Can a foreigner make Welsh Rarebit? Probably not.

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hi everyone and welcome to the kitchen inhale just kidding it's my kitchen but we might as well be in hell because we're doing a cooking video for those of you who know me or don't know me rather my name is Alaina and I'm a Canadian living here in beautiful overcast England and today we are going to make a Welsh rarebit why because I hate myself Oh God now I have never had Welsh rarebit every time I see the title I think rabbit it's not rabbit but it might as well be I have never seen it made i watched half of a youtube video and i thought i'll figure out as I go along I am taking this particular recipe from and it is called the rare Welsh pit website which is down here which is where I'm looking thank you so much to Casey who brought up this beautiful website and she has a very specific recipe for rarebit which I'm going to follow now before we get started I have a really exciting announcement I'm gonna do another YouTube livestream so if you are watching this video like the day gets posted saves Tuesday hello I hope you're having a great Tuesday my livestream will be Thursday October 3rd at 7 p.m. local time here in England I think we're some British summer time if that matters I don't know so I'll be doing a livestream on Thursday I hope you can join us otherwise enjoy this mess so without further ado let's go now I have thrown my glasses because your girl can't see anymore but I am getting reflections off the window and all the rest of it and I'm really sorry but you're just gonna have to get over it now I had an order I like using online grocery places because I'm lazy and I ordered a bunch of stuff for this Welsh rarebit for people who don't know the it's kind of how I see it North America we have grilled cheese which is fantastic you can watch way back from my channel I did a grilled cheese video you can watch that one the British as a stereotype overall we'll do cheese on toast or a cheese toast feet and the Welsh said now we're gonna do something different and we're gonna call it rare bit because why not so it's basically the Welsh version of cheese on toast which is the British version of a grilled cheese it's bread and cheese goodness with the added bonus of beer worst dish sure sauce but you didn't think I could pronounce that one a and English mustard which I don't like but here we are anyway it's too late I also bought coolers powerful welsh cheddar and it has a really sad miner on the front so you can think about people dying in mine so while you eat their cheese nice alright let's do this I'm very nervous I'm sweating I am NOT a good cook but everybody on the Internet screams I need to do more cooking videos because y'all like laughing at my pain that's fine I'll make money off this video hopefully so you know smash that like button or whatever you do we need to mix all the business together in this beautiful Bowl so in the bowl we mix together grated cheese beer or ale melted butter worst asure sauce in the English mustard how difficult can that be very difficult if you're me so let's start with the cheese I have been dying to have this cheese cheese so much the funny thing about North America in the UK which I didn't realize in North America we do a lot of baking and cooking with cups so one cup of grated cheese or whatever but here we 250 grams of a cheese she says a Welsh don't I say this word care carefully works well I went for a Welsh chatter because I couldn't really find a whole lot else let's just go ahead and take a little bit of it shot with just a little taste test one of my favorite videos is that cheese taste test video that not a lot of people enjoyed Cheers YUM we need 250 grams of that oh my god well how's your day going good Oh somebody take this away from me I feel bad for people who are actually trying to find somebody make a decent rarebit and they found me hi I don't know what I'm doing you I don't know if you can see that it just crumbles excuse me so rather than um grating this cheese um it absolutely just falls apart in your hands so I'm literally breaking apart with my disgusting greasy fingers I hope you guys don't mind so with the live stream coming up I mean if you're watching this video old if you're watching this video old if you're watching this video in the future and the live stream has already happened I hope it went well I hope you saw it if you're watching this video on time I hope you enjoyed the live stream oh that's true bless this is a lot of cheese okay so we've got our 250 grams of a Welsh cheddar let me tell you chef kiss then you need 200 and set milliliters of ale or beer I went with don't know how to say that club win gold golden hoppy ale the tastes tropical fruit aromas followed by sweet malts and gentle hoppy bitter aftertaste brewed and Wales cheer as Wales how do I open it it would be rude not to mmm warm you know that's actually not that bad it is quite warm though because obviously I left it out but so we need 70 milliliters I think that might be a boat right but in my kitchen it doesn't matter just a little bit more mmm warm what do I expect okay then we need 20 grams of unsalted Welsh butter melted guess what I don't have that but I have this little block of Tesco salted butter with 100% British milk so surely that counts we need 30 grams of this can you tell that I've just spilt beer down my shirt Cheers okay so I've got some melted butter this is bit too much so we won't do all of it YUM now we need one and a half tablespoons of worse just sure sauce guess what I bought a whole bottle just for this just for you Wales I bet you nobody in Wales is even watching this why would you watch this if you from Wales you know how to make it or maybe you watch this simply because you know to make it and you want to make fun of other people who don't know how to make it alright this is a pretty big tablespoon but c'est la vie am i right okay what did I just say one and a half just about right that's what I always say that's about right and finally we need 1 tablespoon of English mustard Oh [Applause] Oh you taste it in the back ear throat you know where your nose in your throat connect when you smell English mustard we've got coleman's by the way if that means anything to anybody we need to smell it you taste it where your nose and your throat connect it's terrible so we want one teaspoon of this I actually found a more appropriate sized teaspoon so that's exciting just one look and then we just want to stir until thoroughly combined so I'll see you in a minute I think all that stirring deserves a drink mmm warm so some of the recipes I vaguely glanced over suggested making this concoction on the stovetop like really low heat which kind of makes sense because then the cheese like melts better because mine's still pretty chunky but to be honest I don't care so that's next up we need to cut thick slices of bread Oh actually before I do that my oven takes a million years to heat up so I'm gonna do that now technically you're just supposed to do it under the grill I'm not sure I know how to do the grill option okay so all right wasn't sure what kind of bread that I wanted to do and quite frankly I'll eat any kind of bread I love bread and I love cheese Bobby if you're listening please don't develop any in tolerances otherwise I'll kill myself this is one of my favorite times is unveiling the bread ready bread kiss so I got a sourdough because you know what I like sourdough and it doesn't matter about your opinion I'm sure there's lots of people screaming in the comments that I've done something wrong I've chosen the wrong bread and to you I say call your mother and tell your that you're so sorry you grew up the way that you did we want fairly big slices but we also need to toast them and I got a pretty small toaster so wish me luck we'll hit the airiness and the bubbles in that are you kidding me if this doesn't turn out I'm just gonna eat this on the couch with a big old tub of butter and you can't stop me yay or nay guess what it doesn't matter doesn't really fit does it the idea is we're gonna toast the bread slightly and I might have to flip it upside down and show it because I got a really small toaster so the bread is like a little bit crispy and then we put this mess on it we put it in the oven on the like real side so it melts a bit so the toasters are already crunchy it's just melting this mess sound good good okay so we got our toasted nice right I'm just gonna like let them cool down for a second so they don't get wet while that cools just the very very lightly I'm gonna have myself a little bit of a nub if you don't mind okay so we are supposed to put this what looks like baby vomit on to this what looks like actual bars of gold it does not look absolutely appetizing mwah so Casey on the website says to leave that under the grill for about five minutes just so the cheese and everything starts bubbling and starts really melting my oven is kind of funny so we're just gonna we're just gonna keep an eye on it while I have some nubs I also wanted to say a huge thank you to all my subscribers we're over 45,000 subscribers at the time of recording hopefully that doesn't go down because I would be embarrassing but thank you so much to everybody who subscribed and been here with me for however long I never imagined that a we'd have these kind of subscribers or I would have a patreon or I would be doing YouTube live streams like this is all very foreign to me and I just I appreciate you thank you Cheers if you are able to come to the Thursday livestream seven pm that'd be cool I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do yet but it will just be me live and greasy yay or nay so mine are still a little bit bumpy because I didn't fully shred the cheese thin enough because when it comes to cheese I'm impatient just put it in my mouth but otherwise I'm pretty happy with how it's looking it's basically a cheese on toast with a little bit of extra in it no offense to Wales I'm sure you worked really hard making this recipe okay y'all can't even see hold on how's that this never really works out it's just you know what I look like I've already used that joke before Cheers I'll tell you what it's not bad you can definitely taste like a bit of a mustard II aftertaste you get that worse desert worth just your search worst your search worst ressure sauce taste as well it's more of like a Tangier version of cheese on toast and to be honest I just want the cheese but now that I've started it's really hard to stop so that is my Welsh rarebit first attempt probably only attempt is it better than cheese on toast no he definitely has its own flavor it's not a bad flavor I just don't really like a mustard kind of thing happening in my mouth personal preference that's all but I hope you enjoyed watching me make this basically that's all this video was wasn't it thank you so much for 45 plus subscribers if you're watching this when this first goes out I hope you join me for my YouTube livestream on Thursday if this is an old video you stumbled upon just forget that last thing that I said and I hope you try some Welsh rarebit in the future if you haven't and if you're already yelling at me in the comments because I didn't do it properly such as life as always thank you guys so much for watching and until next time bye
Channel: Adventures and Naps
Views: 30,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventures and Naps, foreigner makes Welsh Rarebit, cooking fail, Welsh rarebit recipe, living in Wales, trying to make Welsh food, American tries Welsh food, American tries cooking Welsh food, welsh rarebit, welsh rabbit recipe, uk food recipes, foreigner makes welsh rarebit, adventures and naps, trying to make welsh food, wales, welsh rarebit recipe, canadian tries welsh food, british food taste test, cheese on toast, british food, cooking british food, welsh food
Id: powNsDm2a2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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