For Those Who Can't Learn Blender

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I cannot tell you how many people I met in the past who wanted to be a 3d artist but now they aren't not because they couldn't but because they did not approach the process with the right mindset it is easy for the human mind to focus on negative thoughts than to focus on positive ones and it is easier to give up than to swallow the initial pain in silence and keep moving forward without complaining or doubting oneself if you want to learn blender or any other 3d software for this matter I can tell you with confidence that it is entirely possible but you need to have the right mindset to be able to achieve this goal successfully to a certain extent because it is a lifelong journey this will be something that you will do for years or even decades it is not something that you will do for a couple of months then you forget about it the truth is you will probably spend a few years in your journey from an absolute beginner to becoming a professional and let me tell you that it is a fun journey if you haven't been through it yet the joy of being able to create something visually stunning out of polygons and vertices is just indescribable and only those who choose to stay long enough will be fortunate to experience it time is going to pass anyway the question is what have you accomplished in your life the three or four years will take you to become a 3d artist will pass anyway but you will not be the same after that you will either be another and creative person on this planet or you will be an artist who entertains the world with his impressive creative artwork the problem with the majority of people is that they can't believe in themselves they can't envision themselves as successful artists your job is to trust your innate potential and act accordingly don't concern yourself with too many details just visualize yourself on the other end of the tunnel and everything else will fall into place accordingly we all have doubt it is a human nature to resist growth and progress it is not just you everyone who ever tried to learn something new or to do something outside of their comfort zone thought discomfort and resistance to achieving things they wanted to do so badly the majority of a new potential 3d artist will think of themselves that they are probably not cut out for this or it is just out of their league because it is for the other guy or the other girl who is more talented but the truth is we all have created potential the difference is there are people who nurture this potential with belief and self Trust and there are people who kill their creativity with self-doubt and fear believe it or not but even professionals I feel like this sometimes because art is a journey of growth and you will need to do the work whether you feel like it or not until it becomes natural to you most people think that being a 3d artist is all about the techniques and learning the tools watching tutorials courses and so on but I would say this is only about 20% of it because the most important thing that will guarantee that you will be successful 3d artist is overcoming these psychological challenges that you will face down the road such as self-doubt fear sense of inferiority and lack of talent you are on the right track you just can't see it many times in our lives fail to see that we are on the right track and we veer off to the sidelines because we are impatient and we want to know everything beforehand and want to know that it is gonna work which is not possible as Steve Jobs said you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backward so you have to trust that the dots will connect somehow in the future you have the seeds of being a great artist but the question is whether you are going to plant those seeds and nurture them with hard work and belief that it will all work out in the future there are many reasons that you can think of for why it is not possible but there are also many reasons for why it is possible so I suggest that you listen to the latter because they will help you to muster the courage to keep moving forward until you start seeing results everything worthwhile is hard before it is easy learning a 3d software is not very hard but you need to put in the effort especially in the beginning there are many concepts that you need to understand and there are a lot of tools and features to remember and this might feel too much at first some people approach a software such as blender expected it to be a piece of cake but like any other thing to learn in school or in life in general you need to approach it systematically you need to give yourself time so your mind can adapt because there is no way you're gonna learn a whole 3d package in a few weeks if you give yourself that time you will be able to do things without even thinking about it later on because we as human beings we are creatures of habit and those who are good as the video artists today or just like that because they trained themselves over time to be this way as well durant said we are what we repeatedly do excellence then is not an act but a habit from my personal experience I believe that 90% of the work you need to do in your journey to becoming a 3d artist is gonna be in the early stages I mean in the first few weeks or so because you just need to learn new things that you might think of as hard but you are also fighting against all the negative emotions and thoughts trying to prevent you from being a successful 3d artist George Leonard in his book called mastery talked about these three archetypes or approaches to learning or obtaining any skills such as being an artist the goal is to be a master but for the most part people are dabblers they try to learn a new skill today and tomorrow they will drop it and they will try to learn a completely new thing because mainly they lack the traits of becoming a master but those who succeed follow the path of mastery as a George Leonard said at the heart of it mastery is practice master is staying on the path this is a chance for having a better life if you want to be happier as a person make more money or contribute to society it is all possible if you can master a 3d software such as blender the joy that will derive from working as a 3d artist on 3d projects and creating worlds that you can navigate through is amazing and if you are paid to do this it is even better if you become very good as an artist people will hire you to do work and you can also work on your own project you don't even have to do it full-time if you have a job or something like that you can just use few hours a day or week to make extra money online or have fun working on personal projects which adds more meaning to your life instead of spending all your time doing useless things that will leave you depressed later also having skills as a 3d artist allows you to become a contributing individual not just a consumer of what others create it is a marathon not a sprint don't burn all your energy at the beginning like most people do don't try to go all-in in the beginning to be left tired and desperate a few days later this is a marathon you do have to have a strategy you can set only a few hours per day or per week to learn because this way you will not be overwhelmed or burnt out you must avoid this at the beginning at all costs you don't want to do this too much until you hate it and quit altogether thinking long term is the answer here being able to achieve your goal in five years is better than trying to do it in one year or less to end up with nothing in the end don't compare yourself to others everyone was once a beginner even professionals who create mind-blowing masterpieces so please don't try to compare your first few steps to someone who walked millions of steps because this will most likely discourage you there are some people who get inspired by other professionals but unfortunately most people get discouraged since they can't imagine themselves in the same positions where these guys are compared yourself only to yourself I mean make sure that what you are gonna do today is gonna be better than you did yesterday and over the weeks and months you will be better all through the arches that you look up to or in the same position you are in right now but they didn't quit so we don't have actually any valid excuses due to the fact that people have done it before and the good thing is it is not a competition where there is gonna be only one or two winners everybody can win and everybody can be great artists in the future and they can even help each other to do so this opportunity could be the last one we as a human being we can't really control when we get inspired to do things so if you feel like learning with you right now you better take advantage of the opportunity by taking action right now you don't have anything to lose but you have a lot of things to gain so if you put this on for a while hoping to get back to it later when you feel like it it will probably end up taking forever meaning that the risk of losing the opportunity is gonna be great and it might be for good I am sure with 100% confidence that if you want to learn 3d or blender specifically it is entirely possible especially if you keep going forward at a reasonable pace without ever giving up there are a lot of examples of many artists who came before you and were able to do it and many artists who will come after you and will be able to do it as well not because they are super talented and you or not but because they wanted it bad enough I hope you found this video useful and informative if you have something to add please leave it in the comment section below also you can check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 542,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: For Those Who Can't Learn Blender, Is Blender worth learning, why blender is important, is Blender Good for Sculpting, is Blender easy to learn, is Blender hard to learn, Why is Blender hard to learn, is it Possible to be a Blender Artist, is Blender Good for Making Money, Blender, Blender 3D, Learning Blender, How to become a 3D artist, Becoming a 3D Artist
Id: MF70pAx0UX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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