ForeFlight Flight Plan to Avidyne IFD540 | Dynon SkyView HDX Screen Swap in Flight | MooneyM20C

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey folks welcome back to the channel so uh what is today's agenda we're gonna run up to columbia county early in the morning beautiful skies it's severe uh vfr today and uh a couple questions i'm gonna show how easy it is to i'm gonna stay right here get out of the sun uh we're gonna stay here for a second get the ipad to cooperate here we go um how to send your um flight plan to the ifd 540 it's very from fourth flight it's very easy but first of all it's out of these screens here [Music] i will get some heat going on a little bit here [Music] so on your ipad go to settings and see if it's still in here or not and i have the transponder hooked up so i'm going to go to once it comes in here go to your wi-fi settings you'll see lio underscore wi-fi that's the ibiddine so we'll hit that now we're connected to the avidyne uh not the transponder right now but we're connected to the avidyne and all you do is you basically you go to foreflight here i hope you guys can see it's a little difficult we're going to go to kmgj and one bravo one one be one okay there's a flight plan it shows everything okay there's your budget the lines we're going direct there's no reason to go uh do all these different routes so but we'll go to 3 500 we'll put that in there so there's our flight plan all you got to do is you got this little plane here little symbols to the left to the right of it all you do is you hit that and it's going to say load from the panel which means that you can put a flight plan in here if you had a you know co-pilot do whatever and you want to put it to the ipad or the foreflight all you do is load from panel so this will come here uh to the forefly app you want to send it to the panel send to panel and send the flight information to the panel okay it's done all you're gonna do is you go to your um fms button here you go over to route and right there is our route uh that was our route a couple days back but mgj to one bravo one all you gotta do it's already highlighted just hit activate route and there everything comes alive so the sky views there's a magenta on the sky view your magenta line on the hsi on the map and if you go to map on the ifd there is your direct line to one bravo one it's pretty easy so now if you made changes on here okay let's say you want to go you know a pop-up ifr or whatever uh go to a fix whatever you want to do you can put it in the you know go under procedures and put whatever you want to put in here and then you could go back to that button and then submit it to the ipad from the panel so that's pretty cool there that's how you do that pretty easy it's really really easy to do and just wait for the wi-fi took a couple minutes to load up there but there you go and then we go back to the transponder under settings and then you'll have the weather and all that fun stuff and traffic on your ipad in the air we don't need that we'll put that over here and we're going to columbia county one bravo one flight the you know uh the out is in there and it's going direct it's pretty easy i mean you know if i was going on a far trip somewhere um when i'm home looking at the weather looking at the traffic oh look at the traffic you can actually look at traffic on home with the wi-fi on uh that's pretty cut that's pretty cool um but you could do your whole flight plan at home uh and then when you get to the airplane i'll make sure there's no you know obviously check the next day if there's no uh um gfrs and whatnot make sure but that night you could do all the information before you come to the airport in the morning but all stored in your ipad on the foreflay app that you have or whatever you use um and you just set it to the panel and boom it's all right there for you and if you if it is an ifr flight plan you put it in send it you know atc says go direct to a fix know that's cut you know cut your course off so it saves you some time what you do is you go to the plan and ifd here just go direct to that point and you're good so it's pretty easy okay we're taxiing listen to the weather probably looks like it's calm let's see what it says orange county airport montgomery new york automated weather observation one one two one zulu wind two three zero at zero three visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature all right we'll use two two um that wood stocks are not even moving but we'll use two two and then we'll get flight following in the air it's taxi on down the two two here in orange county it used to be two one three uh they made it longer and uh they switched it up a little bit to uh two two and four let's see here it's in the run-up area we're gonna go here we're gonna get some full just a nice nice morning early flight it's 7 25 in the morning this beautiful day and we're just going to go up there and have some fun it's just across country too it's 52.4 miles uh from orange county one bravo one i will put that in the book for close across carl's country [Applause] okay handy-dandy checklist time it's over here and we're going to do the run-up do all that fun stuff already walked around sub the tanks no water in the tank so i did have it out in the rain the other day uh to do something in the hangar uh but i used a rain water to kind of wash the plate up a little bit it looks look nice and get right back to you folks do the checklist time okay the checklist is complete so now we're all in knots here so i got i always check make sure that we're on the right rotation speed used to be 70 miles per hour 60 knots um and then the vy is 87 it's 100 so i have the 100 set over here just as a reminder and then we're going to cruise up okay checklist complete we will put that away listen to the weather for the altimeter one one two four zulu wind two three zero at zero three visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature minus zero three celsius dew point minus zero four celsius altimeter three zero three eight remarks okay three zero three zero three eight orange county airport montgomery new york automated today i'm gonna put over standby one one two three zero three eight wind calm visibility one zero sky condition clear i said what did you hear that folks i said just just dew point i could use for go straight out celsius that's right altimeter three zero three i'm gonna do one one thirty two seven five thirty two seven five as new york approach orange county airport montgomery new york automated weather observation one one two five zulu wind calm visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature minus zero three celsius dew point minus zero four celsius altimeter three zero three eight remarks density altitude okay so we're going to use two two let's get out of here we got flat 15 we've got landing lights on um anti-collision light is on the strobes are on a fuel pump coming on very shortly we're good we're trimmed make sure it's full rich prop is full forward and carpet is in the cabin heat is out this is a little chilly at 28 degrees outside oh it's going to be a nice smooth morning hopefully look we're gonna go up to 3500 and order chinese traffic anybody short base and final two to everything's clear at a johnson bar here we're good to go orange high traffic booty eight seven members taking a 2-2 for the departure all right for further services click your microphone for an advisory okay line up here no pumps coming on your trim nothing's in the way the johnson bar they're all in the green foreign [Applause] all right full power is it airspeed's alive about 50 knots i'm looking for 60 and 60 rotate [Music] oh trip down a little bit here and the gear coming up the gears up a lot look out for birds pull the power back now just to the neighbors a little happy even though they moved by the airport we will make them happy pull the prop back in the power back a little bit 25 25 in orange county traffic booty has right crosswind for orange okay flats can now come up perfect laughter up gear is indicated up we got up on the panel up on the dyno here and the carpet 52 degrees nice turnout traffic everybody's turning right downwind now for uh four corrections orange county will be the partner pattern to the north okay looking good okay our course heading is zero four zero put that in we'll get situated here and we'll go uh we'll hit direct enter enter and we're going to 3500. looking good all right i'll get we'll get five following over at uh new york here the nose down a little bit a fuel pump can come off the hang light can come off over to new york 3275 give it a couple seconds before we talk over anybody in new york good morning moody 6 8 8 7 november request [Applause] november sir just departed orange county climbing through 2800 for 3500 requesting flight following 2-1 bravo 1. and what else did you go into uh 3500 today sir and november 8 7 november squawk three three one one and ident three three one one here comes the flash for eight seven maintain one seventh out okay we identity three three one one we're going to three thousand five hundred or level off november you're out of contact seven miles northwest of stuart 3400 altimeter three zero three niner three niner for eight seven member thank you okay we're set with new york and what they're gonna do is give us to albany let's trim down we'll pull the power back we're cruising along here we've got a little bit of a tailwind that highway in the sky is alive and we'll put the mixture number two sierra pop contact boston one three four point three three four point three two three possibly okay we're on the green we are all set the gear is up flaps are up we are clean let's put this display full look at the map here everything's looking good i don't see any traffic we got flight following out of new york thank you guys for that always give atc a lot of props dealing with everything that's going on we're looking good now uh we're gonna anticipate going to obviously albany uh switch over so i kind of forgot what that is what frequency is which i should know by now but it is what it is so i would have put in one bravo one anyway um i think it's in here under a recent bravo one it is in the calm so uh what anticipate 32 825. i'll put in the standby what does it hurt if they change they change it okay so and then uh approach november 712 papa 5 500. hey [Music] and sl30 on the standby and all we got to do is we highlighted it here as you can see and we're going to tune the comm now flip it right here into standby on the sl30 which is right here and then all you got to do is you can just flip it and you're done skyview dynon did a good job sinking that which is perfect [Music] we're cruising along here pretty good beautiful day out here at the mountains off to our left rickshaw 341 near departure direct carmel vor direct recce 341 climb maintain one seven thousand [Applause] oh ground speed here 446 knots we're at 73 power and richer peak uh burning about 10 gallons an hour 10.5 i can leave it a lot more if i wanted to but i just changed the oil so we'll uh won't make it too hot i'll throw it near departure fighting three quickly i know it sounds weird like what are you talking about you could do that i don't know 341 contact boston so atc is not too busy this morning on a tuesday morning early i can see new york city clear day a little bit of haze here and there nothing crazy let's get back down a little bit to 3500 so i did was i did keep the backup uh on miles per hour i like a cross reference i've been flying miles per hour for 12 13 years so i'm so used to miles per hour but it's just my little back up of a of a checking myself with my knots so it's all right as you can see the skyview hdx they got a 10 inch here and a 10 inch on the uh co-pilot side well basically our true air speed's 142 we're 137. the ground speed is 151 knots uh we got 11 11 gallons in the right tank 17 in the left um 16 in the left now and 23.2 over 24 7 and we're burning about 10 gallons 10.8 10.7 gallons an hour i can bring it way back if i wanted to get under uh nine probably and owner temperatures [Music] you got three one three uh three seventeen three two ninety six that's that's pretty good and three twenty one direction and i got the uh gts about 15 29 14 20 13 16 and then uh 1302 i could probably get leaning out a little more if i wanted to that one is good that worst one is always the hottest one and that's what i go by off of uh lena peak um and or richard peak and or i can go to the menu and go to engine tools i can do lead right here and do it that way so i do get a couple of questions on can you swap screens so for example if i was with a co-pilot a long trip and i want to give him this screen because how i have it configured right now is man it's beautiful out here i can't believe it i haven't configured right now if i go when i do full screen this screen is my pfd this is everything right here that i need i like it full screen okay if i want to go to display november contact albany approach 132.82 [Applause] 32.828.7 member good day sir okay i was right 32 82. listen for a few seconds oh benny approach dakota 6919 mike just off of connecticut 2000 for six point five six nine one niner mike albany departure identity opportunity three zero three six six albany good morning sir muni is with you three thousand five hundred twenty six eight eight seven november albany approach good morning three zero three six three six eight seven member thank you go to one niner mike radar contact two miles northwest of the connecticut airport all the maps number three zero three six so two thousand seven hundred if you go to i go to maps here i have half screen or you know i can take out the waypoints here and my engine monitoring which is the cylinder temperatures uh battery voltage and whatnot i can make it bigger if i wanted to that's my ifr map below here um so like that's how i have it configured my full screen is is this okay on the copilot side my full screen is all the maps so it's basically like having this ipad right here okay like i used to have before i was on the yoke last time um heading over to hudson river shortly here nice again a beautiful morning and if i go to display and i go to pdf that's the half and half so half and half so now everybody's saying well can you flip that can i make this to full screen and full screen and now i have it on the co-pilot screen on this side so if i go to one display and full i got maps on my side i have everything on that side pfd oh yes you can so it's again it's a it's a it's uh it's a great system i have no complaints over to skyview hdx at all it's just very friendly user friendly update it yourself it's it's very user friendly nothing bad enough to say about it whatsoever uh yeah so you can flip it now pop it back go to display you want to swap the screens back and there you have it we're back to square one so there you have it you can do it and it's pretty easy now let's see if we get the weather over at uh columbia uh not yet oversaid 23.5 nine minutes um that's it gives you your local time there i prefer descending about uh 15 miles out or so hoping to go straight in switch tanks we're going to switch tanks oh actually look what i got i tried out so one of my followers said hey always bending over like we all do uh changing your tanks on these planes taking your seat belt off how they do it or your shoulder harness off try this so i'm going to try it that's how easy it is all right that was pretty easy just dine on screens that's how you sync your your flight plan to uh ifd 540 and that's how you swap screens between copilot and pilot side if you uh do it that way one night the traffic is now one o'clock and four miles south eastbound cherokee five thousand five hundred dollars november now traffic's eleven o'clock and three miles westbound five thousand dakota looking november i actually could see the airport very so slightly right now i know what to look for in the hudson river here and i know where to go with cross reference over to the already airport is and albany uh mooney remember requesting you send to my destination sir eight seven november via prop suit your discretion minus question three thank you okay so let's go down to 25 okay pull the power back a little bit at a time now what the moonies is i like to start my depending out of course depending on what altitude you're at without the 8 500 i'll start my decent 30 miles out because you got to do it because it's just it comes down so fast and you don't want to over speed you don't want to especially as turbulent air you don't want to over speed so you start pulling the power back a little at a time and uh because the moonies are very sleek airplanes 15 miles out i'm going to start my descent now i'm not that high i'll let's hit the 25 2500 and go to information over here and 1200 is their traffic pattern altitude at one bravo one the weather now the weather is down oh put the lane light on a fuel pump not yet got the right frequency in i'm pretty positive the 33525 information uh coms uh um aywas three three five two five yeah okay well sometimes they don't work let's say we get a little closer maybe all right looking good right now [Music] 13 miles out a little power back a little bit more airports in sight and albany eight seven a member we can cancel with you sir remember page seven november roger radar services terminated squawk cfr efficiency exchange proof have a good day squad before continuing to prove that they start taking help okay so let's do the vfr done okay so airport's in sight i'm just trying to figure out what runway to use uh nice they could use three but if we took off those winds were calm in orange county we took off uh we first did our weather it was favoring uh 2-2 1200 hey columbia county traffic good morning moony member is 10 miles out to the southwest to be inbound for landing let me account uh let's get the weather now automated weather one one five one zulu [Applause] minus four altimeter three zero three nine nine you know entering the pattern doing all this stuff and people like to you coming straight in whatever you know i like to make sure no one's in the traffic pattern um unless unless you're practicing or shooting an approach and all that fun stuff obviously but i like to um you know do the pattern if there's people in the pattern uh you know 35 or whatever i have to do to get into the pattern um if no one's flying in the pattern no one's coming in you know or they're on their uh traffic pattern doing the 45 or midfield left down whatever they're at i i go into the pattern if there's nobody doing anything i go straight in so that's what i typically do at 12 000 feet or 12 thousand twelve thousand feet is traffic powder mountain here at columbia county oh it's twelve hundred twelve hundred feet and we're looking good airport's in sight let's get a little more slow here in my in seven seconds to the runway with the sky view or the ifd ifd is telling what to do and columbia county traffic the looney is on a five mile final for runway three columbia county so perfect a nice perfect slow down runway is in sight landing light is on we got the fuel pump coming on now we are going to air is coming down gas undercarriage is locked mixture is full rich nice and easy no rushing around here and properly come in full forward okay so we're looking good i got two whites over reds already now let's turn in gas undercarriage mixture prop and watch our speed and we'll throw in two flaps and trim up they're looking perfect at the runway coming in at the synthetic vision on the sky view here and we'll slow down a little bit more we're looking pretty good coaching altitude we're approaching traffic pattern altitude then we'll go down to uh 500 is your decision altitude here okay there we go down to 500 now looking good one more type of trim and one more bump of flaps looking for 70 knots over the fence here one more trim and we'll go ahead and put full flaps in now we're flaps full flaps are in looking good at columbia county traffic moon eights in november is now on a short final for three it'd be a full stop we'll be counting good morning we're looking good we're at 70 knots looking good 500 good 500 feet above the ground nice nice smooth morning we got the speeds are perfect okay we have the gases on undercarriage mixture prop full flaps we'll watch our speed seat belts are on we're approaching coaching minimums approaching minimums 200 feet to go we're a little high we're going to correct for that pull the power back and one more notch of a trim here and pull the power back we're at knife speed minimums okay minimums looking good runways at night we can pull the power back a little bit more we're looking for so bird off for our wing okay 65 knots looking good perfect speeds coming in let's get down to 60 knots looking good there and the air runaways in sight or we can make runway we'll pull the power back to idle and let's bring her right in here is down one more check of the gear down and let her oh perfect all right we'll take that one no don't use brakes so go all the way down there until the other turn off that's it columbia county runway three nice easy flights and eventful the fuel pump can come off and i'll pull the mixture out a little bit that's basically it we are at columbia county and we're gonna get some fuel uh get some coffee then head back to orange county because i'm flying with my friend brian and his comanche 250 don't know where we're going yet but we'll figure it out all right folks well thank you so much for flying along uh reminder it uh the flying event at orange county airport that i'm putting on is june 12th about 120 planes-ish registered um it should be a good time some vendors i got some things going on i'm not still working on far this person who flies in to the event it gets a free case of oil for aviation oil outlets thank you guys for sponsoring that um and work on a couple other sponsors and we're gonna have a good time check out the website pilotfun also my facebook is the event page for the flying check that out i comment on their discussion side of it everybody's on the same page and the diagram will be coming out shortly where the park will have people helping you guys park and have a good day for the family and the rain day is the 13th that sunday we're hoping not to use that day because everything is planned for saturday um it should be a great time hope to see you guys there what i'm doing folks subscribe to the channel i appreciate that as well and facebook i don't know how facebook keeps taking off um but just this morning over 31 000 people uh follow me on facebook uh thank you so much for that brought the fuel pumps 422 a gallon went up like uh that much but aviation fuel is going up all right guys until next time fly safe be safe and i'll see [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: PilotFun101
Views: 20,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foreflight, mooney m20c ranger, mooney, flight, orange county airport, new york airport, flight training, singe engine airplane, pilotfun101, family fun, aviation family fun, air traffic control, aviation, flight school, flight instruction, walk around, L3 Transponder, N6887N, filmmaker, goprophotography, megaplane, instaaviation, aviation life, airplane lovers, gopro, bose aviation, dynon avionics, dynon, avidyne, aopa, eaa, ga flying, what is ga flying
Id: yA06kFX8LME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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