Food, Alkalinity, and Healing Your Body with Cameron Moore and Koya Webb

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manage what people are putting in their mouth mm-hmm manage the herbs and supplements that they're taking we could almost ensure that the people are gonna get the results that they're looking for watch what happens we've seen lives transformed over and over and over on a daily basis hi I'm Claudia Webb and thank you for joining us today today I am sitting here with the Cameron Moore Cameron thank you for joining me today thank you so much for having me and if you haven't heard about Cameron Cameron is to me one of the most knowledgeable person about the alkaline electric plant-based vegan diet he's worked directly with dr. Savi he has been helping so many people including myself and my aunt who had Parkinson's really get their bodies alkaline with this electric non-hybrid nutrition plan that he has and so I wanted to bring him to you today so that he can share his journey and his knowledge on how we can all just really take our health to the next level so Cameron let us know why you got started thank you so much for you awesome awesome how did I get started Wow I feel like it was a journey and it was something that has always been in my path I think the foundation was laid a long time ago I had a auntie in my life that was many many years ago into an alternative lifestyle we thought it was crazy then she came around and said hey we're not gonna eat this and we don't eat that and you need to take these herbs and the snap but I think the seeds were planted very early on and so even when I had a really unhealthy lifestyle there were certain things that I always knew to do and throughout my journey was like little bread crumbs were left saying hey go this way check this out here this circumstance is being presented and just kept building and building I think it all came to a head when I met dr. seve a beautiful amazing man and it was through something seemingly totally unrelated I got a phone call from a gentleman who is now a friend and mentor of mine you know him Thurston and you know he said hey I know you're working with this water situation and at that time I was involved with the naturally alkaline water company and so I was trained and certified and that stuff and so he asked me he said hey would you like to meet a man named dr. say be mine meet him absolutely like well he'd like to meet you he heard about this thing that you're involved in and when I met him his energy was just so amazing and he was so accepting and just showed so much love and and at the time I remember you telling me this story and you were you know you were pretty heavy heavier than you are now well I was at that point I was about 320 pounds Wow I was a smoker I smoked about a pack of cigarettes every day and I had a really unhealthy lifestyle and at that point you know Sebby shared some information with me and the information that he shared with me would not allow me to be the same any longer it was like seeds were planted like you can't go back right and and so that became kind of our dynamic I go I sit and he would share some information I go back and I study and I come back with questions and he answered that share some more information and and over a certain amount of time I began to put these things to work in my own life and I always like to give this this this caveat here it's not that I was the only person around say be at the time or he tapped me on my shoulder and said hey you're gonna be the one to carry this thing on and so on and so forth there were other people around I can't speak for other people in what they took from the situation but I was listening and I knew that this was some information not only needed to be taken in but it needed to be shared and they needed to be shared in a major way what do you think was the most impactful thing because you spent a lot of time with him you learn a ton that you know people you know need to find out through your book which I'm encouraging you to write right but what do you feel like was the most impactful knowledge knowledge that he gave you so that you really understood how the body functions and that leads you to what you're teaching others today yeah so I could kind of bullet-pointed some of the most important things that he really drove home was number one we're all sick we are at different stages of our individual pathologies and we begin to write off different symptoms and we'll say oh you know I get migraine headaches or I get reoccurring yeast infections or I got bad knees or bad back and all these things are really the body's way of saying hey you know what something's going on here the number two thing is that not only are we all sick we're all sick from the exact same thing they're not multiple diseases there's just multiple manifestations of the exact same underlying problem and that underlying problem is mucus or inflammation the third thing is that it's no mystery where this stuff is coming from it's coming from the food and the food and the environment the food in the environment right so and so there's a lot of things we can control there's a lot of things we can't like the air quality in Southern California and then do we do about that but you absolutely can do some things about what it is that you're putting in your mouth and you know Sammy told me something he said Cameron when you decide to make this change you're gonna be mad about two things one is that you didn't make the change sooner number two is that you're going to be absolutely infuriated when you figure out what they've done to our food and as I've continued my research it is it can be overwhelming sometimes and I know that that people people need help because some of the things that are telling us a healthy forest there not a lot of people know they don't know that information and I think that's what you told me that really made it simple it's like mucus and inflammation so how can you get the body alkaline great and people are doing it in different ways and different diets but you know the surefire way to not only keep the body alkaline but to keep it running at its optimal state so can you share kind of like your transition to this unhealthy lifestyle to the lifestyle and I know I mean there was an anomaly he's fast he didn't eat me I tell him I bought him a vegan burger today but when I first met him he was fasting and he believes heavily in fasting so I would love for you to talk about the eating first okay then also getting to the bathroom too because I do think fasting is healing as well absolutely so in terms of eating let me start here we figured out how to ensure that we we live an optimal life and that our health stays in that zone that zone is an alkaline zone and we're looking to keep the body in homeostasis right and that is the point where everything is operating as it should be the pH levels in the body or right and we don't get any of the things going wrong in the body right so here's how we do it a we have to stop putting the foods in our mouth that are causing mucus inflammation and acid in the body those are the things muted inflammation and acid no that's number one yeah yeah alright number two we had to begin to sew that so that means we're gonna stop doing detriment to her body but what about all the damage we've already done right and so what we have to do is we got to begin to cleanse we have to begin to cleanse our body on a cellular level so everybody talks about colon cleansing doing a colon flush and things we know that that's good we definitely have to keep that digestive tract moving along and flushed out but we have to actually to affect real healing we got to take it a couple steps further and we got to address the body at the level at which the problem lies which is at the cellular level everything's happening right down there that's where the magics at and so what we want to do is begin to address the cells on a one-on-one basis and we scrubbing them removing the toxins removing the heavy metals moving the mucus removing the acid so that those cells can reform their own mucous membrane and become a healthy cell again because only a healthy cell can replicate another healthy cell a sick weakened compromised cell is only gonna make another sick weakened or calm for myself so as we begin to clean those up that one new healthy cells gonna make - those two are gonna make four and eight and so on and so on so first so forth what we're doing is starting the proliferation of healthy cells such that they began to outnumber the unhealthy cells now at the same time that we're cleaning them up all right we're kicking that bad stuff out we got to give it what are we gonna rebuild it with right so we have to rebuild it with high doses of plant-based nutrition that's what we talked about so does intracellular cleansing and then we combine that with the sailer rejuvenation high doses of plant-based nutrition that's how we bring the body back into homeostasis and that is how we begin to reverse every improper instance in the body in proper health that's how we begin to reverse diseases and so I always tell everybody there's no magic here there's no medicine here right it's just we're getting back to giving the body what it needs the body is a perfect healing machine gotta give it what it needs and and you know Koya there's there's something I want to share with you that I've learned that you it's like these breadcrumbs you were very instrumental in getting me to see this eye right so so my approach is very physical it's very scientific right there's no mysticism in what it is that I do and I was pretty rigid about that but you introduced me and open my mind up to the metaphysical side right spiritual side the mindfulness and I have to tell you it has been like a whole nother level of breakthrough in in my own self work and my work with my clients so thank you so much so you know everything in in in in this universe is about reciprocity so you know I wasn't the only one sharing right you share a lot with me I appreciate that so much thank you for saying that because I I got so much from you so much knowledge on I knew how to eat healthy and I knew how to balance my macros protein carbohydrates fat in to eat plant-based and how good it is for me and the planet but what I didn't know is about that intracellular cleansing and how to reverse almost every single instance on the planet and even though I am plant-based vegan that's still because of the toxins from the environment I still must continually detox and cleanse myself so that I don't get sick and that's what I wanted to give my community who half of them are plant-based vegan half of them aren't but as we start to get help they realize that there is no point at which you don't have to cleanse and you don't have to be healthy like you said we all are sick or have sickness at some point it's just about maintaining our health by really being knowledgeable about what we're consuming through our clothes through our products on our skin through the air that we breathe we all collectively that's why the more we can tell people because collectively if someone's sitting beside you on your breathing that in so that's what we have to share and so when I talk a little bit more about just because your your journey is inspiring you know your transition is so inspiring so I want to kind of go back and talk about this lifestyle that you had in the transition and how tough it was and then how went wouldn't that moment when you're just like you know what I just want to give people that because a lot of people think it's it's impossible for them no no it's not you know so here's another thing so people always talk to you about the stuff I learned from say be like oh gosh you taught you about these herbs and about this and that two of the biggest things that he taught me is that when we do this you must do it with integrity yeah right because people are trusting you with their health and you are a conduit for the information right so you've taken in the information you digest in it and you're giving it back to the people the other thing is that we got to meet everybody where they're at and we got to do this with love so there's no food shaming and talking down to folks are you eating man you know we meet people where we're at and you know everybody's trigger is different what makes them want to change but here's what a challenge folks to do change something right it can't be in 2019 that there's not nothing that you don't eat right right you got to start cutting something out somewhere and what was the first thing you cut out what was the first thing you were like all right I'm done oh and I'm gonna get started Wow the first thing I cut out was that smoking smoking I can't I look back and I'm like I can't believe I did that mmm and how much would you saying I was a late about a pack a day Wow yeah and then the drinking wow the drinking you know I was at the point where I was probably drinking about again I want a vodka week Wow yeah so this is a lifestyle that you know I kind of like built up over time I spent many years in the music business entertainment and just these these unhealthy habits seemed to go right in line with the lifestyle and I just happily collected these habits and I thought I was having a good time mm-hmm and I think you know everything happened like right there were at the right time so when I was expecting my baby child was around the same time that I met Savi and so I'd spend the day over there with him and I'd come home and I'd go outside I never smoked inside a glass I'd smoke a cigarette I come back in now I'd do the whole wash-up thing you know really do it is like you can't get it off and I pick up my baby she smells so sweet and I'm like and and and I'm like oh gosh I got her smelling like smoke I know and I just looked at it and I was like you know what I want to show my daughter something different it's not getting any easier right in terms of food selections and and things and I want her to see I want to give her a road map and I want to see her daddy's dynamic and that he's a capable of change and I have to be the change right so I'm not into like preaching telling people what it is I got to do just watch me I'm gonna be an example I'm gonna be consistent and then even the the biggest naysayers after a while if you're consistent they come and say hey what was that you were saying about you know so I'll be like okay here brother let me let me share that with you and I and I look at the seeds that I planted and I watch my daughter now I again she's a kid so she's gonna have some things right but I look at the choices that she'll make you know somebody put some ice cream in front of she's like is it vegan hello she's four years old right and she knows and you know if you meet her she loves to tell people you know I never had any baby food she's forward to like my daddy always made my food right so even those little jewels of seeds our planet and that is how we really affect change in the lineage of things and so yeah that lifestyle that is I think that's when I flipped the switch and from there it was just like a dogged commitment mm-hmm like okay so you got to be committed you got to be committed to it right but but don't don't necessarily try to do it all at once right and so what I did so you know doctor say we put together a nutritional guy and he put this guide together over the course of 30 to 40 years and this guide this list was dynamic so it changed over time but what he did that we haven't done and one of the greatest gifts he gave us is with his time and his money he decided to research the foods and he sent these foods to independent laboratories not just to find out what this food was on a molecular level and what it had to offer the body and would it assimilate but also what was the lineage of this food where did it come from when did it first pop up on this planet and to figure out is this something that's actually useful in it because they'll tell you this food has all this in it it's got this in it and that in it all these different nutrients and vitamins in it it doesn't do any good if it won't assimilate right it might be in there they're not lying it's in there but it won't simulator it's not gonna work out and so I take that list and I was like okay I put a copy of it up on a refrigerator I put a copy of it on my phone so I'd always have it with me and I told myself you know what every day I'm gonna eat at least one thing off of this list every day did that for a while and I said okay every meal every time I eat I'm gonna have at least one thing off of this list included mm-hmm and then I said hey you know what half of everything I put in my mouth is gonna come from this list that's amazing 70% 80% 90% and you know you just kept refining and refining refining so baby steps baby steps whether it's like one thing no a week to one thing called a day I think that's beautiful because I feel like people feel like okay I need to go vegan all right it's right go alkaline or I need to but I agree my process too was just one step at a time that's right could have one at a time that's so beautiful and and you know here's the thing koi it like for people like yourself people like me it's kind of like second nature at this point right like we just not gonna eat certain things right it just comes automatic right but it can be intimidating for folks like we want them to go from zero to a hundred okay not gonna happen that could be intimidating and what will happen is they just do nothing right and so what I tell everyone is that the difference between my approach and a lot of people because there there's some other folks out here on this outline being a thing and they just count like you know whoa whoa bro okay so here's what we're waiting I wait right right here's what we're really trying to do what we're trying to do is create a lifestyle that's sustainable for a lifetime right not as flash-in-the-pan thing like oh yeah I'm going whole alkaline vegan in next week they're back on burgers and stuff you know no we looking for a lifestyle that's sustainable for a lifetime and if we could get to the point where 75 80 percent of everything that we put in our mouth comes from this narrow range of food selections the healthiest food choices if we can get to that point 75 80 percent and then we constantly cleanse our body on a cellular level right and we're constantly hitting our body with high doses of plant-based nutrition and we will reap the benefits and can you share what some of these foods are because some of these foods were new to me like coyote a right can you share some of the foods that people can start like no um five or six fruits and five or six vegetables that you feel like maybe even weekly that people can add into their night very beneficial yeah yeah so the one you just named chayote is that's a hidden jewel if some of these foods can be a little challenging to find mm-hmm but they're right up under your nose right right online you can get them online that's right specialty market specialty markets a lot of Latino markets but everyone can get them online yes a lot of people don't have that right right you don't have that don't have the access but I feel like online is becoming a whole new world he'll live this lifestyle but kind of everything just shows up at your door yeah that's right okay so the chayote is a really good one the nopales it's something if you could have it every day and it'd be great a lot of the harder winter squashes we like those the kabocha squash the butternut squash the acorn squash those Wow the end-of-line greens powerful definitely looking for those jicama yeah that's gonna be a good one you know a lot of year the stuff that people like mangoes mangoes mangoes are good papayas good apples are great we want to stay away from like some of these new ones that just came out right and those things we just said mention that the seedless and the hybrid versus non Harbor I think we should definitely right we have Willis and named three more fruits okay got it grapes grapes with seeds would see that's right watermelon would see watermelon Lacy's that's our fruits and vegetables that's right powerful he has a whole list though give you his information but he has a whole list you can look at but I feel like that's enough like five fruits and vegetables that if you just add those with your name yeah you're gonna add so much nutrients to your body that's right there all those things are nutrient-dense definitely and just as much as it's about what we're putting in its what we're not putting in right right so every time we're subbing one of these things for something else that means we're not having that other detrimental food I call it crowding out right right you're crowding out so the more that you put these healthy foods in the nospace world right wait you might not be perfect you might go get that pizza I'll go get that burger but because of all the the squash and the mango and papaya that you're adding and you're eating less and less of the stuff that's not good for you so you look up and you're like man I have more energy my skin's looking kind of good I feel that's right gray and that makes you want to do even more so a little bit because I do all limes now really do lemon that's right you that's right so I want to talk about the hybrid absolutely so so with say B's research and I was saying you know he sent these foods off to the to the lab what he figured out was that everything that grows out of the ground isn't necessarily natural meaning it wasn't made by God nature creation whatever you want to call it it wasn't originally on this planet it was grafted and so this is the category we call the hybrid foods and these are foods that were not originally on this planet and they were created by man and they're created by taking to plants or animals for that matter cuz we got hybrid animals too that normally in nature would never mate or cross pollinate with one another and they forced them to do so so he splicing together and they forced him to create an offspring and they take that offspring and they force it to mate again and again and again and again each time they're doing it for particular characteristics none of these characteristics have anything to do with your health they have everything to do with creating a viable cash crop something that will grow and not be destroyed by pests will grow quickly that will last a long time it's gonna look beautiful and last a long time so they can get it from the fields in to the distribution centers and then into the grocery stores and then into your home and it not right and and the way someone explained to me I know is you were someone else it's weakening the DNA of the planet absolutely it's weakened it's been every single time that has been spliced and spliced and spliced that original information that is in there it's getting a little down and we'll talk about why that information is important and so people say all right well it's still like it's a vegetable how bad can it be well they could be pretty detrimental because by default its molecular structure is gonna be incomplete and its genetic structure is gonna be incompatible with our DNA so what that means is that the foods not going to assimilate so there's a misnomer way say you are what you eat close but not quite right we are what we assimilate most of the junk that we're taking in the body doesn't know what to do with absorb right and so like you talked about with that message in that DNA it's so key like that DNA inside of those dandelion greens or inside of that chayote man it has a relationship with your DNA and they talk to each other and when they get together in that digestion stars there's a beautiful chemical relationship and reaction that takes place the byproduct of which is electricity which is going to fuel the body and so that is what assimilation is about it's the electric diet absolutely I like take nutrition ballet that's right and that's what we are looking for these other foods are not gonna give you that so we get full we get fat we get calories but we're not getting real nutrition and that's what the body craves so much and it's like man if you just if you if you just try it if you try it your body's gonna cooperate you by is gonna be like oh yeah like that let's do some more of that and you get that again oh yeah and this kind of can start like a steamroller snowball effect towards this this healthier lifestyle that's amazing so you've provided so much juicy information and I want you to kind of let people know kind of what you're doing now and where they can learn more or work with you and things like that absolutely absolutely so where I'm at now is that my lifestyle has become my business and so there's a couple different parts to what it is that I do one is that I will do consultations with folks will sit down on a one-on-one basis we talk about where they've been health-wise where they're at where they're trying to go and we'll devise a plan to assist in getting them there and so we don't just you know meet that one time I coach them the whole way through and try to ensure that they get those results the other thing that we do is that you know we figured out that this this this this alkaline electric vegan diet thing could be a little challenging for folks because they got a whole life to live right and they had other things going on and so we figured out there were three things that kept people from being able to do this one was access access okay I'm looking at this food list half the things I haven't heard of I don't know where to give don't have time to go to five different markets and the farmers markets I don't have time to prep it and cook it right so that's gonna be a roadblock or obstacle for people the second thing was oh man okay this vegan thing you know food I've tasted some of it it tastes you know kind of like cardboard right okay well it doesn't have to we can get past that and we can actually infuse flavor into this food the third thing was variety people like I'm down with the vegan thing I just can't have a salad for breakfast lunch and dinner every single day so what we did was we put together a program when we got over we remove each one of those roadblocks and obstacles for people right and so we've put together a meal prep delivery service where we actually prepare the meals in a delicious fashion we take these ingredients from this list and we transform them into all types of creative and delicious and nutritious meals we package them up and we deliver them to people's doorstep and I've had them and they are delicious I mean the juice we make we make I don't know maybe eight to ten different fresh juices every week so we'll make a powerful green juice it's not like most of the green juices you see around we got some other stuff in our so you know we put dandelion mustard greens vertol lagers fresh burdock root some things that are really really gonna work to cleanse and fortify the body we make some fruit juices we make a guanabana called soursop in the aisle yes and we make that fresh every week we got another blend that's really popular it's a Apple Blackberry Chia and cayenne pepper that was delicious we make one call a cactus cooler where we take the nopal cactus and we blend that we mix it with some alkaline spring water some key lime juice and some agave yeah what was delicious you just feel like I read them all like crap yeah yeah addicted to how you feel and I think that's important because our bodies really do create really does crepe feeling better and when it craves things that are not so good for us like sugar and caffeine and stuff in our body we'll get addicted to it but that's the gonna take our body down but when it gets addicted to this high from these fruits and vegetables you feel like you can run a marathon I easy easy cause feels so good yeah and so you know this thing was that so the other thing is that you know we put together herbal formulas blends and things and what we figured out was that if we could manage what people are putting in their mouth mm-hmm manage the herbs and supplements that they're taking we could almost ensure that the people are gonna get the results that they're looking for right and we it is it is an honor honestly to be able to do this and watch the work watch what happens we've seen lives transformed over and over and over on a daily basis you know people adopt this lifestyle and it's like you know every day I'll just get one of those little trinkets that just lets me know it's all worth it know they'll hit me with a text and just be like hey you know I went to the doctor today my a1c is down from 7.2 to 6.1 a couple more points and I'm no longer diabetic and it's been like three months what are some of the things that you've seen shift from diabetes to do like just I'm just gonna let you tell me some what you've experienced more than just weight loss right right right right yeah so the weight loss thing you know people a lot of people that's what they're looking for and they come and I'm like that's the easy thing you can get that easy right yeah you start putting the right stuff in your mouth that's gonna happen but at this point I mean wow what haven't we seen we've seen fibromyalgia gone in eight days we've seen COPD gone in 14 days seeing bone cancer gone in four months we've seen Lupe's gone in three months we've seen 6l gone in three months we've seen man we've probably assisted probably 50 people and getting off diabetes medication hmm probably twice that high blood pressure we seen lymphoma gone in six weeks I mean it just goes on and on and on like the body can heal itself the body can heal itself like people come for one thing and okay wait okay we're gonna dress that all this other stuff is happening - yeah you know the reality that we figured out is that man we get so used to feeling bad and we've forgotten what it likes what it's like to feel good right so even get so used to taking drugs oh gosh as as a solution yeah when it's just masking that's it that's all it's doing and you know with the way we run our business our practice and my Constitution I never tell people listen stop taking your medication that that's an individual thing and I have no right to tell anyone that right but here's what I tell folks this is what I've seen that's a chemical this is God's food you know it's not that it's it's and it's no mystery like people are doing this every day like you people come with a condition oh okay well like you won't be the first or the last to reverse with me was a story when they questioned you know when doctors say we have to go to court oh yeah Kiki share a little bit of what they demanded of him yeah that was amazing so an 85 doctor said II put ad in the newspaper the New York Post The Village Voice and the Amsterdam news and this ad said that we lose your research facility have successfully cured AIDS cancer diabetes lupus and all these other diseases right and he ran that ad consistently for years he got a phone call from the New York Attorney General's Office said hey you're gonna need to take that ad out the newspaper mm-hmm why I said because you're making false medical claims well you mean well you're claiming to cure diseases that have no cure he says well you didn't ask me there's no cure you didn't even ask to see my research there's no cure take it out no not he refused to take it out all right so things were in their course of action and they arrested him and they charged him for practicing medicine without a license making false medical claims and prescribing medications not approved by the FDA so in pre-trial the judge told them hey look you're gonna need to bring nine witnesses one from each of the diseases that you say you're cured and they're gonna need to show up and they're gonna need to bring their diagnostic sheets that show that they have the disease you treated them and then they didn't have the disease and these diagnostic sheets can't come from your spot they're gonna need to come from medically accredited facilities court time rolled around man showed up he did not have the nine people with them he had 77 showed up yeah and prove yeah I have healed from these disease you know the beautiful thing about it not just they showed up because they were healed they showed up for him right what the work with the work meant to them and in life man they showed up for me you know at a point in time they needed him and now he needed them right and he showed up and that's the power of of the love and the power of the healing and community like you that's right so important that's right there's a lot of people doing this work a lot of people they don't have the support that they need that's right Ashley from the communities that might not fully understand yeah yeah yeah yeah it could be tough and so he went and he won the court case that's a matter of public record he won the court case and he proved that he did cure these diseases and a lot of others and he proved that he did it with the same nutritional plan that we're talking about in the course of herbs and he won the right you know most natural alternative holistic practitioners you have to be very careful about the language that we use right and 1 the right to say I cure my heel that's amazing and that was powerful and how many people have that right you know no no no he was fearless in what he did fearless and he really gave everything he gave everything so that we would have this information and and it's so beautiful the timing of it was so beautiful because he came right at that edge of the cusp of like social media and things being like being able to be moralized for years to come and so the information is out there the information is out there and there's a few people you know like myself that really study so so what's next ok he gave us a platform right so how are you taking it further I mean I know you have the food delivery you also do one-on-one consultations we put herbal blends together and so we're giving people access to these things and I study mm-hmm that's what I do I study no I'm obsessive about it you know I it would be a true testament if I could put one period on the end of the sentence that said me already put down and so he gave us the foundation you know but the work is not over there still not only so many people that need help but there's still so much more information there's so many more foods that we gotta take a closer look at figure out what they are do they offer the body anything and you know mushrooms is a whole nother world like I'm just starting to dig into that that's a whole nother world and they have lots of healing properties also yeah and so that's that's that's what we're doing and in your website website beyond vegan lifestyle okay and Instagram at beyond vegan eats okay and you know you go there you can see all types of beautiful food that we put together you can actually sign up right there on Instagram you hit the book button and it's gonna bring you up all the options of the different subscription services whether it's just juices that you want or you want the full program or you want to book a consultation you can do that right there we also just started shipping the meals west coast shipping you know within like a five hundred six hundred mile radius of Los Angeles and you know people like yourself and there's some other real warriors out here that are doing their thing in their own right and they always are inclusive and always include me and I'm super super appreciative of that and it's so crazy that has taken me so many places right I'm just like people need this information I do you people really need it and not only for me but for you from so many different perspectives so I realize that this is something that it's not going away and if we really want to heal and elevate as a community and as a world we have to start take making these practices a lifestyle absolutely so do you have one last thing you want to leave the people who are like you know this sounds good camera but like how am I really gonna make it work for this yeah yeah I I would like to leave people with just kind of a couple bullet points okay about what they can do to ensure that themselves their cells get a pen and paper put in their families and stay healthy absolutely this is how you can take care of yourself and your family you or your loved ones we don't have to be sick so everyday try your best to get as close to a gallon of the best quality water you can find in your life we got we drink it soon so yeah this is a lot easy stuff right here yeah let's drink it that's some amazing stuff on this start these water it's totally worth spending money on that is where we start with the water right the water is not just you know we talked about quenching thirst it's a delivery system and your water should be full of minerals so that's number one number two like we talked about we want to stop putting the foods in our mouths that are causing mucus acid and inflammation right that means the me that means the dairy products that means the processed refined stuff the sugars the starches stop that we have to figure out how to get our bodies high doses of iron iron is super duper important not talking about the stuff that comes from the pharmacy or over-the-counter or GNC we're talking about plant-based iron you need a plant-based iron supplement and you need it in high doses iron is the main constituent of the blood the blood is the carrier system right washes over the organs it brings oxygen and brings nutrition it's picking up trash and it's taking it away it's also the magnetic mineral right and so wherever you find high doses of iron you're gonna find all the doses of trace minerals that come along with that iron and they're gonna be in their proper proportions that's super important fasting need to fast right fasting is important because it gives the body an opportunity to get back to its main work the main work of the body is constant maintenance right and repair maintenance and repair but when we continuously are shoving stuff down the gut and we got a deal with digestion and digestion is the bodily function that takes the most energy right so when we cut the digestion off and we can just the body can just focus on healing that is the quickest path to healing so I'm not saying she jump out there and you know do 30 40 60 days I know you got to work your way up to that I stopped eating solid foods at 12 and I don't eat anything else solid until 12 then the next day I might have a juice or throw you know one that's liquid but that's my kind of daily intimate faster than I need to and that is beautiful and do you know every time you're doing that you're adding life at the end you are that's very important and the other thing is find a way to in the cleansing we got to cleanse our body on a cellular level you're gonna have to find some strong cleansers plant-based herbal cleansers to cleanse your cells on a constant basis this isn't something you do like one time do a cleanse right this year no it's constant because the toxins are constant right you're constantly breathing in toxic gear you're constantly eating toxic food you're constantly exposed to municipal water you know you even exposed to toxic people sometime in our environment right yeah you know so you gotta constantly cleanse and then you got to find some way to center yourself yoga you know meditation relaxation quoted taught me all types of things about relaxation just you gotta get there because when we can quiet all this outside stuff all right the mind can get focused on getting the body back into them back in sync and so much of this healing is associated with that those would be the tips and if you can do those things you're gonna have a long healthy life like no doubt amazing does amazing thank you so much screaming I just have one question that I want to ask all my guests you be my first how do you get loved up how do you love yourself love others and love the planet Wow well if edit that is that's beautiful and if you ask me a few months ago I might would have struggle with that answer the way that I get loved up is by being a service right so I love being of service I surround myself with like-minded people people who also want to be a service and you know we are what we consider to be like love monsters like it's really about love and so I surround myself with the things in the work that I love I surround myself with the people that I love and I'm learning to take care of myself and treat myself you know yeah I got a vacation coming up the first one that I I don't even know what that means I don't even know what that means I used to get nervous anybody any times he talked about going somewhere right because I was so entrenched in what I was doing but I learned that I need that and I need to recharge I sleep sometimes now no yeah I do and so that's it that's how I get loved up thank you for teaching me how well thank you because I remember saying you know you're gonna be taking a vacation right you need to have someone they can do this right take a vacation you still working and helping people and being of service but realizing we also have to take care of ourselves and serve others better so thank you so much for sharing your knowledge your wisdom your beautiful glow I'm so grateful to call you a friend and I'm so grateful to have you in my life so thank you for being with us thank you thank you so much all right you guys you know where to find him go check him out and he has so much to offer and thank you so much for today and until next time we gotta do the heart thing it's gonna be my send-off get loved up all right you
Channel: Koya Webb
Views: 386,082
Rating: 4.9298291 out of 5
Keywords: KOYA WEBB, CAMERON MOORE, diet, vegan, how to, Koya Webb, get loved up, health, wellness, interview, 2019, podcast, how to eat, yoga, food, success, business, food is medicine, alkaline foods, alkaline diet recipes for beginners, positive mindset motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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