2010 John Deere left in a barn for many years

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of crazy news equipment so today we're going to have doc work on this 10 20. i bought this thing um probably about three weeks ago i had a family call me grandpa had passed on and they had a bunch of equipment and some other stuff that they wanted to get rid of so me and joe loaded up the truck and we took a drive out and walk through the equipment most of the equipment was just scrap it had set so long in the sand heels and most of it was buried in drifts and stuff and we kind of pulled some of it out and it was just rotten it was just unfortunately really good stuff that had just set and and was forgotten and went to winter crud which is a shame but this little girl was sitting in a barn it had a massive ferguson loader on it that had been broken welded up a thousand times and uh it and it didn't quite fit the tractor right anyways um and then it had about 16 feet of owl poo on it i mean it was thick and that thick in places there was a huge nest of barn owls living on on some rafters right above this thing and every time they took a dump it landed on this tractor and it was covered from stem to stern so we offered them some money for it we purchased the tractor not knowing if it will run or not we dragged it home took it over to joe's because he's got a brand new hot seat and i power washed this tractor for two and a half hours and then i gave up and i was like i don't know if that sh literally is going to come off so joe worked on it another couple hours so four hours of power washing to get this tractor to this point and it's still not perfect there are still places that you can see where there's bird poo on here but um besides that it's not a bad looking old tractor and it is a 1020 so you know it does got some resale value on it i've already ordered new side screens for it and i you know i don't know what else we're going to need i think the dock docked dock is kind of larry he's kind of worried that after sitting that long there might be a lot more on here to go so but let's get the dock in here let's get a battery on this thing let's see how much fuel is in the tank let's see if this thing turns over and goes and if if it does let's do an inspection and find out what we're going to need to do to it to make it lot ready okay doc so you've kind of looked the tractor over a little bit you help me pull it in here um i think we should this is what i think can you tell me you're the mechanic not me and i know sometimes i kind of step on your toes on that point but um [Music] i think we get a battery in it and let's try to crank it over let's see if she starts and goes we don't i mean it's been i know i know it's probably been at least five years since he since it passes he used this tractor they they said that he passed away four years ago and they didn't know when the last time he used it and that last year he was sick very very sick so he didn't really get to use the tractor a lot so let's see what we got and where we need to be and what we're going to have to do to get this thing lot ready i went ahead and ordered the side screens because i tell you what if it ends up being a too much to get fixed up for the lot yeah we will just do it on our once we'll just put it on our once a year purple wave auction and for some reason it'll bring stupid money even as a non-running tractor on that so but uh let's yeah let's get a battery let's go all right [Music] are you ready are you ready [Music] so that's pretty damn good you can tell it feels kind of cruddy because it doesn't want to say right i didn't i didn't think we'd have much problems because they put electric points on the other it doesn't have standard points well it has the uh electric ignition on it so i was just wondering what the carburetor was like and it seems to be okay since it's flying off pretty pretty decent there let's do i'm gonna do a walk around let's see if you know the three-point hydraulics all that stuff works on it well that has to be the easiest project so far we have ever had in here um is the is the three-point bus to go up and down um well of course the three-point supposed to go up and down should it go up and down with moving of the lever or is this like an eight in where it drops with pressure well if i'm thinking correctly it had to dig in the oh the archives there for a minute yeah um i believe this tractor is kind of like our friend howard's tractor the 190x he has and it is a one one way cylinder so i need to probably hook this thing on to something out there and work that for a while because that cylinder is um dry from sitting from all those years if it's just sitting in the bar okay it needs to be uh well there is a uh a disc plow out there that weighs quite a bit yeah so once you go put that disc plow on and uh run it up and down for a while and see what it is and then otherwise it's ready to go for on the lot until the just when waiting on the plates yeah so if that gets working we'll hit the lot i've never had one go this easy this fast so i'll let you run it out of here real quick okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so guys um crazy had to run off and take care of some stuff for the lot i'm just gonna go ahead and just run this up and down a few dozen hundred times or so and uh so let's get on that first i'm gonna fire it back up um hey uh yeah so well doc you got it working yeah it goes up and down quite a bit better than what it was doing in the shop there she said you probably need to add a little fluid to it yeah i noticed it was frogging but those screens are ordered so yeah you might as well just go put it on the lot and yeah guys that was a simple one way too simple but uh yeah i guess i guess we're done with uh as daniel's nicknamed it hoots so we'll have it put on and we're done thank you guys for coming in thank you for watching
Channel: Crazy D Equipment
Views: 9,457
Rating: 4.971292 out of 5
Keywords: John Deere tractor, John Deere 1020 tractor, will it start tractor, first startup tractor, abandoned tractor, antique tractor, old tractor, 8N Ford
Id: qv9QnREaWiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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