Foam Demon Mask - Cosplay Tutorial

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hello guys this is vetlana from kami cosplay and today i wanted to show you how to create this super cute demon skull mask out of simple eva foam foam clay and also with one of my favorite crafting tools the dremel this is actually my second video sponsored by the company dremel and in the very first one i actually showed you how to create cool textures and special effects and also how to turn simple eva foam into materials like wood hammered steel or even dragon skin and i think that's pretty awesome so today i also wanted to show you how to apply all these techniques to an actual project and create something with that and also how to handle your dremel at this point thanks so much to dremel for sponsoring our channel and well now let's start crafting for this project i threw together two of the costume patterns from our store i decided to use these cute ram horns and this demon skull mask and then combine them we actually offer all kinds of armor pieces accessories and weapon blueprints that you can simply download and print out at home so first i opened the instructions for the mask and printed them out over several pages to put the pages together i simply cut off one side and then tape them together along the edges now i had to cut out all pattern pieces individually as you can see there are quite a few parts to this puzzle the skull mask is one of the more advanced patterns in our store but also super fun to make also don't forget to cut out the little registration marks here for this i always use a small pattern notcher so here are all the pieces it actually helps a lot to look at the overview page so you don't get lost now my material of choice was five millimeter thick low density eva foam it's quite flexible squishy and easy to work with i traced all pieces onto the foam sheet with a pen drew on the markings as well and then turned them around to mirror them for the other side i did this with all the puzzle elements and then afterwards begun to cut out everything while most edges just require a normal straight cut with the box cutter some actually need to be cut at an angle you will find indicators for that on the pattern an arrow towards the inside of the shape means you also need to cut tilt it towards the inside here were no markings so i just kept on cutting straight along this edge yeah and this is basically how all of our patterns work to get around tighter corners you can also use a smaller knife of course and then you know i just worked my way through this foam puzzle and cut everything out once done it was time to glue all parts together the adhesive i used for that is called contact cement i simply applied it carefully onto all edges and then when the glue was ready i began connecting everything as you can see by using different angles on the foam they created pretty cool shapes now i slowly build up the face of the skull and just kept on connecting piece after piece following my puzzle plan and yes this step surely requires some patience but once you start seeing it coming together it's super exciting i first finished both sides of the face as well as the jaw and then applied some final glue along the middle seam well and once i connected these both sides the skull mask was finally done already looked quite spooky don't you think now on to the next part they're ram horns here everything worked pretty much the same way but easier i printed out the patterns glued all pages together cut them out and trace their shapes onto five millimeter eva foam the patterns here were far less complicated and only three parts were required to make a horn as you can see once you cut them all out though you'll notice that they are still a little bit tricky to put together so after i applied contact cement to all edges i began connecting all elements and here is the tricky part you actually need to squeeze and pull the material so the registration marks are properly aligned see here are two different lengths so just pull and squeeze until everything fits the horns are very curved and this is necessary to bring them properly into shape i know it sounds tricky but i'm sure you can do it as well just closing the very last seam is a little bit annoying i tried to press both edges together as best as i could but my result also didn't turned out perfect the seams are still a little bit bumpy but we can easily fix this for that i simply grab my dremel 4000 with the flexible shaft and a sanding band attachment especially the inner seam turned out messy but this tip is just perfect to smooth it out super fast just work with a high speed setting and be careful not to send away too much material i used my dremel here on all the seams of the horns but also to clean up a few on my skull mask this way the glue lines became way less obvious and it would be a lot easier to hide them later next i wanted to attach the horns to the mask as you can see though this would result in a huge hole at the back so i quickly cut out some additional material added a bit of contact cement and glued it onto the mask i marked how much material i would actually need and then got rid of the rest with my box cutter easy so far so good now for the next step i wanted to add some texture skulls and horns are not perfectly smooth but actually full of holes lines and imperfections to find good references and inspiration i actually did a google image search for ram horns first when i felt confident enough i grabbed the next material i needed foam clay this air drying light white clay works perfectly in combination with eva foam i just had to apply some water with a brush first so the material would stick better to my foam points then i added a little bit of clay to the end and spread it out with my fingers next i rolled a small sausage between my hands and applied it carefully all around the horn tip the lower side then got flattened out at the bottom so it looked like it grew naturally the upper part however got a hard edge i thought this style looked pretty good getting used to foam clay needs a bit of practice but i would say it's still a very beginner friendly material i constantly worked with more water to smooth out the surface and to keep the foam clay sticky afterwards i added more sausages every time a bit larger and then smooth them out the same way well and this is how i worked myself along the ram horns until i was done just sausage after sausage dawn i didn't glue on the horns onto the skull just yet however instead i wanted to do some sculpting work on the skull first and this way the horns wouldn't get in the way for this step i attached it to one of my styrofoam wick heads i just used some duct tape to hold it in place then i added water as usual onto the foam grabbed some clay and began spreading it all over the mask i first sculpted some raised areas around the eyes and eyebrows since i thought it looked more spooky this way then i started adding some thick scales around this area as well this was totally freestyle and i didn't had a reference or anything but i liked the idea and kept on experimenting foam clay isn't the best material if you want to work super precise but it's perfect to get a good base shape i also made a few tiny teeth with it and grabbed one when it was dry then i attached this grinding stone tip onto my dremel styloplasty this machine is super small and it allows me to work very precise so i sat down and began carving in some scratches and marks onto the surface with this simple step my foam pieces turned into cute monster teeth once done with all of them i simply squeezed one after the other into the wet foam clay of the mask cute right after i was satisfied i kept on sculpting on some more demon scales to keep the transition smooth i always spread out the bottom evenly so far so good what do you think i personally like the style and think the mask looked already quite cute with so much sculpting work it was clearly a good idea to keep the mask and horn separated until this point but now it was finally time to add some contact cement onto the horns and onto the mask and afterwards carefully attach them and boom beautiful now to quickly hide the seams i added you guessed it right a lot of more foam clay i squeezed on some big sausage nice and even and then finished the demon scales in this area as well ah this looked already much better now i only had to add a few last elements as i mentioned i like the scales so i just added more of them all over the face i was honestly not sure if this was already too much but i just hoped it would look good at the end well and now the sculpting part was finally done as you can see the clay was already dry on the surface however foam clay needs a lot of time to cure all the way through so i just put the mask on the side for a few days just to make sure and then the moment has come to send in some texture for my main sanding work i'm actually using the dremel 4000 here with a flexible shaft attachment and as you can see it's hanging like on this handy tool holder and yeah with the flexible shaft attachment i'm actually able to use my dremel like pen so it's like super comfy in my hands and especially since it's also not so heavy and like uh i also don't have so much strength in my hand i can like reach every single tiny area and everything and just work much more comfortable and you know if you have like big hands and more strength in your hands unlike me you can also use the dremel 8220 which is also just as powerful as the dremel 4000 by the way but it's a wireless as you can see because it has like uh this lipo battery you also get like an additional lipo battery to recharge so you always have a full battery to work with your dremel but like for me personally it's a little bit too heavy so this is the reason why i'm working with the flexible shift attachment and the drummer 4000 instead so i grabbed my dremel again this time with the polishing cone tip it's obviously designed for a different application but it's also pretty awesome to smooth out the transitions between foam clay layers i use it here mainly to hide some of the more visible seams then i switch to this orange grinding stone attachment this one was great to create deep growing marks on the horn layers i worked here super rough on the highest speed setting and sanded in white lines all around as you can see i only used the edge of the grinding stone plus i also checked out my ram horn reference for guidance as always make sure to wear a respiratory protection if you do this foam dust is super nasty also this step took a little while but crafting always requires some patience once done i cleaned up the area with my vacuum hose this way i got rid of most of the foam dust safari so good but this was just the beginning next i grabbed the dremel stylo plus with the tiny grinding stone attachment from before this one was just perfect to add similar but much finer growing lines using this handy tool i added more thin carvings all around both horns as you can see this machine is really small and lightweight and it was actually quite comfy to work with it even for hours well and this is how the first horn looked like now i only had to repeat all this work on the other side as well while i was working on my table mitna was patiently waiting for some belly wraps as you can see i skipped a little bit of carving here but this is basically what i wanted to add to the whole demon mask i could obviously leave it plain here but i always like to add some fancy extras to my custom pieces again i used the styloplast for this job well i could have used another dremel here as well i personally just wanted to challenge myself and see how fine my work could turn out everything here was also freestyle and i really enjoyed crafting without any boundaries the sculpted on scales gave me also some inspiration and i basically just followed their shapes i finished scale after scale and worked my way all over the whole mask i really fell in love with the little dremel during this project so this part was done however i still wanted to add much more for the next step i switched to a small round grinding stone attachment with this i carved a lot of little craters into the foam clay i really tried to highlight the deeper areas around the upper lip and randomly added more dots here and there to be honest i really didn't know what i was doing here but it felt try to add a little bit around the nose and also over the brows you know it's art next i switched back to my flexible shaft attachment again and began carving in small but also quite deep tears into the horn layers i wanted to add more texture all over the place and these marks felt natural to me i worked all around both horns and a bit on the mask itself and always tried to make it look random finally i went back to my sanding band this is actually my favorite part and i really love doing it adding a huge massive scarf through the eye area i first began slow and then went deeper and deeper with the sunning room as you can see the scar even reached the horn super cool well and that was it i was finally done with the sanding work this was a lot of effort but i absolutely love the texture as you see so far i'm working a lot with the stylo plus and to be honest with you when i got this tool i wasn't really sure about that since it's very small it's not very powerful it's like to me but when i was using it for several hours and did like all the tiny details i actually noticed how amazing it is since i was able to finish all the details in one single sitting and i was doing this like four hours and you know i usually do this with the flexible attachment shaft and then i have to do several breaks because my hand is shaking from the vibration and with the stylo plus it was just so much more comfortable to work with so i think the 4000 and the star plus are a great team together like the 4000 with the flexible shaft attachment for heavy duty stuff in this style plus for small little details and if you prefer to work wireless you also might want to get a dremel light for the small stuff and also the the very heavy heavy duty dremel 8220 for the you know bigger stuff if you want more info about all the dremel products just check out they have a huge variety of tools attachments and accessories in addition dremel now even runs a cosplay section full of inspiring tutorials tips and tricks but now back to work i had to clean the surface with my vacuum first it's really important to get rid of all the foam particles i even used the airbrush to blow away the remaining sanding dust then i grabbed some quick seal put a bit onto my finger and spread it over the duck tape areas to smooth out the edges here i used tap water to smear everything nice and even next for priming the surface i wanted to use flex bond first this product can be applied with a simple brush i didn't use a lot of flex bond here just one layer in fact since i only wanted to smooth out the surface a bit and seal in the holes and gaps i primed both horns and then finished the whole face afterwards once everything was dry the surface was already much smoother plus it was now one hundred percent foam dust free for the next step i used gumi dip which is basically the german equivalent of plastidip i heated up the can in warm water first shook it properly and then sprayed it evenly all over the mask i applied two thin layers here and made sure the inside of the mask would not get touched to avoid any reactions with my skin well and this was the result as you can see everything was now super smooth and shiny but the dremel and textures and details were still perfectly visible the flexbond and gummy dip combination did a great job here now for the painting i chose these two vallejo colors as my base i filled the brighter one into my airbrush first and began covering the whole mask with it as you might already guessed this paint needed a few layers until it was really covering using the airbrush however i was able to reach all areas pretty quickly and also paint the deeper sanded in details you can obviously do this all by hand as well though it might take a lot longer well and this was the result once i was done next i tried to add some shading and darker areas onto the mask i have to say that this was the first time i did all the details myself with the airbrush and i was super nervous my hands are always shaking and the airbrush isn't an easy tool to master so i began doing some rough areas along the horns and try to keep on working finer and finer i messed up a lot here but luckily it wasn't visible at the end and i think the difference looked already quite nice the most important part when trying a new tool is not to be scared to mess something up yes it will happen but it will help you to learn from your mistakes and get better next time i personally was really proud that i was able to do this step all by myself without benny's help next i grabbed some satin spray varnish and applied a thick protective layer onto my paint job this was just the preparation for the next and most important part however oil paint washing for this technique the surface needs to be completely sealed and protected it actually works with acrylics as well but oil colors take far longer to dry and are easier to control so i grabbed some brown some black and also got my brush cleaner ready afterwards i mixed up some paint added a bit of cleaner and begun applying the color all over the first horn i used the cleaner here as a thinner and made sure to reach even the deepest carved details on the foam afterwards i used tissue paper soaked with more cleaner and wiped most of the paint away again what this does is keep the oil paint only inside the scratches and holes the result looked already quite nice so i kept repeating this step all over the right horn the difference is remarkable don't you think it's a super simple and fast technique but it's great to highlight details and make the bone texture far more believable now i only had to finish the rest of the demon face i kept on using the brush cleaner as a thinner so the paint was much more easier to rub off afterwards here i just covered the whole area and made sure i didn't clean too much i also should mention that wearing gloves would have been a good idea here to be honest though i was so excited that i just forgot that the oil washing technique is really messy but also incredibly fun i totally enjoyed seeing the demon face come to life at this point as you can see the dremel and carvings really pop now and this technique was just perfect to make them properly visible once done i let everything dry overnight and this was the result it looked so nice i absolutely loved it however i was not hundred percent done just yet i grabbed a small brush and applied additional paint to the edges of the horned layers and especially the massive sky around the eye i just wanted to add a bit more shadow here well and then after i was satisfied i applied a last layer of matte spray varnish the result looked like real bone just as planned as you can see the inside was still free of primer and paint to avoid any allergic reactions to attach the mask i then used some simple shoe laces cut them to the right length and attach them to the inside with a lot of hot glue then i tied them together and ta-da my super cute demon mask ram horn combination was done it looked so cute don't you think so and i only worked a few days on it even minna likes it and now runs around and scares all of our neighbors i really hope this video was helpful and especially inspirational and you know like this here this mask here was totally freestyle but uh you can find so many more patterns on our website like for example on comic we have different hats we have hoards we have creature skulls we have also like bracers shoulder armors breastplates all the weapons like all the things you need and if you still need any help to create something awesome we also have cosplay crafting books like for example this shows you how to turn simple eva foam into awesome armor and this shows you also how to turn simply v8 foam into really cool weapons so if you need some help check out and create something truly epic i also hope that i was able to show you that dremel is a really cool tool no matter if we got a small one or a big one or like all of them and you know so i hope i was able to show you a dremel that fits to your own crafting style so you can choose your favorite tool as well and as always you will find a link for all tools and materials we used in this video in the video description down below so check that out and if you also still have any questions just leave us a comment under the video and also you can also support us with the youtube algorithm in case you have no questions just for writing down corgi enjoying the quirky squad and as always like and subscribe hit the notification bell consider to support us on patreon thanks so much to our patreons at this point happy crafting and see you very soon bye
Channel: KamuiCosplay
Views: 81,091
Rating: 4.9740057 out of 5
Keywords: Kamui Cosplay, Cosplay Tutorial, Cosplay Progress, DIY, Do it yourself, how to, dremel, foam texture, mask tutorial, skull mask, foam horns, eva foam patterns, pattern making, cosplay patterns, cosplay mask, foam clay, dremel stylo, dremel 8820, dremel lite, dremel 4000, diy mask tutorial
Id: Lsj0V9JZhI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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