Folding Firebox Stove, Swedish Torch

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hey folks playing with tkachenko life here today I want to do a little bit of experimenting with the firebox stove and I'm going to be doing a Swedish torch style fire in it and I think it has a lot of advantages so anyways stick around hope you enjoy I'm just going to go ahead and open up this fire box here and you all like the nice little sleeve that I made for it a little bit of a leather from an old an old sofa and some artificial send you around the sides and just a little wooden toggle here and bingo you have a sleeve I just got a little like a bungee kind of thing going over here to take that off but yeah this this whole Swedish fire torch I think has a lot of benefits because it it enables you to burn your fire for quite a long time so if you're trying to do multi cooking like boil some water and then maybe cook a meal but you don't want necessarily like that you know the huge flame coming up because it's always nicer to cook on on coals you have that advantage so really all I'm doing for the Swedish fire torch is I'm just cutting the wood into you know approximate lengths and then I'm just putting one piece in in each corner now now you see that piece here might be a little too stout so I'll have to cut that one down so here this should fit better now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take some some birch bark here and I'm going to just stuff it in between the logs like that I'm just going to try to get it pretty much dead set in the center and like I'm no expert with this stove but I'm going to see if this you know gives off enough and also I'm going to break up these these small twigs and set them in there as well and see once if I light the once I light the birch bark it generates enough heat to actually catch these logs so we'll see all right let's get her started we're just going to try to scrape up some dust here get a good amount of it now that we know that we've got some good drawing material and of course if the wind could stop blowing it away now don't always need that much to get your fire going what I like to do is I like to have a little small piece on the side so that when this does ignite that I have something that I can transfer to it and then from there transfer it directly into my into my stove so let's see how that works you oh I should take off the wrist to start up the rest of the the birch bark well let's say I goes oh yeah nice on the hands so you've got a pretty good burn going on concentrated mostly in the center of the of those those small logs that are cut and all I'm going to do now is I'm just going to try to just melt this snow by putting it on top of the stove and just see how long it takes for a boil I think a lot of the smoke that we're getting here has to do with the dampness of the wood but the spill seems to be focusing around the center which is exactly what I wanted so we're still getting that nice flame that's concentrated right in between the four logs seems like a Jesu min a little I think one of the issues I'm having is a wood is damp when I've seen demonstrations of this done online it seems to Center a lot more but then again what I'm using is I can hear it hissing so I know it's not the driest but it's still it's it's still creating a good draft I don't know if the camera can pick it up but there was definitely a flame going right out the center in between those four or the four logs that are packed in there so it's uh it's doing what it's supposed to I don't I think my log should be a little more tight within I got one that's caving in which is probably there we go yeah okay so I see one problem if I can't fix that quickly I'm trying to turn this log there as you can see the fire sticks come in handy for multiple of uses there now it's coming right out the center so this this thing is really burning nicely and what I'm going to do is once most of the flame goes down you're going to see how many how much embers are left in here and what I think is great is that for boiling your water you need you know you want to try to get as much BTUs out of this as you can and I think it's going to do fine and then what happens is that you're left with with very very strong embers which is probably the greatest thing to cook on I mean you can you can control it a lot more and I'll show you what I mean once this burns down about the amount of coals that you have that you have here for cooking without a flame that's almost boiling just leave that for a few more minutes and we'll check back on I don't know if the camera can pick this up but one of the things that I was concerned about when I when I purchased a stove and I spoke to Steve at firebox and you know what he told me was was was pretty bang on my worry was that these little outlet that you have here that you can feed your sticks and you know for your fire you've got one on this side and one and one on this side here that there'd be a lot of embers that would fall out and he told me that it was like minimal and I got to admit it's exactly that as you can see there is nothing falling out of the stove from those those slots on either side so I'm really happy about that so it contains the fire quite well and this was the part I was telling you to cook on you've got beautiful big embers in there that are heating really nice and evenly and great for cooking grilling steak or if you're trying to more control you the amount of heat that's going on your pan instead of having a roaring flame going right under it this is what you get real nice hot embers well folks there you have a another way that you can use the the fire the folding firebox again such a versatile stove I find that doing the Swedish fire torch is an excellent way if you want to multi cook boil your water when you're getting the initial flame to get a quick boil for your coffee or porridge or whatever else but also once the flame dies down and you're left with those big embers still kicking off quite a bit of heat which is a real good heat to be able to simmer things on or fry a steak or things you want a little bit more anyways I hope this was helpful thanks for joining me and like usual be good mother
Channel: Highland Trekker
Views: 50,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, wild camping, outdoor gear review, campcraft, knife reviews, camping stove reviews
Id: C_6qVNRWzXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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