Folding Vs. Rolling Vs. Packing Cube • Packing Challenge

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[Music] doing it for Marie Kondo 45 minutes to pack all this dude I can do this of 10 minutes bro hey worldtravellers hey cuties hey cuties ready I'm Tiffany and today we're gonna see which method is the most efficient rolling folding or packing cubes we're challenging three people to a packing challenge I'm Kirby and I'm representing team roll baby my name is Jana and I'm team folds I'm Liz and I'm team packing cubes they're using the same suitcase the same items and let's fit everything into the suitcase but what they don't know is that we have some surprise items coming their way we're gonna measure their suitcase at the widest point to see how well they did the person with the smallest measurement is the winner some people have treasures I have measure I prefer the rolling method because I am a chronic over Packer and I just find that rolling all my clothes really fits it all - usually a pretty tiny suitcase ever since I found out about the Marie Kondo style I've been using it every time I travel every time I pack you'd be surprised how much you can squeeze with the Khan Mari method the konmari method is basically where you fold the clothing in 2/3 so that it's as compact as possible and it can also stand when I look at my luggage or my drawers I can perfectly see where my clothing is and what color it is and what I want packing cubes are the next slice spread the only problem with packing cubes is that sometimes it can make things less compact but that being said packing cubes are amazing and totally worth it and everyone should buy them you know I have always I heard this myth of like rolling and I heard that it's like helpful but like honestly I don't know anyone who does that except my grandma 45 minutes to pack all this I can lose in 10 minutes bro let's do this first things first I need some space to roll so I'm gonna go ahead and just push this guy up so what I usually start with are genes or other pants just because they're the bulkiest and it's very easy to smash them down I just leave them sort of folded like this then I'll lay them out and then I just roll roll roll like a burrito whoa these are stiff pants so the pants you'll want to go like two thirds of the way and then fold it again and then fold it again and then you get a perfectly nicely folded cube oh these are my puppies I'm gonna put the pants in this cube because they're a little bit bigger pants cube let's do shirts okay so I'm taking out the shirts right now and I'm putting this all of the shirts into this cube so now anytime you need a shirt you just go to the shirt cube shirts boom right now I'm folding the shirt in the konmari method I fold it like a basic shirt this and then I fold the other sleeve then two-thirds of the way like that so I usually just fold them up like normal hot tip you can almost kind of fold the outsides in as you roll so it gets even smaller so for dresses they're usually like easier to crease so sometimes like oh I have the dress like this so that it doesn't like full like the folds don't crease so it's always easy when you have sort of a simple shape to start with so like this dress obviously kind of awkwardly shaped if you kind of fold it just a tiny bit get it sort of into it an even rectangle it makes it a lot easier to roll up three cubes deep this is called the pounding method sweaters like these or like jackets like these make it a little bit harder to like fold I will make it compact I'm gonna put in the pajamas I usually save these for last just because you don't really need as many pajamas don't have space for pajamas sleep naked a good thing about this method is that it's really easy to go back and rearrange stuff so far I feel like I'm doing pretty well all right so now I'm gonna put the nice clothes in this last grey fancy cue so that when you're in a hurry you can be nice on the go and then the shoes we've come oh and then the bag okay so I'm putting the purses on the outside because they take up a lot of space okay let's see if this purse fit here and it does I'm putting the makeup and the toiletries in this outside pocket because it takes up a good amount of space and it would not be efficient in a cube so it's looking pretty good the only thing left are the heels I always leave them for last just so that I can kind of touch this them in I'm getting a little nervous not gonna lie and then you just zip it looks bulgy sorry I got this so close it's gonna happen you forgot your hat oh no bring me this is a cute hat you forgot that you're packing cookies her friend oh my gosh do I get to keep this after and also you forgot that you were giving your friend a candle a candle Who am I is a candle on vacation okay cool the first thing I'm gonna do is see if I can fit the cookies in with one of the shoes so I'm gonna pop these puppies in here another tip by Marie Kondo is that if you want to clear out and declutter you literally literally have to take everything out I think I created more space so the last thing is this pesky candle the rolling method actually is really helpful if you are packing stuff like this because you want to protect it as much as you can so you can kind of roll some clothes around it my goal is to zip the whole thing so close I'm really breaking a sweat trying to like zip this so little it's a little snug Oh baby what's my time all packed I didn't fold everything I did sheets a little and I did you know just stuff some things for the sake of having it fits I'm pretty impressive myself considering how much of an over-packer I am it's can I get one of the cookies now [Music] let's just get to measuring what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a measuring tape and measure around the highest point of the luggage it'll be that peak right there in the middle measuring tape slide this it looks like 47 inches even 46 46.5 I'm shocked actually okay so we have the results of the packing challenge Kirby who is team role was at 47 inches and then Janna who was team fold was at forty six point five and then Liz who was team packing cubes was 46 inches yeah interval is 47 46 point 546 it's just a matter of inches just like packing packing cubes are the best thing that's ever happened I highly recommend that everyone get them
Channel: BuzzFeed Bring Me
Views: 37,648
Rating: 4.8511629 out of 5
Keywords: Folding Vs. Rolling Vs. Packing Cube, best packing method, best way to pack a suitcase, bring me, buzzfeed, buzzfeed bring me, d1W8, experience, folding clothes, how to fold, how to pack, how to pack a carry on, how to pack a suitcase, how to pack luggage, how to roll clothes, lifehack, pack with me, packing, packing challenge, packing for vacation, packing method, packing tips, travel, travel hacks, travel life hacks, travel packing, travel packing tips, what to pack
Id: ACHIVqpef6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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