Fools Parade 1971

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Fools' Parade (1971) GP

In 1935, after forty years in a West Virginia prison, three released convicts wish to open a legitimate business using the $25,000 earned in prison, but a crooked prison guard in cahoots with the town banker plans to defraud them.

Comedy | Drama | Thriller
1h 38min
Director: Andrew V. McLaglen
Stars: James Stewart, George Kennedy, Anne Baxter
Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.5/10 (1,170 votes)
I am a bot. Sources: IMDb. For corrections, message here.

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's Maddy he no stores any good without green [Music] yeah how do you feel bad and for sauce [Music] [Music] that tall man the one with a white hair and the glass eye that's the metal garden kill two or three men yeah I heard him talking about in town this morning a whole land withering on the vine breadlines as long as freaky dreams and a man that's killed maybe three men riding out with all that money now then each one has got himself brand-new state free suit state free pair of shoes reaching your right hand pocket you find yourself a brand new $5 bill to the left hand pocket you climb steps n scarf and besides them greatest state free gifts which many has been given us state free being old tickets and it's hip-hop prison release papers is in your coat pocket there in order westbound the park is burger come along and 17 minutes pull out is Depot in 23 minutes when it leaves you'll be on it Maddie did tell me up at the state prison you got a 35 second they tell me is for better and $25,000 that's right Kevin what's a better I have to do in glory prison and you know whole lot of money like that back 40 years hard work healthy what he is sweating for contra you don't call this hot woodsy a contra not it used to a name captain are you from what we wear you think you're from Boy captain I was born right here in glory he wasn't born boy you was found is found in a pasteboard box underneath the theater seat ain't that right boy captain if I was found in glory that I must have been born in glory why don't you go on home that captain Johnny he'll be on board that train which he pulled off I'm not talking you Appleyard run an herb yeah we gather at the rear it's a beautiful beautiful gotta run captain this ticket says stone cold West Virginia I've never been there in my life for is my home then why don't you go on home net gone boy start run why can't I stay in gory quarter they just don't one ex-convicts filling up the town Johnny you see the man finish is pulling time glory prison the only home he's got is worth state rights on his coach ticket passes rule boy just the same as his rules in the good book just like the rule you broke the gut you set the floor in prison they were wrong I never did that try to pull that young girl's clothes off that sweet fragile young thing that adorable child he pulled his time captain or why don't you leave my law shut your mouth old man I'm talking to the boy I could have saved you boy if I had you in my Sunday School class man Jesus we could have saved you a poor pitiful soul but it's too late recorded demos gotcha there was a tough manigott shut up [Music] [Music] [Applause] ward [Music] we've been together for a long time now joy we'll be seeing each other don't watch your fights other crap Oh see you for tomorrow's sunrise boy [Music] sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me say - you said you'd see me before tomorrow sunrise what do you mean that it sure feels the don't being on train again yes sir it sure feels good [Applause] we're moving now we're leaving this place [Music] [Music] [Music] be on it indeed they are mr. Grindstaff everything all set to get diamonds that's the amount we agreed on plus a little something extra for you I can't come in real handy for our missionary fund and the Vacation Bible School [Applause] [Music] you know I like you because you're deaf you got just enough sense to be flying too [Applause] listen you three fellas are played a nun jumpin train somewhere I just want you to know that your business who said anything about us jumping Trey nobody I'm just telling in it if you do it's none of my business I mean I just go back and forth to Parkersburg every day I don't care I don't care if you jump or not [Music] you can buy that idea of wearing to jump train almost Sarzo he was asking us to I'm gonna get me some good clean free air well Italy why don't you leave your book here nobody bought I can't do that nobody's gonna steal your grocery list groceries it's not yours free list is an island tour Ivan towards the most important thing businessman has honor which is tagged say many died tige has to tell me what he sees in his own good time names Roy hey Sizemore out of Pittsburgh Lee cop out Chris well now celebrate oh brother wait that's not a paste Brad good to you after how long did you say you've been in 16 years on my way down the stone cold open up the store long time stone-cold your hole it's my home and that's where I'm going to open up a store with my two friends in there oh all they've ever had is companies to earn that's no real store at all parsa's but the generals Oh well what is it Maddy what's wrong you all right is it something bad the all riders but you mustn't go back there tonight taxi me going back tag saw you jump in this train and running back to glory tonight and beating us all to her doom I won't Maddie I promise I believe you but there's something in the air Johnny great haired fella back there that's Manny Appleyard did a 40-year rap for two murders what's all the gears the present mind save every penny earned who we're gonna be Park sign over the store is barri [Music] sure hate to be broke homeless like them poor souls but you ain't your partner he's rich how much money you say he's saved and then I just said enough to start a store now sharks brotherly I wanna meet this great benefactor you're a schmuck take me there introduce because yeah Maddie this is Roy Sizemore Roy K Sizemore mister out the art and it certainly is a great pleasure to meet you sir yes indeed a real pleasure hike the Czar's or this is yawning hello Ellen Oh which I've seen why I don't mind if I do but what what kind of Bill knows here most aside more mine supplies I work the southern district out of Pittsburgh for Vance Pearson consolidated Milwaukee Oh our prospects time being what they are des Mille mr. Appleyard just dismal what would the land swarming with radicals and unemployed trash and then there's a criminal element that's been no offense meant boys do we understand Lauren still at all with that sample case yours there must be some business on the road sample a hopeful L that's no safe okay that's just an order I'm delivering personal but don't want to hear about me and my little doe routine West Africa what I want to hear is your tale because you see I am by way of being a student of life and a philosopher and when I look at you boys I tell myself that they're but for His grace go well it wasn't His grace that sent us to glory prison mr. Sizemore it was his honor my name is Enoch pretty I'm a retired engineer and we live down the river I write on the train for nothing I sell greens just for a pastime well they were talking whispering about you all over town that you're carrying a check right now the more than $25,000 I never even seen a payroll check for that much money could could I just see that check sure very feeling if you like Maggie are you sure that's alright Lee I trust mr. Purdy the whole look more like trust some to see it I sure do thank you my pleasure mr. Purdy [Music] what what sort of mine supplies you handle this sidebar you know right Greg your line such as what this side hell you were a miner souls carbides drill shanks permissible you know the regular thing what are permissible is this your side for why mrs. Appleyard you do sound like a greenhorn well it's been a long time you know it's hollow forgets a lot in four years do you know many a dynamite Oh dynamite oh you know how words and names have a where failing me I am nighttime I doubt it I understand you're on your way to make delivery on the sidewalk yes we Donny I'll be back beside Morris I don't die is there something dangerous in that suitcase no-ho-ho horse not that like explosives maybe mr. Appleyard you got better sense than that well if they was to get wind of a man Karen died might on a calm and carry that be $1,000 fine a year in jail why don't you make a jump for it boy what trying to talk some sense into us what get away from your mother to get away they're my friends one's a murderer Neal is a bank robber why don't you get away from him now how did I do it you got your whole life ahead of you boy for all you know their mother too may be dead by morning and you too if you don't get away from dead why should they be dead look what are you bothering me for you're just a kid I can't stand to see you get hurt top here so we might be dead by tomorrow more sense to it no reason [Music] [Music] [Music] and he got everything straight me and jr. here is a team if I got it straight he's got it straight do you boy I don't expect an impudent answer I'll do fine I always do Steve he knows me good well I don't know you're good and I don't think much of what you're wearing yeah stick out like a brakeman flag I gotta get to Whelan by midnight I got a job singing on the radio I'm not paying you for the goddamn radio Dallas you know I ain't mucked up a job in 20 years I know Steve you're a good boy well then why don't you lay off for junior you got my word he's cool he's been on nine jobs with me saying honor I do [Music] that whole smoked old bourbon come on now I want you to tell me all the facts behind your little misunderstanding with the law What's it feel like to really kill me Sizemore I've just heard about enough for you do you reckon I envy you don't you counter that check well whose pocket you recognize money come out of huh but me that taxpayer that's who so when you go to try and catch it just remember that it is a gift from lower-case eyes more and a few other honest men like him [Music] - what does evening Maddie's not trying to cash it you won't have any trouble cash that with your huge bro did you just could I see you check man [Music] this cacheable only by payee in person at bank of issuance you have to go back to glory what the hell is that for hmm right ladies bathing cap keeps crap diced in it well fur likes to suck on it claims it keeps his mouth from getting dry on the job you trying to kid me Steve we don't your mouth ever get dry in the job you trying to kid me well hell don't it I thought you said he didn't get nervous yay he handles that Winchester like a still get to our wish you're gonna find out Steve sure as hell are it'll be alright but you said we'd cash it in a stone cold Matty you said it'd be all right I know I did Johnny and I was wrong just one place on this earth that that checks any good and that's that Bank and glory I didn't just see man why didn't I see I don't know I don't know but I didn't know that's all there is to it I have to go back to glory what I don't like I don't either I thought was getting closer to having this door and rolling and getting farther away get off my train get off my train why why do you want to solve your trade there's no time to talk just get off and run for your lives please I don't want to hurt you Harnish you don't want to hurt us what's that gun for not to shoot us I was desperate when I took their money to do this my wife is sick can you understand that there's a mortgage but here's the money the money they paid me to work with them you take take us run we're not more than a couple hundred yards from the depot and they're waiting there for you so run you get away from them run now well who's they there's nothing to explain they're waiting there to kill you all three of you who's waiting learning notes you don't understand you've all three done time and Dorrie prison but did you ever have a prison call 1935 I know very well what year it is what I don't know is who's out there waiting to kill us know who is of it is it counsel answer me down where yes it's counsel it's counsel to us how come they stopped way up there Steve you and your eyes sucking friend here take Appleyard toxic leave me handle the boy I don't like lost jr. it's cool here just check things out you sure they're atheist Steve they're atheist peculiar I promise you you don't have to warn um about two years the nice digits boy deputy sheriff pop soon as I get on up the junction one of them is coming down the track Lee Johnny come on let's go there's a law law regarding the transportation of explosives by passenger vehicles of any description or by common carrier I have an eye for the law my little drunken stranger now you go on here and sit down and don't you try and stop me again because if you do I'm gonna have to hurt you real bad you ain't about to hurt nobody just keep a stand and steel till we get into the depot [Music] which one's a EWTN's is them ex-cons it ain't me no it's them here him and him you want to pray before we get in the depot Great Dane money well I thought you might want to cuz Steve he's done told me all about you Ewing's is atheists I never shoot nobody but atheists Steve he helps me find him I just love it when they repent just before I do it too [Music] and there is him wandering yonder in the night searching out his sinners in the land [Music] [Music] you want to pray Oh God Oh Lord is that you [Music] is it really you Lord I think I know Lord I know you've tried to show me the way but I just couldn't see don't you say you Artie do you hear that son did you hear did you hear what he said if thy right eye offend thee have my lord then Lord reach down my hand now and draw from this sinners face the eye that has so offended right just not I feel it I feel it I feel it I feel it deep in her face I feel their hand coming down you say you won't take it yes Lord he was she goodbye boys cover the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I gotta get my book Oh [Music] - there is about killing that I [ __ ] radio singing little friend New York I got me one of them I go in for work [Music] [Music] who is he drama from Pittsburgh [Music] [Music] be Matty Appleyard the murder again [Music] I thought supposedly written for me to ask the provider disestablishment personal question such as water how much these beams animam case I would admire so much to stop celebration in this door only I'd hate to tell you how far away that store is this morning Maddie will right next to the bank that's the first place you'd figure to look for us it's the last place eight figures to be and what about him he must know why we're here I know why I'm here I'm here to win they're like any other honest American and cashes check [Music] it's your money Maddie you what for no that's not the important part what's important is as long as they've got that money locked up in there they still have some of me locked up too right I had any sense I'd hired a Boy Scout Troop to go down there and set rabbit traps for that's no way to look at it mr. Grindstaff after all who can foresee the unforeseen who can foresee the unforeseen my god man that's right out of Aristotle well I'm sorry I didn't mean it to be well never mind who was just a minute who was this man you say Sizemore Roy case I'd lose the sails well that's murder you know that means Appleyard can be shot on sight even in front of witnesses that's the plan mr. Grindstaff as far as they know they're not guilty of nothing they just coming into town to catch a jet it's kind of beautiful in it you think they're here in town now and if they're not they soon will be of course if you think that me and the boys can't handle it I can go to the sheriff's office and have them call in the State Police that's right crafty thinkin counselor then I can call in the state auditors and after they get done going over the books we can invite in the State Police to haul my ass and your ass and a whole lot of other asses over to the jailhouse mr. Grimes in a minute well auditors is gonna be poking their nose in anyway not before I get done doctoring up these convict work and whole savings accounts brains counsel brains that's what it takes to keep the resources of this hard-working down from falling into the hands of convicts government what is it now Clara good morning hey aunt Ella foggy out there today I imagine all burned all by 10 11 o'clock oh are you you mister Grindstaff man made out this check good good a lawful happy to hear that because you're the man it's gonna cash it don't do that sit down counsel no mr. Grindstaff these or various lengths of inside Beckford safety fuse huge fuse that's right and they're tied in with these these the well it's what what's next to my heart you might say what's that well it's just what you're looking at mr. Grindstaff at 12 sticks of DuPont high-velocity gelatin dynamite and 12 mercury fulminate dynamite caps I reckon out on door door just think so mr. Grindstaff this your way of sticking up a bank oh no no I'm not a bank robber but I'm just an American scum into a bank to cash a check I'll see you in Hell first well that's very possible mr. Grindstaff very possible indeed and sooner and you think if you don't get me more money right quick not a captain Council Oh some of these fuses here or short burn and if you don't sit back down there and stay there I'm gonna light one up and when I do you can start counting to five but you'll never get there because between 2:00 and 4:00 this office and this Bank and half this city block will just go to kingdom come I got 60 more pounds of it in here bag the blasting powder must have busted the dynamite look at for God's sake man watch your smokes well are you you want to go into the vault and get me my money right quick I'm warning you Appleyard this is a crime you won't get away with well I'll go along with you on that mr. Grindstaff suicides one crime you can say that about it's also one crime nobody ever got locked up for suicide don't don't you don't you understand don't you really see what I'm getting at if I don't get my money it's gonna make me feel so sad and depressed I don't think I'd really be understood and living anymore are you trying to tell me that you intend on blowing yourself up me and you and Captain Counsell and 50 or 60 innocent people in the immediate vicinity I think you're a liar council you think he means it and my best judgment mr. grants deaf he does all right I'll give you your money can you stop that thing wait you look kind of PD captain like asleep baby you always was a crazy bastard Appleyard 25 thousand four hundred and fifty 125 thousand four hundred and fifty two dollars and 32 cents 32 cents disome you house boys you're doing business with you mr. Grandstaff even though you do have a little trouble understanding what's yours and what's mine today [Music] out the back way quick squid out down there afters for murder this time did you know someone I explained later now do as I say we'll meet under the trestle up with the station will will hop afraid of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get one back in there come on all right all right get down off of it get down off in there while you still can back up back up [Music] come on Joey come on come on get through there let's meet me we ought to hop her when she pulls ahead it's a hanging matter now I'm not leaving Eddie but Johnny murder [Music] you ain't nobody and I ain't murdered nobody now Maddy said he never wouldn't I believe it Maddy will know we've gone to stone cold he'll follow us and he'll know [Music] - lowly we're right I sure not a stock a delicacy [Music] [Music] lonesome I'm Sonny Boy and this is Chanti she's she's 16 years old she's a cherry just as fresh as this morning's milk she and all we got down to the houseboat we got store-bought cigarettes beer wine whiskey anything you want anything I sure could do good good drink whiskey well come on then let's just down the bank of peace what'd he say yeah I believe you Maddy said to wait for him under the trestle nah he wouldn't know the look on a houseboat good deal good drink it's me come on it ain't far you go on if you want to me but I'm waiting for Maddy lay off chaddy going back your room you can make yourself scarce to Sonny Boy I sent you out for a live one comeback convict fresh falling of bricks well take your hat off man mmm sorry ma'am I'm not used to being monks ladies it ain't for me is for the flag we respect that around here five all via the girl first man to get her will pay $100 buy-in 20 shots out of that bottle there or drank for both of us what times you wouldn't believe it mister I used to work twenty girls 24 hours a day right up there and glory da arse ran me out one well what you serve time for oh just a little misunderstanding what at the court calling bank robbery drink up mister and drink free this is on Cleo I'm proud to have you sitting under my roof [Music] hey buddy got a dime on you [Music] where's Lee oh he went on down the bank to a household Betty what was some feller and a girl to get him a drink of whiskey holders all right let's go [Music] you're here telling the DA ours no I don't think ladies that had ancestors in the Revolutionary War damn snobs they won't let me join lost my great-grandmother in that war let me join I'm real sorry to hear that ma'am how did she die infection some revolutionary colonel with a set of wooden teeth put a splinter in her tit hmm makes me shudder to think about it was just as honorable a wound as if she died in battle I mean given everything she had of the country she died doing I do when my mom did her on did even putting up with soldiers in 1776 ei ours won't let me [Music] and Oh visit the Stars forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who are they they're my friends you're all in trouble ain't you I wouldn't put it exactly like that ma'am how would you put it well bad truffle aren't they close behind you you awful close be awful close well in front of a bank robbers a friend of mine well get in that back room quick what brings you out on a cold morning Dallas Council kicking in the doors of honest ladies all settle down for a little morning's drunk I'd like oldest is a clear don't remind me of them days Dallas I've seen a black cedar quit for a mirror a monkey Sunday where you've been since that up and down the river tying up and any little tag down what is a chance to make a dishonest dad there's a skiff outside the window come on out the window where are they Cleo I don't know what you're talking and not a lie to you friend now why would I hide anybody why would I lie money $5 billion seven cents car fare twenty-five thousand four hundred and fifty two dollars and 32 cents really [Music] you need mesh what's your name child Chandi thorne Cleo took me in and nobody else would you want to go with us you better hurry mister whoever it is I'll stop I want you to get away I know what it's like not to [Music] [Music] don't put your substitute down on the chair you know you work for the big rock bye you got no right to be here you're making a big mistake yeah I think something got into you who was the last time you had a short on inspection yes right gone [ __ ] go be the first loaded thing has never had his button this chick you shouldn't have left we shouldn't have left that girl there man we don't even know what she means so helpless look look look that's so high we're almost and we're almost free it all docked back there on the bank lifting floors start rolling back or say I said we're going back but we're almost there we're almost free it doesn't matter now you're gonna turn around or not we should have left that girl back there in the first place get back in that seat give me these waters [Music] where they are [Music] you take care of her I'll see if you first award look here ma'am come on board but $25,000 in my lap where'd you put it ma'am I don't know what you're talking about the soap case you brought aboard where is it oh well I guess you got us where is it one side well Manny that's not that's that's rightly that's all we have oh you had to me ma'am I about the girl here what a girl take her right on there now just get off my boat or not by the score fine house wheeling her or Cincinnati I'll join the DA ours [Music] never are you sure you know what usually happens to the greedy of this earth they live in clover now get away it's none of my business man and I'm nobody to be given a lady like you advice but it just seems to me that you could use some spiritual guidance yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] she sure is hate yuck yes she is but I don't think she's ever going to get into the DAR Sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or run away in a cat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fine she knew that Tareq but a man walks into a bank to cash a check and finds himself in a war Maddy you couldn't have known I mean who would ever thought she well I'm sick and tired of having everybody trying to steal and cheat me out of what I spent 40 years hard earning from now on it's gonna be a fight all the way I I got these two hands and I've got a brain and I tell you it's not just the money I'd fight just the same if it was a mason jar full of navy beans I spent half a lifetime saving man comes to the town cash your check [Music] this is how it ends twenty-five thousand four hundred and fifty two dollars and 32 cents all out there in the river maybe maybe not are you sure you search that woman's hospital thoroughly I mean there was no place for them to hide I have a hunch they're still around here somewhere there's no dynamite it's stuck in an old car of his it's just like him stay around sniffing on watching out for all the others regard westbound freight our only chance alright wait until the first five cars are passed he's on the other side so that help me could cover for us we did we did it we're just leaving there in just below we're gonna have that scope a general store hey Johnny I got I need something you could make a real career you see these that's a shoelace I'm gonna stop them in the store and you know what part of a shoelace words outburst nudged that takes so don't you see you've made a whole career we keep shooting again did he did it you can't see kids [Music] can I sit with you Johnny I was gonna ask you I didn't know whether you'd want to [Music] you [Music] Manny wake up baby what's wrong you mind how there's no hobos on this train when we hopped her what are you saying I'll only put asleep no but there's a good reason why no hobos on this train Manny this train one from no place anything or no place neither take a look that wasn't a freight train at all the yard engine hauled us around for a while and then Sean is back on the siding like some kind of a dream five six hours in here we have moved away from glory 15 yards like some kind of fool's parade [Music] [Music] [Music] well as don't you think you've had enough to drink I can't get drunk yet it's the fourth one I've have not barely feeling that's your conscience telling us to go tell the Rory police what happened last night host it's too late [Music] nice water please you don't look at all happy women [Music] must have had a bad night huh [Music] you take care of yourself Willis there's a sickness in here and never knows what's gonna get [Music] oh man what we gonna do it's broad daylight no doctor to second up there now I don't know I know I know I just need time to think it has to be a way out of this I'll see on tomorrow's run [Music] alright Appleyard come on out kick through our story - at number four [Music] Apple yeah you hear me you bastard you ain't gettin away this time I can't take it anymore this is all I can do for you you understand that don't you oh we understand you didn't have to do this much we appreciate it I just remember this is all well not quite mr. Hubbard you could tell the police what happened last night you can get myself killed no why don't you tell her well I'm afraid our Ward wouldn't mean much against the Gloria merchant bank you can take off from here in any direction maybe now I can go home and get a little sleep well maybe you can get a whole lot more sleep if you just drove right into glory and gave your whole story to the sheriff are you crazy even if council missed me I'd end up in glory prison my wife is sick there's a mortgage on my house he's just sorry time for honest man mr. Hubbard sorry Appleyard you just don't understand my position that's one thing I do understand this Robert may be the only take [Music] another eviction yeah and another Bank I'm about to be in trouble with [Music] I knew he wouldn't take him far he's too scared for that [Music] go stay here tonight man I'm tired Johnny I'm tired of run it all right it's time I did some heavy thinking for a change I it can't go on like this [Music] it could be real cozy if you wanted to build a fire [Music] how would he ever know to look here for us Manny he's an evil man evil finds its own way you know it's we're having Sunday school teacher no God uses the good ones bad when she was God I guess we'll walk for a while Dallas Dallas or take this little walk I'd like to ask you some questions is free steam when you get this money you ain't really gonna give it back to the bank are you you ain't getting greedy on me are you Steve you and your radio singing lil friend that ain't it Dallas Weaver with your all the way I just don't think it's fair if you keep it all fair you say fair Steve what's fair you know I've killed five men for home a Grindstaff I pulled him and this goddamn bucks out of the five five times of course I made a little bit of money on it but just Thomas for me this time it's Christmas follow us sure Steve I'll divide with you wait folks my paw was killed in a mine and my mom she ran away with a bootlegger I don't have anybody now well I don't either never did you got me if you want me remember the first time we saw each other I took one look at you knew I liked you well uh a person just don't like somebody without any cars [Music] you know Cleo was trying to sell me yes some of them were nice but I never saw anybody I wanted to do that with do you know what I'm trying to tell you John [Music] oh that's the old Bob darkness place that's where your dog is running to her banquet Bob and his family out in the cold last winter nobody lives here anymore looks to me like somebody's busted in somebody like we're looking for I want that Mattie Appleyard for myself all right let's see how good you are you lead off good ten yards between us till we reach the farmhouse and then we'll all rush in together in Dallas where do you think we should go when we get the money Masek Oh and I've always no good at dividing Steve what is it man there's nothing thought I heard something the wind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never did like boys [Music] well mr. Hubbard do something for you something wrong it's taken me four years to learn to live in peace Lee forty years after those two killers came scrabbling up that slag pile after me with a Winchester rifles and a pistol I had a bad temper Lin more they kept shooting not name a meaner I felt all I have to fight with was dynamite that's all you only shot my partner dead so I did some fast primum time time and Lee I tossed a better pitch you ever saw in any prison baseball game I just blew those two jokers right out from under their hat Here I am again here nothing to fight with the dynamite where do we go from here may that's what I've been trying to tell you I'm true one you and the girl in Johnny you go ahead if you wanna I'm making my stand right now I've always been ashamed of not knowing who I am that's why I wanted to go back to glory hi Tony I know now too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's eaten here before we do I don't know me [Music] I never hand looks many talk about dynamite all right I never listen it wants it be careful jack because it would blow it all out even if I Jewish you won't get us [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right I'm gonna have me a store in Hammond that's the only way I'll ever get one in heaven this money is right back where it belongs Clara they'll be in jail the rest of their lives maybe even be hung prosecuting attorneys parties charges let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] well there they go mr. Grindstaff yes boomer you're under arrest prosecuting attorney here has something to say make out a check to mr Mackey Appleyard for twenty five thousand four hundred and fifty two dollars and thirty two cents [Music] [Applause] passional anywhere in the state anywhere from Wheeling to stone-cold ma'am I like cashes check [Applause] looks like you're a hero mr. Appleyard [Music] I'm just an American coming into a bank to cash a check [Music] just tagged see something Maddy I can't understand we're being followed [Music] Manny what does tied scene Pisces that store pretty clear [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mot Deer
Views: 107,444
Rating: 4.7694235 out of 5
Id: PXm8prKrQRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 8sec (5888 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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