Fooocus AI Tutorial: Transform ANY Photo into Anime (Free & Easy)

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in this video I want to show you guys how to turn your photos into cartoon or anime style here is a example to the left I have me just you know normal me to the right I have anime me so I used a free AI tool to do this it's completely free plus stupidly simple and easy to do I have been itching to show you guys this this is actually really cool okay so there is this AI called Focus it's completely free and open source and I also made a video in this about a month ago and it is stupidly simple to use plus it has some tools to edit your images too like image expansion background removal face swap you can change clothes and everything this is really cool AI I'll put a link in the description for that video you can go there and learn more about this tool and it's uh you know image editing Plus image generation features uh in this video I just want want to show you guys how to turn your photos into cartoon this uses a stable diffusion name of this tool is focus because it only focuses on prompts so if you have ever used a stable diffusion with like uh automatic 1111 or comy UI you know it's kind of difficult to use I mean if you want to get really good results you have to master those tools but with the focus no you don't have to master anything you can put really simple prompts and it will generate really good images this tool is to make stable diffusion easy okay and this thing is actually insane so go to this official get page from here if you want to learn more about this you can learn it is actually comparing itself to the mid Journey yeah it is actually the best and free like 100% free mid Journey alternative as of making this video this is only available in Windows but you can also use this on any any operating system using Google collab so if you want to use this locally you go to the download section and and click on this click here to download option and it will download a 1.8 GB of file just unzip it after unzipping it you'll have all these options run bat realistic and Anime to turn photos into like cartoon or anime style we actually need to run the anime B file here so it will download the anim model and everything and then you know you can turn your photos into cartoon so that's how you can run this locally okay uh but if you don't have a powerful PC or you just don't want to run it locally you can use this in Google collab just go to collab section and click on open in collab once you open in collab it will look something like this here you just simply need to click on this play icon but before we do that since we want to turn our photo into cartoon or anime we need a anime preset it actually comes with three different presets realistic just normal one and the anime one as long as you have the models downloaded it doesn't actually matter which uh preset you run you can change the models within the uh interface but to download the models you actually need to run all the presets because then it will download different models for different things okay so in Google collab to run or get the n preset we actually need to add this line at the end of the code okay so this is Anime preset and it will download the anime models and everything okay and if you want to also download The Realistic models or realistic preset you add that here since we just want to turn our photos into cartoon we just need this so now we're going to run it and now it will begin downloading all the required files model models and everything okay so we'll have to wait for it and don't worry it will actually not use your internet plus uh your uh CPU and GPU okay it's actually the Google collab if you don't know what Google collab is you can always do the Google search I'm pretty sure almost all of you guys already know about this actually this is the only AI image generator plus editor that I use right now so I have this thing already set up so here I'm just going to run the anime do bad file okay so now if you're using this for the first time it will download uh all the required files and everything and then it will open a web page which looks something like this this is the interface for Focus AI yeah here you can do image generation edit your photos it's really cool so that's how you run it locally if you're into that so now just for this demo I'm just going to use use the Google collab one so we're going to let this thing finish downloading all the things okay so we just wait once everything is downloaded it will say app started successfully and now we need to open one of these URLs okay if one doesn't work don't worry just open the other one and here we'll see the interface of uh the focus AI just like we saw in when we ran it uh locally okay now we need to click on these options input image and advance and it will give you more options okay first we need to check whether we have downloaded the anime style model or Not by going into the model tab but it looks like it didn't and now we just want to run the anime style one okay we're going to delete the first code and just leave the python entry with uh anime preset one okay now first if I can stop it okay okay now it is stopped anime preset is here so we're going to run that so it will download the anime preset yeah this time it's working cuz I can actually see the anime model anime pencil uh Excel you can also download this manually uh from the civit AI uh if you're into like image generation and stable diffusion then it shouldn't be like big deal for you and now again we see app started successfully and this time we can see this is the anime preset actually okay now we open it okay this URL is not working so we can use the second one okay and we can actually see at the top it says enim which means it actually loaded the anime preset now we need to turn on the input image and Advance option which will actually open more settings we can go into models and here we can see anime preset and also Juggernaut XEL we can switch into in between them to turn our photos into anime or cartoon we actually need the anime pencil Excel uh model okay once we check that everything is fine now you can start generating your images in anime style or whatever or you can turn yourself into cartoon let's take one picture uh like for this example okay just drag and drop your picture under input image and upscale or variation and then select the second option in upscale or variation don't go with the strong just go with the subtle okay if you go strong it's going to rest strictly change the image and it will not look like you if you want to put anything here any prompt you can put but uh just for the test first let's go without any prompt click on generate and if you're using this locally don't worry about any differences this works the same way online we need to use the Google collab locally you know it just runs locally and locally it's much easier actually online is also easier once you like understand how to use this in Google collab and how to use the presets and everything so you can see this picture actually looks really close to my picture so you can see there is two variation one actually looks like a lady and second one actually looks like a man but what I'm going to do here is actually put a prompt okay this time I'm going to put just and I'm going to click on generate and let's see how it does it sometime you need to feed this AI some details like maybe mustache or everything anything you put here will be used let's say my mustache isn't coming no matter what prompt I use here so I have to be specific and uh there is this thing called style we can turn them off or on and there are presets in Styles now this time we can see it looks more like me or at least looks more like this picture even though it doesn't have that thick mustache but you can see it it is really close but I think the second one is getting even thicker mustache you can also change the Expressions by giving a prompt like smile sad something like that if you want hey my mustache isn't that thick actually to be honest you can see mic clothes and everything is like same we can specify everything here okay everything you can see this looks more like me now so let's P put the mustache wow it's going to put a big mustache in my face so I don't recommend that cuz I the my mustache isn't that thick so it's actually best to run this couple of times uh I think in two or three runs it will actually get the image really close to the original image like at that I don't think I have this thick mustache now it's focusing on the mustache only no now let's talk about the style if I turn off one of these Styles or completely turn off it will actually affect the image okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put a man and I'm going to turn off the uh Focus Masterpiece okay I'm going to keep the focus V2 and focus negative here and let's see how the image generates now it it will look completely different see now it's taking the mustache my real mustache just I just needed to turn off the focus Masterpiece I can already see this image is going to look really good I think the smile is not here in my original image the smile looks fake but it's not fake it's the like I don't know uh I captured that in wrong moment now let's try something else if I uh click on Focus enhance now it's going to change the picture even like more okay I'm going to do that there are so many prets actually I can go like all day here explaining each and everything or giving you guys a demo of each preset uh but I'm not going to do that okay so now we have Focus enhance now it's going to look different and it is actually trying to keep my smile here so these Styles actually make huge difference so first picture is here I'm just going to look at the first picture only and you can see wow this looks amazing artistic now if I go with the focus sharp and photograph even Masterpiece Focus cinematic I'm going to turn on all the focus settings here okay I am actually having fun showing you guys this this is really good uh image editor actually you know I have seen many advertisement on social media uh showing these kind of AI tools or at least these kind of photo editing using Ai and they don't do this well trust me they don't I'm going to turn off all these uh and I'm just going to go with the Enemy let's do that just one uh style we're going to choose only one style we can mix you know different styles too but let's try anime only okay and uh let's see how the results comes out yeah this the smile this is like total enime okay but to improve this we can actually turn on the focus V2 and focus negative you know you should actually always use these two with other presets Focus V2 and focus negative if you use this the image will look better okay so let's try this one more time depending on how you want your image to look or the style you should play with the all the focus related uh Styles here you know each setting does different thing and improves the uh image quality you should always use Focus V2 and focus negative with other presets because it actually makes the image look better almost done here this actually looks really close just with the focus V2 and focus negative this this is really close look at that yeah this is actually really close now so on you can try different uh you know presets and everything and you can turn your photos into any any style you know these are the images that I generated using this and trying different styles and you know whatnot some there are some mistakes okay you can see uh I also turned myself into like old man and I tried extreme you know the strong uh preset this one you know there is a neon something yeah this one Sai neon punk I used this preset to generate this image this AI is actually really good really good the best uh AI image generator Plus image editor out there because it's stupidly simple to use if even though it uses the stable diffusion other stable diffusion uh tools like automatic 1111 comfy UI are also great but only if you can Master them like only if you can learn how to actually use them you know there are so many settings sliders and everything that you need to like tweak all the time to get the results look good but no that's not the case with the focus we have presets and everything that we can can just select and get our results it's just mindblowing and you can use any models that you use on stable diffusion you can also do face swap okay uh you can also do in paint or out paint like expand the images you can change uh the backgrounds and everything I don't even have words as I said earlier this is the only AI tool I'm using to edit images plus generate images this is really good really good because it's stupidly simple to use yeah that's it for this one hope you enjoyed it if you still have any questions or have any suggestions for me you can always do the comment and we can have some chat in the comment section too yeah and try to help out each other in the comments and yeah that's it I'll see you in the next one take care yourself and have fun bye-bye
Channel: kilObit
Views: 4,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oz7usTQEBmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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