FOR SALE - Quicksilver GT500 - Walk Around and Demo Flight

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i thought i would do a quick walk around video of the gt500 for anybody who's interested in the plane and anybody interested in buying it this aircraft is currently for sale i'll update the description once it sells so you don't all keep asking me hey is it still for sale i'm going to kind of go pretty quick on this so if you see something that you want to see in more detail just pause the video i don't want to take my time and go really slow for the people who aren't really interested in seeing all the features so i'm going to go kind of quick and if you see something that you want to look at for a few seconds longer just hit pause and you'll be able to check it out start off in the cockpit it's got a pretty nice panel for some vfr flight oil temp water temp compass attack air airspeed indicator altimeter rate of climb oil pressure there's a second attack in here that's just a little bit more accurate it's a tiny attack it'll be coming out but it's in there for now just so i can verify that this tack is correct mags it's got an hour meter your master switch your avionics switch and uh we have circuit breakers down along the side we have the throttle is on the right hand side so anybody coming off of a cessna or piper will feel right at home especially because it also has a yoke instead of a stick there's a parking brake there's the brake lever itself there's the reservoir the master cylinder is down there up in the center we have the brakes lever that just pulls out and you can put that into 20 30 or 10 or zero degrees of flaps yes i said that in the wrong order i'm sorry for your ocd-ness and then we have trim and the trim is interesting because when i move the trim the entire tail moves up and down you see the whole leading edge of that moving up and down it's just like the super cubs they do that there's a couple of other planes that also do that but i thought that was kind of interesting way to address the trim situation and then we have the rudder pedals up in the front another interesting thing to note is that it has static ports this one has a port on the right and on the left and yes i said that backwards but that's okay what that means is you'll get more accurate readings the back seat includes the yoke throttle on the right hand side and a rear brake as well so you can also activate the brakes in the rear seat has rudder pedals it has trim and it also has an air speed indicator in the back so this would be a great aircraft for training pitot tube on the nose nose wheel nose wheels angled back slightly for tracking it has springs on it so that it's not directly connected to the rudder you can activate the rudder while the nose wheel is on the ground main gear is a simple fiberglass rod very strong very flexible good shock absorbing it has matco brakes very effective it has aerodynamically shaped wing struts which reduce the drag significantly the aircraft is also in need of a bath so if you see some dirt and dust sorry about that so there it is with a flap set at 20 degrees you can see it has nice big flaps and then the ailerons right on the wingtips very responsive good control it's powered by a rotax 912 ul so it's an 80 horsepower four-stroke four-cylinder engine it has dual altitude compensating carburetors you don't need to worry about changing jettings and stuff whenever you go from cold months to warm months or also have to worry about it whenever you are at different altitudes it will automatically compensate for different pressures features a three blade warp drive propeller i believe it's 70 inches in length and it's currently pitched to produce 5400 rpm static that is not the permanent decal for the markings i just wanted to keep the aircraft legal for flight i have actual decals coming that will look much better than that all of the fabric is brand new with the exception of the vertical stabilizer and the rudder and the doors for the cockpit all of those materials tested in excess of what the manufacturer recommends for strength so they are perfectly safe the rest of the material was not safe and so it is all brand new fuel tanks are located in the wings left tank in the right tank a total of 16 us gallons this is not currently the way it's supposed to be hooked up there's supposed to be a drain valve here with the drain valves that came with the kit the o-rings were deteriorated so the only way to make it fly until those new drain valves arrive is to plug this off and we decided to plug it off by simply routing a hose from one tank over to the other it has the added bonus of balancing the fuel whenever there's more fuel in one tank than the other fuel tanks are visible from the inside so that's a quick walk around to the plane i'm gonna start it up take it up for a circuit or two and you guys can see how it flies all righty then there's another plane in the circuit i'm hoping he comes down and stops because i don't have a radio you may notice that low oil light is on that's an error of some sort we can't figure it out we have lots of oil and we have oil pressure and we've checked the oil and we've double checked all the sensors and we cannot figure out why that light is on there isn't even a sensor for how much oil is in the engine so we're not sure if that was just put in and just wired directly to the master switch or what um if anybody knows anything about that feel free to let us know we couldn't figure it out so i may end up just pulling the wire off the back of it because it literally doesn't go anywhere it just turns on when the master's on and turns off with the masters off water temperatures in the green now and so is our oil temperature so once this airplane on final comes in and goes by we'll taxi out into position if he's doing a touch and go he'll be out of our way before we take off and if he's backtracking we'll be out of his way before he turns into the taxiway looks like a touch and go for eric so we'll taxi in the position now we'll just keep an eye on him as we fly all righty so flight controls are freeing correct flaps are on zero trim is set for takeoff fuel tanks are on both everything's good to go we're ready to go flying let's see what happens [Music] 1200 feet per minute climb there's a thousand feet we're going to go up to uh 3 000 feet i see here got downwind there a little bit of wind up here but it's not too bad oil pressure is good well temperature's good water temperature comes down when i take off it always has i don't know why but i guess the radiator is just too effective all power in the climb is looking like 5200 rpm they'll do a 1300 foot permit to climb at 60 miles an hour and we are just coming up on 2 000 feet what is 1800 feet there so we are above circuit altitude already i start a right-hand turn ah it's a left-hand turn or whatever still a thousand foot per minute climb oil temperature's still good oil pressure is still good water temperature still coming down there's 2 900 feet and there's 3 000 feet so i think that's where we'll start we'll bring the throttle back to 4 000 to start with i think if we get the plane to level off here there's 4000 rpm and i'm just gonna keep bringing that nose down oil pressure is still good oil temperature's still good water temperature is coming down but we may need to block off part of the radiator still climbing a little bit looks like we're just starting to level off there now put just a little bit of well actually trimmed pretty good right there a little tiny bit of a climb but i'm not worried about that but aside from holding some bright rudder she's trimmed right out man this is level the 4000 rpm showing 70 miles an hour well we are definitely high enough to do a stall so let's see what it stalls at power off let's bring the power back to idle [Music] and we'll just kind of hold the nose up see what happens when it stalls just like that it just kind of buffets a little bit get it flying again and it goes it's not too bad it's not very violent there's 40 there lost even 100 feet doing those anyway i think i'm going to find eric oh there he is i see him i'm going to drop down and uh come in for a landing let's see how this thing lands well i'm gonna bring in a couple of degrees of flaps let's do 20. that'll let me keep the rpms up a little bit when i'm flying down here slowly try to keep some heat in the engine i've got eric over there looks like he's just turning final so as soon as he passes me i'll turn my base that'll let him get up and off the ground again before i'm on the runway hopefully he does another touch and go there's 1500 so i'm gonna level off there bring some power back in i'm just going to kind of hold it at 60 miles an hour so maybe even a little slower i should also mention it's zero degrees out today um that's uh 32 degrees fahrenheit for my uh empirically minded viewers so that's probably why the engine's running really cool is because well it's cold out i'm just gonna keep an eye on him make sure that he actually comes back off the ground if he doesn't then i'll do a go around if he does then i'll land and it looks like he's doing a full stop of course he is because i wanted to land all right we'll bring the power back up drop the flaps off i got lots of power and we'll go up i'm not going to over tax the engine because it is cool as you can see it is perfectly safe to fly airplanes without radios you just have to make sure you keep an eye out so you see where the other people are so little wind starting to pick up there that was 4 500 rpm and i was cruising at 80. then it was 4 500 rpms a good rpm to cruise at look there's 80 miles an hour so you can do 80 miles an hour in this still not burning very much gas and we'll bring the power back to idle and do a nice right hand turn we'll pop in 10 and 20 degrees of flaps checking for more traffic there is another airplane out from the airport but i believe that is a pilot on a cross-country flight so i'm not too worried about him coming back but i will keep an eye out anyway just because it's a nice day but nobody appears to be on final so i believe we are good very stable airplane though catch a gusty wind right when i say that of course but look on final locked at 58 miles an hour hands off just track straight in true it's a good plane i like it it looks like it might be just a tad short but i always get an updraft there let's see if that updraft helps me out [Music] there it is nice to know your airport so all right so that was a nice little uh demo flight in the quicksilver looks like she's cruising at around 80 miles an hour at 4 500 rpm climbs about 12 1300 feet per minute and stalls around 40 with the flaps up so i haven't done flaps down stalls yet but i'm guessing it's going to be somewhere around 35. like i mentioned the plane is for sale so if you're interested in it i will have a link in the description to the ad for it you'll be able to find my contact information there if you want to call or text or email or whatever happy to answer any questions about it that you may have here in canada it is registered as an advanced ultralight so that means you don't need a helmet and you can carry passengers in it if you'd like so um any canadian buyers right up your alley if you're looking for a nice performing ultralight and americans if you are interested in this we'll look into what the export laws would be and how you can get that registered in the u.s other than that i'm really happy with the plan i'm happy with how it turned out i just want to say thanks to all the people who helped mitch and i out with it getting it ready to go and um hopefully we get this thing moved quickly and then we can move on to the next project whatever that's going to be so anyway i hope you enjoyed watching this sort of transformation from derelict plane in the back corner of a hangar to a nice flying machine let me know in the comments if you have any questions or would like to see anything else on it and i will certainly do my best until then though i guess we will see you later
Channel: mmatt
Views: 192,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, fly, flying, flight, aircraft, airplane, plane, ultralight, LSA, ELSA, experimental, light sport, take off, landing, Canada, mmatt
Id: 8ru7f_aS198
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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