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today's game is simply titled the chosen one it's another one of those games that promises to give the player free admits the highest rank you can get on any Roblox server but this game has a catch you see not everybody gets to be admin if everybody got to be admin there would be nothing special about acquiring it in other words with everyone super no one will be that's right I just threw a syndrome quote at you the only way that you can get admin is if you have the longest wait time on the server so you basically just have to sit there the longest when everybody else leaves then you get to the admin now what you could do is join this game and just wait it out you know sit there for hours and hours which is a good strategy however it takes a long time my strategy is slightly different I'm going to seek out the smallest servers possible so that I can weed out the competition the fewer people in the server the fewer people I have to outweigh in order to get admin you're following me you see what I'm saying that's the plan let's do it okay run over to servers servers we're going to go all the way to the end two people in this server right here that means one of them's admin and the other one he's getting abused probably probably he's getting absolutely tortured we gotta save him what I'm hoping for is that if we join a server with less people in it eventually the server will fill up and then we'll have plenty of people to mess with okay I don't have permission to join um what do you mean I can't join it what do you what is that what does that mean I can't believe they thought about this oh I mean wait what I clicked the leave button by accident oh my God oh my God yeah wow I am uh I am pretty far from passing the top person yeah I'm gonna be here for a while baller baller this is the admin I've seen the mean I get it I've seen I've seen the uh baller I will spare you thank you thank you thank you Lord baller gaming welcome to this fireplace where we uh do yep yeah stuff yeah yeah I see that whoa carpet thanks man oh God oh God what do I do oh suck you see guys you don't really need to be admin you just have to befriend the admin or hope that the admin watches you on YouTube if you don't have a YouTube channel kind of out of luck uh I used the carpet one time and now it's not working baller Lord baller my margin carpet is broken I cannot use it anymore this guy got his own statue right here that's pretty sweet man we build monuments to commemorate Our Saviors our Lord's baller gaming I'm stuck why'd you make me stuck uh baller gaming I've committed my life too no it was the other dollar oh they're baller gaming I'm very disappointed little baller gaming how long have you guys been sitting in here to get admin how long do you have to wait pretty much I spawned in some other dude named baller gave me a bunch of coins the whole entire series gave me coins to outnumber the food so you took over it was a mutiny yeah wow yeah Julie boys is donating me time I already have 2 000 now if I can gain Mr baller's trust I might be able to get him to give me all his points if I promise to give it back after so I get to be admin I get to mess around with stuff and then when it's time for me to walk away I just I give it right back oh my God who did that who did that how do you feel being almost on the top of the leaderboard already I feel pretty great man I'm not trying to overthrow you or anything but you know if I was able to get admin for a little bit you know I would feel pretty great about that I mean I I would trust the YouTuber but the same times you can trust a YouTuber man come on YouTubers they're pretty trustworthy you know Mr Beast like he gives away stuff all the time you ever entrust him you know I'm too lazy to put in the command it's war no it's War listen guys he's not cooperating I tried to talk it out he wants a battle come on come on he's throws at me again I think you can uh declare war if you can't do anything yeah I mean I am kind of stuck I didn't think this through you kind of forgot the whole purpose yeah yeah you're right I stepped out of line that was my bed hey what are you doing just kill Rusty guys I don't think we can trust baller gaming I think we have to form some sort of Uprising stop stop if anything you gotta give me all your points if we work together we can overthrow baller gaming I can be the admin I'll let you be my deputy and we'll throw baller gaming in the brig no yes we will who wrote this sketch take a wash they're trying to say that I don't shower I do shower some say I shower too much it burns my skin I I do it for too long the sword kill everyone okay cool oh give me if you like rocket launcher or something these guys are coming at my neck admin gave me a gun nobody else yeah stop bearing her admin you have to you're the admin use your powers Ben there's one problem wait you can't kick I can't give me your points I have a gun now please I want an admit I'm not talking to you unless I see the points in my account this is a robbery you head over to boy shoot your knees I'm shooting you the knees oh my God oh my God yeah all right why'd you keep giving me guns I'm just gonna kill him this girl killed me earlier she deserves to die all right he gave me build tools this is chaos he gave everyone on the server Tommy why did you do that honestly this is pretty much just as good as getting admin having the admin give you everything that the admin can do it's actually better because I don't have to type in anything myself the only thing I can't do is kill people with commands but if you think I'm waiting in this game for three hours in order to torture people you're wrong well someone help I have realized that Mr baller gaming is not going to give me his points and let me become admin he is a dictator who has ruled with an iron fist my only option is to help someone else overthrow him I am not that guy Infinity thing is that person Infinity thing I'm on my points you have to overthrow baller gaming we must I did it this dude is spawning skeletons why why are you doing this why did I jump in here it's a better question look at this guy this guy has 60 000 I should have just stayed in the other server I have joined multiple different servers and they all have more points than Mr baller it just keeps getting worse man this guy has 150 000 I can overthrow this little torp but I'm not gonna do that because I have to spend half my life in this game now I know I haven't been able to acquire admin yet but I do have one last trick up my sleeve even though joining low population servers did not work out for us there's one thing that not a lot of people can do that might just work if you can't grind to the top in a public Server create your own server that's right I'm the only one in here there's nobody contesting me and I already have a 60 second head start on anybody who decides to join but how did I do this well it's a private server anybody can do it it's completely free but it's not gonna be very fun if I'm here alone so what we're doing is tweeting out the server link and they're following me around what are the commands dude I don't even know what the commands are oh whoops people are accidentally killing themselves by running off oh there I go why is there no fly command I'm so confused I'm just gonna give everyone B tools oh everyone's a builder this is a democracy not really I am the supreme leader but oh there we go immediately start trying to kill me huh well T I'll teach you guys try to ruin my server all right we're gonna play a little game whoever is the last alive with the sword gets to be the new server owner well it wasn't me kill him kill him oh we have a winner congratulations stinky you're gonna be the new server admin you won never mind it was that guy who won actually now this hamster is our new Overlord alright now I will leave this community to uh you know organize themselves or whatever I don't know they can do whatever they want foreign [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 1,929,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox last to leave, roblox last to leave gets admin, roblox admin, wait the longest gets admin
Id: UQSrajl-Fy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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