Follow God's Design - God: Stand in Awe of Him - Peter Tanchi

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it was June 12 2013 two days before my husband left for abroad when I got sick I felt an unusual pain crawling from my tongue to my hands and arms that I could hardly even grip on my cellphone fever rose as me they came and I could barely stand and walk I felt an increasing pain down to my knees and feet I told my husband that it was probably just a common flu so I took fever and flu medicines and rested to feel better while he was busy preparing things for his departure at night I started to have rashes all over my body I prayed to get well so I could still have quality time with my husband before he leaves thank God I felt a little better and managed to accompany my husband to the airport afterwards I proceeded to the hospital for a checkup the doctor said it was just a viral infection so they gave me prescription medicine however the rashes increased in which made me decide to go back to the hospital so it can be admitted for proper care again the doctor said it was just a viral illness I was discharged from the hospital after three days without body pains fever and rashes but after I consumed my take-home medicines I began to feel joint and body pains again I became weaker and weaker every day at home to the point that I could no longer sleep because of the pain all over my body I couldn't even raise my arms to calm my hair I had to take pain relievers again and again just to feel a little better but after some time I was advised by my doctor to stop taking it because of the harmful effects it could have on my body and so the pain went on and on I also had severe cough colds tonsillitis difficulty in breathing and dizziness all at the same time feeling helpless and confused I clung and trusted on God's power for it is said in second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness it was though in those hard times that experience more of God's love and faithfulness in my life the more I felt the pain the more I prayed and prayed I remember one night I texted a dear sister in Christ to pray for me because I really felt like fainting she immediately called up to pray for me God answered right away as I felt relieved that moment I felt God's embrace and come for it I am overwhelmed by how God uses people to extend his love in for me in the midst of suffering my colleagues husband who is a doctor gave me a referral to undergo a more comprehensive blood test because they were worried why there was still no clear diagnosis and my illness God sent me also my friends to alternately make themselves available to fetch me from home and accompany me to the hospital since I could not walk and drive the blood test results showed that I am positive for lupus a dreaded disease that is caused by weakening of the immune system I am surprised why this kind of disease came upon me but I entrusted everything to God I know nothing is impossible with him he is my healer and I kept on praying God is so good I have family friends co-workers and specially made the group who have persistently prayed for me it was it was also then that the mid-year CCF prayer and fasting week took place last July 24 to 28 my D group leader told me that they approached pastor Joey and his wife to solicit a prayer for me during the prayer and fasting night informing them of my situation and that Inari and other tests will be done again the coming week during those times was when the Lord enabled me to reflect more and see greater things despite of what I am going through God gave me this life he gives me everything including my strength he can take it away anytime he wants with this experience I have learned to appreciate every single strength God is giving me everyday and that without God in my life I am totally useless and helpless I realized how important my body is and that I have to intentionally take care of it I know I have a big and powerful God who is the ultimate source of my comfort and strength that time brothers and sisters amazing things happen when we pray the Lord hears and he answers I took another blood test after a week of medication and got a negative result for lupus already praise God praise God my body finally responded to the medicines indeed God is sovereign I am Rize Brigantine Oh a child of God I am so blessed that because of God's love grace and mercy I am healed all praises glory and honor to the only one God it is an amazing testimony of the reality that God heals except there are times when you pray for something and God does not seem to answer your prayer what do you do it is very important we develop intimacy with God because God is sovereign he can heal he may not heal but don't doubt him even if he does not hear because you don't know when you don't know why but learn to trust him I want to encourage all of us to really keep looking for opportunities every time there's a prayer fasting week you join us is that okay with you how many of you came even at least once the past six days you came once at night you fasted and prayed raise your hand wonderful how many of you did not come but you fasted and you prayed you join our fasting and praying raise your hand those of you who are not raising your hand what do you want me to do I tell you what I will do I will still love you and I will pray that you learn to pray okay with you prayer is a thermometer it measures your intimacy with God it is also a thermostat if you feel like you are not intimate begin to pray before we pray for our sister Raisa I want to remind all of you next next week January 24 25 there's a leadership seminar it's for everybody you can invite your friends why do I like you to join you will not understand nor will you become very effective if you neglect spiritual training do you know if you are a doctor they encourage you to attend annual conferences for your doctor's training to become a better doctor I attend seminars to become a better leader to become a better pastor I go through training now many Christians for whatever reason do not bother to go through training maybe their churches don't provide training but in CCF we will purposely provide annual regular training if you don't come you miss the opportunity if you want to be serious with God and God knows your heart I suggest you invest two days of your life to go through training we are instruments of God it's like an axe you know when I chop wood if it is not sharpened it won't be effective I can work but if it is sharpen I become more effective so I hope you will join January when 2425 bring your friends let's begin with a word of Prayer father god I just thank you and praise you for allowing us to gather together we pray for Raisa thank you for healing her thank you for reminding us you are the God who heals and we pray for the many others who are sick I think of our brother Ponzi Larry's grandson stricken with cancer would you do something Lord will you touch his body even right now I pray that you come for the Almeida's family I think of one of our leaders Sandia analyst with prostrate cancer will you also touch him I pray for our friend lauded Abbas amis who is now in the States Lord I know the doctor said she only has a few weeks to live but we also pray for her that even at this time you will help her to focus her eyes upon you I now pray for everybody here those who are sick emotionally spiritually that they will touch their lives that's their bodies we pray for our president the do grant him wisdom we prayed that his drive against graph and corruption will succeed surround him with good people empower him with Anna's cabinet members we pray for the judiciary we thank you for our chief justice CJ we thank you that she came last night to be prayed over I now pray that you help our chief justice to have more power to add more wisdom we need a good justice system that will expedite you sleep resolve cases so protect our lives protect our families and we pray you have mercy on our country that we will be righteous and we pray for all the rehabilitation project that's going on in Tacloban and the other devastated area I thank you for the CC efforts who are still involved thank you that up to now we are partnering with people to rehabilitate that city and those provinces I now commit to you everybody I speak to all of us overwrite my preparation and I pray for all those watching us in the satellites in the internet all over the world that your presence would be felt and experienced by your people in Jesus name we all pray amen amen this week we begin a series on the book of Genesis how many of you have studied the book of Genesis personally raise your hand second question how many of you believe in evolution raise your hand be honest how many of you believe in theistic evolution that God is the Creator but somehow he allowed evolution to continue the process raise your hand for the next few weeks Lord willing I'm going to present to you the reality and the authenticity where you can put your faith in God our Creator are you ready to study the book of Genesis it is the foundation of our faith many people neglect the book of Genesis at their expense the book of Genesis will tell you the origin of sin the origin of man the origin of the universe it will talk about the origin of suffering the origin of pain it will tell you the beginning of prophecy about Jesus is an amazing book and then the last book of the Bible revelation is like a cover for Genesis Genesis begins about sin with sin the book of Genesis will close without sin the book of Genesis talks about the book of Genesis introduced death the book of Genesis the book of Revelation abolishes death the book of Genesis talks about pain and suffering the book of Revelation will tell you no more pain no more suffering you need to study Genesis as foundation it is coated by Jesus it is coated by the disciples it is coated by different parts of scriptures so this is very important now here's a quick outline of the entire book we begin today and we continue for the next for many weeks Lord willing Genesis is called the book of beginning chapter 1 to chapter 12 has four great events creation fall and what nations in the book of Genesis chapter 12 254 great people what are the four great people Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph so that's a big picture this is the courtesy of the world its movement this is from their founder Bruce Wilkinson I love this outline it's very simple our topic today is Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 here is a fact that everybody read this with me God is stand in awe of him turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor God is stand in awe of him readygo your perspective of God will impact your entire life let me repeat while we focus on knowing God in CCF if I disciple people one of my main job is to connect people to God so that they will know him because your understanding of God will influence everything about you if you have a low of view of God even have a problem you will not trust him you won't love him you won't serve him because you have a proper view of God if you have a high view of God God stand in awe of him your life will be a life of worship it will be a life of obedience it will be a life of love relationship with God why you know him you are old by his greatness are you ready to study the book of Genesis okay turn to chapter 1 verse 1 everybody chapter 1 verse 1 now if you cannot find Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you have a problem okay Malcolm problem ayah so let's read Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and earth in the beginning god say that with me in the beginning God what is the Bible telling us before there was time before there was the universe before there were people there was God God is eternal you have no comprehension of eternity when I shared this with my children when they were younger I explained to them what is eternity no beginning and my son began to think after a while he hit his head and he began to shout he said I cannot comprehend eternity you know what you don't have that experience everybody has a beginning everything else has a beginning except God the word God here is Elohim Sarah with me I love him Elohim is the one word used to describe God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 it is used over 30 times that's the name of God using in the Bible God is so great so infinite you have different names for God el shaddai jehovah understand irui I don't know but in Genesis chapter 1 there is only one name for God you sure L know him from the root word el el means what mighty power know him well every time you have a method from it now it becomes plural in the first verse chapter 1 verse 1 is described as a plural hello him not singular you begin to understand that the Bible is written in an amazing way there are secret messages in the Bible to tell you what is God's intention now I know many some scholars will say well this is the nun of majesty of emphasis but you don't see this word used in the Old Testament to refer to any king that is called Elohim no no God is amazing eternal but not just alone in the sense he is called tri-unity share with me try unity let me share with you some verses to support the try unity of God are you ready for some of those verses everybody all right let's read this together in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things came into being through him apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being who is this referred to Jesus you see you have to understand in the beginning before there was time you have the triune afield God the Father God the Son God the spirit complete God was not lonely God was not saying you know what I need to create because I'm so lonely no God was self-sufficient God was self-existing God was self-satisfied God was very happy he does not need you he does not need me he does not need angels that glory of God is not diminished or added with angels with people if you don't praise him his glory is still the same if you don't recognize him his glory is still the same God is God he does not need you he does not need me the earlier you understand this the greater will your understanding of who God is God Elohim the eternal one no beginning no end Almighty that's our God why did he make us allow him means God is sovereign in his own wisdom he decided to create the universe somebody once said if it were not because of sin if you and I did not commit any sin if Adam did not commit any sin for eternity one of our greatest preoccupation is knowing God learning about him to be amazed at who he is but because of sin your understanding of God is darkened let's take that concept I love him God eternal do you understand time let me share with you an amazing concept of eternity let's I will show you about God turn to Psalm 90 verse 2 let's read this together some 90 bursts before the mountains were born or you gave birth to the earth in the world before there was anything from everlasting to everlasting you are God in other words God existed before there was time now what is time Einstein a very brilliant scientist came up with the theory of relativity he discovered that time is a physical property length with high time now as I explained this don't worry if you don't under you know why because I don't understand it either okay but just for the sake of letting you understand time is relative that you don't fully understand this past present future for most people that's what they think of time yes or no time God is eternal you think of God as having lots of time past present future that is an illusion let me explain to you now you got to listen very well according to Einstein and many physicists physicists believe that those who believe in past present future it's an illusion why they have shown from a mathematical equation and experiment let me now share with you simple PTC physics ok because I'm not so intelligent so I give you simple illustration I bring my children when they were younger to see example and Disneyland Disney World and one of their favorite time is to watch Mickey Mouse go through ok so there's a parade every day there's a parade so if you are standing in the corner well let's say this is the corner okay so the parade's gonna come here is gonna turn here so Mickey Mouse comes present present tense I see Mickey Mouse pretty soon Mickey Mouse will go there that's past tense who is the next coming Cinderella so Cinderella thumbs Cinderella is now present tense with the song Cinderella is past tense with the next coming oh it's no white it's no way past present future however if you have a helicopter and you are in the helicopter you look down what do you see pass present future there is no distinction if you're about time past present future is the same there is an atomic clock in Colorado it is so accurate that in 1 million years the atomic clock will only vary one second you know I have been nice what this is not expensive if your watch is accurate within one second one year are you happy with that what yes or no accurate now imagine the atomic clock is very accurate 1 million years only one second deviation a similar clock is also in England ok a similar clock exactly the same in England except there's a problem every year the clock in Boulder Colorado and the clock in England are not the same explain why you see time is a physical property it's affected by gravity it's affected by speed so explanation every year there's a 5 microsecond difference the clock in Colorado is different from the club in England now let me ask you which one is correct both are correct because in Colorado it's 5,000 feet above sea level remember time is influenced by gravity the clock in England is 80 feet below sea level it's also correct so let me share with you a simple illustration of time ok everybody this is the understanding of eternity past present future God is a bad time time is a created properties and the way physics will explain this is this if I have a twin example you are my twin same birthday same age and I decided to be an astronaut and I take a spaceship that will travel the speed of light 186,000 kilometers 186,000 miles per hour it will take me four and half years to reach the planet to reach the Sun Alpha Centauri the nearest Sun to our Sun I go there and I come back how many years I go there four and a half years I come back how many years so total how many years have I been absent nine years wake up tell your neighbor kissing man with nine years now let me ask you you are my twin when I come back what our age same age or different or to make it even clearer because my spaceship is not so fast so I now travel half the speed of light I go to the plant to the Sun Alpha Centauri half speed of light nine years I come back another nine years how long have I been away eighteen years so I visit my twin you are my twin and I look at you what's my age what your what your age see physics textbook will tell you I am younger by two and a half years why time is a physical property God is about time the speed of light listen to me people used to think it is constant they used to think it is 186,000 kilometers per second the speed of light scientists had proven had discovered to their shock that the speed of light is decaying is slowing down in the time of Christ the speed of light can almost be 5 times faster do you understand what I'm talking about don't worry I don't understand either okay but my point is this our God and lo him creator self-sufficient does not leave you does not need me each time oh you have to understand God is amazing now let me share with you why did he make us well let's read this verse together everybody for by him all things were created both in the heavens and on earth visible invisible Thrones or dominions all things have been created through him and for him who is this Jesus in other words if you study the Bible you see the word Elohim grammatically it is wrong so don't be shocked when we study Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 it talks about and God said Elohim said singular let us make man in our image look at the grammar as plural our image plural but now let us make man in our image images singular is the Bible some mess up it does not know grammar no because God L know him he said trying unity don't worry if you don't understand that Trinity you know who I because you are finite and I am finite and don't worry I don't understand it either understand but the mystery of God is something that will take me forever and ever to comprehend and to worship Him why did he make us everybody read this God is sovereign worthy are you or our Lord in our God to receive what glory honor and power you created all things by your will they existed and were created so ladies in German evolution tells us life is an accident no designer the Bible tells me in the beginning God there was a purpose there was a design two major philosophies of life which I'm going to tackle today and I hope this would encourage you to put your faith in God and His Word but Genesis is so important chapter 1 verse 1 can you memorize that with me everybody Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God what created the world created is another amazing Hebrew word it is the idea of ex nihilo created from nothing everything is created from something an architect will put some men steel bars together well you and I would build something we put things together we modify the form but with God he made something out of nothing amazing now to let you know why Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 is important if you believe in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 everything else in the book of Genesis is not a problem if you don't believe in Genesis X in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you don't believe in that one verse everything is gonna be a problem let's read this together it refutes why is that important that truth it refutes atheism creation is the work of God's hand it refutes evolution the universe was created and did not evolve it the first materialism the universe did not always exist it refused polytheism only one God it refused pantheism God is a part and independent of his creation everybody was a topic today say that with me God stand in awe of him my concern is there are many Christians here today who believe in God as the Creator but you are bothered by science you may not believe completely that science and the Bible do not conflict in your mind there is a problem with the Bible it is not scientifically accurate somehow at the back of your mind you have that doubt today in the next few weeks my prayer is I can share with you from a scientific perspective why I believe in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and throughout the Bible was the creation made in six days many people are afraid to answer that is the book of Genesis figurative or is it literal many people are scared to answer that ladies and gentlemen if your faith is not anchored and you do not know why why you believe what you believe you will have a problem today you go to any text book they present to you evolution as a fact when in reality evolution is not a fact it is a fury worst of all all of these students do not make sense I'm going to show that to you in a short way but if you read any book that's what you will see the earth so many billion years old man came from monkey as if those are truth they are not truth let me explain to you what is science listen to me now true science in the Bible will not ever conflict let me repeat true science and the Bible will not ever conflict to this day all scientific laws do not contradict the Bible except scientific theories the same thing with archaeology legitimate real archaeology will never contradict the Bible in fact it will support the Bible the same thing with true science if I teach you through science it will support the Bible let me give you example are you ready that's the book of Genesis what is true science true science is search for truth three major components observable demonstrable and repeatable except there's a problem look at the theory of evolution number one it all started with a big bang number two nine life will produce life number three everything's by chance number four simple sell go to complex life number five it takes a lot of time billions of years I'm going to show you one by one why this is not science in Tagalog it's called hocus-pocus with all due respect listen before you jump to what I'm going to say let's begin by the way if you want all the materials I'm teaching you you go to this web website there are so many books I recommend that case for Christ create our CCO website YouTube lots of scientific stuff about creation and evolution but let's start with number one fallacy scientists the evolutionists have now all agreed that the universe had a starting point it's called the Big Bang that's what they believed in understand now this news is wonderful for me for believers you know who I because now they support the Bible the Bible says there was a beginning before evolutionists don't believe in a beginning they believe that matter is eternal now they believe it all started with a big bang now listen to me what's wrong with that theory a big bang they said right that's what they believed in there was a big bang gasps lots of gas and the gas began to form into dirt into Sam and then the Sun began to stick together it became rocks the rocks began to stick together it became planets and somehow after a while boom you have said that life but it all started with a big bang listen to me I have a simple question where did that bang come from comprende if you say the universe began with a bang my question where did that bang control listen to me if there's a boom in your house what will you say oh it came from somewhere am i correct but evolutionists they call it a miracle the bomb was a miracle you know this evolutionists believe in miracle accept no God understand next problem none living matter produced life now ladies insulin this is a violation of the law of biogenesis it is proven from scientific experiment life will produce life non-life cannot produce life to this stage with all the advanced laboratory advanced scientists they cannot even produce life to this day so don't be shocked and don't be deceived when you read the book and they say aha they were able to create life from the laboratory that is not true what they did was to create in their mind by mixing chemicals it's called artificial proteins amino acid but amino acid is not life in order for life to occur you need to a proper sequencing of all of these amino acids it's very complicated process to this day science have agreed life produce life non-life cannot produce nine life evolution says boom and then you need another boom life what is life come from understand that's a problem but they don't teach that in specs look it's a big problem so you know their explanation random it's called shamba random random chance resulted in life let me explain to you why that is not possible do you know the simplest the simplest in the time of Darwin they don't have electronic microscope electron microscope so they think it is simple something small with the tap in the middle it is not simple the simplest cell is so complex let me explain to you here are the different parts of a simple living cell in your body already what number one there's a cell membrane it's like a city within a city there is a wall the cell membrane determines what can come in what cannot come in next mitochondria these are the power cell to give you energy in every cell you have a lot of this anything their job is to provide energy for the cell pretty complex next you have the centrioles they help cells reproduce that's their function remember a cell is like a factory there's a delivery system it's a security guard it's like a city next you have the lysosome what's lysosomes they protect the cell by destroying invaders and they get rid of broken-down organelles breaking down nutrients to something usable it's a bit complex lots of this not just one I'm just showing you simple picture the next one is called the plasmic reticulum forget the pronunciation ER now what does that this this and ER do there are lots of them you know what they do they delivered chemicals it's what you call the transportation these are drivers these are buses in the city they deliver what ever part is needed in the cell transport system amazing inside the cell you have what you call the koji body stores these are the grocery stores inside the cell it has a lot of stuff stored protein glucose and then it will be labeled the beauty with this store it's like the shoe mark okay the beauty with this it they will deliver it to you whatever you need amazing system and then the next one is what you call the center the nucleus now it's not complete but I just want to show you amazing thing about the nucleus it's like the seat of government you have the DNA and the RNA now I won't spend time talking about the RNA you know why the DNA here so look at the inane DNA contains all the information about a person the DNA is in every living cell of your body it's like a library complete then the DNA will tell your hair okay produce hair don't produce a nose on the head hair only produced a color black the ice the DNA will tell the eyes you are cold or brown brown brown blonde my DNA will never tell me to have blue eyes understand because my DNA tells me what color example beautiful brown beautiful blood the color of your skin the DNA will tell you what color understand the heart cell the DNA will tell the cell in the heart only produced heart cells do not produce a kidney in the heart amazing technology so Bill Gates even confess that the DNA is an information software cannot come by accident it has to be designed information technology has proven to the world and that is the downfall of the doctrine of Darwinism because of information technology it is so complex it can never happen by accident this is an amazing system now what's even amazing look at this if I will unpack the DNA in yourself every cell if I will place it stretch it out it's six feet long if I put all your DNA in your body put it side-by-side it will go to the Sun and back Sun and how many times 70 times in one human being my friend you are beautifully designed you are not an accident God is time in all of him you are amazing there is no other you in the universe praise God tell your neighbor praise God deep attire this palace is simple form develop into complex forms you see next Sunday I'm going to show you the chart that evolution uses simple form to the complex form I'm going to tell you those are all theories it is not true but you come next week but as of now I'm gonna share with you what is the second law of thermodynamics the second law of thermodynamics is a proven scientific law it is not a fury it says orderly things will become disordered understand this are scientific laws meaning energy and matter event only because of the second law it will diffuse you will have less energy after a while the law of entropy now the law of entropy is so simple if you don't understand this let me explain to you look at your own waistline now look at your body now look at the color of skin what do you notice about you I look at the mirror man praise God go up open but you know what I look at my hair it's getting white I look at my master my skin there's already cellulite okay I look at my skin there's a lot of damage you know why it's called the law of entropy my own bedroom is a classic case of the law of entropy I have to fix it every week okay I example when I was living in the States or him I have to clean my room fix it up can I tell you something by Tuesday or Wednesday Thursday what happens to my room law of entropy and gulokalula in a man so the truth is orderly things will become this order it is never the other way around you will never have something disorder that will become orderly evolution teaches the opposite and yet many people don't even know this sad to say proven science will never conflict with the Bible but there is lots of theories so then the fallacy of time to solve everything they now introduce to you a concept called billions and billions of years cannot avoid that concept is so important because if I were to tell you you know what I have this amazing cell phone you know where this cell phone came from I tell you these cell phones amazing it can call it can receive messages it can take pictures it can send pictures petition for submission by the way your eye is even more complex anis cell phone understand but just for illustration and I tell you do you know how this cell phone was made do you know how I will tell you I put all the parts in a washing machine and I turn on the washing machine after three months my cell phone came up you believe that of course not however if I don't give it more time not three months billions and billions of years all the parts were mixed in the washing machine after so many billion years boom yes my cellphone you believe that why not because you're smarter than many scientists I will share with you the earth may not be that all how do they measure time they use the carbon-14 method they use different radiometric system the problem with this is it is not accurate because there are many assumptions going into carbon dating just give example of their publication not the Filipino Americans and Filipino people who speak English you understand the meaning of the word palpitation but my American friends you may not understand that word that word is an evolutionary word okay it's from the word back to publication example the publication mother's living ba hyper they dated it as 2,300 years old mortar from an 800 year old English castle they used this carbon dating system they said is seven thousand three hundred years old fresh seal skins they did it in that method over one thousand years in fact or is even more shocking a stone from Russia they take today just two billion years old when in fact it was just made 200 years ago from a volcanic eruption in Russia my whole point is don't believe what you read if they talk about this method that metal can I tell you even real science all right let me give example geochronology geochronology is a science that measures many things listen to me every year you have cosmic the coming to the planet Earth at a constant rate the evolutionist believe in this they believe in gradualism they believe in uniformity so every year so much dust is coming so because of their belief there was a problem when the first man were to land in the moon now the moon has no rain nothing will wash away the cosmic dust not much wind no wind so they were scared if the earth is 1 2 3 4 billion years old how thick will the dust be in the planet moon so notice the shoes of the first astronaut but do you notice it's like a tennis racket the shoes she's wearing was like a tennis racket you know why he was afraid he will sink because it's all cosmic dust to the shock of the scientific world that US is only a few inches thick only a few thousand years perhaps the moon and the earth is not that old next the principle of soil erosion every year you have erosion you know that in the Philippines were expert in this the river gets shorted understand we have erosion every year if the earth is only 14 million years old you know what happened there no more mountain everything would have been eroded but what do you see with mountains perhaps the earth is not the oldest living thing found on earth living thing is the Bristol common in Nevada only 5,000 years the moon is receding people don't realize this every here the moon is moving away from the earth two inches per year if the earth is that all let's say two billion years in order happened the moon and the earth would be touching each other or Pangaea stop kissing me you're kissing me that's a problem if the universe is 4.6 billion years old you won't see the moon anymore it's receding to be so far away perhaps the universe is not that own perhaps Genesis chapter 1 is correct now let me ask you how old is the universe how old is the earth how old let me tell you I don't know you know why I was not there but there was a Christian scholar lots of them they studied based on the book of Genesis you know their conclusion the earth is more or less six to seven thousand years old now I don't want to die for that my whole point is this don't be confused by the gap theory of Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 many people think that's a gap I might explain that next week but remember in the beginning God created the heavens and standing or he's our Creator not evolution not chance the Sun is shrinking you know that the Sun is shrinking every year 5 feet per hour 1% per millennium every 1,000 years the Sun shrinks by one person simply the law of thermo-dynamics energy will slowly give away if the Sun is where it is today eight hundred forty thousand miles at present that's the present diameter where will the Sun be twenty million years ago if you believe that the universe to the earth is old even just 20 million years ago the Sun will be what touching the earth if the Sun is touching the earth how can there be life I'm just giving you this are scientific facts observable repeatable demonstratable I'm not giving you Therese perhaps the earth is not that good so my question to you is very simple why don't they teach that in school why is it that when you get a textbook in your school in college especially in the state or even in the Philippines they will not tell you the earth is so many billion years old as if it were facts how can they tell you evolution is a fact don't allow ignorance to shatter your faith because it is absolutely not true evolution is not facts it's a theory you have more scientific principles supporting creation than evolution but you know what many Christians are embarrassed they think maybe science and the Bible do not jibe you just have to take it by faith I believe in faith but our faith is not blind faith so let me share with the quotation from an 80s this is what you said a famous atheist and I have lots of rotation but this is generally what they always say let's read this together I will not accept that creation philosophically because I do not want to believe in God therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible spontaneous generation arising to evolution here is a scientist who chooses not to believe because he said the alternative is scary to believe in God so I choose not to believe even though the evolution theories are crazy I am still an evolutionist why it's called pre supposition that's why I submit to you scientists are human beings they are not objective so they have to come up with an explanation since I don't believe in God I don't believe in miracle life must come from somewhere so where is that life from bang boom you see you have made up your mind before you investigate the evidence I submit to you I've known people who were atheists who believed in evolution when they began to study the evidence for creation they cut down to their knees and they began to worship God and Jesus because there is more scientific evidence to support what creation so how do we relate to this let's read this together everybody by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the Word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things which are invisible eventually choice faith is a choice evolutionists have a choice no God you have to make a choice the Bible says by faith eventually I agree it has to come the step of faith you believe Genesis 1:1 let's read that together in the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth God turn to your neighbor stand in awe of him he made you he did not have to make us now why are they thinking like that let me tell you why the scientists who are supposed to be smart don't think is smart the Bible tells us why are you ready let's read this together because everybody because that which is known about God is evident for God made it evident to them since the creation of the world his invisible attributes example God is eternal God is sovereign God is almighty invisible attributes his eternal power divine nature have been clearly seen being understood through what has been made so that they are without excuse the creation of God is crimson there is a designer there is a God somebody made us that's why the world is beautiful the universe is beautiful but if you have presupposition you see a beautiful flower and you say huh evolution and years ago I bet German scientist as a guest in our house he was an atheist he was part of the rocket program of the German government years ago and he was looking at our monkey we used to be monkey the name of our monk is Chi Chi Chi Chi loves me when she sees me chi Chi will come to me hug me and my friend told my wife do you see that monkey that's your ancestor my wife looked at him perhaps it is yours but it is not mine my friend eventually it is a choice and why did what do they make stupid choices the problem is not evidence the problem is the heart if the heart is not right no amount of evidence will convince you how do I mean the heart let's read this together everybody even though they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks they became futile in their speculations in the theories their foolish heart was darkened professing to be wise they became fools they exchanged the truth of God for a lie worship and serve that creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever and ever and that my friend is the worst kind of idolatry idolatry is always a sin against God you don't recognize him some people worship idols but the worst form of idolatry is when you begin to worship them when man is held up humanism the most important being in the universe is man my friend that is what the Bible is saying you became foolish why we do not honor God who did not give thanks to him and now we believe in ourselves and that's why the world is going downhill we became foolish my friend I want to cross with this simple truth everybody read this one more time in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God standing O of him let's do this together why is that important Lord God friends if you have problems some of you have physical problems relationship problems I want to tell you something you have a big God not just a big God God is good he loves you let's read that verse together one more time our Lord God thou has made the heavens and the earth by your great power by your outstretched arm nothing it's so difficult for you let me ask you your problems today how big is our God nothing is impossible with him look at God's creation Wow is it a beautiful scenery you know I began to understand a little why God made us you see those before pictures my first instinct when I see a beautiful sin is to look for my wife you know why I look for my wife I want her to share the joy and the experience I'm going through there with them I see something beautiful I tried to get my loved ones I said honey honey come children you got to come you got to see this and I believe our God did not have to make us but he medium he gave you the gift of life for you to know him let me share with you as we close some of the amazing picture of creation what is this earth where is this earth located our solar system what is our solar system located Milky Way where is our planet in the Milky Way by the way you know how big is the Milky Way 120 thousand light-years meaning if you were to travel at the speed of light 1001 to go around the earth already so many times ok maybe 20 30 times 1001 because the speed of light is 300,000 km/s 1001 one second that is the speed of light that's how you measure the vastness of the universe this our own galaxy is hundred twenty thousand light-years across but where is our planet somewhere there you are a dot in the top of the of the that we want to see how many stars there are in this galaxy there are billions and billions of stars one star can swallow 100 million earth one star can swallow the size of 100 million son in other this space is so big how big is God so big let me show you another beautiful picture of another galaxy our nearest galaxy Andromeda galaxy is that beautiful my goodness another picture of a galaxy there are billions and billions of them Wow is that beautiful beautiful and look at the galaxies they're all over the space everything you see that there are not stars they are galaxies billions and billions of stars and my friend God tells us in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth I stand in awe of him if the creation of God is so beautiful if the creation of God is indescribable if the creation of God is so majestic how much more is our creator I stand in all over the machine God how in the world did God compared himself to make you and make me if the world is so beautiful I want to tell you something God is even more beautiful if our creator and his creation is so majestic how much more you me friends you are not an accident there's a purpose we did not come here by chance there's a design God stand in awe of him the more you know God the more you will worship Him the more you know God the more you want to serve Him I don't know about you I stand in awe of an amazing God let's worship Him why don't you all stand up I want us to worship Him have you ever honored him thank him because of who he is not because of what he has done for you but just stunning all of God why don't you do that right now I will give you a private moment and you speak to God the way you honor him is to tell him Lord I worship you how do I know you honor God your life now you understand why I take life seriously while I live for him I stand in awe of an amazing God he deserves my worship God deserve my best I will not take him for granted because He is God I stand in awe of him speak to the Beretta as you worship him the choir will lead us and as you sing you sing to him [Music] high-tech solution [Music] from the colors of fall [Music] every creature [Music] Oh [Music] the stars in the sky [Music] you are [Applause] Oh a table bus truck we fall to one these as me Molly you are [Music] heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] containable you plants the spotty this tired you are amazed [Applause] [Music] ah struggling for money you are [Music] our containable you place the stars in the sky - golden pie [Music] every four to one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we serve and worship describable awesome of amazing God so have a blessed Sunday everyone me to invite all our guests and visitors the Welcome Center up located outside the sanctuary god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 56,098
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: O2aw2U9a9mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 40sec (4480 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2014
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