For All Time (2000) - Full Movie

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[Music] hey not you had an eight o'clock girl what's five past seven oh maybe you need a few more clocks we having dinner tonight might be late I'll call you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning Gina I was been trying to hunt you down how's mom doing better things Phaethon agency what's wrong now my Mike % just tanked it stop day trading I can't I'm addicted hi where were you I told him your parakeet died yeah sorry so we were all here except for you loved the direction we're going keep up the terrific work we're excited about it too great pastries from the new Greek place I brought you something here not so great coffee how come we can't get better coffee yeah I don't know do you mind don't bring toys to the office so they're happy formal presentation end of the month they're good they're gonna love them yeah what is the matter with your physical flash no substance and the problem is I'll play with your ideas charlie I like these don't play I'll be right there are you gonna play aren't you we getting the ball tomorrow yeah hey uh uh no I don't think so see at the crack of 11:00 [Music] what mom's me about the cruise well I haven't talked to her yet I don't do well on cruises to relaxing yeah I don't do relaxing well anyway it's Charlie's turn to choose this year oh good you'll end up at a North American flea market an antique show convention vacations Oh count me in hey Charlie Oh Tracy where's the dry cleaning oh you know forget it I can get it on the way to work hey your favorite nephew is waiting for you downstairs he is I'll call you guys when dinner's ready how hard is it to remember to pick up the laundry well you know right back then drains been run guess they're on coal for steam yeah yeah steam at shovel the coal in the fire boils the water and the steam makes the train move for cool yeah well hot actually really hot tonight you bet run it rail man [Applause] isn't there anything you can't do yeah your car nice to meet you taking your husband out the play no thanks he needs it I like the better when the two of you were in town don't get me started so al how's your love life buy me a beer sometime you can watch me cry in it you are so full of it hey cool of your wife you're buying I am not buying you are you know a tie is not a weir quit I didn't quit you know I've got a date tonight I'd like my body to be in working waters I've never noticed this place before okay I'll buy lunch whoa what was that one right in the middle oh man I'll meet you at the place you've got a good eye that one's very special so can't I see it just open up this place that's a matter of fact it did you'll notice the bar relief on the casing oh yeah pick it up how do I open it please do alter course it's perfect and it works course it works how much you asking for it it's a special piece I wouldn't sell it to just anyone only someone who understands the complexity of time [Music] in a truck will you take a check this is a bit of a new direction I've been thinking about it's a throwback to another time it's romantic emotionally evocative because it's old it's fresh haven't we built product identification with the other yes we have ow all due respect I think people are tired of in-your-face advertising people want to slow down they want to connect something's missing in their lives you solved way too soft beautiful image charlie but it's something that hang in my living room client looking to change no they're not well then what are we all look I'm not really sure I wasn't aware of it look let's see the new boards next week Charlie don't waste your time on this that's it right yep what exactly was that and you wouldn't let me pitch it so you're doing end run nice pal pal this old campaign is empty it's like fast food all it has his energy and frankly I'm tired of it two words it works and that's why we're here we're selling sauce now this resonates to me this is real let me tell you something you were in the extreme minority resonate on your own time finish the boards and send them upstairs [Music] I'm not used to seeing you in the middle of the day what's all this list of jobs for hope ba hey you work at the best agency in town I know agencies there are schools school you want to go back to school teach Christmas I always wanted to teach well wait a minute yeah I know you've talked about teaching but that was for after you retire every day I go to work I solve problems I have no real interest in I like to draw you do draw every day but what I do is completely meaningless to me Christon I haven't taken what about the exam Ellis what you could consult you've talked about that you could do it from anywhere things are finally starting to happen for me Charlie come on we're doing great you want it out of the city I am maybe we get just a small little house on a piece of land maybe we even get serious about family is that what this is about having kids No Chris we are running so fast I don't even know where we're trying to go anymore we are getting lost I'm not lost charlie I know and I respect you for it but you work different let me Oh Robbie tell him to wait yes I'm just downstairs halftime wait I have to go but you know um what I think this is honey and I hate to say it because it is a great big cliche but I think you're having the classic midlife crisis know you've got some of the sign just like Dave in my office he was feeling angst moping around what's the meaning of life so he goes halfway around the world to climb some big mountain he comes back missing two toes from frostbite and now he's fine you know what I'm saying okay don't worry we will figure this out okay [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is Somerville Somerville this is the train to Meadowbrook oh you're the guy from her you didn't know sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] here well next up on this day will be st. Louis [Music] Meadowbrook to be the next stop pedal go and you see that see what that old town I see them every day and they get older every day real old ex top metal drug Meadowbrook [Music] you don't look so good no I'm all right just weirdest thing happened Chris can we please let it ring it's Eid he's in crisis will only take a second hello yes I know I heard [Music] because it's boring listen I can't talk right now okay yeah just email [Music] sorry would you pour sure [Music] excuse me you ever heard of a town around here called Summerville and no don't think so I thought maybe it was somewhere on this run [Music] come on let's stop summer bill it's happening what's happening with the changes outside the window tell me what do you see ours horses you see horses horses and buggies excuse me Sommerville sir let's just stop son my style I think you'd like it why don't you get off and take a walk down Main Street it looked like a change of pace or do you good suit yourself next up on this train will be safe actually I think she knew but she was sweet enough to act surprised oh my god this dance club is they had this martini barn what's the matter I don't know Oh sweetie you can tell me I was on the train kept at home everything was fine yeah till we went through the tunnel and the lights went out uh-huh when they came back on things were different I didn't recognize stop or the station outside the window what do you probably fell asleep you were dreaming what's not asleep you probably got on the local Chris give me a little credit this stop is not on the line Charlie you have got this amazing imagination but you've got to shut it off once in a while just give it a rest then you're dreaming you thought you were awake but you weren't you were dreaming maybe you should see someone what do you think yeah that'd be good blood pressure's a bit high otherwise your fight what about the dream the dreams are just the mind working out the problems of the day they can be funny or frightening or when stress levels are particularly high even bizarre yeah this would qualify as that take these for a few days but not while driving if these dreams continue and continue to upset you I'll refer you to someone go what psychiatrist doctor I'm afraid to get back on that train contrary to what fiction might postulate there is no such thing as time travel take the train you'll be fine [Music] [Music] Sommerville next stop summer bill [Music] are you getting out today son tonight is day four man can't know what he wants so he knows what there is and the only way to know what there is is to take a look try something wrong and see if it fits who are you the convert [Music] truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey mister why are you doing it like that you look really funny yeah so do you what's your name Charles sure hey bad let's talk to strangers we're brown sure could you tell me the date um I don't know it but I can find out follow me mom what's today you know how to look it up Mary oh yeah [Applause] it's the 3rd of March sounds reasonable [Music] did anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare I'm sorry it's just you look exactly like aren't you gonna buy the paper yes oh yes yeah three cents huh I don't have three cents yes you do I can make change no those are uh those are streetcar tokens I take it you're not from around these parts no st. Louis the big city you can owe me I just needed to take a quick peek go ahead and take that when I usually have plenty left over just have to talk thank you [Music] [Applause] your mom the editor yep and she's the woman editor too he talked her if you want to she doesn't fight [Music] pretty bossy for a kid come on bossy I'm just confident [Music] use me excuse me [Music] you didn't ask but if you want to improve your circulation why don't you offer people more than hard news pardonnez yeah yeah that the basic unadorned facts of the story these soft news is more personal got the human angle all the successful papers do it people love it your work at a newspaper mr. Latimer Charles Latimer um an advertising I might assign ads Saul products I know what advertising is I just wondering what qualifies you to teach me about the paper business I just trying to help it's your first time in some of them yes and you're here to look around see what's here well you have plenty of time that's Jane doesn't need to a 545 at the whole afternoon then can i maybe take you to lunch miss burn mrs. laura brown no thank you know we take lunch at home a man to lunch mama why don't you go outside and play Mary all right [Music] besides that sky you don't get out to the country very often oh not like this I've never been to st. Louis it's too far [Music] something funny no no I'm just having perhaps the most interesting day of my life if this is your idea of interesting mr. Lattimer my leg must be rather dull [Music] [Music] yes so mr. Lattimer unhitch Turner been showing my de washer all right mama I don't have a clue what to do here aren't there any horses in st. Louis yeah sure there are is don't happen to have one all right I'll buckle the other side see ya what unbuckling coming up [Music] now hold the line sir so why do you call them Turner coz when you turn you back yes sure net I have to wonder is the kind of a man who can take time off for lunch on a workday and I'm just on a brief vacation this is America waiting for the 5:45 back to st. Louis let me see her hands she was talking to me do you want some lunch I get time I got a piece of pants down a couple head loose look we have company mr. Latimer from st. Louis doesn't he wear funny clothes Oh Mary hush we don't say such things mr. Latimer this is won't Hey did you dress the shoulder that's fine it'll be more fine if you put some liniment on it what's your business I'm just here to discuss the Gazette well seein's thank you Lord for this food you have put before us and for these blessings all right and what brings you to Summerville mr. Latimer I saw it from the Train look like a nice talent so I just stopped must be nice to have the time my daughter tells me you have some suggestions for the Gazette uh yes ma'am I do well I don't believe in throwing good effort after bad you do agree mr. Latimer that business is best left to the men no mrs. Clark as a matter of fact I don't I think men and women are equally equipped to successfully run a business well whether or not a woman can run a business successfully is not the issue suitability of nature and respectability there's a really good hash what about a contest for sports sports comics that's it cartoons let it go you know it's just funny cartoon just just to make you laugh see if you run a character in a single panel it tells the whole story my problems are behind me mm-hmm that's good see that's kind of funny it is kind of funny are these cartoons popular in st. Louis Oh very first thing some people reading boys like me hmm may I have this one sure I get few unbelievable afternoon hmm I envy you me your life it is so rich so full so warm they're different things where I come from how so oh it's colder somehow harder touch it's fast instant asked her the better [Music] very different the perhaps richness of life comes more from inside of a person [Music] you know if I could pick a time to live any time I pick right here right now the brink of a whole new century so much promise ahead then you must be quite content [Music] look mama a pre-match rosemary good luck [Music] [Music] thank you Father for her hospitality and I've not a nanner take it fight your husband - my husband whoa whoa he's not my husband he's the hired hand oh I just assumed because no we grew up together he's not like a brother to me and we don't sorry that's alright but some time ago [Applause] have a wonderful life mrs. Brown I hope he won't wait that long to come back you have a safe trip home mr. Latimer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on here you come in what's going on at work what do you mean the spring campaign al called why is al calling you because he's been paging you all day because he was worried about you where were you Charlie I'm your wife you're supposed to talk to me I tried talking to your Chris all the time you're always running somewhere I listen to you well then you hear what you want to hear like what like what I've been telling you I need a change from this city from this work every time you ignore me I don't ignore you I just don't know what to say say what you feel Chris I don't know it seems that when we were first married we started off wanting the same things and now we don't you know Charlie people always called us opposites and I always thought that was a good thing but maybe after a while opposites just drift apart I'm tired I'm going up you coming [Music] hey great to see ya sign these when you get a minute batteries uh huh for your pager I don't need batteries you stop caring it until you're wearing flannel shirts and driving your John Deere keep the page run okay so oh I want to get a message to you I talked to Kristen excuse me I called her I was worried about you you disappear where the hell were you taking a day off ah well good for you I hope you're well rested and drawing some beautiful pictures over there actually I am so should I be worried about you maybe yeah just a little okay I'll worry a little listen if you ever want to talk you know just out I know we're gonna rock Friday presentation right absolutely don't worry about a thing [Music] nice right maybe short notice but I have dinner with a client tonight I'll be home around finish okay [Music] Laura Brown there the sir look is that the first newspaper in Missouri to publish a cartoon March 6 1896 you did good for you you did it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn off the dayside it's a matter of fact I am the universe is a complex place take the element of time for instance it's a continuum no beginning no end how do we land where we do this is by chance random selection or simply once destiny what are you saying exactly what I said nothing is fixed permanent not even this stop it could drop from the schedule at any time any time understand what I'm saying still want to get off I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morely [Music] damnation certainly do have a mouth on you mrs. Brown I have a temper too and if I drop any more time he just might see it I'm sorry I can't visit I'm behind where's your type stare Fred came down with the crew I have time how about I typeset you types it sure if you show me how you read the copy you type it in when you hear the bell you lift the elevator you send it on its way and you start the next line okay no those are crackers but help yourself would you leave on oh the large brothers at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows yeah got it go ahead right that's a fine suit you're wearing thank you brand new car soon oh yes how'd it go everyone's asking for the next one there was an excellent idea thank you and if you feel inspired there's some blank paper right over here I'm surprised to see you mr. Lattimer I didn't think you'd be back so soon no I didn't either mrs. Brown chicken fricassee buttered beets corn pudding 35 cents is it too expensive because we we could have a no no no it's fine and a sarsaparilla soda I've always wanted to try that I would like the roast pork with apple sauce and a cup of tea please thank you that wasn't so hard no but it seems we've become the main attraction women aren't allowed not officially sir but it's understood organize and change it you are quite unique do you know that mr. nazerman hustle I can't put my finger on it the way you talk how you think maybe it's the way you just appear and disappear anyway thank you for today you saved my life thank you mm so the paper can't belong to your husband yes well passed out in 91 remember that awful winter we had he came down with the fever and we couldn't break it Mary was only 2 at the time she doesn't even remember him she's a pistol bet she is and nobody's fool I come on thank you so kindly the paper is going to be the death of me my competitor is trying to get a law passed to ban women from owning businesses that's ridiculous write editorials but most people agree with him that's why fred has to cover certain stories I don't have access to every place the story might occur take Saturday for example what happens Saturday mr. McKinley is coming here and a campaign stop I don't know why he's even bothering to run he doesn't stand a lick of a chance against mr. Bry keep an open mind about McKinley you think so uh-huh anyway he's meeting reporters in the hotel bar after his speech and since women aren't allowed in the bar except for certain women The Gazette will be the only paper without a story tell him it's business don't take no for an answer I admire your spirit but you are definitely not from these parts listen listen you fight for what you believe in freedom and equality is what this country was founded on stir things up make some noise it's the only way change will come and believe me it will come mother was right you are an anarchist I'll forget the bar catch McKinley outside for even goes in Wow you'll figure it out you're a journalist scoop a log get an exclusive get McKinley alone smile at him I'll get his attention I got mine [Music] all right I'll do it you know mr. Lattimer your ideas are unusual but they do make sense in somerville I were an ampersand where would I be is it over there you have to put them in my hand let's see where's it hiding come on for there you are [Music] Hey look we forget your cookies from off you got one in there for me I needed a few things over at the store I may have to work later this evening delicious mrs. Clarke mm-hmm I helped I knew that no I can taste it silly you cannot Billy come on child come on my sweet girl I'll see you later today we'll finish our book come along you're going to be late for school you really like children don't you yeah do I detect a coolness towards me from your mother hmm she's just protecting me she doesn't understand why a man of your age and your looks isn't married you could stay the night I mean that is to say that the hotel has rooms ah good that sounds now I have to have to get back that let's I understand that the only hour a hundred years younger I don't understand that oh I have absolutely no idea what it means either [Applause] when will you be back hard to say I'm uh I'm not what you're looking for I wouldn't be so completely sure about mr. Naugle what I'm trying to say is that I might not be bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye mrs. Brown mr. Lattimer thank you for all your help [Music] can I help you yeah I give us the train I need a room for the night it didn't show today no it didn't tomorrow right 8:15 well maybe can't say machines break time I expect you look how to pay with the missus when you'll be getting home yeah expect her only that'll be 75 cents for the night room 213 top of the stairs [Music] hey excuse me waiting on the 8:15 yeah it's close to 9:30 yep it is somewhere is it doesn't always show it has to only thing has to mister is the Grim Reaper and the taxman [Music] [Music] wait wait is this train to st. Louis no first train the Somerville I just got on this train five minutes ago from Somerville it was headed to st. Louis then what are you doing in Somerville I don't know that's why I'm asking you if you want it st. Louie you should have stayed in st. Louie when I take your train where you don't want to go it wouldn't be here if you hadn't sold me this watch sir I need a decision are you staying a boring I have to get the st. Louis I have responsibilities beyond the 5:45 tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning mrs. Clark if you're looking for my daughter she's not here you expect her back soon I have no idea sorry to bother you ma'am mr. Lattimer she's out back you need some help man did I misunderstand that you wouldn't be coming back to some of us know there were train problems you rode out here all by yourself yes I did whoa whoa and I'm duly impressed I am too mrs. Brennan Laura Laura I wanted to talk to you gonna talk to me from up there you're gonna come down here [Applause] [Music] do it Jimbo here you'd give Jimbo some water [Music] [Applause] which is it hearse I think everywhere I'm uh I'm glad about the train no one who's playing the water looks good I recommend it from the pan [Music] could we can we take a walk whoa they're fishing chapped we often come down here on Sunday lay out a blanket and catch our supper do you like the fish I was a kid my dad used to take me it relaxes me I'm glad you're here I didn't understand last night when you said that you might not ever be coming back and then you said that you wished you were a hundred years younger now that one you're really gonna have to that is not funny well I think it is aren't you at least gonna be a gentleman and giving you here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanted you to it parent [Music] I don't know where I belong I don't know I'm supposed to why can't you be here come on we should go no you're doing it again [Music] why are you always leaving me only to come back [Music] I'm married [Music] so much more complicated you can even imagine that's how you've been trying to tell me I didn't mean for it to go this far [Music] how far did you mean tried to go okay married such purity and goodness and I opened my heart to you and so did Mary listen to me my life it is not right there doesn't fit I was searching an end somehow I found this place and I found you [Music] the first time in my life I felt at peace inside [Music] before I even met you [Applause] no don't go back home go back to your wife [Music] you do me a favor the next time your train stops in love our belts do me the Dixie this Damon [Music] you send one of your guys down to take another look he just walked it yeah thanks where in God's name have you been that was the police sorry I got stuck you got stuck you've been gone two days and that's the best you can come up with I'm getting a drink anybody you couldn't pick up a phone where were you we thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere I was in the country you had your cell phone why wouldn't you use it couldn't dial out are you having an affair charlie I've got to go make some calls tell people you're alright please don't ever leave like that again tell me you don't really believe it I'll I know it's hard to accept I I had trouble to at first but every time I went back wait wait wait a minute you went more than once three times last time the train did some kind of bump or something and I couldn't get back this is her newspaper she's the editor of the Somerville Gazette March 7 1896 yeah Kansas City October 12th 1909 Dallas June 6 1933 this one was new yesterday didn't age until after I got back right remember this remember when I bought this yes I went by the store the next day everything was gone it was empty cleaned out for lease you're scaring me nobody al this is my ticket back in time okay I'm sorry but it's true have you told Kristen any of this Kevin I would appreciate if you didn't read it well this is nuts you get that whoever lied to you out I am Telling You as I am standing right here in front of you now you are as real to me as Laura Brown what are you doing charlie you got to stop this what are you so unhappy about you are living in the most exciting time in history science medicine we're cloning sheep preemie babies this big we can keep them alive the Internet is completely transforming the world Charlie you can fly from London to New York and get there before you even left and you're trying to run away at what cost our humanity people used to talk to each other eye to eye face to face now you listen to me I don't know what's going on with you but I do know that this is your time for better or for worse and you have a wife and friends and family who love you and depend on you here now in the 21st century and if you just took a second to look around and maybe you'd see how incredible it all is Charlie everything has a price what choice do you have [Music] [Music] we've got an 8 o'clock tomorrow with Marsh water are you gonna be ready all right [Applause] [Music] you gonna be okay cuz Charlie in the only best friend I got [Music] [Music] who are you going the office it's 4:30 yeah well I got a presentation today I'm not ready practice [Music] sorry morning guys see boards there's a coffee some coffee in here please I'm sure that Leon our weather techies can digitize this for the client presentations okay we start on black and tandem with the music smash cutting highlights of a day in the life of a family making breakfast walking the dog a meeting the playground the flat tire the market bam mall that way baseball BAM homework family dinner bedtime story a kiss goodnight and the porch light going off 35 images in 50 seconds the soundtrack building to a glory shot of our product spring was just a part of the family routine I think it's kind of cute it's fast it's evocative a cycle that everyone can relate to Leon I like it Wendy hell yeah it's in the style we've established it works well good good job good Marschallin I'm glad you like it it's my going-away gift to you where are you going I'm quitting the firm come on Charlie I'm submitting my resignation let's go to my office and talk this out marshal thank you there's not much to talk about it's been a good run I just need to do something else could we have a moment please Charlie maybe you're not in the best frame of mind to be making this kind of decision oh it's the right thing okay what are you gonna do I don't know maybe I'll teach I'll figure it out [Music] [Music] whoa let me guess you talked to Al and I did this without discussing it with you first Chris it was an impulse that's not to say it was the wrong impulse it was actually a good thing I just didn't know that I was gonna do this until that very moment Charlie I've I've been doing a lot of thinking too and um we have to be honest and face what's happening and stop pretending that it's not I don't think this is working for either of us [Music] it's not like we haven't tried you're really the one who's been trying to say it for a while what his wish we had to come to this a little sooner that's all why doesn't marry more [Music] we had a good run huh charlie those exact words I used Marshall place well I guess when you've been with someone for 15 years that happens [Music] well in that picture his name Laura Brown it's a car town letters paper she's holding on hmm I drew that I did I gave that to her in that town Summerville in 1896 she put in her newspaper and people like that that sounded up in that book that's where I was those two days grows that's why I couldn't call you Charlie do you mind if I don't go with you on this I just can't wrap my mind around it right now you know oh yeah sad what's that the way she died it doesn't say how she died yes it does no tell it doesn't it's right here Laura Brown editor of the Somerville Gazette killed in a gas line explosion at a presidential rally no no I've heard this a hundred times it ended with the first newspaper in Missouri to publish a cartoon March 6 1896 what this wasn't here before [Music] conductores watch nice piece can you fix it and a couple of these gears are bent I can't straighten them I know I've had this everywhere look I don't care about the cover of the crystal I need you to get this watch working I might have to order parts you just give me your number no I need this by the end of today it's not that pay you whatever it costs don't have that looks a woman's life depends on this watch daily effects can you do it I'm sorry I can't help you [Music] [Music] hi I'm gonna go I thought it's been the weekend at my sister's we can work out all the details you know when I get back Chris this is okay yeah it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll go away I don't have time to talk what you talking about where's Kristen had her sisters I've been calling you guys all night charlie where you going come here Jesus Charlie come on Charlie I checked around and I've made some calls and I found the name of this place it's like a rest place but with counseling and I want to take you there sometime you know get over thank you need some help I need is a watchmaker in a miracle what are you doing I gotta go back trains run later on Saturday 8:45 I gotta beat McKinley what 137 you're making me nuts okay I get it so you think you're gonna go back and try and change shrine well you obviously never made it because it happened it's in the book it's part of recorded history it used to be in the book not until I told her to scoop him and meet him outside now it's in the book get it one day it wasn't there the next day it was uh-huh so you can rewrite history I don't make the rules I lie just trying to figure them out Charlie I am serious I want to take you to get some help whoa it's working it's working check out the cartoon in the newspaper she sold you want to help me out drive me to the station [Music] whatever this is you're doing you promised me you'll go do it and you'll come back okay thanks al my friend [Music] you call me when you get back I'll pick you up take care of that [Music] [Music] let's stop by the Avenue hey glad you're here the washes broken relaxed found we'll be in faint Louie from 20 minute on TV 8:45 to summer let me see your ticket this is my ticket just watch you know that schedule if I'm a madman no wait you tried to help me once I didn't listen I'm ready now we helped me again sometimes the universe makes mistakes sometimes they can't be right but sometimes it can please take your seat sir [Music] next up will be where [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] this will be the last I know [Music] [Music] [Music] where's your living where is your mother [Music] excuse me massage listen to me now we have to go please listen there's going to be a gas main explosion [Music] trust me get out of here there's gonna be an explosion move [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] hey lights out I gotta finish this stay tomorrow last minute not good what's it on mischief journalism it's a s'more oh come on this is kind of fun why look at these people standing there so proud and happy are they famous I don't know burning the midnight oil yeah he leaves his homework till the last minute tell him L don't leave your homework till the last minute night long my dad mom nobody don't stay up too late mr. mrs. C Latimer owners of the Somerville Cosette [Music] introduce the first small-town humor and sports page huh Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: sgillman16
Views: 2,310,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made for tv, 90s, NCIS, time travel, 2000s, science fiction, fantasy, romance, lifetime, lmn
Id: 83DFhC97-_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 0sec (5340 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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