Foreigner tries the best British cheese! | Living in the UK

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hi everyone it's me so this week I wanted to eat again I was at M&S because it's close to me and I know how much you guys love M&S and they have a bunch of cheese like organized by where it comes in England in the UK as a whole and I thought wouldn't it be cool to just compare cheese from around the UK cuz also then I get to eat the cheese I even got Marks and Spencers cheese biscuits or biscuits for cheese rather because we're going full out on this cheese I'm saying she's too much all of the cheese is like different types of cheese so I realized we're comparing apples to oranges but at this point I really don't care she's my favorite food group and I just wanna I just want to eat it and this is an excuse to do so so without further ado let's go so I guess it's gonna be a little friendly competition because whenever I post anything about anything there's always competition oh my goodness why not we just we start off with the one that's excited this is a Welsh goat cheese for all the people of Wales how's it going I think you have a beautiful country I know you guys don't get enough credit for what you do but I think you're wonderful and don't let the English tell you otherwise okay I know they hate on you sometimes I think Wales the Welsh people fantastic and I hope this goat cheese is just as good okay so it says Made IV and forgive me for this made at the eyebrow gavin e Creamery a smooth and creamy mild goat cheese hell yeah but i can't open it okay so at first glance it looks it looks like someone took a can of whipped cream like a aerosol can I don't know if you guys are big on those here and just like you right in the container it looks a little bit a little bit funky that's okay I also realized I don't have any plates here at the office so we're gonna use the top of my tupperware as a place I guess because this is high-quality YouTube content that we all came here for I guess the other thing we should we should talk about the elephant in the room my last eat this video I ate some British puddings because I thought wouldn't that be a nice video this AB summing so thanks for joining me I hope to see you next week bye so we're gonna just pretend that I didn't just pick up all these crackers off of the floor and put them back in this tray let's pretend it never happened this is a high-class establishment please take me seriously okay so we're gonna go I'm gonna go with like this Ritz cracker II looking thing I guess and we're gonna take some of this Welsh goat's cheese goat cheese or goat's cheese how do we want to say that Welsh goats cheese so cheers to all the Welsh I know we have some not a lot but some that's actually really really nice even just like without a cracker well biscuit or whatever you guys want to call these things that is really good I'm gonna give this Welsh ghost cheese five out of six sheep because it is real good I can't give it a perfect score because I couldn't just sit on the couch with this little tub and eat the whole thing but it is really good so all the Welsh people watching you guys are in the lead and you should be real proud also I forgot to mention I bought salted Jersey butter which says Made on the Isle of Jersey home of the Jersey cow the butters wonderful golden color reflects the cows lush grass feed that was one sentence there was no period or full step in that whole thing so no offense how I should put a period I've been told that some people put butter on their crackers and either have it by itself or butter on crackers with cheese I've never done that before that's not something I've ever seen in Canada maybe that's just me but I don't know if that's like a common thing like this everybody put butter do you do you do you put butter on your crackers cuz I'm dying to know like real butter look at the color that we're getting real butter up in here but the butter is gonna impact the cheese I'm gonna just have a little bit of this Jersey butter anybody from Jersey by the way how many people live there I feel like not that many anyway how's it going if you're from Jersey hey how's it going how do you like the Jersey cows I'm just gonna have a little bit of this butter on the cracker just to see what it's like but I feel like I can't really judge it with the cheese because that's gonna change the the scoring you know what I mean that's good butter anybody from Jersey Wow you should be like real pleased that's really good maybe I should just eat them eat this butter instead what anybody pay me to eat this butter give me a shout-out next up we have a beautiful red Leicester now I've had read less report not this particular one this is one of my favorites and it's not normally something that I see in Canada but maybe I just wasn't looking I don't know it's been a while since I've been there okay I forget red Leicester says from the award-winning tahvalli Creamery a rounded and mellow cheese with a nutty taste obviously from England from the Midlands hey how's it going I know we have people from Lobster cuz you guys comment all the time that I need to go visit their a not Kent I get it I'll get there eventually sometime oh my god it smells so good oh so good also I'm using the same knife for all of them so I hope that angers some people I hope it is you like I was saying before I dropped all the biscuits or the crackers or whatever you want to call these we need to talk about the pudding video real quick okay I thought it was a funny video I thought it was a good video that's why hosted it and people basically told me to kill myself because I didn't make the puddings homemade so just real quick just to let you guys know in case you're new here they eat this series is basically I just go to the shop and I buy some stuff and then I eat it that's that's the whole concept I'm not a cook and I don't want to be so I'm not looking to make things homemade I totally understand that homemade things are better but that's not what this is about if you were to move to Canada chances are you're not gonna make a homemade meal and homemade dessert every day you're probably gonna go to the store and you're gonna buy the crap that all the rest of us eat so that's all I want to do here I just want to eat the crap at the supermarket that's it okay so I'm really sorry that people got very upset like real upset like startling amounts of upsetness but that's just not this is just we're just eating the garbage at the grocery store that's it okay that's my two cents let's move on I'm dying to eat this piece of cheese okay I still stand by my statement right laughter is one of my favorites it's just like such a perfect cheese Leicester congratulations your I don't know if you can could you beat the goat cheese I said that goat cheese pretty high maybe a bit too high I'm gonna give the red Leicester okay so I read online that David Attenborough's from Leicester and I love I love him I love me some planners okay fantastic so I'm gonna give you the red Leicester 3.5 out of four Dave Ambrose just a solid solid cheese I dream about you at night and I think you're fantastic next up we have the Cornish cruncher extra mature cheddar so this bad boy I mean very small but that's all right comes to us from Cornwall which I can't pronounce properly and I'm so sorry so this one says it's from the David's style David Stone Creamery it's powerful and creamy with a distinctive rugged crunch which I can't say I've ever had a crunchy trap cheddar does that a thing and it's level seven extra mature so shout out to all the people in the southwest I generally want to go out there at some point maybe next summer I kind of feel like it's the time has kind of passed you know I don't I don't want to get rained on but maybe next summer you know head over maybe get some actual Cornish crunch or cheddar if I could ever get into it cheers to all the all the Cornwall Ian's do you guys you should call yourself that if you don't already I think that's fantastic that's really nice I mean it's definitely mature it's like it's like an old retired professor and he still wears the you know the shirt with patches and he smokes a cigar and he reads in a library with like a glass of whiskey like very mature he's an older gentleman and it fantastic that is really nice I definitely like a mature cheddar I don't want to say it's better than Leicester but I mean they're two different Leicester I could eat every day this I probably couldn't eat every day but I'll remember when I do eat it because it's that good mm-hmm but what does it deserve a rating and it definitely has like some sort of like like a crunch I don't know what that is or how you do that but it's fantastic and I am in love so apparently Cornwall had some pirates so that makes you guys like infinitely cooler already so I'm gonna give this Cornish cruncher six point five out of seven Cornish Pirates beautiful just absolutely beautiful next up we have just a general mild English cheddar this one specifically says made at an award-winning West Country Creamery so you know there's some mystery also it was reduced now they're trying to get rid of it so it was only 80 pence I will absolutely buy cheese when it is only 80 pence hell yeah so this one is strength too it just says mild and creamy best serving so why not mild English cheddar Cheers England okay so this one is it's okay it's actually really not my favorite I tend to go with the mature cheddar this like mild mild English cheddar it's fine I mean I'd never say no to cheese basically but this one's like not that exciting I'm gonna give this mild English cheddar mmm two out of five st. George flags it's only worthy of a - really it's okay I'm still gonna eat it anyway so it doesn't matter but mm-hmm not that exciting next up we're not even done yet we're not even close to being done next up is a creamy lenka sheer I hope I'm saying that properly I know we have people in Lancashire absolutely because you always remind me that you're from Lancashire hey how's it going I hope you have good cheese so this one says made at Butler's farmhouse dairy in Lancashire mild and creamy with a slightly open texture which I don't know what that means okay Lancashire your cheese is okay probably better than the mild English one but not by a lot yeah I mean it's definitely mild and creamy I still don't know what open texture means maybe because there's kind of like air pockets in it it's not that exciting so you know it's it's fine you're doing fine I bet you have a beautiful part of the country but this type of cheese is just okay I'm gonna give the creamy lenka Shearer 3 out of 6 Lancastrians is that how you guys say it that's what I mean you know what I mean three out of six it's perfectly average it's totally fine again I'm still gonna eat it but I'm not gonna dream about it later tonight basically next up we have our final cheat this one is special reserved traditional Yorkshire Wesley Dale I might have pronounced all of those words wrong and I'm so sorry so this one says handcrafted by the Wesley Dale Creamery hos Hoss in Yorkshire fuller flavor with sweet after notes I don't know if I've ever had this before so that's kind of interesting I have been to York before it was beautiful it rained but the people were very nice I drank too much and I forgot my camera at home so I have no pictures but from what I remember it was a beautiful city okay so on for six inspection inspection this cheese looks a little bit different nothing wrong with that and it is definitely like a triangle pyramid shape which is unique to the other cheese's so you've got that you know you're unique that's wonderful oh my goodness it absolutely crumbles see that tastes really different and I think maybe because it's sweet how do you make it sweet I don't know I don't know if I like that or not I'm I'm I'm unconvinced I don't know I don't know if I like the sweetness again I like myself a extra extra mature cheddar you know like that old man chatter this I'm not I mean I don't know I don't know maybe if it was in something absolutely but I think if like I'm just picturing I'm sat on the couch it's Sunday night I'm binge watching true crime murder documentaries I want to eat a whole thing of cheese what cheese do I go for do I go for this cheese probably not that's kind of my internal rating scale it I wouldn't go for this cheese if you guys remember Wallace and Gromit Wallace love some Wesley do buddy I don't know what you're thinking but it's not for me I'm gonna get it Wesley Dale three out of seven Wallace's while Wallace walleye Wallace is three out of seven it's just not for me but you got a wonderful part of the country and you should be really proud you know you got other things going for you okay we have sampled all the cheese I'm now 80% cheese but how do they compare I know some people get very angry at my rating scale I've had multiple two people tell me that I need to just stick to like one basic rating scale because that's the internet baby everybody's got an opinion but that's not how we do it on eat this and it never will be so now we get to just put these in order okay starting from the bottom the worst one out of the group can be cheese absolutely everywhere in addition to cracker crumbs started on the bottom I don't really like Wesley Dale I'm sorry I don't know why I just that's at the bottom a mild English cheddar is pretty boring but got awful so that's next then we're gonna go with Lang cashier again boring but not awful then we're gonna go with the Welsh ghost cheese really good really really good then we are left with the good old red Leicester and the Cornish cruncher and who wins well the winner has to be the Cornish cruncher that is so good and it's so strong and it's extra mature and I think it's fantastic you guys absolutely win down in the southwest just beautiful you guys that should be absolutely proud okay now that we have our winner the Cornish cruncher I'm gonna try a little cracker and Jersey butter with the Cornish cruncher just to see if it's as good as everybody says oh my goodness that's messy because this is not normally what I would do in Canada maybe I just had a boring life and I was never like exposed to this kind of stuff but here I am now I'm gonna take my favourite one with some butter Cheers to the people of Cornwall you have a beautiful cheese it's pretty good alright it's pretty good okay so I have to say I have to concede just a little bit the cracker the butter and the cheese is fantastic I've only ever had the cracker and the cheese I realize that I've been missing out I can accept that and I can apologize I have had a terrible upbringing and mom and dad if you're watching this what were you thinking so the Jersey butter wonderful Cornish this cheese just fantastic I'm just kind of going into a cheese coma at this point and I'm I'm not mad about it if you have an idea of like an eat this so I should do that doesn't involve cooking and won't make the people of the internet mad at me please let me know because I love doing this stuff and I'd love to eat so hey how's it going also here's a little side self-promotion if you want to see extra videos I post an extra video each week on my patreon so come hang out with us because there's a lot of cool stuff on there I promise definitely absolutely 100% as always thank you guys so much for watching and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Adventures and Naps
Views: 90,546
Rating: 4.9081483 out of 5
Keywords: Adventures and Naps, Alanna, British cheese, British food taste test, Canadian tries British cheese, Canadian trying British cheese, Eat This, british cheese, british cheese board, british food, canadian tries british cheese, cheese, cheese flavours, expat, foreigner tries british cheese, foreigner tries british food, life in England, living in England, living in england, living in the uk, local british cheese, taste test, trying different cheese
Id: gViiqRyTQ8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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