Food Theory: Liver King, The RAW Truth! (Carnivore Diet)

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Yeah. I'm going to recommend that you  not do that. Not because it's gross,   but because it's dangerous. And  I've got the science to back it up. Hello, Primals. Welcome to Food Theory, the show  that gives you the raw truth about raw food.  Today we're talking about The Liver King,  an influencer who showed up on Instagram,   TikTok and YouTube just over a year  ago and has set the world on fire with   his “ancestral” approach to living.  Basically, his idea is that mankind,   and specifically the dude part  of mankind, have become scrawny,   little wimpy men. And that's making us primarily  unhappy, leading to high rates of depression and   anxiety in today's male youth. He broadcasts  statistics about our chronic male depression. And his claim is that there's only one path  to quality of life and happiness: Liver. That's right. That organ that you  systematically destroyed for four   years at your frat house in college, that is the  most important organ for your ongoing happiness.   But I should probably clarify, it's not  your liver. That's the important one. It's cow's liver. ol’ Bessie  over there in the corner,   shaking in our hooves. According to The  Liver King, you need to be carving her up,   grabbing as many internal organs as you can get  your hands on, and you need to be eating them raw. Also, you should throw in some eggs raw and  some bone marrow raw and some strawberries. "Rawberries!" Just kidding. Strawberries are not part of The  Liver King diet. This is a real guy. And yes,   this is his quote unquote “diet”. It's  no wonder that this guy has been able   to catch the attention of every dude-bro  podcaster from Joe Rogan to Logan Paul   and any other broadcaster with “ogan” as a  part of their name. It's also been covered   by the Internet commentary channels and  tons and tons of fitness professionals. And who can blame them when they're covering  a guy whose content involves eating raw meat,   getting 2,000 pounds of ice delivered to   him so he can spend the afternoon  chilling in a 36 degree ice bath. To letting the sun shine where  the sun don't normally shine. This guy is just a walking billboard that  says make content about me. The question is,   though, how much of this is bunk?  Should you be doing anything that he   recommends? Should you be spooning  yourself bone marrow like it's a   Jell-O jiggler and munching down on  internal organs, walking dead style? Is there scientific evidence to support Liver  King's idea that a diet of raw meat gives you a   health boost or an evolutionary advantage over  a typical diet? As someone who isn't a doctor,   my answer is: I'm not a doctor and offer  no medical advice whatsoever. As someone   on the internet who researches  weird food stuff though, heck yes,   we said we're going to debunk this one. So,  ladies and gentlemen, get ready to talk liver. The Liver King's diet is only a part of a  whole lifestyle system that he calls the nine   ancestral tenets, which are designed to bring  you back to the way your ancestors lived: cold,   starving and riddled with parasites.  Oh, wait, sorry. I mean, powerful,   strong and dominant over all other life on  the planet. The thing is, outside of the diet,   many of these tenants are hard to argue with,  mostly because they're basically common sense. Take the very first one on his website.  Sleep. Get a lot of sleep. Great. Really   shaking up the system with that  one. Turn off your phone at least   30 minutes before bed. Don't eat too  close to bedtime. This advice is touted   by almost every wellness program out  there. Surprise, surprise, it works. So when he's like, this is how you should live,  it's like, Yeah, duh. But it's not by any means   a unique insight on his part. Several other  tenants of his kind of play out this way too,   like this principle; Move. Which recommends, shock  of all shocks, take a long walk outside. Bond,   spend time with people that you love and support.  Sun, go outside. Even the ones that feel slightly   less orthodox, like walking barefoot outside to  connect with the ground or doing cold plunges   to improve your circulation. Sure, they may be  less common and not for everyone, but there are   still tons of fitness experts out there that talk  about polar bear swims and barefoot running. I,   on the other hand, am not a fitness expert. Heck,  I'm excited if I've managed to carry the heavy   groceries in from the car. So I'm not here to  talk about his whole lifestyle package because   honestly I think a lot of it's pretty basic and  can probably help a lot of us live healthier. No, my quibble today is with the  namesake of this channel, the food;   the raw organs that he's peddling. That's really  where The Liver King's message departs from common   fitness practices. It's also where it departs  from all food, health and safety guidelines. And as I'm about to show you, it's also where  he departs from his own fitness principles.   So let's just take a look at his diet, shall we?  Technically, meat is not the only thing he eats,   as he's also been documented to consume things  like protein powder and maple syrup and steroids. Oops. Yeah. After a year of claiming  his body was completely natural,   that little revelation came out recently.  It's not very ancestral of you there,   Brian. That's his name, by the way. Brian. Brian  Johnson. Don't worry, though. In a recent video,   he very sincerely apologized for  lying to everyone over the last year. You can tell he's sincere because he did it  from atop his throne and also immediately   shifted his admission of wrongdoing to  a completely unrelated topic. Reminder,   this is the guy who started blowing up a year ago.  Dude is speedrunning that online influencer life. He even got that deep sigh that every influencer  does. Amazing. But okay. The steroid use aside,   the majority of his diet is advertised  to be raw organ meats. Organ meat is   usually not the part of the animal  that people find most appetizing. When it comes to chicken, stuff like the  liver and heart is part of the giblets   that if you're buying the whole chicken  often come pre-removed in a baggie that   most people end up feeding to their dog.  And that's only if the meat processing   facility didn't just chuck it straight into  the trash, because at least in the U.S,   most people don't eat those things at this point  in history. Liver and onion? Beef kidney? Those   used to be prominent across Europe 100 years  ago when people couldn't afford the cuts of   meat that we eat now but aren't considered the  tastiest parts to eat (speak for yourself) or   the easiest parts to prepare these days. In fact,  liver is a notorious punishment food in movies. And if you're a zoomer who only watches  TikTok. Well, they hate liver over there, too. But if anything, far from being relegated to  dog food, organ meats are actually extremely   dense in nutrients, absolutely packed with  vitamins and minerals. Liver in particular   is absolutely deserving of being called king  of the food world because it's just loaded   with iron. To put things in perspective. Red  meat is one of the richest sources of iron,   and beef will typically have 2.6  milligrams of iron per hundred grams,   while an equal amount of liver  would have 17.9 milligrams of iron. It is an S-tier source of iron, which  is important when many people suffer   from iron deficiencies leading to  anemia, affecting 23% of all people   globally. And for young children up to  age five, that number is closer to 40%. And besides iron, liver is also chock full of  other nutrients like vitamin A and B vitamins   like vitamin B12. So it seems like this one  might actually be a point for The Liver King.   It's a similar story for beef heart, which  has 6.4 milligrams of iron per hundred grams. Nowhere near as much as the liver, but  still more than twice as high as an   equivalent amount of just a regular old cut  of beef. And the heart is also packed with   the B-complex Vitamins; B2, B6, B12, all of  which are great for cardiovascular health. Yep, that means much like mega man absorbing the  powers of his defeated enemies. Eating beef heart   will cause your heart to become stronger. Pretty  much every organ that The Liver King names here:   pancreas, spleen, kidney. All of them packed  full of nutrients to the point where it really   does have you wondering why we waste our  time eating boring old muscle tissue all the   time. It's even true of the Rocky Mountain  oysters that The Liver King is so fond of. While testicles are far from the most appetizing  part of the cow. These Montana tender groins are   indeed an excellent source of nutrition, while  they're roughly similar to regular cow meat   in terms of protein content as well as other  nutrients that you'd expect to get from beef,   testicles do have a slightly higher amount of  potassium with 100 grams of the stuff in there,   offering about as much potassium  as a small to medium sized banana. That's not a euphemism, by the way.  I actually do mean banana. So, hey,   if you can stomach it, go nuts. Ba  dum ching. Boy howdy, that's a winner.  So what's the stigma then, against all these  superfoods? Well, one reason is that your boomer   parents probably considered organ meat unhealthy  because they contain a lot of cholesterol. And back in the 1960s, the thinking was  that eating cholesterol in your food   would lead you to have higher  levels of blood cholesterol,   which then is linked to heart disease.  It seemed like common sense at the time,   but just like how a high fat diet doesn't  necessarily lead to a high fat body,   the current scientific consensus on cholesterol is  that dietary cholesterol has little to no effect   on your blood cholesterol. It turns out that the  health experts of the 1960s were wrong. The main   reason that the USDA recommends cutting down  on high cholesterol foods isn't because of the   dietary cholesterol itself, but because high  cholesterol foods tend to have high amounts   of saturated fat, which would be a problem for  those suffering from heart disease. But actually,   beef liver and beef heart tend to be leaner.  They tend to have less saturated fat than the   equivalent amount of beef. So it looks like Liver  King is actually ahead of the game on this one. So that's two points for The Liver King? Wait,   this is still the same guy who doped up,  lied about it, profited and then apologized   atop his throne right? I'm siding with the  throne guy? No, no, that's not right. Well,   hold on to your ancestral horses there  friends, because the tide’s about to turn. While it might seem tempting to  jump mouth first into the nearest   cow liver. There's one problem. Tell him, Gordo. There's a reason we don't serve steaks and chicken  like sushi. They're likely to carry pathogens   like salmonella and dangerous E.coli strains.  Ditto for listeria and campylobacter. There's   just no shortage of bacteria that can cause  food poisoning. And this is serious business.   According to the World Health Organization, 600  million people get food poisoning every year. And of those, around 420,000 die. But  clearly, people do eat sushi and carpaccio,   raw chopped beef and live to tell the  tale. So what's going on with that? While   eating raw meat doesn't automatically  cause you to get foodborne illnesses,   all meat has bacteria living on its surface.  So unless there's a really compelling upside   to eating meat raw instead of cooked,  you're taking a lot of unnecessary risk.   There are cultural dishes like carpaccio  and kitfo that definitely involve raw meat. And those are primarily eaten as part of  special dining experiences, not everyday   for three courses breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Liver king it's tons of raw meat, and he sent   packages of it to people like Danny Gonzalez from  high end meat suppliers like White Oak Pastures,   where even though they purport to have some  of the safest and best products in the world,   they still cook it all, including the  good old Rocky Mountain oysters they send   out. And that is talking about a specialty  supplier. For the vast majority of people,   especially in the U.S., who go grocery store  shopping and not to a specialty butcher shop. It's not going to work like this. They  don't have a good sense of whether the   meat they buy would be safe to consume  raw. And the USDA would back up the claim   that it's never safe to consume raw. The  USDA lists its guidelines for cooking all   beef organs to a minimum temperature of 160  degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius,   and never leaving it undercooked. And in case  you think that the USDA is just being stingy,   they only actually recommend cooking  regular beef to 140 degrees Fahrenheit,   which is just medium. The biggest thing here is  that the outside surface of the meat, the place   where bacteria builds up first and fastest. It  needs to get a really strong hot cook. That is   why most nice restaurants are able to serve you  rare steak because they know that they're going   to get an incredibly hot cook on the outside in  order to kill all the most dangerous bacteria. In fact, in an ironic twist, one of the  biggest reasons to eat organ meat has   historically been that it's economical  for your family. Kidneys and livers have   historically been much cheaper than muscle beef  because it's less tasty and harder to cook. But to get liver and kidneys that you would even  consider eating raw, like from White Oak Pastures,   which we know The Liver King trusts. You're  paying $22 a pound for that beef liver,   $14.50 a pound for beef heart, both significantly  more expensive than most cuts of beef,   including USDA choice, T-bones and strip steaks,  some of the most desirable meats on the market. At the end of the day, these products are not  remotely affordable for the vast majority of   people. For a solution that he purports is going  to solve the world's mental health problems. No,   it's just not accessible to  the vast majority of the world. So scores now tied: Liver King 2, us 2. It's  not safe or economical to consume raw meat,   but let's just say those aren't factors.  Would it be better for you nutritionally   if you could eat the meat raw? The  answer again is a resounding no. The other major reason that humans cook food  is, are you ready? Humans have evolved for this.   You know, from those ancestral heritages  that The Liver King keeps talking about,   you want to be king of the planet  like The Liver King? Cook your food. That's what our homosapien grandparents did  to get ahead of all the other species out   there. It's what set us apart from all the other  animal species on earth. Author Polly Shulman,   writing for the American Museum of  Natural History, puts it like this:   Compared to chimpanzees, our closest living  relatives, we have, quote, puny digestive   systems. We have smaller teeth, weaker chewing  muscles and shorter gastrointestinal tract. Those shorter gastrointestinal tracts matter a  lot, since that means less opportunity to extract   nutrients from our food. And you see, that becomes  a problem because compared to the adult chimp, the   adult human needs about 400 more calories every  day. That's because we have bigger bodies and   bigger brains. How is it then that we humans, with  our bigger energy needs, are able to get away with   having weaker and shorter digestive systems? Well,  it's because we pre-digest our food using tools. Instead of relying on strong teeth and  strong jaws to chew our food. We rely   instead on our strong brains to digest  that food before it ever enters our body.   We use tools to crush, cut, grind food into  smaller bits before it ever enters our mouth. And most critically, we cook our  food. The proteins in uncooked meat   have intermolecular bonds that are tough  to break because when you think about it,   raw meat is just whole muscle. It's tough stuff.  Cooking the meat though, denatures those proteins,   it changes them into a form that allows the  enzymes in our digestive system to actually   get at the proteins and break them down so our  body can use them. We don't lose nutrition when   we cook our meat. We actually make much  more of it accessible to our bodies more   easily. And what about all those valuable  vitamins and minerals in the organ meat? Well, they're still there, too, when you cook it.  Iron in liver isn't going to magically change into   some other element just because you heated it a  little bit. You want concrete proof of that. One   reason people don't like liver is that it's easy  to overcook, meaning it dries out in the pan. The concentration of all the minerals inside  becomes higher, bringing out the unpleasant   "iron-ie" flavor because there's so much of  it in a small piece of meat. That said,   cooking the liver ahead of time means that  our digestive juices have to do less work   to pull nutrients from food, which is why we  can get away with having smaller digestive   systems compared to animals. Liver King  likes to tout the ancestral lifestyle,   but our human ancestors relied on fire for  cooking and tools for cutting and grinding as a   way of pre-digesting the food. Our ability to use  tools is what sets us apart from other animals. It's why humans are weaker than chimps when it  comes to raw strength. Ultimately, we beat chimps   evolutionarily. Liver King seems to think that  eating raw meat is paying homage to our human   ancestors. But it's our brain and our stovetop,  not our biceps, that make us the winning species. So eating raw meat, well, that's the exact  sort of “sub-primal'' behavior that he makes   fun of in front of his audience. And if that  weren't enough of a theory A FOOD THEORY! Well,   I'm pretty sure he knows all of this. Like  many an Internet charlatan before him,   he's selling an aspirational brand, not science. This is what he's selling: success.  There's no science in that quote.   There's confidence and wealth. And that  is what all of this is really about. For a guy whose tenants involve connecting  with the earth, he's very willing to fly off   in private jets. And in fact, this quote redefines  ancestral living as going on far off adventures,   living in mansions, not exactly bringing  Flintstones level realness over there. At the end of the day, the liver king for  all his ancestral tenants isn't really living   ancestrally. He's projecting a very specific  image and then selling the feeling of being   powerful and primal to men, mostly young men who  he identifies as depressed and under confident. He's happy to charge them $48 for a two month  supply of supplements from a company he owns. While he flies around the world doing meat  related stunts because that's all they are   stunts. And while we've shown that he may be  completely wrong about the raw meat from a   health perspective, nutrition perspective and  even historic perspective. In the end here,   there is one thing, and one thing only, that  shall always remain king: science. Instead   of following the private jets, massive pecs and  testicle bites, follow the research and decide   for yourself. But, hey, that's just  a theory. A FOOD THEORY! Bon appétit. Speaking of dangerous food trends, find out  the truth about NyQuil chicken. That's been   a popular one on the social media lately.  That video is on the left. Or if you want   to just keep pumping more iron into your  system and don't feel like consuming liver,   click the video on the right to  find out why you should be eating   chocolate and not spinach. As always,  my friends, I'll see you next week.
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 4,152,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liver king, the liver king, liver king exposed, liver king diet, raw meat, raw meat diet, diet, raw diet, liver king apology, liver king eating, liver king steroid, raw meat eater, liver, liver benefits, raw meat benefits, liver recipe, liver detox, liver king eating raw liver, raw meat bacteria, beef, steak, should you cook liver, should you cook steak, brian johnson, primal meat, bone marrow, liver and onions, trendy diets, crazy diets, fake diets, worst fad diets
Id: nOgg-_vav_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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