Donovan's Kid (1979)

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[Music] if you don't get a move on bailey there's one thing i hate to manage to change badly and sort of rule do they come again [Music] [Applause] mr donovan yeah i have a feeling that we'd best change our plans i think reno is going to be warm for quite a spell we could go to san francisco for a while till things cool off huh i got a sister there sister i haven't seen in 10 years her name's charity oh i'll be right down i'm hurrying as fast as i can [Music] the same oh we heard you were dead dead charity my darling dead no no well to tell you the truth i never really believed it myself ah bad pennies and black sheep you never get rid of this now what's going on here where are you going oh i'm on my way to teach school a little town called green bush tim this is ridiculous we haven't seen each other in 10 years and i've got a train to catch i know where have you been all this time oh uh ireland and india around the world i was hoping to stay here and tell you all about it well the rents paid up until the first of the month you're welcome to make do without me good but you've got to promise to come visit me in green bush oh we've got a lot to talk about you and i i will i will i promise promise i i've got to run i mean my cab is waiting i'm going to miss my train i never expected to see you back i never expected to be back after grace and i broke up san francisco was a black and dirty word for me oh no tim don't blame graves too much it's that uncle of hers that broke the two of you up that and all their money you have my word on it she tried her best to reach you we both did after your child jamie was born [Applause] child [Music] jamie we better get out of here jimmy or this whole crab's only going to get us some more trouble we're not getting in trouble we're getting even [Music] cops come on jamie look out the cops are coming [Music] this time you've gone too far [Music] so [Music] so yes officer it's that jamie of yours again ma'am the second time this week now a complaint is being filed i'll take care of this grace what's the child done this time jamie is upstairs i'm sure you must be mistaken officer very well grace if you're so sure ask jamie down here mother hello uncle henry were you looking for me mother oh there's something here in plato's republic i don't quite understand i thought we might have one of our little talks about it but in just a moment dear i believe you've made a mistake officer yes ma'am i have i should have run faster good day to you good day sir you can close the book jennifer it served its purpose you may fool your mother but you've never fooled me slipping in and out of this house like a thief in the night into mischief with every little hoodlum in san francisco henry she belongs in miss haddon's finishing school in boston where she can't hide behind your skirts and wear some of her own i might add it's going to be quite a challenge turning her into a proper young lady next semester is none too soon to start you hear me jennifer i won't go i'll have respect not insolence i'm not going sir can't we discuss this later on henry there's nothing to discuss grace my mind's made up by the first of the month jennifer will be in finishing school [Music] timothy donovan you're not noted for being closed mouth that uh marriage that you didn't tell me about hurt must have run pretty deep we were very very much in love were i still am i had to block it out of my mind to keep from going mad over the years not that it's any of my business dear friend no matter it's an old story poor but ambitious sailor from dockside runs off with rich and very beautiful girl henry carpenter that's her uncle had to get rid of me he arranged with one of his partners to frame me in a swindle i had to leave town tim have you ever thought about leaving sleeping dogs lie oh i have to see my son first when i go into that house i'm going in in style my son will see me as a gentleman i'll have no pity from him a condescension from the carpenters now tim you know that i'm not against vulgar display but i must remind you that our funds are running terribly low and this uh partner uh a rumford silas from fit silas rumford he sounds like a perfect mark for one of our little charades [Music] it'll be my pleasure count von krumwitz ah we'll pull the old shipping insurance fraud on him and we'll double it back rumford will recognize it as a swindle a minute he hears it and pay you handsomely to double cross me captain higgins kranwitz are van grind with at your servicer well what can i do for you i am here on a matter of the utmost discretion i believe you know how this has to be handled and take two men with you yes sir have a chair my mission here is to ask if you have a boat big boat of ample cargo space ready to leave tomorrow night oh that's not possible not possible huh i was told that you dealt in this type of transaction obviously i've uh been misinformed uh what do you need the ship for i dear sir if it were possible for me to tell you of my plans it would be just as impossible to pay you amply for your discretion and how much is that 5 thousand dollars in gold only if our little transaction is kept completely out of the records and i must choose the crew the master of the ship a captain higgins can be found at this very moment at the hook and net a one-eyed brigand of dubious character but an able well i think we can get you what you're looking for counts [Music] and all about your ship here that's why i'm here that and gold gold captain will you join me [Music] what did you want to talk about eh well captain though we've never met we have a mutual employer yeah khan von krumwitz he's overpaying me to get a ship for him on the slide this morning after he left my office he went directly to an insurance company where i have friends captain it's one of the oldest dodges on the waterfront the ship will be run aground the cargo secretly sold and the insurance collected for now wait a minute what do you take me for oh no please captain no offense but you and me we're seafaring men i propose that we form a partnership and divide the council's share where what's he paying you [Music] [Music] all you have to do is bring that ship to a snug harbor of mine uh-huh oh no no no you'll probably have a gang of cutthroat's waiting there with guns and knives and clubs waiting for me no no nothing doing captain higgins uh he plays the fool for no man silas romford's word is his sponsor [Music] captain here's a little something out of [Music] counts [Music] i've had lead in my hands before [Music] yes i've come to see mrs donovan there is no mrs donovan here mrs grace donovan oh you must be miss grace carpenter yes yes whom shall i say is calling mr donovan wait here please miss carpenter hello hello are you a friend of jamie's i am jamie jamie carpenter you're jamie [Music] you're a girl yes who are you [Music] i'm i'm an old friend of your mothers [Music] tim it is you i'm sorry we heard that you were i i never heard that oh ah have you have you met jamie i yeah i told her that i was an old friend of yours yes uh very dear old friend i bought i bought these for you oh and uh hmm what's this well it's it's nothing really it's just something i bought ah it's uh [Music] while bill hickok had had just like this it's just perfect thank you it's a beautiful present i really love it i'm gonna see how it looks with my other clothes oh jamie you uh kit carson's frontier parent that girl has donovan's blood in her veins all right i know i see it every time i look into her eyes she calls herself jamie carpenter has she ever heard my name no why uncle henry i never want to hear the name donovan mentioned in this house again eh tim you must believe me i i fought him as long as i could but we heard that you had died in new york to die yes i wrote you every week for a year you never answered i never got them henry tim i i finally had to give in and you allowed henry to have our marriage and holden oh great no tim please don't start again we hurt ourselves too much in the past it's done with it's not done with grace i see it in your eyes i heard it in your voice the minute you walked in here it's no more over for you than it is for me tim my feelings don't matter i i can't change them but it has to be over with you and i could never live in peace together not then not now not ever i'm truly sorry tim [Music] it's all my girl so am i [Applause] one more thing yes grace is it possible that you and jamie and i could slip away for a little family dinner together before i leave i have an even better idea we will have dinner here uncle henry is in sacramento and won't be back until tomorrow well after i left new york i went to ireland um italy greece alexandria india all around the world every port i could find a ship for wish i could travel like that oh you will jamie you will i mean after all life is nothing but a journey i watched them drive the golden spike and left the next morning for creed colorado what'd you do in colorado mr donovan well for a while there i was a deputy to a bat masterson [Music] the real bat masterson the one at home's name grace you'll never believe the land that i staked out not another dream ranch no no no this is the real thing no 160 acres of the grandest land in the oklahoma territory oh it's magnificent i would have thought you'd had your fill of rainbows and ranches they disappear when you get too close to them not always girl would you like some more coffee no no thank you uh frida would you please bring the brandy into the living room yes ma'am thank you when will you be going to virginia city i'll be leaving on the morning stage right what are you going to be doing in virginia city search for a fortune in silver my dear in the comstock load grace leland and i decided to come back a day early [Music] donovan the very same sir i never seem to learn mr donovan not to turn my back on you i'll never make that mistake with you mr carpenter not a second time this mr leland ralston mr donovan grace i'm sure that grace has told you that she and mr ralston are engaged to be married i know as a matter of fact she had not mentioned it well today has been full of surprises i assume sir that you are a business associate of mr carpenters well i hope to be oh yes keeping it all in the family i am good evening to you jamie [Music] you have to leave i'm afraid i have no choice jimmy you run along jennifer it's past your bedtime and take that hat off in the house are you gonna come back i don't know i'll try but if i can you take very good care of yourself and of your mother i'll always remember you jamie [Music] jennifer [Music] tim you must try to understand what grace understand what you're not a child anymore you've got to make your own decisions if that's what you want well i'm fine if it isn't then this is your last chance to be your own woman grace you have company it's easier than you think grace all you have to do is say no oh sit down bailey sit down will you you're as nervous as a cat sir could you hurry that along we can friend but these horses ain't like humans they like to take their time when they drink it yeah yeah speaking of troubles tim what's the matter with you you spoke a word since we left san francisco oh it's grace great grace henry still has her under his thumb would you believe he's already chosen a new husband for nothing's changed you just got a daughter instead of a son that you thought you had yeah and he's trying to run her life too he's shipping her off to some high society finishing school in boston ah that'll finish her it's a terrible terrible thing that henry carpenter's doing to that grand little girl terrible ah i wish you'd met her really oh she's a fine intelligence funky bright aggressive little girl i tell you i can see your face in front of me now jamie jamie [Music] jamie jamie that's all we need jamie jamie hi uncle tim what what what are you what are you doing here jamie jamie what are you doing here i'm going with you what no no honey you can't you know what i'm ready to go go to the j you're installing now get in the sage excuse me sir could you tell me when the next stage will be going back to san francisco you passed it this morning but there is another one next week now seeing as though you're in such a hurry why don't you just get in jamie this is mr bailey how do you do how do you do does anybody know you're gone you mean you just sneaked out of the house and stowed away on the stage [Applause] we'll stop at the next station and put you in the west palace not if you want to spend a dry week in the desert you won't a week i report one's was gonna be halfway out of my mind i gotta talk to her don't you see uncle tim i've got no choice just like you said when you walked out yesterday i'll do anything to keep from being sent away to some stuck-up school but but you don't understand you see they'll accuse me of kidnapping you i understand all right [Music] oh no jamie you wouldn't i told you i'll do anything we'll all end up in jail that's better than miss hatton's finishing school for young ladies [Music] [Music] what are you carrying what's that usual breaks and a couple of passengers little girl's been kidnapped they got a kid with him not this trip it's a posse posse they'll be searching the stage we'll have a look check the box at the top jake right [Music] [Applause] begging your pardon sir but please remove your hat sheriff what's going on here this is me uncle william we're on our way to attend the funeral of his brother yes you who passed the great divide last week what's your name slope sir will slope my uncle and where are you from uh virginia city sir oh you see his brother my power got uh killed drowned in a terrible mine accident war was awful down there in the dark gurgling and gaggled in for the air you know it was a terrible thing you may have heard of it nothing up here sheriff okay jake don't look like we'll spit the reward this trip oh i'm sorry i'll i'll leave you to your agreement oh bless you press your heart yes [Music] is [Music] today i have more reason than ever to want to cry we have to get off we'll have to get off of that at the next station i told you uncle tim i'm not going back to san francisco san francisco san francisco be the last place you'd be going back to jail you're right yes we'll have to get off before the next station and then we better hide out too until those body hunters cool off all right [Music] [Music] two men mr bailey two horses mr donovan hide in the bushes [Music] good morning gentlemen good morning nice day for a ride naughty man how are you sure beats walking well that's right to the point ain't it my friend and i here we're interested in purchasing some horse flesh well the ranch 10 miles back yonder maybe they'll sell you a horse we're headed the other direction we'd be willing to go as high as ten dollars for one of your horses well we might go as high as fifteen dollars you circus folks oh that's just a little pet of mine uh tim uh i think we have more than 10 miles to be going on today yet so i i think perhaps we are just second dear that's a mighty fine looking watch you got there thank you sir twenty dollars now watch i think my brother's interested in your friend's watch might even get him to change his mind you mean trade this fine gold uh timepiece here for one of those old horses well it's worth more than a hundred dollars rock bottom well suit yourself you're the one who's stranded not me you bet we're not gentlemen gentlemen just just a minute for just a minute now you both look like sporting gentlemen to me we'll match for it now if you win the toss you get to keep the solid gold watch oh you know on the other hand if we win the toss and we get both horses for watch and twenty dollars oh oh well i i think so no that's uh oh my you certainly do drive a very very hard bargain sir oh yeah [Applause] [Music] i i don't think so it's you it's your watch mr been in the family for a long time but uh go ahead right really all right real match for gentlemen yeah we're going to use my coin and we'll flip no hold wait if if you're going to use your coin then we do the flipping oh that's weird let me sell this whole thing fairly if i may we'll let the monkey flip we'll use your coin and we'll call it oh wait a minute half general and it's just a monkey mr bailey why not all right caliban do your stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] flip it [Applause] heads [Music] [Music] tomorrow tomorrow i'll write grace and tell her to meet us here she'll never find us out here in the tools no no no there's a there's a little mexican village named dostrios here they've probably never even heard of the kidnapping i'm getting hungry what are we gonna eat what are we gonna eat whatever mother nature provides my dear come and i'll show you how to survive in the wild west [Music] [Applause] [Music] be careful so you don't scare the fish there's one right down there see it yeah all right [Applause] no no now be careful i got the other one you take this one no no no now watch out because water makes it appear to be where it isn't see watch out for distortion all right now one two three jamie you all right here come on that's it all right are you sure let me see let me see yeah you okay [Music] do you have to admire the courage of jamie uh you haven't heard a whimper over all day it's not a courage that i'm challenging it's her presence she doesn't belong out here in the wilderness she's like a fish out of water oh look at her there she's wonderful [Applause] [Music] tim you said you were gonna ride her mother huh well yeah well i guess there's no sense in putting it officer nope but i'm getting awful used to having her around [Applause] [Music] yeah well i'll i'll check back tomorrow thank you thank you very much but if she comes i'll send a nino to your campaign [Music] just keep it keep it and look at it that's right [Music] shouldn't have done that three kings two jackson two five now the first thing you want to learn about poker is you not only study your cards you study your opponent poker is not only a game of luck it's a game of skill well there's no sign of grace at all you should have been here by this time [Applause] did you know my father very well uncle tim your father jamie did i did i know him well yeah yeah yes you could you could say that [Music] what was he like uh well that that uh that all depends i guess on who you asked i guess of uh personally i thought he was a bit of all right you know certainly no worse than the next man he enjoyed a good game and uh a joke and a bit of a drink it's as a matter of fact some people thought he had a great deal of irish charm you think i would have liked him [Applause] i think you would have liked i didn't know you knew him too well i i knew him uh only slightly but that part about the irish charm that your uncle tim was telling you about i'm not sure but he was a good man to have on your side in a fight i think you'd have been proud of him yes and he would have liked you jp very much oh i can guarantee you that [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] couch bank romwoods captain higgins well good day gentlemen good day where is the carpenter girl ah no no no you you don't think we'd be full enough to keep her here do you no how'd you boys find this followed you from dos rios you think henry carpenter would be fool enough not to have the mail watched we want the girl donovan well you read the mail ah the girl's mother's the only one who gets the girl oh now mr donovan oh watch him oh that was the most impolite thing to do yeah [Music] [Applause] you know uh this this reminds me of our uh our uh our carnival days mr uh daily fairly reminiscent yes i think almost unappreciative on i fear we're in big trouble tim yes i think so oh now look if you let me go i'll tell you where the girl is oh no you wouldn't do that are you affirming you hey ruben you've used up all your chances donovan i want that girl now [Music] jamie you all right huh you okay can you catch your breath [Applause] uh look at her timothy she catches on real fast the horse i mean oh to everything too hey look look 300 bet you could beat him uncle tim well at one time maybe jamie but not anymore no not even for three thousand dollars i was thinking of a great deal more than that yes i'll bet you were remember seattle uh-huh the champion of ireland did you want me to fight this is sharky whatever reasoning nothing doing even the word seattle makes the bottom of my feet hurt you could do it nothing will go wrong this time i promise and i want to remind you that our funds are growing terribly low again yeah well yeah i suppose there's no harm in giving uh thunder city though once over tim donovan is a good man and i'm sure that jamie is safe if she's with him grace you're simply getting yourself upset of course i'm upset if you hadn't opened my letter jamie would be here now unharmed i suggest you go upstairs and lie down my dear but if you weren't so tired you'd realize that i'm as anxious to get jamie back as you are i am not tired and i mean what i say you are more interested in hunting tim donovan like an animal than in finding jamie silas we can't afford any more bungling i want results more whiskey take it easy yeah i'm taking it easy i remember them early days in saint louis the bartender used to leave the bottle on the table come on go bring us a bottle now settle down settle down [Music] well it's a little cowgirl it's my hat give it to me no come on i said jump the sea jump for right here come on come on jump forward give the colleen her hat what i said give the little colleen her hat maybe you want to come and get it for [Applause] [Music] junkie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] castle ladies and gentlemen may i introduce to you my very good friend tiger tim carnahan the champion of ireland who is here to challenge mr sharkey lynch for the right to fight robert fitzsimmons for the world's heavyweight championship i thought that's that's everything in full now you know our deal you'll leave town right away a deal is for jockey boy he had to pull his punches well i'm i'm terribly sorry i got carried away will you get carried away again jackie you're going to get carried out uh yes savvy he better leave him alone he could beat you anytime oh yeah oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's always been his problem a glass jaw come on get up he did it again uncle tim for real yeah as well it's a pity that he won't be in the ring with me instead of mr lynch oh now tim i i wouldn't give it a second thought i've seen the theater and it has a wonderful curtain i'll be standing in back of the curtain all you have to do is back him right up to the curtain i'll and you win it in one round huh a barge no no we are leaving this town before i get slaughtered you can do it i know it listen to me not i've seen him he's like a walking old beer barrel you can do it too sure you can uncle tim you can beat him i mean even without mr bailey helping him i'm glad you think so jamie men will toast you from coast to coast i remember seattle it won't be like the last time i'm telling you you'll be the envy of the world no uncle [Music] time [Applause] right after the fight the saloon right right baby come on i never could resist a long shot is that boy if you're as good as you say oh he's better sheriff he's better you want to leave town healthy he'd better be because i just bit my whole paycheck on him well i'm going to bet mine on carnahan [Music] [Applause] i'm laying two to one lynch carnahan's gonna kill him ladies and gentlemen [Music] introducing our promised attraction [Applause] an exhibition in the manly art of self-defense and now introducing on my left the leading challenger for the heavyweight championship of the world sharky lynch and his opponent on my right from the emerald isle the champion of ireland tiger tim carnahan [Applause] gentlemen this will be a contest to the finish london prize ring rules each knock down ends the round now go to your corners come out fighting [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give him a left [Music] easy tiger let's give these moves a show [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Applause] [Music] three ring the bell ring the bell [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what are you the yellow shamrock of iron come on [Applause] one two three all right [Applause] no don't throw in the towel but you'll get hurt i'm gonna get mr bailey that you had your bath it's time to tuck in shanny betty bye come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] shanky look out [Music] [Applause] i can't swim [Applause] [Music] there it is [Applause] [Music] thank you bet all of our money only i can't explain it to you now we gotta get out of town um but where's jamie i don't know in the saloon i look at the end of town i can't go into the saloon [Music] say bailey that was a great fight just great and i want to thank you for letting me know on the inside i'm getting bundled here does every i can do you a favor you just let me know thank goodness you're here sheriff there is something you could do for me a bunch of thugs just kidnapped my granddaughter what and took her into that hotel across the street well i'll get my deputies we'll lock them up and we'll give you the key [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i guess i'll turn in i'd have to be off a green bush before dawn find charity jim you know i might have lost a lot of money for you today but you won the heart of a young girl she thought i could win she really did i had to try not to disappoint her ah this is no life for a youngster it'll be the best thing that ever happened to her she'll she'll have a good time oh welcome for a vacation yes a holiday of an adventure sure but a girl like her on the road like us neither of us would want a thing like that for i mean lead a life like us huh what would you most certainly not tim you're talking about jamie growing up yeah you and me we never did yeah good night [Applause] sir good morning sir sir uh we're looking for miss charity pringles she teaches school here used to teach she got herself fired fire just keep right on up that street to the end and bear to your left yell out how she's renting thank you can't miss it hey tim look at this jake calvin stokes you can put your trust in cal i wouldn't buy a horse from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how are you doing well you're packing again oh this this is mr bailey i do and of course jamie jamie hi honey are you all right uh sure tim i've just been so worried i mean the san francisco papers are full of this talk about kidnapping and manhunt i wasn't kidnapped i ran away what's its name well that's morris the world's laziest dog he likes you how can you tell well he moved his tail morris doesn't believe in overdoing oh well tim you certainly paid that visit a lot sooner than i expected uh well actually we we we've come to ask you favor but with your moving and all that it's impossible now first things first i think well what what is all this i hear about you being fired oh mayor stokes sacked me for trying to help the children the school's a disgrace a fire hazard charity oh uh tim mr bailey this is my friend bob shepard how do you do so how do you do how are you he led the fight for financing a new school but when the money came in mayor stokes took it and built a fancy city hall oh yes you can always put your trust in couch well what are the people doing about this they're angry very angry angry enough to vote him out no no he's the only banker in town so that means most everybody owes him money and he's got the city council buffaloed now if bob were mayor this would be a wonderful little town but the odds against him beating stokes are a thousand to one we really just don't know what to do anymore oh tim what what was that favor you were talking about oh well you see i'm i'm afraid that we're going to have to take care of your business first before i can ask it um uh what what town would you say is closest to green bush that's uh competing for the farm trade would be pleasantville our traditional rival pleasantville i i think that you would best remove yourself bodily from these premises of this township until i further require your services a doctor sinclair i shall be awaiting your word dr dunning yes yes nice to have met you man and uh your servant sir yes the doctor isn't claire yes of course dr dunning at your service man [Music] what am i supposed to be doing out here dr dunny i don't understand any of this just shoot anything i tell you to when i tell you to yes sir are you ready yes all right now [Music] good day good day my name is jake calvin stokes i'm the mayor of greenbush oh yeah well how do you do mr mayor how do you do very pleased to meet you delighted my name is dunning sir dr tj dunny yeah uh well as a son would you take another photograph of that fine bank building from the corner over there oh yes sir i think [Applause] [Music] i see you taking pictures uh yes yes i require the pictures for a state survey of school building sites i'm on my way to pleasantville uh uh pleasantville did you say yeah dr sinclair and i have been uh chosen by the governor to purchase 1 000 acres of land for the site of a new state university sir the sun would would you uh photograph down below there the hotel in each building on each side of it thank you very much well now i must admit that pleasantville does have a certain old-fashioned charm but don't you think that uh the university of an upcoming state like ours uh be better located in a progressive modern community like greenbush [Applause] this is charming john down i tell you what why don't you stay on for a few more days extend your stay well three more days get to know our town have dinner with me and my associates yes perhaps perhaps we can let's see well that appears to be just about the end of main street oh we have a great deal more over on the other side of the tracks yes that reminds me mr mayor yes yes there is one thing you can do for me anything yeah well i will require a photograph of the school and i should like to talk to the teacher well i'm afraid our teacher is no longer with us the school's been temporarily suspended suspended oh one i'm afraid that's a catastrophe sir well no would you see dr sinclair he see places great store in local schools and local teachers well perhaps i can convince this pringle to reconsider well i think that would be a good idea i'm almost certain that i can't mess yeah well i would suggest you do it before dr sinclair arrives i say you'll stay there i will yes we can all split [Music] tim donovan i don't know what you did to the mayor but he offered me my job back with a raise what did you tell him i told him i'd take it now i i have got to get this message immediately out to mr bailey and i don't want to leave town right now i'll take it to him uncle tim will you do that for me jamie sure oh that's no no no no come on get your jacket come on okay he probably gets lonely after all by himself yes you're right it probably does yeah you got to sleep in okay all right look at your hand all right well that's it see you later uncle tim bye charity bye-bye you are sounding more and more like a father every day ah she's a grand girl she is but nothing can be settled without grace and that's why we're here to ask a favor of you well i owe you one tim i want you to go to san francisco and bring grace back here all right now now you're going to have to figure out a way to get around nook henry don't you worry about uncle henry i'm not tim donovan's sister for nothing [Music] [Applause] in nothing good about it sir i see nothing good about it tearing me away from the pleasant people of pleasantville in order to come to this fly bitten wave station dr singh i don't see anything good about it at all dr sinclair uh this is mayor stokes hello uh stokes ah welcome to our fair town i see nothing fair about green tree sir on the contrary bush doctor what bush uh i suppose there will be a hotel for me at uh bush town one of them i'll be the judge of that right after lunch and sir i'll expect to meet with you see the school the good doctor dunning told me about your field of learning i'm sure that you're down as a veritable citadel of higher education yes yes it is yes [Music] don't scratch [Music] dr sinclair seems to like the property but he's uh he's a very difficult man oh yeah he's all of that as i mentioned earlier he criticized his hotel rooms being the smallest slum he'd ever seen well i'd be delighted to have him here if i thought it would help oh no no that won't be necessary no unless you'd want him oh no no no no but i wouldn't do something about that school mr mayor and quickly it's a dreadful fire trap sir dreadful everything depends on it sir everything we realize that doctor dunning what do you suggest we do burn it well then we'd have no school oh what there is that fine new building out in the edge of town the new city hall absurd my new desk oh we spent hundreds of dollars on the flooring for my office alone well dr sinclair did admire that building mightily sir but uh you do as you choose mr mayor there must be some other solution dr dunning oh i'm sure there is i'm sure there is and i leave you gentlemen to find it oh oh all right the devil with it all right we'll call a special meeting the town council can't arrange for the transfer splendid splendid mayor i'm sure the doctor sinclair will be delighted delighted gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you stay here until i find out how a charity feels about monkeys in the house [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] caliban [Applause] [Music] caliban [Music] it's adequate the stroke's just adequate i've seen much better new i'll i'll give it that it is the finest hardwood floors i've ever seen well nothing's too good for miss pringles your school you know well now about that uh cooperage property that we're willing to sacrifice for the uh universe dr sinclair uh oh oh the the property's been given due consideration we're stoked uh the good dr dunning he'll handle all the particulars oh [Applause] [Music] it's just his way he does it all the time [Music] but i do think that i can tell you that he has finally made up his mind oh in your favor congratulations thank you thank you very much now if i were you gentlemen i would prepare a bill of intent of sale of the land of the state ah we've already anticipated that i had it all drawn up and ready really we prepared a surveyors report on the property and a notice of intent to sell at fifty dollars an acre fifty dollars signed by mayor stokes himself there you are thank you thank you may i oh not at all [Applause] excuse me yes yes it appears to be all here signed sealed and quite delivered [Music] i don't think the city council is going to like the way you cheated them mr mayor or the voters you should have built yourself a new jail instead of a city hall your next office could be in a prison cell running or whatever your name is you sir are a black guard and a scoundrel why thank you sir i quite agree and one of the very best [Music] [Music] uh [Music] how could anybody lose morris he never moves what do i sell that charity i can't even find their charity oh she went to san francisco and they should be back soon where'd you last seen [Music] why didn't charity go to san francisco i uh i sent her there to pick up your mother and bring her back here [Music] why didn't you tell me [Music] well i uh i didn't think i didn't think you'd understand i understand all right you're pretending i could stay when all the time you knew you were gonna send me back no no i don't know that's not true no you'll make it sound as if i'm as i'm trying to get rid of you that's not true at all i need you jamie more than you'll ever know i don't need you not anymore [Applause] there's no good answer jamie i'm wrong if i do when i'm wrong if i don't [Music] i thought you were jamie no no she passed me and she didn't even say a word well which way you go i don't know huh i don't know say mr rumford you see there was a reward for that girl no i didn't sheriff look i want to thank you for your assistance say uh can you direct me to your telegraph office oh sure it's just around the corner next to the stage depot [Music] [Applause] [Music] end of the line for you von krumwitz [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me jamie that was mr bailey will i do instead you have you enough there for two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] which [Music] hmm you're a real fine cook jimmy and a good rider and a fine fisherman [Applause] sure for a girl if i was a boy bet you wouldn't send me back oh no that's not true at all jamie oh no no if you think that i wish you were a boy you're dead wrong i i just like you the way you are but uh that isn't why i came out here to talk to you from now on you and i we tell each other the truth you mean i don't have to go back we'll go back you and i together what can you do well i don't know i don't i don't know really but i do know that if you want something badly enough and if you work at it hard enough well most most times you can make it happen you mean if i want something badly enough i can make it happen too most times but not if you run away jamie you can't run away all right uncle tim i'll go back with you good you forgot something [Music] well i've never turned down a dare yet and i've got the scars to prove it how about the second bend in the road sure all right ready get set go [Music] no you let me win no i didn't you know i'm glad you didn't let me win either that's what most people do with kids yeah captain higgins [Music] i believe you owe me some money [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right little lady off your horse [Music] come on donovan inside [Music] get him [Applause] [Music] just that little he's girl going anywhere got you now mr donovan come on let's go hi what are you doing i mean i was expecting we've got the kidnappers i wasn't kidnapped yeah i know that dear mrs pringle explained it all to me excuse us mr rumford oh damn [Music] oh jamie we must help him not now mother we've got to think first now what would uncle tim do if he were in our place what happened to aunt charity oh she'll be back in a day or two she just had to do something to help mr shepard are you sure you want to do this matter of course why i don't know i've never seen you like this before well sometimes jamie it takes a catastrophe to show us what we've become and why you know my entire life changed when i thought i'd lost you you didn't have to worry i was with uncle tim you like him don't you jamie jamie we better go now uncle tim's my father isn't he [Music] yes well you see i'm afraid ma'am it's against the rules to bring food to two dangerous criminals like that i better just have a look at this what happened to caliban a youngin if you're talking about that monkey ran hog while down main street yesterday i got him locked up for disturbing the face well now oh i i thought it might warm them sheriff their cell is so cold and damp so is this office man i'm just gonna have to impound this well i reckon since uh there ain't no whiskey in there i can take the food to him excuse me uh but one hand watch the other like to say you got visitors this is for you you can see it for five minutes don't want no trouble can't see it now man tim grace jamie oh you're a sight you shouldn't have put yourself in danger on her account though what it was jamie's idea we sweetened the whiskey with sleeping powders like you said you did an abilene should take for just 10 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] i can't believe we did it jamie it worked out jamie i'll take you to the horse are you going back to the camp i'll meet you there make it as fast you can yeah hurry hurry jamie jamie i don't know how oliver thank you no one ever did a bigger favor for you uncle tim you're not my uncle tim you're my father [Music] she knows yes she asked me tonight point blank i had to tell her and to tell her i've been bottling it up inside of myself for weeks oh grace grace thank you for tonight i've always told you that it'd be easier than you thought and now you don't have to do it alone anymore that you and jamie and me we ride off together to our ranch in oklahoma tim i i don't know probably not grace why not tim it it's just too important to decide like this you told me once that we only hurt each other i don't know if that's ever changed oh tim i need more time uh well you don't have to decide right now i will be at our camp until sunrise jamie knows where it is [Music] uncle henry please close the door jennifer [Music] what are you doing here i came to fetch you back to san francisco before you take total leave of your senses well you better pack your things i can't leave not now grace we know why you're here if you're worried about donovan he's free to go no one's after him you have my word jennifer help your mother pack we're not going i'll ignore that impermanence for the moment now you get packed you struck me yes and i will do it again if you don't leave this room grace i can't believe this is happening don't you ever touch me or jamie again now i i will go back to san francisco when i am ready and i want you out of my house when i get there but your father appointed me guardian as long as i was a minor henry i haven't been a minor for a long long time from now on i want my lawyer not yours to handle my affairs which i want entirely separate from yours grace why don't you wait until you talk to leland ralston henry get out of here you talk to leland you marry leland if you like because i have broken the engagement permanently now get out of here you'll regret this tim don't fret none they'll be here soon jamie too i wish i could be as sure of it as you are i'm always sure of my friend's problems but not of my own well after all these years we come to the parting of the ways you do understand why i must try and make a go of the ranch it's my last chance you gotta grab that chance with both hands you ride part of the way with us welcome ever smiles and farewell goes outside we'll ride the last time together you too spread out dodge [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] grace tim [Applause] [Music] dad look out [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh don't you move [Applause] [Music] there now hold on hold right there now you could go move up move it in front of me [Music] thank you girl well grace you're here and thank you but tell me girl have you finally made up your mind which way to oklahoma [Music] [Applause] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] good afternoon hey where's frida whom shall i say is calling you don't announce me in my own house my dear i'm henry carpenter [Music] how dare you sir what are you doing in my house i think i should ask you the same questions well let me tell you mr bailey jeremiah bailey representing mrs grace donovan whose property and home this is i wish i could ask you to sit down but i can't i would like to hand you this document authorizing me and giving me full power of attorney [Music] after you've packed your things and you've created your stuff we'll deliver it to your new address [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] well there it is rancho donovan where where we're right there in front of your girl as far as your eyes can see oklahoma cattle country the grandest in the world now look use your imagination girls see there's our house right over there see under the trees surrounded by herds of white-faced herpes grazing on grass as green as the pastures of iron you wouldn't con us donovan oh no why don't not now [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Chris Johnson
Views: 29,442
Rating: 4.8874998 out of 5
Keywords: Darren McGavin, Mickey Rooney, Michael Conrad, Shelley Fabares, Murray Hamilton, Katy Kurtzman, Ross Martin, Brenda Scott
Id: 67MLUU59ngk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 13sec (5473 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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