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so there I was minding my own business when all of a sudden I receive a Discord message from none other than the Mr fam go himself and he sent me this game he let me know in advance that this game was an absolute Banger this one's setting off the fire alarm it's hot one player creates an army while the others must follow and catch them purchase obstacles in the shop to make your cores even more tricky to follow you gain points for winning and not for letting people complete your hobby I think I can already figure out why this game has so many dislikes and it's probably because people buy really difficult hobby parts and then they just it just they always win which who knows that might be a strategy we have to adopt ourselves catch up to the leader yo yo yo they're going school okay here we go here we go what okay wait wait wait wait don't I hate this I hate this already they made it so I can catch up to them fools they're right there I'm doing the best I can I'm trying to catch up there's only three seconds oh that's cheating how you gotta catch this person okay um man this is tough this is wild this guy is out here making the most difficult I'll be imaginable we gotta do this all in one go okay okay we're doing pretty good where is he dude he's so far he just keeps spotting walls he can't be stopped this guy's a maniac stop him okay okay he stopped we have one minute to get to him we just have to flawlessly complete the zombie you can skip that wall you can just use this one we're getting closer oh he's right there hold on I'm coming do not take this from me yes yes that was awesome that was really difficult actually that's how this game got me feeling right now this is really how this game got me feeling it's gonna be easy we're gonna catch them no time flat where do you think you're going we're hot on your tail the game's gonna be over before it even starts you can't escape what does This Ring Around The Rosy garbage we're gonna get you no matter where you go where are you gonna go she's trying to Juke us this is gonna be a quick round boys I bet this is what it's like when you have no cool hobby parts to use people just catch up to you right away gotcha I'm just a second place Andy dude I cannot get first place what are the different parts we could buy we have this already why didn't she use any of her cool Parts I have 50 points right now so I can't even buy anything but at least we have two things oh wait sweet it's me it's sweet I'm just gonna do this what the heck they jump make them jump don't make it a solid thing they're never gonna catch up to me pal trust I only have straight lines and hops oh you guys are done I have the strategy buddy my strategy is good I'm not gonna let you guys get close to me I'm gonna make this as difficult as possible you're not gonna be able to take any shortcuts it's gonna be so difficult you guys are not gonna win yep and that's it good luck there's no shortcuts zero no wait come on okay wait this is unfair these guys are actually doing it what the heck I only had two obstacles like in place they're gonna make me buy more points aren't they okay this guy finished good job oh my God this is gonna be the only guy at least I could feel proud that only one guy was able to complete my hobby even though I only had the two default things okay buy more points uh let's buy a thousand let's just buy a thousand oh let's buy the roundabout oh wait that's 500 that's so expensive what's the most expensive thing the devil stupid thing it's so big I would start the round just starting should I just buy the temple I'm just gonna buy a temple whatever dude I want the most obnoxious thing which is the temple there's no getting to this dude this dude was smart look at that no one's getting over this what is this how do you even do that I couldn't figure out how to go up or down when I was making my Avi and this dude just makes like what oh is it low gravity is that what it is people are using low gravity and stuff maybe these boosts things that you buy with points I think maybe that's what they're doing we're gonna catch you we're gonna catch you where are you going this lady has no idea what to do no I I messed up we're gonna take some shortcuts boys where's she going oh perfect perfect yeah come back here wait wait this isn't fair they cheated when I did it I got third place Brown third let me be the leader let me be a leader please oh yes I am the leader right what the heck what what oh it's the temple how do I go up it's not working how is this supposed to help me how did I get down here I'm so confused man do they have to just do the temple by default and then try to get to me I'm so I don't know how this works good luck going through my temple they have to go over it to get to this part man this guy got through the temple so early he knew what he was doing thwarted the temple okay the Temple's kind of not cool I thought I was gonna be able to place the temple wherever let's do the laser room yeah good luck get through that the next time that I'm the leader you guys are so screwed where is he going dude he's still he hasn't left spawn you got no idea what you're doing do you how do you go down like that I'm so confused used I've never been able to go up or down like these people get to no no I'm going second place just jump down from Spawn that's great it was actually a blessing that I fell off me leader again me leader me me oh my God this dude's cracked look at this wow where is this dude going he's going to Mars he has so many traps we're never gonna make it out of this life could we make that jump no way there's no way we can make that jump dude that's suicide we're taking the long way oh no it's an insta kill uh oh wait we can cheat oh boy we're back in action oh no oh no dude what is that you can't even make that jump does is a block in your way how are you supposed to oh like that okay ah I don't even know where he went man did anybody even get to him okay I think I know how this works now so basically if I touch one of these uh they will become real hop up go up how do I jump on this thing I don't know how to jump on it whatever I'll jump on this one you can follow me this way I think if I touch it then they can touch it I think that's how it works so if I accidentally touch it then then they don't have to avoid that anymore yes yes okay not to get to me no go away go away go away no he found me I didn't even get to place the laser room dang it I'm an idiot oh okay so now I have them all equipped I didn't have the laser room equipped you have to go in your inventory and do it okay so now now it's good look at this man what is this how is this allowed how do you do that I hate this game what I can't even figure out how people go like up and down and stuff and this dude literally just made a vertical part that you have to 360 around it's impossible you can't do it let's start out with this one do a little of this a little bit of that walk through here maybe around here a little bit I'm gonna go into this room right here ready yes the laser room my favorite room what else can we do what else can we do make it go through this again yeah why not and then over here I need to unlock these things down here or else I can't get up there like how am I supposed to get up there I needed like a different thing I'm only level two Hey kid get three this is my creation try if you watched looks like no one's getting to me this time boys I spent too many Robux in the game it's all over I'm Victorious give up there is no chance there's no way to get to me in time we've all been doomed oh leader wins I win I won the game yes I have purchased a special ability the ability to use this firework which lets me jump up really high and I'll use it I'll use it if I have to um okay it looks like I'm gonna have to let's see if I can cheat real quick come on no that what is that it doesn't even boost you up like a little bit that's some garbage that's some garbage right I'm so bad at this game [Music] foreign [Music] the real sketch are you serious right now
Channel: Sketch
Views: 1,239,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox follow the leader, roblox obby leader, obby leader, obby leader roblox, follow the leader, follow the leader roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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