Ford Tractor Collection in Bristol, SD Sells at Auction Tomorrow - Gary & Linda Anderson

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hey folks machine repeat here i'm out on the road in bristol south dakota today ran into my good friend allen henslin with henslin auctions here and alan thank you for giving me the heads up on a really really unique sale you guys have coming up it's july 15th is that right yep thursday july 15th at 10 o'clock am greg thanks for coming out to bristol uh we're selling a very very unique uh ford uh collector tractor auction uh for some great great folks uh in the in the bristol area but uh linda um we're selling for linda anderson her husband gary passed away not that long ago just an honor to be out here and you're gonna see uh later on in this video some excellent excellent uh unique tractors that we're going to be selling yeah i was looking at your website alan and wow you guys do an awesome job with pictures out there just uh if you like four tractors folks we got a story to tell you here and again we feel bad that it was circumstance for gary passed last fall but uh uh you you took me off allen and said gary and linda had followed machine repeat our tv show a little bit so we wanted to come out so gary and linda [Music] just whenever the shows were on so linda's uh absolutely ecstatic to have you here and we know that gary's with us today and um yeah it's an honor to have you here and it's an honor for us to be here to do the sale for them and quite a sign out front linda was mentioning that over the years uh this has caused a lot of semis driving by to stop and uh inquire about the four they're tractors known around the area for for having unique items so it's it's like i said before it's just going to be an honor all right well let's let's go meet linda and get a look at those four tractors all right folks i want to introduce you to linda anderson here uh linda this is a sale for your husband gary had passed away last fall and you guys had spent a lifetime collecting ford tractors and i love your shirt by the way that's fantastic and folks i let me pan around linda and show their beautiful barn in the background with the ford sign just fantastic now linda uh we wish was a different circumstance so we were here today but uh thank you so much for the invitation to be here and see your tractors um and you have quite a record that you have kept over the years as you and gary were collecting your tractors if we can get in close can you tell us about the book linda our youngest son put this together okay we gave him the information of course sure and we are very proud of it so each tractor had its own little record it it tells where we bought it how much we bought it for the serial numbers and so on and linda how far back did you and gary start collecting four tractors i i think as soon as we got married he taught me how to drive one of the four tractors oh sure sure and uh and you guys both grew up right in this bristol south dakota area yes i wanted to uh say he i i did the digging okay and he did the seating oh sure and he ate my dust he entered the field so that tractor i know right and you were telling me linda that gary he basically grew up driving four tractors a ford family since he was five years old five years old okay very cool well that is an impressive book linda a lot of love went into uh compiling that now can we go into your your beautiful uh shed here and get a look at your four tractors okay awesome and we have some friends here folks uh come on over here gang we gotta introduce some some of linda's friends hey guys come on over here quit looking at that tractor and come over here okay on the far left here we have greg anderson and greg you've not a family no but you've been helping out on the farm here for my life okay yeah awesome and this is uh a nephew lance anderson lance anderson and lance your son landon okay and you guys live just up the road here down the road so when i was driving in and that versatile tractor i saw a front that was your guys tractor's there too nice pretty much so forth country here and next we have this is john horter folks you maybe know john he is the owner inventor of the rock block we've done some it's a fantastic uh invention john and you reached out on twitter told me about your neighbor's uh sale here thank you so much for the heads up we appreciate it my pleasure and to john's left we have jerry royce yes jared and how do you spell that last name r-o-i-t-s-c-h a good german yeah write me a couple checks you'll remember we'll do that jerry and a good family friend of the year okay and you did you help gary with some of the tractors over the years oh yeah okay so we're gonna do a little walk and talk here guys and just feel free anybody to you know what you want to mention now gosh we're starting off with a demonstrator here linda yes that golden is a demonstrator model and that's a 971 is that okay i don't see a ton of those it's a selector speed yeah it's a beautiful tractor and now right next to it this is an interesting one uh what do you know about this this tractor linda well this is a air force tote or tug a tug and one time when we took it up to the mall in aberdeen the lake lakewood mall oh wait a minute you took it up to the mall you drove it to the mall no we we hauled it to the mall okay gotcha was it a tractor show up there yes okay cause i was gonna say if you just drove it to the mall to get some cookies or something no no no it's beautiful anyway there was a young whippersnapper uh close by and he was staring at it yeah and he said my grandma used to drive one just like that was in the air force nice and she hauled planes around well it's a cool piece of history isn't it where did you buy it from where did it come from black river falls wisconsin that one came down okay now folks let me do let me first just do a little pan all around the shed here because this shed if you love ford no don't run away guys you stay in the shot there look at this unbelievable fantastic and again go up and go to fantastic pictures there and again the auction is july 15th but linda let's uh continue down the line here now we have a pair of uh ford since here forts and majors yeah they the these are the oldest tractors we have okay um and they're the only ones with the magneto okay and um these were made in england yes and everything's backwards on them it was quite a challenge when gary first got got him to run you know the key goes the other way the gears are different european headaches jerry pardon european headaches if they were german made that would have been nice and yeah there you go okay well yeah they're uh they got a little electric hookup on the back it must have been for trailers or carts whatever they did very cool cool cool looking tractors now the next tractor linda did did you tell me that that is the tractor you learned how to plow with the middle one the middle one okay are these all three six thousands here you gonna start it up for us oh horn yeah there you go go backwards yep but it's pretty unique pretty unique sound to it very cool so you have three six thousands here okay well these are beautiful linda and again you the middle one you learn to plow on one just like what do you remember about those when you were learning to plow those early days i remember the comfort covers and i don't know i was cold you were called yes my mother was babysitting now linda just a question here all these didn't like going uphill bringing it too far off the ground uh yes correct what uh i should ask linda you and gary over the years how far did you guys go to find these tractors like what's the farthest you went to buy one i think probably knew paris indiana oh you visited our our good friend uh the polk auction out there dennis and jeff yeah good folks yeah very cool gary went to buy one tractor and he bought two well that's a good trip isn't it come on with it with an extra ah did didn't auggie and mesa buy him one out of california yeah but we didn't go there no alcindor california there's where one country came from california okay okay that was the last one you got right there wasn't it a single front one of the last one okay okay now we've got some unique tractors here folks uh boy this one will go 40 miles an hour down the road not not with me driving not you linda who no who in this group would drive at 40. lance would would land my son would land push it even more landon would you drive that thing 40 sure that a boy not a boy just wear your crash helmet uh now this the 841 with tracks man that is a unique tractor have you have you guys owned this one quite a while linda oh about 10 20 years okay and what do you know you know much about the tracks or guys jerry do you do you know where i had to work no i know about the other one not though okay yeah there's another one on tracks over here folks in eight in back uh at the end of the second row but uh boy you want a unique tractor right there selling july 15th that's beautiful front wheel assist rear tracks i think gary added the duals on the front i don't think it i don't think it came that way did it linda it did come with the jewels no he added them on the front and he put he put on the tracks the track tracks himself very cool does it get muddy out here in uh eastern south dakota often well it hasn't for a long time but once in a while could use a little rain i'm hearing but uh about 97. yeah okay well there we go and then we got a little fourth uh 4 000 here yeah this baby is priscilla you named this one priscilla now why did you name it priscilla linda it just came it just was a good name and she did a lot of work mowing mowing priscilla with mull and what priscilla have a good temperament yes she she's tried and true she's tried and true there you go folks you can buy priscilla ford four thousand good mowing tractor now look at this not something i run across every day an ultra high crop this actually is my most unfavorite why is that linda because it's up there so high you have a little fear of heights huh and it's my great grandson drake's favorite oh his favorite okay how old is is is young mr drake he'll be 10 june 17. oh boy wow while this 3 600 ultra high crop folks again just don't see many and look at that condition you do you by chance remember where you guys found that one linda i don't know it's hard to remember when you have this many isn't it the history on all of them but another unique tractor right behind it yes and that one we got at dennis fox auction so i came out of indiana our friend dennis the offset 2000 beautiful that's fantastic now as we turn the corner here a couple more 2000s a couple of decks yeah and linda 62 and one's at 63. that's all linda can you can you just talk a little bit about when you and gary would go out you'd see one available at an auction or something the just the fun of going out we had friends we had friends tell us i saw one in cortland kansas i think you need to buy so we as your collection grew the word of mouth grew about four tractors yes okay now how did you decide which ones to pursue and did you did you have ones you were specifically looking for or just kind of have no we wanted them all different okay unusual sure something he didn't have something something unique and he was on the hunt jerry do you do you have uh what memories you have of gary in this collection uh did you have favorites uh ones that were toughest to work on uh well the the jubilees though and and then the demonstrator models the gold ones yeah boy that was really something because they had the extra chrome and then the color yeah those are those are beautiful aren't they just beautiful are you a ford guy jerry i i have a couple ford gotcha just the fact that you didn't have all forts didn't stop you from coming to help did it and who in this area around bristol here uh who would have been the four dealer going way back you guys remember oh you say well probably uh groton uh rock what was it then went to webster and then uh okay well didn't didn't they they were the ford dealer you got bowls and bowls and sauer yeah they started they were yep they were everything back so they were selling cars too and like a main street dealership swathers and yeah they sold everything right back in the day when small towns had three four five dealerships each right yeah i used to work for them you did you did they wasn't sour then that was years before that greg you're just you should have put a blue shirt on today not a green i got a day one i got a blue coating it's a little it's a little warm here today we won't make you put the blue coat on drag on it it says ford on it now i like that very cool and then later how far is it to clark i mean that's where you'd get a lot of parts uh wholesome got a lot of parts but they're they're closed down aberdeen and later times in watertown you guys would get the parts you needed to work on the tractors okay got harder and harder to get the parts yeah that's uh oh you are most of them online you know sure or he had special some special what was them companies he had a who was the guy up in canada yeah a guy in canada good source and reasonably priced for ford parts for four parts okay he would meet us in my knot okay girl going to college there sure well what do we have next year down the line linda a single friend single front i like those eight and linda i i gotta share this i told you the story about eight ends i sucked up at down deer we are at a true ford collector uh place here folks look at that sucked up did you guys ever own a john deere linda no no you're greenless well uh the little ones sure sure uh very cool very cool uh how about back in the corner here what do we have we have some majors majors made in england yes was it uh did gary talk about um those english-made fords that he liked in particular for any reason linda well i don't know but i used to call him the old maids the old maids i was sure his dad was talking about the old maids and finally i realized it was old major i cultivated corn with a two row corn with one of those nice nice some of these are four cylinders that one is a six cylinder this one okay and the majors are the most dependable factor but they'll they always start they always go and never have hardly any trouble do you know anything about this is a six cylinder i think oh it's this one this one you got this fully restored okay and i don't remember where but it's it's elongated hmm fall into that that's a good question the tractors that you guys bought were most of them in this condition or did you guys work on them gary worked on them when he could okay he painted them he did everything on them but rheumatoid arthritis got the best of them sure very difficult it's kind of still in business a repair shop and home quest uh harlan marty and felix spearing okay uh they worked on if anything was wrong if he couldn't fix it he took it in and they fixed it when and then he'd take him a lot of you know if he didn't paint him he'd have uh in webster brian center painter and when he brought him back they were 100 i mean he had tractors the three point if it didn't work that he'd get that guy in canada he'd get everything it was defect you know even if he was never going to use the three-point it worked and greg now you i'm trying to remember did you mention that if you told gary you needed a battery yeah if i told him the battery would bring back three and if that called him needs a fuel petcock you order three he did everything by three he just got three of everything he just wanted to be prepared or is that the best deal buying three no i wouldn't just like to get three you like get extra john as a neighbor uh with gary and his tractors what did you have some good conversations with them over the years oh yeah as long as you talked about four tractors you were fine i mean i'm kind of a john deere guy so i had to bite my tongue out yeah but the thing that i always have an impression about is so all these tractors we pulled them all out on tuesday and got them all out and running we never washed any of these i mean this is the way they sit i mean wow everything that gary and linda ever have is in great condition their yard is always perfect right you know so that's you know everything is just so nice and well taken care of so that's that's what i always remember kind of goes right out to that sign out front the pride of ownership right exactly right and linda what would you say to that to gary's and you're always having to have everything just just just i think he's going a bit overboard well i know john a little bit john a lot of work to keep it yeah nice we're always picking up branches and yeah you guys just wanted your tractors to to be right and look right right very cool all right well let's keep going to oh another 6 000 here now this one there's a little story on this one linda yes where did you find it crosby north dakota okay um it was painted blue okay and here he got excited but he saw scratched a little saw a little red paint and he knew it was a 62 okay which was 11. and his dad had gotten this tractor or a one just like it sure when um he went to college okay and he said i'm gonna quit college and go home and run that tractor i'm not gonna let any hired men run that time nice so finding this one had some good memories for gary then oh yeah i i prayed and prayed that he could get him running because it wouldn't run and he got it running yes and he was like a kid with a new toy wow very cool driving around just like when he was 18 huh very cool it's a beautiful tractor and linda the blue or the red when it comes to ford you like both colors or love them both yeah gold even yellow even gold now right now next door no am i right linda the next traction line is your all-time favorite yes very unique one here folks don't see many of these a county super six and you found this one from a well-known ford collector in minnesota is that correct that is correct okay well this one gets bonus points linda because i'm from minnesota so there you go but no that's a very good tractor now did you describe driving it as dusty or who yes i did with the front tires like that it's fun to drive there's a lot of power there but there's dust rolling too so a wet day might be a little better huh right we'll knock down that dust and would you take this to uh local shows or anything or oh yeah and over threshing the where was that held 10 miles down the road every year what town andover andover in uh labor day weekend yes the weekend after labor day well check that out the weekend after that threshing show in andover and they're featuring ford this year they are featured there you go very cool well again uh i don't see many of those linda did you drive this tractor much no i didn't actually but you had you and gary um you had been looking for one for quite a while a county no um or just happened upon it russell johnson from minnesota yeah he just i don't know he talked tractors with that yeah yeah well it is beautiful makes someone a great tractor i just dusted him off and tapped him and held the charger now did you have his lefties right lefty he was left okay now on when it came to the purchases linda did you guys team decision did you have to sign off or did you have to tell gary to buy more you were always poking him to buy another one or how did that work out i was pretty much poking him yeah you wanted another one i like to drive the fords very cool another 2000 here yeah and this one uh low center of gravity this was a like a golf course track here maintenance yes okay yeah he's got the more out there gain more okay for golf course there you go okay now what's the story with the next one here linda well was this a neighbor that nope actually we didn't know the guy from um 24 miles north from britain jamie carlson gave this tractor to gary and it didn't run it was back in the trees and his wife wanted it out of there yep and the story is jamie could remember when he and his grandma went to the hardware store and bought a gallon of paint and brushed it on and so that's why it looks the way it does it seems just the way it is well we all age don't we it's uh but it's running good i suppose uh folks all over knew that you guys were ford collectors you helped i put we put uh points in it all new wire a new wiring harness on it new carburetor and a new intake yeah and got it running and you tell us well yeah they have these tires we put the boards on it the board the board to set boards on so that was good what was that now a little different uh job for for you guys there given it wasn't in you know super duper conditioned but still kind of fun to work on way where it came around yeah he didn't want it fixed it up nice brought it back to life yeah very cool okay linda a five thousand we have a super major that's also made in england yup you guys have quite a number from from overseas now linda we're going to stop here and look up a little bit this ford tractor sign is just awesome and that is also selling on the auction yes okay now did you say you found that at a sale in minnesota just south of the cities south of twin cities okay you know how long you had it uh probably 10 20 years 10 10 years wow it is way cool that'll be uh we were always going to put a hole so you could see it from the road we never got that done well i don't know that is double-sided too yep double-sided lights up just like double-sided neon folks very very cool very cool and again go to henslin you check out pictures on all these tractors and uh what a 981 here linda that's also selected select those speed yeah yeah and then we move on down to a 541 offset yeah sharp looking tractor on this one you should should notice the step okay is isn't this a buggy step yes he has a buggy stepped on the out of him because let's he saw one on a tractor somewhere and after that he bought every buggy step he could find huh there you go and put them on right inside yeah there you go and more tracks linda i think i i remember seeing jerry drive that one through water yep um i think he bought the tracks at andover the fashion deal you know when they had their annual sale and it was quite an episode to get them on and then one track was missing a few links and that's when he went on the hunt and i think that's when he found another set and then ended up buying it too and had that on hand so you drove it jerry oh yeah what is it what does it drive like oh it's just smooth uh you can't get uh a little rattle to it uh you can go over the gravel go anywhere it's just hardly noticeable just turns as short as ever did you get some looks when you were driving it people pulling off the road like what the hell no no just just drove it in the house in the yard you know you'd run through the water and you know it didn't leave a trap neat really a neat yeah that will be a quite a neat tractor well linda so we've made the tour inside now you have more tractors out around the corner yeah let's go have a look here go back into the warm south dakota sunshine and i'll just pan down here folks i mean four tractors in every direction just beautiful again the auction is july 15th bristol south dakota it's a live on-site auction here if you just you know come out and soak up some awesome ford vibes i mean again look at the barn over there uh linda you guys were just forward through and through i loved your shirt when you when i hopped out of the truck i saw fort that must be linda let let's go look at some more big blues here linda we have an 8600 and what do we have next to it that is a five okay 5 000 with a cab and this belonged to his uncle he got it at a farm sale okay and it runs one great use for putting up hey 30 years ago and then just a little utility tractor after that but i remember linda's boys using that as a mower tractor yeah those kids had a lot of fun we were 12 14 years old uh what memories do you have uh you grew up down the road here coming over here to the we're back and forth a lot on our bicycles yeah and the motorbike and the motorbike because we got a little older and with the dogs yes and the ford tractors growing up always just uh good memories yeah my dad has four tractors too not quite the this extent of a collection but he has four tractors too so yeah very familiar with the older model fords like like gary do you have a favorite of gary and linda's four tractors that um for any particular reason county super six probably that's pretty cool that's a nice tractor yeah i remember getting to drive that the first time a little nervous and gary said oh you'll be fine just you'll be fine i was it's just dusty it's not good just a little dusty that's all right we can get dusty there's the 8600 folks again uh you can see the condition on all these tractors just wonderful so uh yeah linda thank you again so much for giving us the walkthrough and showing us the wonderful notes you've taken over the years as you've amassed this collection and um you now you are keeping some tractors is that correct very few very few okay we saw out by the sign there's some more beautiful four tractors you're keeping those though yes out by that sign anderson the family it's just an amazing sign out there uh i bet people smile when they drive by and see that they sold them yeah i bet they slow down right well linda again thank you so much i know the sale will be a big success july 15th again thank you for showing us and just hats off you know for your what you and gary did here over the years uh amassing this collection i know a lot of hard work and love went into it so uh job well done thank you for coming listening and thank you for watching our show all these years i appreciate that very much thanks linda so alan wow what a sale uh what a treat to walk around and learn about these tractors with with linda um and again the sale is july 15th yep thursday july 15th 10 am i want to welcome everybody out to bristol south dakota uh it's going to be an on-site and online auction more information at the sale will be powered by proxy bids so um you can certainly go on and preview the sale uh get your bids in early and then if you can make it to sale we'd certainly love to have you here and want to welcome everybody to the linda anderson farm and it's going to be the gary anderson estate auction so and that ford tractor sign yeah selling too right double-sided ford tractor neon signs they bought it about 20 years ago and were able to um uh put it together it wasn't it was working a little bit of it and they they re uh remodified it beautiful yeah it's it's a one of the one of the highlight pieces yeah fantastic well alan hey thanks again for the heads up and the invite yeah come out and learn about the sale thanks for coming yeah thanks for coming to bristol i know the anderson certainly appreciate having you here greg and yeah we appreciate everything you've done for us in the auction industry well thanks alan and check it out folks july 15th uh bristol south dakota so you
Channel: Machinery Pete
Views: 70,532
Rating: 4.8942528 out of 5
Keywords: Ford tractors, Ford tractor collection, Gary Linda Anderson, Bristol South Dakota, Machinery Pete, Greg Peterson,, Henslin Auctions, Allen Henslin, antique tractors, antique tractor collection, Linda Anderson Ford tractors, Ford collection, Ford County tractors, Ford high crop tractors, Ford 8N, Ford 6000, Ford 8600, Ford Demonstrator, Ford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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