Football Players CAUGHT CHEATING..

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from goalkeepers using glue to paying off referees these are football players getting caught cheating and let's start off with marwin hits cuz with the game on the line he completely Bamboozled the referees see his foot here yeah that dude's up to no good his goal make his opposition's life a living hell but never in a million years did he expect this when did Step Up standing she one small kick of the grass made all the difference which is crazy because if hits can get away with cheating you better believe Lis Suarez is going to be doing the same the 2010 World Cup and all bets were off gam was trying to become the first African team to ever make the final four meanwhile Uruguay was looking to qualify for their first FIFA World Cup semi-final since 1970 this match could have gone either way but not if Lou Suarez had something to say about it he crossed lines nobody else would have dared to cross one of those up for it it's going to get the flick in and mosa oh cleared on the line and cleared on the line a second dang sarez just intervened with fate youz felt bad right wrong I don't say the apologize about that because I take the H ball the g a player miss a penalty not me but is not the only one to go off the deep end because imagine cheating with a smile on your face see few people enjoy cheating as much as David Luise with Chelsea leading Manchester United 1 Luis wanted to put the nail in the coffin however it didn't matter how he just wanted to get the job done to start with just kicks him after the ball is gone right in front of shi he smiling David L first the Flop then the laugh man united just got got although that wasn't even David luis's biggest cheating incident because when David Luise and slatan Ibrahimovic join forces you already know there's going to be fireworks these dudes said f the referees we're creating our own free kick line now normally I'd call these dudes crazy for messing with the refs but then I remembered the 2009 match between Chelsea and Barcelona this game had it all high stakes goals and an unprecedented amount of bad calls hey he stuck his heuck his I'm sorry sorry see this Champions League semifinal was skewed from the very beginning what Chelsea didn't realize was they weren't facing Barcelona they were facing a completely different monster the referees it started as a tackle in The Penalty Box which was supposed to be a penalty kick yet somehow the refs only awarded Chelsea with a free kick however this was merely the beginning and Drug controls he's gone down down the referee looked at his linesman and doesn't award a penalty and if that's not a foul then I don't know what is but what happened next was even worse anela is that hand ball against PK the referee says no that's right these refs literally missed the easiest handball call of their career well actually it was the second easiest call of their career cuz in the 90th minute you're not going to believe what went down in shirt as Lampard takes the corner and check was up there and got a head to it Bak has a rattle a hand ball appeal and the referee says no B confronts him angrily I mean it doesn't get easier than that a clear and blatant handball in The Penalty Box Chelsea should have gotten to kick the game-winning PK but instead the refs pretended they didn't see it all together either the refs got paid or they're obsessive Barcelona fans because it's one thing to miss a few calls but this is next level not one but four potentially game-changing calls that's straight up disgraceful but you can't find the word disgraceful in the dictionary without bringing up Sergio Ramos after all John Cena once said a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory but by what he does when his back is against the wall and in 2018 Sergio Ramos found himself with his back against the wall it was a Champions League final between Ramos is Real Madrid and Mos salah's Liverpool it was shaping up to be an alltime classic both teams appeared to be evenly matched although that was before Sergio Ramos made a highly controversial decision UF for Champions League Salah he's crying he's out come on bro you just tried snapping salah's arm in half show some respect but respect was the last thing Sergio Ramos wanted to share bathroom I was crying the bathroom because I want start the game I want play but in the meantime I know that I'm not fit at all to play but in that in one moment like disappeared it's so so difficult it's so difficult Ramos came into the game with one goal win at all costs safe to say injuring Mo Salah was winning at all costs so when R won the award for 2017 2018 Champions League best defender the last thing he received from Salah was respect although this wasn't the only time osah got disrespected in 2022 Stakes were in an all-time high between senagal and Egypt there was only room for one of their two countries at the World Cup in guitar and worse yet these teams were both equally deserving they fought to the very end they were dead locked after the first 90 minutes and remained tied after extra time this meant it would all come down to PKS that's when one fan stepped in and pulled out his secret weapon this time he's making sure that he is taking one he's taking it first Salah then against Mendy and he's missed it it's rare you see MOS Salan miss a PK but missing by that much that should have been a dead giveaway nevertheless the refs ignored the laser and let the penalty kicks continue as normal how cool and calm and collected is he S M sends Sagal to the World Cup too bad this decision altered the fate of two entire countries it's bad enough when you have lasers pointed in your face but wait until you hear about this next player see this goalkeeper lying on the ground he may look helpless but that couldn't be any further from the case just a few moments earlier he did this now normally this foul would result in a red card an instant ejection but it's kind of hard to give a player a red card when he's dead that's right this goalkeeper pretended to be dead just to get out of a red card there's just one problem you can't can't play Dead Forever So eventually this goalkeeper was forced to abandon his plan and accept his fate it's crazy to think one player would risk it all to stay in the game but it's a lot crazier when you fake your own death his name is Robert roas and in 1989 he played goalkeeper for the Chile national team more specifically Chile had a chance to qualify for the World Cup but first they needed to get through Brazil in the Marana win and make the World Cup lose and their World Cup dream is over when Brazil went up 10 fans witnessed something unprecedented haser it looks like aork now fans assume that Brazilian fans threw a flare at Robert roas what else could have happened this guy fell on the ground bleeding and had to be treated by the doctors everyone was worri for ras' life including the Chile national team they left the pitch and protest and refused to continue continue the game but a day later everything was turned upside down once this image appeared on TV the image showed very clearly the firework had not hit roas and not just that but the doctors also admitted the injuries looked weird for a flare this confirmed fans's worst fears this was all a setup later roas confessed what really happened this whole time bro had a razor blade hidden in his goalkeeper gloves and cut himself with it to fake the attack the coach that team through Chile no one was safe the entire Chile national team was involved all that effort just to get Brazil disqualified from the world cup instead Roberto Rojas ended up receiving a lifelong ban from football one can only hope this serves as a learning moment for current and future players just like I hope Neymar starts changing his ways cuz by 2018 Neymar was trying to live too different lives there was Neymar the football Prodigy and then there was Neymar the world famous actor but it wasn't until the 2018 World Cup when he pulled off his biggest acting stunt [Applause] yet BR wasn't fooling anyone and within minutes this clip became an internet sensation the memes were endless we already knew Neymar was a Flopper but no one saw this coming well actually I lied before the the World Cup even started KFC saw it coming from a mile [Music] [Music] away hi you can't make this stuff up who knew Neymar would draw inspiration from a KFC commercial but the craziest part of it all even the kids started catching on to Neymar's antics forget the gritty and the dab there's a new move in town the Neymar Ro however flopping has nothing on what Ivan Tony tried to get away with the brenford striker hasn't played a game of soccer since May 6 2013 but if there's one thing athletes shouldn't do it's this Ivan Tony made 13 bets on his own team to lose in seven different matches between August 2017 and March 2018 Tony was not in the squad or eligible to play in any of those matches now Psychiatry expert Dr Philip hopley who was part of the investigation said Tony had a clear history of gambling addiction man this dude bet against his own team that's how you know your team sucks but he didn't just bet a total of 13 times he pushed his luck time and time again the brenford striker Ivan Tony has been charged by the fa with misconduct in relation to alleged breaches of the fa's betting rules it's alleged that he breached the rules 232 times hold up 232 breaches my man is a certified gambling addict and you know the Football Association wasn't going to let him off easy so they suspended him for eight whole months but Tony wants to let the fans know this isn't who he is he'll be back better than ever they painting me this certain picture like of me which it's fair enough they they can go what they want to see but people that know me know how I am and know what what I'm about and the fact is like you said every like majority of football teams now are sponsored by gambling gambling companies so it's kind of like where you up like that's if that's the rules don't be betting yeah you shouldn't be betting but for people that need help there should be more around that to stop them from leading towards that direction well time will tell if Tony can stay away from betting on soccer games in the meantime he'll have to settle for the the slot machine but while Ivan Tony makes his highly anticipated return this year we got to revisit the one and only Louis Suarez the question can't help but be asked just how far is he willing to go and it wouldn't take long to find [Music] out well I'll be damned Suarez puts the eat and cheat you think this one experience would be enough who needs to taste humans when you can eat hamburgers and Gourmet steaks however 3 years later something crazy happened he sunk his teeth in there as he that's what it looks like Anyway at this point I'm starting to question whether Suarez is a human or a vampire that question would be answered soon enough it was the 2014 World Cup four years after Suarez's handball against Ghana and this time he had yet another trick up his sleeve and he head buted him there didn't he Luis Suarez appeared to move his head he might have bit him as well not once not twice but three times surely there's got to be an explanation however here's what fans really wanted to know did Suarez apologize of course not he behaves in a cunning way and FIFA allows him to do so because they need the Champions to play they don't have the courage to make the right decisions how's my man going to bite another player and turn the other cheek that's when FIFA decided they've seen enough lues uh is suspended for nine matches and banned for four months from any football related activity even his own fans agreed a punishment was necessary I think that has to be an exemplary punishment and he has to be suspended for the rest of the world cup so no one can do this anymore this is football you don't bite and if your home country is turning against you that's how you know you've gone bananas but now that this video is coming to a close help a brother out by hitting that subscribe button and watching the video on screen otherwise Suarez is going to bite your favorite player next
Channel: golazo
Views: 4,256,598
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Id: JajSdaNFfic
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Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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