Forget Spotify: The Best Foobar Theme Tutorial for New (& Old) Users - This looks CLEAN!

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have any music on a cloud what was this oh my goodness i'm going to talk to you about fubar i'm your food barista having your stuff on the cloud is nice on google play and amazon whatever spotify and some other services that's cool it's convenient i get it but there's a lot of stuff that's not on there and what if you wanted to have stuff on your own drive well fubar is the best solution i've made a few videos about this in the past showing some really nerdy stuff about how to theme it and set it up correctly but in this video i'm going to make it really easy and just show you a couple of things that you can do to give yourself a very sleek and simple audio player that can do just about anything but first how about you activate your copy of windows don't be a slob [Music] before we get started let's head over to who keys and unlock our copy of windows by using coupon code ts25 you can get 25 off these prices here i use windows 10 pro you can also get windows 10 home and both of these will upgrade to windows 11. you can get that also note that the windows 10 keys have been working with windows 11 google it and make sure that this is still a thing wherever you're purchasing your key also i want to note that if you get windows 10 home and you upgrade it to windows 11 they will force you to use an online account with windows 11 pro however you can use a local account just so you know you can also get office 2019 with that same discount or if you like you can get windows 10 pro and office 2019 in a bundle and save even more so go ahead and put ts25 in here as your coupon code hit apply and then you can see we can get windows 10 pro for 14.85 once you're finished if you want to access your key you click on your name on the top right click on user center and you'll see my purchase orders right here you'll be able to view the keys that you've purchased just by clicking on view keys and codes and you'll see your code right here just go ahead and copy this code press start type activate you'll see activation settings come up click on that then click change product key right there you can paste in your code and hit next and then you will be activated it's very simple so don't pay those retail prices for your copy of windows or office head over to and use coupon code ts25 all right we've got windows activated now um this is also brought to you by me i make some music if you like video game style music of various sorts or maybe even metal with a little bit of a video game vibe going on please check out my music it's and this is where you can go to get lots of interesting music from independent artists you know like when you're there and you're like i kind of heard all the top 40 stuff and i've kind of heard all the stuff that they keep throwing at me and the algorithm knows i like certain things but what if you want to break out of the algorithm and hear something totally different and expand your horizons browsing around on bandcamp is a great way to do that you can just come here i like to scroll down to the bottom and see what's new as you can see here you can say like okay how about some experimental stuff what do we got noise oh yeah that's like where people rub broken glass on their on their face and stuff and then scream ah that's fun let's let's go over here to metal what have we got some cool looking oh the black yes oh oh i need to get that i forgot about this so you can come here and grab stuff once you do you click on the heart and you can simply say like okay i want to download let's get oh some lunar womb yes very peaceful album click on download and then you pick your file format they do not have opus but they've got if the best quality thing that's compressed is the aac if you want open source og vorbis is about the same quality but it's open source so i'll grab that so now you've got some files but you need something to play them with let's go ahead and get a copy of fubar and um in order to get a really nice theme up and running you just need to get a couple of things we're going to get foobar by going to and right here on the front page you'll see download just click on that bring us here and then we have some options here i usually just grab the latest stable version and just click save file now the only other thing we're going to need is a theme and you can come over here and browse around through some of these themes pick the one you like the most i found georgia a little bit more difficult to get up and running to my spec if you're very used to itunes then string ui is going to be similar but the one i think is sort of the best mix of style and function for me other than running my own theme i always run my own theme for foobar i'll show you what mine looks like right now but i've already made a video on how to theme it like this so we'll just put that back over there we're gonna grab this theme it's called eoli so right here's the link to grab it on github click on that and here we are on github this might be intimidating to people who do not use github all the time you scroll around you're like where do i download this thing okay the download is on the right hand side right here see releases click on that and then we can scroll down and click on source code zip just click on that and it'll start downloading if it doesn't start downloading then you know click yes or whatever so there we go that's all we need i'm going to press ctrl j to open up my downloads just so i can see what i'm doing here open up my download folder and there's my foobar so i'm going to click to install foobar when you get to this screen make sure you do the portable installation that puts all the files into one folder so this is going to be really important when you're installing themes you don't want any weird files in your documents or your app data portable installation everything goes into one folder and also if you wanted to move this between computers you can just copy and paste this to a flash drive and it'll work i'm going to call this foobar 2000 theme because i'm showing you you can just call it foobar 2000 or any folder you want okay doing the full installation install first run foobar oh my that's ugly we don't have to worry about that just close it we're going to install a theme now so here's the folder that i just installed foobar into there it is now we need to open the eoli fubar theme right there inside here there's a folder open that up we've got all these folders we need to throw them into the right places so user components that just goes into components unless you've installed this in a way that you need the user components we have a program or a little thing here called profile this will only show up after you've opened foobar so there it is themes and plugins go into the profile folder the rest of this doesn't matter so we can close it now when we open up foobar again it's going to do something weird it's going to be like hey different user interface so columns ui enables the use of these themes hit okay and now we have a theme theming yes there we go okay it doesn't matter just okay preferences display columns import configuration right inside the foobar folder profile themes yoli columns ui hit ok ok it's going to ask you some things you want to load all the covers at startup yeah i mean you can keep them loaded in memory if you want to go crazy but um that should do i'll do 250 validate okay there we go this is our theme there's no music and it's white should we fix the night theme first there we go and we have tabs we have a library no music found genre artist album it's nice organization even without anything there the playlist and the now playing and the visualization all right well they're all white but we've got a little switch here for light and dark i'm gonna do a dark on all of them but you can keep it light if you like it it's up to you and then we have visualization it just says spec if you remember back in the day people who had wind amp and stuff if you had winamp you could run some crazy visualizations and that's very easy to do so let's fix the fact that we have no music and let's fix the visualizations all right now by clicking on foobar file preferences and then we need a media library so click on media library and we can add multiple folders or we can just add one folder so wherever your music is you can just click on add and add that my music folder look at all my stuff not much i don't even know what's in those cool i've just got a few things here as sample content oh it's starting to show up already there it's coming in all right cool and then we need that visualization clicks down here visualizations spec this was installed when we dragged and dropped all the stuff from that folder now what we need to do is have a copy of winamp luckily that theme came with a copy of winamp so we just need to navigate to that you're navigating to your foobar folder and then to your profile folder and then in there there's plugins and then there's when amp okay oh it found the available plugins right there so if we hit ok everything should be fine all right click on all over here it's starting to get these thumbnails they're coming in cool you can make them a little bigger looks pretty when you click on this it brings up this and we can actually start playing some of this music just double-click to let you see how it looks when it's playing i'm not going to have any audio because i don't want to get a copyright strike we can minimize this we don't need this now there's a lot more you can do with this you know if we go over here to playlists we can go to our library playback that shows what's playing right now this song you can right click on an entire album click on properties change things like the genre the composers all that kind of stuff add new fields if you like you can do that or you can go to single files right click on those if you want to set an album artwork for something let's see if we're there's anything in here that we don't have album our work for okay one of my albums does not have album artwork here we go right click on this file and open containing folder look at that there is a cover in there right there but it's a png okay let's tell foobar to look at pngs click on foobar file preferences and then display and right here is a list of all the different covers that it will search for so every time you put a music folder in there it's going to say like okay front.jpg covered.jpg it's going to look for things in this order well let's add some more how about cover.png i may have to clear the cache but we'll show you how to do that and then you know we can also do cover anything you think of also if you want to just say like okay if you've gone through all of these and you can't find it just put any image so star means any star dot jpeg i'll do star dot there we go now if it can't find anything else it'll look for any jpeg and then if it doesn't find a jpeg it'll look for any png there we go now that's going to help us a lot the only other thing i want you to see before i leave is the keyboard shortcut area now this is really handy i mean you can already use like your media hotkeys if you have a keyboard that has them these are your keyboard shortcuts right now but i want to add a new shortcut and let's say i want a shortcut for next track so next playlist no not that one next uh playback there we go playback next all right no um let's do so shift right so anytime i press shift right it'll go to the next track and this will work globally hit apply if you want to do any more have to hit add new first and then look for the next thing let's do previous previous playback previous and i'm going to do shift and back with shift and left i mean make that a global hotkey now if you've changed a few things and you're not seeing your your image you know your image cache is all messed up so just right click here click on settings and we have all kinds of options for the cover grid you know i'm going to get rid of the date while i'm here take off the date and then settings all the way down at the bottom refresh images cache it's like are you sure there's a lot of images here whatever yes it's going to restart it doesn't restart it sometimes it just closes and you just restart it start it and there it found that png file so all is well now if you um live on this you'll be just fine it it's pretty cool because like it starts let me just open up a tom wait song here it starts syncing up with last fm and it pulls the information from last fm so you have your own little database here you can sit here and listen read some history check out some photos this is all just being pulled dynamically from the internet and then if you want to just chill out put on your visualization if you want to go full screen you can right click and then do full screen or you can just press alt enter and then it'll go full screen sit here and chill out press shift right and left next track it's awesome all right so there you have it you have a really cool of all these lights that are happening to me let me change you now have a very sleek and very functional player that'll play all the music that you get from band camp and other sources the next video we're going to talk about video game music and how to get it where to get it and how to make it work in fubar there are so many different video game systems out there and each one has their own file type like video game music with midi mod files you know all these different you know different weird formats that foobar does not support so i'm going to show you how to make all those play very easily you can get them running right here and right here in this or you can use uh just the default player if you like that's what i do i still use this player let me show you what my player looks like one more time not nearly as pretty but i you know i like having all this extra information like bitrate and composer and all that kind of stuff system you know like you can do all this stuff with themes but it's javascript and it'll take a while so and i think for most people especially if you have a small music collection you don't have as many you know if you don't have this many genres and this many albums and all that kind of stuff if you don't have a stupid music collection like mine this is uh this is probably going to be overkill for you and you'll be just fine with a simple and elegant theme like this that only took a couple of clicks to install so if you have any friends who are stuck on spotify but feel like they're getting tired of their music tell them to go check out bandcamp tell them to install foobar and run some of this stuff themselves then you can get into putting these things on your phone and not having to worry about losing your music or not losing access to your music because you're on a plane or something i know you can download some stuff with spotify with premium and all that but it's much easier just to have your own collections of music so that's how i do it i will see you in the next video um after the video game video i'm going to do a video showing everyone how to do file tagging and stuff with this and also how to handle moving your files right here inside foobar very easily organizing and moving your files and stuff and the last thing we'll do is show you how to convert different file formats and stuff like that it's a little more advanced but if you download some like super high quality file formats and you want to compress them without losing any of the quality i'll show you how to do that it's pretty easy and we can do it all right inside fubar just with you know a couple clicks of our mouse i'll show you how to do that in the next few videos so stay tuned for my future foobar tutorials and thanks for checking out zvyander if you like the music grab it if you can't afford it you can probably find it on some illicit websites see you later
Channel: Tek Syndicate
Views: 87,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek Syndicate, Crit TV, hardware, nerds, geek, technology, science, games, gaming, culture, tech, computers, Serious Business
Id: 2wQhWJujoBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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