Ford 7.3 Powerstroke Oil Change

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hey everybody my name is Justin and welcome back to the BTR Garage today we're going to be changing the oil on my 7.3 litre diesel engine this 2002 ford F250 and at the same time trying to fix a problem that we've been having with the truck with the weather getting a little bit colder here in Colorado i have been experiencing a common diesel engine problem and that is hard starting or in other words the truck is having a hard time cranking over and firing up the symptoms I have been seeing of course are endless cranking where the car is not firing and I have white smoke coming out of my tailpipe a little bit of black smoke at times as well but mostly white smoke which indicates that the fuel is not being burned in the engines we have unburnt fuel vapors coming out of the tailpipe which can mean a few different things and from my research I found that injectors can be a common issue either old worn injectors or malfunctioning injectors but more often than not just injectors that are not operating in an optimal state and since the injectors are operated off the same engine oil that the rest of the engine uses for lubrication that engine oil can get gunked up in the injectors they don't work properly they fire inconsistently and that kind of thing so what I've done is grabbed some products that I have on the bench back here we'll show you in a second that are meant to clean out to that gunky oil in the injectors get them operating again in a normal state so what we're gonna do is get the oil change done on the truck this is actually an oil additive again I'll show you in a second here and then down the road in a month or two we'll come back and see if it actually helped with the issue that I'm having with the truck hopefully it does I don't have to take it into the shop to get it checked out by professionals all right so for the oil change what I am using is Shell Rotella T5 synthetic oil this is 15w-40 weights this is pretty common oil to be used with these trucks so we have 4 gallons of that oil this truck actually takes 15 quarts of oil to fill it up so you do need a lot of oil of course we have some washers to replace the washer on the oil drain plug then we have the Motorcraft oil filter this is a big dog filter will actually fill this up with oil as well before we install it and then on to the product that I'm going to use to help with the hard starting issues this is Hot Shot's Secret Stiction Eliminator so stiction is a term that they use for the injectors on the truck not firing properly and when they're gunked-up so we're gonna use that to hopefully help with that particular issue I also have Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Performance this is a fuel additive just to help with cleaning out injectors as well and improving throttle response so hopefully with these two products some fresh oil in the truck and a fresh oil filter we will resolve some of the starting issues that we've had with the F250 all right let's get some work done here we're gonna loosen up the oil fill cap in the truck we're not gonna take it all the way off just loosen it up so air can get in there this will help drain the engine oil underneath the truck quicker and we have a life-sized oil drain pan because this thing holds 24 quarts of oil again guys remember this truck holds 15 quarts of oil you're gonna be dumping oil for days when you drop that drain plug down there so make sure you have an oil drain pan that is large enough to contain all the oil obviously you want to minimize the amount of mess you have when the oil is pouring out of the truck so let's get under there get this drainage of the oil started so once we're under here grab your 19 millimeter wrench grab your safety glasses and obviously you're gonna want some rags and towels and things as well next we got to remove the oil filter I didn't show this earlier but you're gonna want one of these little oil filter removal tools like this guy here that basically slips right around the oil filter itself give it a twist and it starts to loosen up it makes it really handy because getting your hands up in here is kind of difficult so having the tool definitely helps once it cracks loose it's gonna spew oil all over the place as well so that's why we moved our pan so that it's in the right position while that is leaking out I'm gonna replace my drain plug because the pin is just about empty get rid of the old washer I have a new washer right here for the drain plug go back to our oil filter now see if we can get it off of here without getting completely hosed by oil and of course we want to clean up the mating surface where the oil filter mouths up here we'll grab my torque wrench in a second and torque the drain plug down to about 12 to 14 pound-feet of torque grab your new oil filter and we're gonna fill this one up with oil about 3/4 of the way or so should take roughly 2 quarts of oil, there we go I take a little bit of that rub it around on the rubber gaskets on the filter itself what's gonna happen is the oil is gonna soak into the filter and lower so you want to give it a little bit of time and then fill it up again this is a crucial step in the process you don't want to put an empty oil filter into the truck because of how much oil this thing holds if we put an empty filter in there it's gonna take a while for the system to pump oil into here and then get back into the engine so we're not going to be pumping oil into our engine early on in the process if we do not fill it up all right we're gonna wipe the face of the oil filter mouths clean again grab our new oil filter which is now filled with oil install the new oil filter get it about hand tight once it is hand tight we're gonna use our little tool and just tighten it a little bit more not too much maybe a corner turn to half a turn that should be good we'll torque down our drain plug and you really don't want to overdo this obviously you don't want to strip out the threads in the oil pan so again 12 the 14 pound feet of torque really light and that's about all you need the next step is the easy step in that is filling the truck back up with oil and this is where we put our hot shot's secret stiction eliminator into the truck as well the instructions call for 64 ounces of this Stiction Eliminator on the first treatment or the initial treatment so I have my measuring cup here and what we're gonna do is put a gallon or two of oil in the truck and then add in the stiction eliminator and then add the rest of the oil into the truck we're also going to take a look at the high-pressure oil pump reservoir which sits in the front of the truck here it holds a little bit of oil that is the oil that is used to activate the injectors we want to pump out the old dirty oil that is in that thing and fill it with good clean oil as well as that oil does cycle through with the rest of the oil system so the Stiction Eliminator is added to the oil and actually after looking at the size of the bottle it is 64 ounces I did not need to use the measuring cup but for maintenance treatments after you do the initial treatment like I am doing it does call for 32 ounces every few oil changes I believe do check on the instructions if you get the hot shot sticks in the Eliminator so the 64 ounces of stiction Eliminator is 2 quarts so basically we're adding 13 total courts of the Rotella t5 regular oil into the truck so we're gonna finish that off now alright so we've added all our oil we've added our stiction eliminator and remember when you're adding oil back to the top of the truck in the oil fill tube we've already put 2 quarts of oil roughly into the oil filters so we only need to add about 11 quarts to the truck - from the oil filter - from the Stiction Eliminator 11 in the truck we get to 15 quarts of oil now we're gonna take a look at the hpop reservoir that high-pressure oil pump reservoir it lives right down here just to the left of the alternator you'll see that little rectangular box that is the hpop reservoir and this little bolts right here is what we're gonna remove in order to empty the fluid and then refill it so we're gonna grab an allen key take that little bolt out it looks like so and then we're gonna grab a pump I suggest getting a pump not like the one that I have I actually had to siphon some of the oil out but get a little pump that you can fit into the reservoir and start pumping all of the oil out once we have all of the oil outs we're gonna get a little funnel and start putting engine oil back into the reservoir every filler so we're gonna check it to make sure that the oil is at the top of the reservoir we don't want to overflow it of course so get it so that it is just about half an inch or a quarter of an inch below the top of the reservoir fill a hole alright so we've just about wrapped things up finally here we've got the oil in the truck we have our stiction Eliminator all 64 ounces or two quarts of it in the truck for that initial treatment we have our hpop reservoir emptied out we filled it back up with engine oil and again that particular process of emptying and refilling the hpop reservoir is optional I wanted to go through the process just to learn how to do it and learn what the hpop was and where it is and make sure I have everything cleaned out with fresh oil given the problems that I am seeing with the truck the only other thing we have left to do is the diesel extreme performance fuel additive again that's a fuel additive we'll add that when we fill up the tank of gas I think it is 8 ounces for 20 gallons of gas so I'm gonna be putting about 10 to maybe 12 ounces of that additive in my fuel tank because it holds 24 gallons of diesel fuel what we're gonna do next is just start up the truck check for leaks at our oil drain plug at our oil filter underneath the truck and of course the hpop nuts as well make sure we're having no leaks once that is done we are pretty much complete let's go ahead and get this thing started up so everything started up good the last thing we're gonna do naturally is check our oil dipstick level to make sure that is good hopefully everybody knows how to check the oil level you have a little perforated section in between the lines on the bottom of the dipstick that's where your oil line wants to be within and checking ours we're right at the top of the line just a teeny tiny bit under so we are good to go all right everybody we're gonna wrap this video up oil change process for your 7.3 liter diesel engine we also showed you how to add the hot shot's secret stiction Eliminator additive to the oil as well hopefully that will help with my cold start and hard start issues that I've been having with the truck recently we also have that Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme fuel additive we'll add that to the tank of gas once I fill up the truck now hot shot's does recommend running the additive in the truck for a few hundred miles maybe even five hundred miles to fully clean out the system and get the gunk off of the injectors and the rest of the components in the oil system so we'll do a follow up video in a month or two and I'll let you know how the truck is driving after using these additives and also if it has helped resolve our hard start in cold start issues that have been happening with the truck so thanks everybody for watching I hope the video is helpful I hope you enjoyed the content if you have any thoughts comments or questions leave them down below I would love to hear from you even if you have some tips on how I can resolve the problem that I've been having with the truck or maybe just oil change and maintenance tips in general if you're interested in any of the products that I've used in this video like the Hot Shot's Secret Stiction Eliminator or the fuel additive or even the oil or the oil filter I put links to those down in the description as well so you can pick those up if you would like stick around for more good stuff coming up guys maybe some more truck videos as well stay fast out there I am checking out talk to you all next time
Channel: BTR Justin
Views: 160,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford 7.3, 7.3 Powerstroke, 7.3 oil change, 7.3 Powerstroke Oil Change, Oil Change
Id: 65g_LOKHp0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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