Ford Mustang Mach-E vs Tesla Model Y (Why would you get this?)

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so I'm sure you're wondering why on Earth would I buy a Ford a Ford it's an American-made car wait a second it's the testimony in America too so I'm in the Ford mock e because I really wanted to see what all the hoopla was about between this bad boy and my Tesla Model y Daddy chill so let's get started baby all right how do I start this thing power start stop I have to put my phone to break and turn it on like a normal car [Music] thank you [Applause] I'm on the phone with everyday Jan here I'm in the mock e I'm gonna put this bad boy in Drive we're just gonna see which one's faster real quick all right we're side by side ready three throwing a floor at three two one go no so much faster okay good coyote there was a coyote so there you have it the model y long range is definitely faster than the Machi so if you don't know who I am my name is everyday Chris my goal is to make your everyday life easier through Tech and I guess having a Tesla for your daily drives but does the Ford Machi make your everyday life easier or does it just make it more difficult first if you guys are new here make sure you guys hit that subscribe button for more awesome videos I did a comparison between a rivian I did a comparison between different Teslas and I want to do more comparisons in the future so make sure you guys hit that subscribe button I'm trying to get to 60 000 subscribers sixty thousand that's insane anyways guys thanks so much for getting me here so far also if you guys are considering a Tesla make sure you use my referral link or my wife everyday Jans referral link since I maxed mine out for the year first sweet discount on a new Tesla so that I can go to the Cyber truck event I literally used all my points for the raffle but hopefully I win the raffle and make sure you guys like this video share it with your grandma your ex lover yes your ex-lover so let's quickly get price out of the way with the Ford Mach e now they make it very confusing just like every other car manufacturer with like I think they have like four different models of the monkey you can choose from they have the basic one which is the select model that is the most basic one this one is the select model so it is the most basic so with the select model it comes with a smaller battery pack so you get 250 miles of range which is not that much I mean 100 250 so for daily driving you only want to charge up to like 80 percent so you're maybe getting around 200 miles of daily driving which again no one drives 200 miles in a day but no one wants to be charging every day either also with the select model you do not get an automatic tailgate yes it is manual but you do get automatic seats which is awesome the Kia ev6 GT which is their most expensive model that test drove had manual seats and I asked them hey why is it manual seats and they said it's to save battery range so getting back to it we have to sell luck model we have the premium model I think there's like a California Route 1 model which makes uh I don't know where that's from but okay and they also have their most expensive the GT Model so the select model starts at forty three thousand dollars with the GT Model starting at sixty thousand dollars but already what annoys the crap out of me is the dealership mindset that Ford and all these car manufacturers have and that is the one of the huge reasons why we decided to get a Tesla like for instance we were actually considering this bad boy we were getting the Tesla Model y we were like should we get the Ford mock e at that time the price points were very similar it was the second option we could have gotten and we were like let's maybe we should just get the four monkey so I went ahead I emailed them when I went to the dealer they said okay this is how much you're gonna have to pay for and I was like wait what apparently what you build on the website is not the price you pay for the car when you get to the dealer they add all these dealer markups but with tests that you go online you put the 100 non-refundable deposit you get the price of the car and that's what you pay now I do recommend a premium model because you get more miles however the select model comes standard with rear wheel drive but for an additional three grand you can upgrade to all-wheel drive and use all the wheels which is perfect for wet weather and more control now with Tesla they keep it real chill daddy chill with three miles to choose from and that's it you have your standard Range model with 279 miles you have your Long Range model which is what I have for 330 miles and you have the performance model with 303 miles as far as price points go they recently added the standard Range model y with a really reasonable price range and I honestly I think they did that to compete with that bad boy over there the Machi with a starting price of forty eight thousand dollars for the mono y long range which is what I have it starts at 50 000 and the wide performance it starts at 55 000. one big thing that's huge and pretty much the reason why you should probably get a testimony why is that the Machi does not qualify for the full 7 500 e V tax credit the reason why is because not everything is made in the United States compared to the Tesla so you're getting a more expensive car with less range less features than the Tesla however if you guys are Elon Musk haters the Maki isn't a bad choice so the cool thing about the Ford Machi is it does have a camera here so it does have a front-facing camera for that 360 panoramic review monitor you got the fake grilles here I'm sure this opens up for more aerodynamics so that's cool the exterior is classic mustang and clean with sequential rear turn signals it does look slightly smaller than the model Y at different angles however the select model comes standard with 18 inch wheels but with the premium models you can upgrade to 19 and 20 inch wheels the one interesting thing is the huge hood on the Mach e which is very similar to the Mustangs however I didn't really see or have any problems seeing out the window the test on the other hand is just a clean and simple car it's one of the best selling SUVs for a reason let's talk about the interior now with Ford they really treat it like a ice car which is an internal combustion engine you open the door and nothing happens you get a nice animation when you open the door which is cool but the climate control doesn't turn on you can't see your range nothing I mean it tells you the time and that you're in park you even have an accessory button which is crazy press it twice with your phone to break then it tells you your percentage 81 percent then the climate control turns on all that stuff I have to say I really do like the interior side from the plastic buttons it's very intuitive easy to use touch screen is easy you have that floating dock here where you can charge two cell phones wireless charging there's another deep area down here if you wanted to like put anything and you have your gear shifters in this nice plastic scroll wheel one cool thing that Ford has and I guess all other car manufacturers have that Tesla for some reasons it just won't include it's a home link button baby we can open our garage door with the home link which is cool whereas with Tesla I think it's like 350 dollars to get it installed the beauty with Tesla though is it automatically opens and closes your garage door and also you can have the option where your mirrors automatically fold again no door handle nothing to do press this button and the door actually pops open boom I love how they did double seals so you have two seals here so it really helps supposed to improve road noise I have a nice little door cubby here just with a little bit of space definitely more space in the model y but there's still enough space to put like a water bottle and something the door handle opening function is really cool there's no actual physical door handle to open the doors is lever you have to pull this lever to open it so that's cool so it is a manual opener I believe so there is no like emergency release like they have with the testers Where It's All Digital now as far as legroom goes this is the seat for a 6'3 person so I just kept this here and I'm six three in the back and I actually have pretty good leg room now my head touches the top however they did a great job that goes here and it waves here this is a perfect headspace you can see that we have a USB a and a USBC port for charging two air vents and that's pretty much it so that's all you need for the back here the back action she surprisingly is not that bad again the seats don't recline further back but they are very very comfortable which is very nice but with the Tesla you can literally just put your foot on the brake and drive and if you wanted to you can use your Clinique ring start the car that way or if you had to Tesla key card you can place it there and start the car that way and that's another cool thing with Tesla is that there's hundreds and thousands of companies that make accessories for the car I mean you can have an aftermarket dashboard you can have LED lights you can have a cell phone charger and one of my personal favorites is of course my Clinique silver ring this is like a new one it's made out of silver I think they increased the sensor size too because it makes starting the car like 100 times easier Link in the description below the Tesla of course is one of the most minimal Interiors you'll find in any car manufacturer they're 15.4 inch screen is the backbone for all the other car manufacturers for big iPad looking screens with tons of information easily accessible in the rears they keep it simple as well with a beautiful panoramic glass roof as well as two USBC ports and I can easily fit in the back as well with more Headroom than the mock e okay so here we have our 15.5 inch display looks awesome didn't think I'd be a fan of the vertical display because I'm so used to Tesla with it being horizontal however overall I'm very happy with it it looks great the thing I hate the most however is this tacky button here I do like how there's functions like you can adjust the volume you can press it when you adjust the climate it switches to climate so you could adjust that as well if you wanted to change the fan speed you could change that also pop up this here's the climate control very nice very simple it's not laggy I can still see stuff no problem I could zoom in I could do all that fun stuff I have apple carplay you can connect to as well which is cool this is your charging schedule so it says it's this is like how what my charge is at now anyone percent so yeah can I adjust the I don't know why I can't adjust adjust on here so I mean it's something definitely I need to get used to because with the test so you can adjust it so when you charge it's easy however I'm sure you can adjust it easily no problem let's take a look at the app so very simple it's very simple it's a car for driving entertainment goes they have YouTube you could play you could just play some games so they have some super basic games but at least they have something to do while you're charging a car Comm screen just gives a nice calming screen on there nothing cool about it it's just looks like a phone like a giant phone so you can customize some features here you cannot customize the amount of regenerative braking but you can turn it on or off so you can turn it off if you want to and drive like a normal engine car if you wanted to Blind Spot information system in the mirrors I mean one thing I love is the blind spot monitoring system in other cars Tesla's is kind of weird it just shows on the display you don't get any sort of indicator on the mirror with Ford they have that so that's nice rear cross traffic alert is something that's not in the Tesla unfortunately I don't know why but that's cool that they have it I like how they have a nice little diagram as well connectivity what's cool is this has a hot spot so it has a vehicle hotspot that you can use to connect and it's something that a lot of people want in their Teslas now if you want to know more about the Tesla user interface I have legit dedicated videos on them so check it out though you still have to turn off the car you can't just walk away and it turns off so now the car's off the climate's off so here I am in the trunk of the Ford Mach E I am a little disappointed yeah with my Tesla Model y we were surprisingly able to fit six luggages and three adults when we went to Singapore recently we did kind of cheat a little bit we removed one of the trunk real Wells and put a luggage inside of there but that's the whole point of it right all right so we got the Maki over here we got this thing let's see if there's any space in here oh wow that is tight no space what's cool about the Maki is it does come with a tire repair kit you do have to purchase this separately to charge your car at home it's an extra 500 there's actually no wheel well so there's nowhere for me to put any sort of luggages here so already as far as luggage chest is concerned I'm almost positive The Mach e is way smaller than the Tesla Model y now in the back here we have our 12 volt Outlet we have some hooks to store stuff and that's about it no way to recline the seats or put them down from the back like you can with the model y 60 40 split so unlike the Tesla Model Y where it can split in the middle of let's say we have golf clubs or something and you can just put the middle seat down with the mock e you can only do the right side or the left side so that is unfortunate when we had the model y we had six luggages right now we only have four and already I don't have any space under the wheel wells so I can only work with what I have here but surprisingly even though it doesn't seem like it there is a good amount of space in the Machi I feel like if not six full-size luggages definitely five luggages can fit we're gonna measure the width from this piece all the way to this piece and then we're going to measure on the Tesla so here we're only getting 40 inches from the seat back to the plastic piece we're getting 34 and a half inches now we've got the Y right over here let's go ahead and measure it real quick so with the seat fully up on the seat back right there we're getting 43 44 inches so 10 inches more that's crazy 37 and a half so it is slightly smaller by like three inches width-wise however I mean we're not even counting the space that you could put all this we have like water bottles sandals Chargers spare jackets in here I mean this thing is so deep it's like 12 inches deep whereas with the Mach E I mean you get what two inches of extra storage space so I just want to see how long is the model y from this back piece all the way to the front seats luckily with the Tesla I could just put these down all the way to here we're getting 79 inches four I mean you got to give me a win sometimes so luckily because it's not that deep of a trunk I could just press the button here from the back and push it down we are getting 65 65 inches so that's a huge difference I mean I'm very surprised on the storage space you have in the Mach E versus the model Y and that's one of the biggest reasons why we decided to get a Tesla is because there's so much storage space you could put stuff in the wheel wells and the side Cubbies everything but let's go ahead and check out the front now before we open the front let's talk about one of the most annoying things about the Mach e how do you open the front under home I can't find it so the only real way to find it is to go to like your controls option at the top is where the front button is they also have a manual front open handle just like a gas car the one thing you can't do in your Tesla is this so with the Mach e the beauty with the front is it does have a drain hole so you can definitely use it to store ice or store your drinks which is super cool as far as the width goes It's actually kind of small so lengthwise from end to end it's giving me 35 and a half inches see how long it is 16 inches long it's not the biggest front but at least there is a frunk I know the Lexus bz doesn't even have a front they just put all the stuff in there so I'm very happy Ford at least has a front width-wise we are getting 33 and a half I'm getting around 17 inches so slightly longer than the Mach e but yeah so overall very similar front-wide so that is the interior but let's I mean how does this bad boy drive now one thing about the model y already oh aside from the handling is this definitely bumpier but the one thing I noticed is that it's so much more roomier back here I do have I'm not I feel like the same amount of shoulder space but the headspace on this thing is insane it's just so much more open because you of course you have that huge one-piece glass roof but again it's definitely a little bit on the bumpier side than the Mustang Mach e the newer model wise do have something called a comfort suspension which may help with the suspension even more but the one we have is the older suspension and it is definitely a little bit bumpier but again it's not too bad so what about the mock e in the back surprisingly it's actually not too bad I mean it's a little bit bumpy way smoother than the model y however honestly I have plenty of Headroom it's not too bad not too cramped I have pretty good shoulder space although I will say again the back seats don't recline so you don't have that option but honestly I feel like I wouldn't even need to because the back seats are really comfortable as it is Ford has something called Blue Crews where on certain freeways and parts of the freeway not the whole freeway it'll stay in the lane change lanes for you maintain the speed and all that fun stuff now Tesla has something very similar aside from the lane changes it's their free autopilot where it stays in the lane really well and does a great job and for a small fee you can easily upgrade to enhanced autopilot which does all that plus more like Auto Park as well as change lanes for you but that's it it's a one-time fee however with Ford you have to pay 2100 for that you do get three years free after that you have to pay an additional whopping eight hundred dollars a year to use that subscription when I drove the Tesla to pick up this car and then drove the Maki it was like driving a Tesla the ride Comfort is very comfortable one pedal driving was very easy it felt very smooth it actually feels like the handling is maybe 10 percent better than the model y for for some reason it just feels like it handles a little bit better better with the turns better with the curves it just felt more firmly planted okay so here we go foot on the brake we're gonna go into drive it shows you all the gear icons on this display screen so let's quickly talk about the drive mode so when I first got the car dollars on whisper mode which is the equivalent of chill mode so what it does is it makes the acceleration not as touchy it's very easy to drive it's chill it's calm daddy chill this is the daddy chill that's the daddy chill experience when I change it to engage what is the point of engage this wanted to be more balanced apparently more fun to drive now I'm going to try the unbriddle option so on unbridled is it unbridled unbridled unbridled makes it so it's more aggressive so you can already see the display when you push on the accelerator these lines pop up so it make it like a Tron like so when you push on it it like goes faster and it really dries it's all fake all the sounds that you're hearing again the push to start thing is just weird but I have to say all the other car manufacturers besides Tesla do that and don't even get me started on the app I'm going to talk about that too and as you notice I didn't even talk about the test of supercharging all those big car companies are joining up with Tesla's nacs connector so they can use Tesla's supercharging Network which is a smart idea so yeah so I'll pay you if you have an eqb or some sort of electric car email me and we can set something up blue cruise on watch The Rook be prepared to resume control so it says that their blue cruises on and you increase the speed I'm going way too slow I'm going 65 miles per hour hands-free which means I can take my hands off the wheel apparently this helps Lane helps you switch lanes as well it's looking the cameras are looking to see where I am I got my hands ready to go so if I was to switch lanes let's try switching lanes preparing Lane change oh look at that cool animation so it changed lanes for me now very similar to rivian and all those car manufacturers it only works on certain parts of the five freeway so it's not even the whole part so that's what kind of sucks I don't know if you can hear but I hear the road noise near the window here I mean stop and go traffic so it does work where it stays in the lane like see how it's staying in the lane and it is like going faster and slower and just kind of keeping the distance in front of the car however it's not it doesn't say blue Cruise hands-free so I think I do have to keep my hands semi on the wheel Tesla's trying to oh my God this Tesla driver what the heck and you should see who it was like this Asian lady with the mask down to here just cut like five cars that's so effed out but I mean a lot of fun stuff Elon Musk is a quirky guy so you get fun stuff you can Netflix and watch Netflix in your car well you can watch YouTube in the mock e you could fart with the Tesla you have a light show you have cool games if you have the astronaut X you have steam deck integration so you can play Steam games in your car it's just endless there's just so much cool stuff about the Tesla that make the Tesla so unique like you have dog mode where's the dog mode on this thing where's the camp mode so yeah the blind spot monitoring is on the mirror just like Alexis and other car it like turns yellow when there's someone's in your blind spot all right so now we're pulling into a parking lot to test out the auto park function now one thing with Tesla is that it uses the cameras to determine the spot to park in however with a lot of car manufacturers it uses the sensors there's supposed to be a notification that pops up that tells me that I don't think this this might not even have that feature because it's the basic model this is the perfect spot I'm coming up to this spot I'm going to pass the spot slightly any notification but why would they have a p button I don't know why I would have to navigate to a parking structure how how often do people do that so overall the Driving Experience is not bad compared to all the other cars I test drove I have to say if you don't want to test the mono why because you hate Elon Musk and hate Tesla get a Ford monkey now one thing I hate that all calling manufacturers have aside from Tesla is their app it's just horrible now with tests they have all these features that you can do with your Tesla in the app I mean you have tons of features however with Ford it is so mid you can unlock the car start the car lock the car or honk the horn that's it you can see your charger as well as well as your tire pressure but that's literally all you can do and that's kind of bad it's horrible gives you no way to do anything else now I feel like one important thing nobody talks about is safety one of the big reasons why people get these type of SUVs is because they have to haul around kids or fur babies now aside from not having a seven seater option is the Maki a good choice if you have kids don't worry the mock e does a great job with safety just like the model y using my favorite website IHS they both scored at the top of their game for the SUV rating however I will say the model y has a slight Advantage because it was tested in night time pedestrian crash safety prevention at night but the Machi wasn't able to do that and I don't know if you guys saw that horrible news article but the model y did drive off like a 50-foot cliff and everyone survived so if that isn't the safest car around I don't know what is so while the basic model Y is slightly more expensive than the basic Mach E when you kind of build it out a little bit the model y actually becomes way cheaper and the battery ratio is better on the model y than the Mach e let me show you guys so when you build a Tesla Model y long range it starts at 50 pretty much 51 000 and it comes with the range of a 330 miles that comes with regular autopilot all that stuff however when we go to the Ford Maki website and we want to build a premium mock e which comes with like basic stuff and we also wanted to get the extended battery range as well as all-wheel drive the extended battery range has a range of 312 miles so already it's 18 miles less than the Tesla Model Y and the total cost of that vehicle just with everything included all the basic stuff no Ford blue Cruise or anything comes out to 59 000 so if you look at it in that perspective the model wise eight thousand dollars cheaper than the Mach e with more miles and more features so honestly the model Y is a no-brainer being able to use all the tech features on your app like I said a charge schedule view the cameras on the Sentry mode when you're millions of miles away it's honestly a game changer for the Tesla and it's always getting better and cooler what do you guys think let me know in the comments below if you guys drive them off how you guys like it versus the model y I'm sure there are tons of you guys who decided between the model Y and Maki like myself what you guys choose anyways guys thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Everyday Chris
Views: 125,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla model y, ford mustang mach e, mustang mach-e, model y, ford vs tesla, mustang mach e, tesla vs ford, electric mustang, 2021 ford mustang mach-e, ford mustang mach-e, mach e, 2021 ford mustang mach e, mach e vs model y, model y tesla, tesla model 3, electric cars, car review
Id: bZLVLsK7Efc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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