to the recipient of that email that you want to be a part of the 1500 hallelujah project you will receive the bible study information in advance you will receive a daily devotion from pastor you will receive all types of benefits from being in the 1500 project you will achieve greatness why because of the book of second timothy says chapter 2 verse 15 hallelujah we must what rightly divide the word of god how do we do that that we must hallelujah become students of god's word that's righty study to find yourself approved to rightly divide the word of god so we want you to be a part of the 1500 project right here at reed temple it's our pleasure to give you the opportunity to see back into god's ministry it's offering time amen it's offering time that's when we celebrate the fact that god has blessed us and we're obedient unto god that's why god says bring all the tithe into the storehouse and then he says test me in the book of malachi chapter 3 verse 10 test me and watch what i'll do for you i will open up a window so wide that you won't be able to receive all the blessings that god has for you i will rebuke the devourer for thy sake in other words god will take care of your haters god will take care of your distractors god will take care of those who are problems in your life because you have been obedient unto god retempo has been obedient unto god that's why we were able to move from michigan avenue hallelujah to good luck road to right here on glendale boulevard because we have been obedient unto god we ask that you would bring your tithes and those of us who understand how we can tithe online please do so now all you have to do is text read temple to 833-715-3318 that's it text read temple to 833-715-3318 thank you for mailing your gift thank you for bringing your gift to the sanctuary and we receive it in the name of jesus let's pray dear god for everyone that gives or every one that ties for everyone that has an offering above the tithe for those who have it god thank you bless them keep them hold them deliver them to the place that you would have them to be now god for those who don't have it for those who are hurting let them contact the church so that we may help feed and clothe and house so that we may help with vaccination centers how we may help those who are hurting and feel alone and lonely so that we may minister unto them bless them in jesus name as you bless this offering amen i call him uncle amen our president shirley caisson reed formerly the president of the women's missionary international women's missionary society calls him husband his daughter's calling popeye son god called him to pastor god called him to preach god called him to plant god called him to serve as a professor for pastors and preachers like me undergirding and mentoring now if we pray then we'll feel the power of god's anointing move through him it's our pleasure to introduce god's spokesperson for this hour for this time for this day come on put your hands together for reverend dr roger reed come on give god a glory praise for his presence give god a glory praise for his word in jesus name let the church say amen [Music] wherever you are i dare you to lift your voice and give them glory we love your father be glorified real simple song says this [Music] be glorified be glorified in my life be glorified be glorified lift your voice [Music] be glorified [Music] be glorified [Music] be glorified [Music] you take the honor i just wanna say thank you [Music] i wanna say thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just want to say thank you [Music] i just wanna say thank you lord we thank you lord we come and say thank you you've been so good you've been so kind we lift my voice [Music] lord we say thank you lord [Applause] thank you we love you father [Music] oh thank you [Music] i just want to say thank you [Music] i just want to say thank you [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] one day soon [Music] thank you [Music] you get [Music] thank you we come to say thank you lord we've come to say thank you [Music] one more time thank you say thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] thank you [Music] praise god we thank god for another sunday morning we thank god for re temple african methodist episcopal church with a sense of gratitude and of joy that i thank the reverend dr mark whitlock jr and sister mia whitlock and the staff of this great church and congregation for allowing me to share with you for a few moments on this sunday morning i need your prayers and god answers all of our prayers praise god let us pray and now father for your word for your people for this day and for this time in the history of your universe give us that which we stand in need of each and every one whatever the need you are able bless us now bless the preacher to preach your word that it might go forth and men and women might be saved in jesus name amen we are living in some very difficult times we're living in an age where anything and everything happens we come together on this sunday morning when wildfires are raging across the northwest and the west where rains and all kinds of floods are going on all over the south and the southeast and where nations are pitted against nations and peoples are turned against one another when folk can't seem to get along any longer my thoughts this week ran to what is it that the church really needs to look at and for me it's the formation of what happened when the disciples met jesus and jesus took the time to show them how he was able to bring about miracles because he was the son of god but he was jesus the christ jesus of nazareth and as he came and they saw him do wondrous works they wondered where he got the energy from where did he get what he had that was so special that the flocks came around him that the people looked to him and were nurtured by him in a situation where kingdoms were crumbling and all kinds of things were turned loose well in a day like today when things are all turned loose we need to look and see what it was that jesus was involved in and where he was looking and what he was doing with his disciples his ministry was so profound that they were looking to see where he was early in the morning and they discovered that in the morning jesus went on a trek late at night and he prayed long and they found out that the power of life was in jesus through a prayer with his father and through the time of prayer and through his dedicated prayer life and so they followed him one morning they said lord teach us how to pray and you can find it in matthew's gospel in the sixth chapter and beginning with the 8b he says your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him in this manner therefore pray our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen amen was not the end there was an addendum to that prayer amen meant the end of that prayer but it was not the end of the instruction for his disciples and that instruction is also for you and for me today the 14th and 15th verses say for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses it would be interesting to have the statistics of how often christians have misread the intent and the actual words of jesus's lesson on prayer to the disciples verses 14 and 15th of the 6th chapter of matthew's gospel can we be regarded as commentary on the model prayer which has captured the attention of worshipers across the ages it is a window into god's weak view on forgiveness and in large part is the litmus test of our christian maturity throughout all ages one of the most difficult truths about our humanity at least to me appears to be our inability to simply forgive to let it go some worship was with us this very morning came carrying baggage that is crippling our ability to simply move on with our lives a neighbor abused us a spouse was unfaithful to us or may have divorced us a boss fired us a promotion was unfairly denied us a friend lied about us this country continues to devalue me and those like me and the list is unending my brothers and sisters some of us are faced with videotapes of our childhood that we play in our minds over and over and over even to this day you'll never amount to anything why can't you be like your sister you're just a dummy you are just like your no good father there are those among us who suffer from an un unforgiving spirit which is rooted in bitterness towards someone who may have even been dead this morning or refusal to forgive may not be hurting anyone else but psychological sociological emotional damage will send many of us to an early grave or cause physical and emotional illness there is no way to overstate the importance of letting go of forgiving letting go of the ghosts of our yesterdays they rob us of the joy which god intended for our lives or the success he intended for us as his disciples at the conclusion of the lord's prayer jesus emphasized one thing and one thing only he said for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses notice that jesus uses the word forgive twice in the same sentence underscoring its importance does this mean that god for god's forgiveness is somehow based upon a human work i must perform rather than on the idea of the free gift of his grace no not true god grants his gracious favor on the basis of no human work but upon his marvelous and amazing grace what it does mean is if i cannot forgive i will never be in an attitude to humble myself before the lord jesus asking his forgiveness understand my unwillingness to forgive is an indication of a prideful spirit which must yet yield to the cross of calvary and the one who has already paid for all of my sins to forgive is so important that jesus said in matthew 5 and 23 and 24 therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift before the altar and go your way first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift so important are our human relations as an expression of our right relationship with god that even if we have done no wrong but another has wronged us we are still to initiate the profits process of reconciliation bitterness hatred and unforgiveness must not be dragged into our tomorrows we must learn to let it go forgive and move on well for these moments on this day let us look at some principles we can learn from the topic forgiveness or letting it go number one letting it go is a choice we make not because it feels right but because it is right secondly remember that god is not accountable to us we are accountable to god thirdly nothing another has done to us can compare with what we have done to god fourth focus not on what we have lost but on what we have left letting it go is a choice we make not because it feels right but because it is right most of us have heard it said i can't forgive her or him because they hurt me so badly i'll never let it go what we really may mean perhaps is i can't voluntarily commit to forgiveness because i cannot emotionally get over the hurt and the pain but forgiving and forgetting can never be done emotionally they must first be done voluntarily often we say if i could feel it i'd do it but scripture teaches us if i act on it i will feel it in the third chapter of philippians paul acknowledges his struggle to become everything christ intended when he reached out and snatched him and touched him and brings paul's life into comparison with his own the apostle reminds us that we must concentrate total focus and unrestrained energy on dealing with the past before progress can be made in our journey into our tomorrows this is a powerful declaration this one thing i do and what is this one thing paul has committed to do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before i pressed for the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus in the second chapter of revelations jesus the bridegroom reprimands the church at ephesus his bride for falling out of love with him nevertheless i have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else i will come to you quickly and remove remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent in the three-point prescription for her sickness he tells the church at ephesus remember repent do not a word about feeling not a word about emotion is in this passage there's nothing the bride is told to feel but there are three things she's told she must do remember remember where you were and what you were and then jesus came into their lives and remember what your first love was at ephesus when the first love came they reached out to people they fed the hungry they took in folk no one else would talk to they did things that made folks happy they were happy but then the church allowed the world to get into the church and they began to make rules and regulations and when they made the rules and regulations they began to push some folk away and they began to push other folks out and they begin to let in the wrong kind of folk he says remember what it was like when you could come to church on sunday morning and you heard the choir singing and your heart felt strangely moved and you begin to shout hallelujah i know that god is on my side i know that he cares for me says repent now that i've done the wrong thing confession is good for the soul and once i've confessed once i repent it said do what shall i do shall i do something no go right back straight back to what it was that made you on saturday night say it's been a hard week it's been a rough week the world has beat me down but tomorrow is sunday and i know on sunday morning no matter how bad my soul feels i'm gonna go to church because i'm gonna shout somehow i got over one more week somehow god brought me through all of my trials and tribulations and i want everybody to know it wasn't by myself but it was what god does with me in the three-point prescription of her sickness he tells that church remember repent do again the first works in other words she is act as she is to act as she once did in second samuel in the 12th chapter somewhere around the 15th verse david is a marvelous example of a conscious choice to let go of the pain of disappointment after his son was born sick david lay prostrate on the floor fasting and praying for eight days and eight nights pleading with god for his son's life god chose not to answer dave's david's prayer with a positive when the servants came and told david the boy is dead david did not rise up in anger he did not curse god and refuse to be consoled but as a mature believer who remembered that it was god who brought him through with the lion that it was god who brought him through with the bear that was god who brought him through with goliath it was god who gave him the monarchy he simply said he made his choice to go on with his life second samuel 12 and 20 says so david arose from the ground washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes and he went into the house of the lord and worshiped then he went to his own house and when he requested they set food before him and then he ate well then his servant said to him what is this that you do you fasted and wept with a child while he was alive but when the child died you got up and ate food david said while the child was alive i fasted i prayed i wept for i said who can tell whether the lord will be gracious to me that the child may live but now he's dead why should i fast can i bring him back again this i know i shall go to him but he shall not return to me we are taught that as human beings we consist of three parts the mind which is the seed of knowledge where we know the heart the seed of emotion where we feel and the soul the seed of the will where we commit turning loose of the past is never possible in the realm of emotion if we wait until we feel like forgiving we will never forgive and will suffer the consequences forgiving is a choice of the will that we make in the soul we must make the choice with our minds and with the will and then we committed remember god is not accountable to us but we are accountable to god in this in the selfish environment in which we live we think everyone's accountable to us beneath the fruit of an unforgiving spirit is often a root of bitterness and anger against god to tell the truth some of us have never come to terms with the fact that we are really angry toward god whom we feel could have prevented the catastrophe but did not casting blame on god for human acts has its roots very early in human nature remember adam essentially blamed god for his fall when he said the woman you put here with me she gave me some fruit from the tree and i ate it genesis 3 and 12. the inference is clear god is really your fault had you not given me this woman she could not have given me this fruit and i would not have eaten it and i would not be in this fix one of the saddest stories i ever heard concerned a man in east texas he lost a very successful business due to the oil bust of the mid-1980s forced to move to houston and start a game both he and his wife took jobs he's now a gas attendant in the gas station and she became a secretary in the office uh-huh she met a man had an affair and divorced a loving husband for years he was angry at god he was even heard to say had god prevented the price of oil from going down this economic tragedy never would have happened we would never have moved to houston and i would never have lost my wife god this is your fault you did it perhaps many of us have never identified it let alone articulated it but just beneath our bitterness toward another person or situation may be a layer of bitterness toward god whom we blame for allowing it to happen in the first place after job's great loss his wife said curse god and die job's answer was very simple he said shall we indeed accept good from god and shall we not accept adversity it's often said the book of job is the answer to the question why do the righteous suffer but the book ends without answering that question the purpose of job may well be to say that we don't have to know why we suffer we just do suffering is a part of life we make mistakes life turns us in sometimes job affirmed he slay me yet shall i trust him in other words he said he brought me this far gave me more than i could have gotten for myself he made me a rich man he gave me children he gave me everything and now they're gone but i'm gonna stick with him because if it had not been for the lord on my side whole church where would i be tempted and tried i'm off made to wonder why it should be thus all the day long while there are others living around me never molested doing the wrong old lady said further along we'll know all about it further along we understand why cheer up my brother live in the sunshine we'll understand it all by and by surely in heaven we will understand for we shall know as we are known but until then the issue is not god's explanation to us but our response to adversity as the sons and daughters of a living god never does our light shine as brightly to the glory of god as against the backdrop of our darkest hour of suffering well nothing anyone has done to us can compare with what we have done to god when it seems impossible to forgive another remember how much greater wrong has been given forgiven us for one sinner to sin against another it may be a relatively minor thing but the sin against the holy god is an unfathomable thing if god has forgiven us so much then whatever we forgive against a fairly sinner is relatively small in the 18th chapter of matthew jesus tells the story of an unjust steward a servant who was forgiven a debt of ten thousand talents by his king whose comparison spared compassion spared him and his family the humiliation of imprisonment and slavery the forgiving man found a fellow servant who owed him a hundred denarii but the forgiven one refused to forgive his brother and cast him into prison with his family when the king heard about it he was so angry that he cast the man who would not forgive into outer darkness my brother my sister could it be that anyone who will not forgive lives in hell could it be that the hell some of us are living in is because we will not forgive we will not understand forgiveness has never been to we've never been to the cross and what god did for us he did on a sunday morning as a friday morning on a hill far away when he let the world crucify his own son who had no sin in him but on the cross he took your sin he took my sin he took the sin of the whole world he took the pain he took the suffering and then when others railed against him he said not a mumbling word but when one fellow who was guilty turned and said leave him alone lord remember me when you come into your kingdom oh and jesus said today thou shalt be with me in paradise nothing anyone has done to us can compare with what we have done to god we crucified his holy son yet in that crucifixion we were saved could it be that anyone who will not forgive already lives in hell well i gotta close but focus not on what we have lost but what you have in the gospel of luke in the 15th chapter read verses 11-32 this is a classic narrative of the prodigal son when the wayward son came to himself after abandoning home cursing the family leaving his kindred going to a far country party hardy squandering all his inherent inheritance now he finds himself sharing a meal with swine the scripture says he came to himself when he came to himself he said my father has servants who live better than i do he said i'm gonna turn them back around and i'm going home he made the long difficult journey toward home but what he didn't realize was that every morning his daddy got up went out on the top of the hill and looked out to see if he could see his son coming home because daddy knew that things were going to get rough daddy knew that somehow someway somewhere his son would have to come home and one morning when the father looked out he saw a ragged wretched way out there his name may have been roger his name may have been joe deck his name may be your name or the name of the person sitting next to you but when the father saw it he didn't wait for the son to make the journey to him he made the journey to the sun and when he got to the sun and he threw his arms around him he brought him home he said bring out clean him up give him a bath put a robe on him put a signet ring on his fingers put shoes on his feet make him he's a prince among us guess what happened his brother got so disgusted he wouldn't join the celebration because you know what the father did well you know what we do he he said get the fatty calf and light the barbecue because we're going to party for my son who was lost has returned home the other son said but he ascended against us the father said no don't you understand he had his inheritance all this belongs to you you've been here with me all the time you get the house when i'm gone you get the bank account when i'm going god says to you and to me you're going to be a welcome in my house one day when this earthly travel is over and when when you think you can't go any further don't you understand you won't disappear i'll meet you somewhere down by a river called jordan god is waiting for you to forgive and remember focus on what you have but not on what you don't have what you have is a god who still wakes you up every morning a god who loves you a god who cares for you a god who got you here this morning it wasn't your automobile or the bus you rode in it was the spirit of the living word god that brought you in this place and the question is can you learn to forgive and live come to jesus come to jesus come to jesus just now he will save you he will save you he will save you just now god bless god keep remember forgiveness is in your bag of choices and life everlasting is the gift [Music] let god [Music] [Music] amen didn't our hearts really really catch on fire reverend dr roger reed he really brought us home and helped us to understand forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness thank you dr reed for a powerful instructional message that came from the depths of your soul and from god's word that word i know is sunken to you i know it sunk into you and we're grateful for dr reed and we know that if there's anyone out there that felt the unction to come forward you need salvation in your heart you have been burdened down with forgiveness unforgiveness can i offer an olive branch called jesus christ and if you don't know him in the pardon of your sins all you have to do is go to retemple.org forward slash cares there you'll find a button for salvation and if you just have been going here there everywhere on the internet you can't find a home hasn't planted some route you've been homeless since the pandemic i have a place for you it's called read temple african methodist episcopal church go to the same place read temple.org forward slash cares and if you just need a prayer go there and we will pray with you we'll help restore you and make you whole again a man i also want to give you an opportunity so we'll see we know that times like these we can make a whole lot of different investments but the greatest investment of all is the one that is sown into the seed a seed that is sown into the ministry of god all you have to do is text read temple to 833-715-3318 or go to www.readtemple.org forward slash give let me pray over your offering lord we have been almost two years in a pandemic and you still supplied resources to us and now lord we ask that as your people are yet given even now that you will bless them abundantly and bless those that had a mind to give whatever reason could not and made overflow from the givers replenish what is in their barns i ask lord that you will give us the wisdom to use it for your kingdom and we will give you the glory and honor in jesus name we pray a man amen dr reed will come and give us the benediction amen my board of examiner instructor just gave me a look like he wants to spank me praise god from whom all blessings flow [Music] praise [Music] praise him [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and now may the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit rest rule abide with us now and forever and the church of god said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome home read temple registration to join us for in-person worship service is now open read temple has returned to the temple join us for hybrid in-person and online worship service registration is required for all in-person attendance read temple ame covet 19 in-person safety guidelines will be enforced in-person worship service is at 9 30 eastern standard time stream worship service online at 7 15 a.m 9 30 a.m 11 15 a.m and 6 p.m eastern standard time at reedtemple.org forward slash watch and by following at read temple ame on our facebook and youtube the following activities will not be provided in person on site until further notice nursery teen church children's church sunday school and the bookstore registration is open via event right at readtemple.org forward slash return read temple's marriage enrichment ministry presents preparing for marriage god's way on september 11th through december 11th from 10 a.m to 12 noon on zoom register at readtemple.org forward slash events be a part of the virtual 12-week pre-marital counseling course designed for all couples seeking to be married at reed temple or by a minister on staff here at rue temple the class is free but you must purchase the workbook for the class you do not have to be a member to attend this class register today at readtemple.org forward slash events join the movie matinee and discussions via zoom the american lows the american legacy of white supremacy a documentary created by darnley r hodge jr join us on saturday september 25th from 3 p.m to 7 p.m stream the film and be a part of the discussion with director damley r hodge jr register at readtemple.org forward slash events re temple ama soul care ministry presents griefshare each saturday from 10 a.m to 12 noon eastern standard time from september 11th to december 4th of 2021 are you mourning the loss of a loved one let griefshare help you heal for more information visit readtemple.org for slash events or email men griefshare at readtemple.org or three five two call three two zero extension four eight nine read temple family saved the date join us for official board on september twentieth at seven pm eastern standard time via zoom visit readtemple.org forward slash events for more information calling all ministry leaders on saturday september 25th at 10 a.m via zoom join us for this quarter's ministry leaders town hall zoom detail will be emailed to ministry leaders visit readtemple.org forward slash events or email info read temple.org for more information hey i'm pastor mark whitlock you may have heard about it but the 1500 project is for you in hebrew 1500 means the moment you decide to take a spiritual journey is when you begin to realize your greatness the bible says in second timothy chapter 2 verse 15 study to find yourself approved god gave me a vision that we're going to have 1500 people in worship we want you to be a part of that we want you to grow spiritually we want you to be able to divide the word of god join us on wednesday how do you do it you simply email bible study at readtemple.org let me repeat it bible study ad reedtemple.org let's grow in god and grace together the 1500 project let's go reed temple christian education presents virtual church school sundays at 9 30 a.m via zoom visit readtemple.org forward slash events for zoom information read temple christian education presents virtual children's church school each third and fourth sunday at 10 a.m via zoom church school classes for pre-k kindergarten and first grade second grade third grade and fourth grade students visit readtemple.org forward slash events for zoom information
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 238
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Id: bY5EE3wkmyU
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Length: 77min 44sec (4664 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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