FNC vs. XL - Week 1 Day 3 | LEC Summer Split | Fnatic vs. Excel Esports (2020)

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[Music] we've been spared all we were spared songs a week we've had it just really fits the vibe you know it's kind of like this bump in chill Club song in between what has been a day of surprise and upsets that kind of like balances out a very chaotic took me to my happy place and I just remember what I just witnessed we are going to talk about League of Legends because it's the end of super week almost we've had 14 games and we have a banger hopefully to finish everything off fnatic vs. XL eSports now the seven-time champions have started to split with a bang and has shown that they still have some tricks up their sleeves fnatic going to and 0 possibly 3-0 is a rare start even though there are seven times champions they're not always this crisp at the beginning of the split yeah one of my points last season on euphoria when I did not Wraith antics you per highly was they always choke it's not choke they always struggle at the start of the split they do not come in swinging over to warm up this has been a very different story and that's part not just two tricks all across the map or fact that's truly a bag of tricks for reckless seems to be getting bigger and bigger this syndrome we never thought it was a flex pick for fnatic well reckless proved us wrong and as a champion pool expands this man becomes more and more terrifying to deal with at the top of the day and just to really reiterate again reckless is the most versatile ADC that Bailey si has he can play weak side he can play strong side play funnel into him you can play the scenery it's got the mages like there is no complaint that you can level against him right now he's not past his prime he's in his prime and for how long he's been playing that's incredible and that's almost what is the most impressive race he's been playing for so long he said he found a newfound you know interest in playing as much he's been playing a lot of normals and they just he had that joy for the game that is still there and he keeps evolving it a lot of the things that people through his way in years past he just always overcame well and that's the thing is it we're getting to watch recklessness champion pool expand for our eyes and this reputation change cuz reckless was very honest with us after fnatic really struggled to achieve more when we saw the Garen Yumi's and the Karma's and always fell like car fanatic had that dislike gimmick in the bottling to really come out on top they didn't want to be that team anymore and it's clear that reckless has taken that to heart because we've seen the syndra right that's great you also know there's the Soraka because it's friggin perma banned again yeah and the real question is not how is how deep does the champion pool go not if reckless will play it so I want to see more I want to see the Soraka I want to see all the crazy stuff the reckless is putting together because I think every champion he adds to that list makes fnatic a bigger and bigger threat to teams at the top especially when you're clowning around like they did last game yeah and the thing is is like recklessness style has been so signature and how it unlocks hilly as well when reckless shines it helps the guy next to him sign even brighter when reckless can play weak side and be left to his own devices do whatever he wants Hilly's thing like flying around let's crank he's playing trundle he almost heart carried that game and so lost it's true I mean yeah that duel is absolutely deadly and they just keep evolving in front of our eyes fnatic doing really great they're now versus excel that is of course a big UK clash but excel hasn't managed to beat them in that one yet and I think people are pretty down on Excel Oh - so far new life you wanna go okay here's the thing so I'm supposed to come in here I suppose play good-cop guys cuz I'm like excel I don't actually think you volunteered I want to volunteer to see what they're planning for an all so big thing strength of schedule Excel were not favorited shrinks of schedule this was a very hard super week whereas fnatic got one of the easiest strengths for schedule possible no one expected misfits to have that much bite into him so I think that's polarizing when you looking excels drafts I like the creativity I liked seeing things like the kale I like the fact that they're grabbing for the side jungle the issue is the execution yes I know that's a big thing but the plan and the game plan for excel is there as long as you say it as long as one of us says the execution is the problem I think we're fine I think you're right like there are things to be excited about we heard from Kay drool you know communication was the issue with the previous line up to imports is very difficult to like enforce a simple communication structure on where is now you've got players who are all speaking the same language but the downside is the players are all rookies so it is gonna take some time to level up that execution in the meantime though it does look very sloppy I do want to say something about the top lane however inter pointed out in the cast I'm we need to keep attention on to it because blippo is so controlling about his waves especially as fnatic are instilling more freezes in denying more cs excels top lane has really struggled with his wave managing wave management that he's shown in the first two games so he could get shut down fairly early even without kills going across just because he mince bounces a wave equipo will punish and that's of course something very difficult for Christ to do in his first couple of games and for a lot of teams we think or it doesn't apply because they've played before but I think for crys in particular the fact that these are his first games in the LEC with this new squad that is something we're going to have to track this is not gonna be perfect from the first game I think you're right you're not exactly starting on easy footing when you're playing kale and Vladimir you're like waiting to have agency in the game you're kind of your opponent gets to dictate the pace of the lane and the most that you can do is have better wave control farm better hit your power spikes earlier but you're not winning those lanes that you've been sorry frost but is the idea that make it easier for these players yeah that's exactly it you know if you have a player who's young who's new to the stage is what you're insinuating you give him his comfort champions you give him his champions and make things your limiting variables around him so he doesn't have to learn okay I'm playing at a completely different level I'm playing with a new team and I'm trying to figure out another champion all right well we'll see if that's what they do it it's also time for the final game of the LEC super weak ass fnatic and Excel it hit the rift let's go League of Legends once again fnatic excel and then it could be undefeated at the end of the week video you know that's a shock for fnatic fans I would imagine yes they do they have actually a track record of got like zero to zero for not really starting off the split great and well they had a bit of a mixed game versus misfits they definitely clean up that performance yesterday and I feel as though we're kind of repeating what we said last game which is expectations are that the team that made it into the final loss split at the favorites over team that didn't make playoffs but as we've seen some crazy shenanigans have been happening here in the super week and I am excited to see what Excel can bring out can they get their first win of the split or will they be looking to go 0-3 I was trying to work out if there was a transitive prophesy think is fnatic a beat'em vitality vitality VG to G to be mad lions and Excel lost to mad lions therefore I see so the transit properties didn't help Excel whatsoever guarded all right well when we jump into this draft we're gonna see what the priorities are fnatic will be on the blue side medical a split something that we spoke a lot about was the fact that fnatic had a tendency to ban Calista now I had a quick look back at some of their bans from earlier in the week and they haven't been banning it right so I thought okay maybe maybe Calista could increase in priority for them and I'm curious as to where Calista is gonna fall on the priority list for this team because I think that as we saw last game it could be a pretty effective champion all right interesting so maybe fnatic we're gonna have to keep dragging this throughout this play because if they if they this might just be because there are so many strong ad carry's true that they have other priorities which is fine which is fine but if Calista does become stronger as the as the season progresses I do want to see if reckless character like surely reckless plays it but he hasn't played it in such a long time like it was a problem for them in the finals of last split as well but it's not a big deal right now a lot of the big power picks are still up in the form of syndra virus Twisted Fate is actually gonna be banned away from a excel this is pretty interesting obviously a very targeted ban towards the Nemesis one of his most well known champ in the LEC but again these power picks things like Thresh are still up and available we can also see as we already mentioned the virus is art the Fellowes is up the syndra is up as realizar as you'd like cat trundles gonna be banned okay so the jungle paw has been pinched a little bit but I guess with the great fan fanatic like we don't want to give you trundle if we can't show already so that kind of makes sense okay hey let's hang is destroying respect fans this has to be a virus or a syndra XLR forcing them to trade which one they think is more important for the fanatics I see if they put their eggs well I mean breakfast place both oh so much thinking of playing a lot of syndra recently so it's gonna be virus appears as they lock that one in there we'll see where XL go unsurprising syndra thresh is gonna be their pick sir patrick can play syndrome but of obviously special is they comfortable in the champion as well so what direction to fnatic choose to go in now with the jungle paw being pinched they may want to just lock in their jungler pretty early we've seen a couple of Lee sin games from self-made again I'm a little mixed on the champion obviously we've seen it have success and I think self-made is an especially talented Leeson player so it's not like I think that he can't play it's just in the current meta I have mixed opinions on it a couple of hovers right now we did see a bit of a Gragas hover but it is going to be the gangplank blind pick lock in this suggests that fnatic wants to try in wider I'm surprised that they would want to save their support to pick for later when they could have just guaranteed themselves a counter pick right now and the gangplank does have so many counter picks we saw from I believe it was dan dan yesterday the Vladimir counter pick and we know that crys has been trending towards these carry style top laners as well twice played by the mayor yesterday as well yeah he's played ko and we'll see what he picks up in this game there's the Gragas gangplank combination for fnatic and now I don't think this is gonna be an ad carry I did look back specialist played one syndra game on the LEC stage he did go 7 for 8 against misfits but they ended up losing so the great thing about syndra is she can be flexed yeah so you don't really want to lock in an ad carry yet because it can be put into either or and I think syndra is one of the few champions that does very well into virus in the bot lane as well especially when paired up with a Thresh but we were talking about the vladimir there's the lock in four cries because so while early on in the laning phase the vladimir will struggle its the idea is that eventually out scales and becomes much more prominent both in a side thing and in the 1p one as well so now I'd love to see support bands from XL let's take away that tahm Kench let's take away a potential bra maybe a nautilus I don't think Lulu is commonly seen paired up with the virus but even it was locked in I'm like yeah I've got syndra and I've got a thrash up more than halfway into a Lulu thank you very much so yeah these are the kind of supports that I want to see taken away because we've seen the most success against virus when he's actually paired up against a karma because karma can't protect him against a lot of the dive and what fladam is very good at is just diving onto that back line and just obliterating them so I think taking away some of these protection tools would be a great ban for Excel I think it makes a little sense of course syndra in service if you have a tahm Kench there as soon as the unleash power comes out you just gobble up the virus and mitigate a huge amount of that damage as well yeah so well when Corki will be the bans in the mid lane though form EXO they decide not to follow our advice and base this does suggest that they are looking at a syndra in the mid lane right now which means of course the ad carry pick will likely come through we also then see the Tristana coming through from fnatic so they're thinking something along the same lines there is still the possibility of a nefarious pick here hasn't been banned out first is okay they are afraid of picking ana fellows into Gragas especially with syndra already locked in you're not gonna get the a huge amount of Peel but this does also mean that like a bunch of support picks are open for fanatics so they kind of have a lot of freedom here and I think tahm Kench would be really strong against this composition against indra against vladimir though that duo specifically I think tahm Kench can mitigate so much damage that I am surprised that it wasn't taken off the table totally agree we do that various and we'll see if fnatic do as well looks like you are reading Missy's mind tahm kench's the hover at least we'll see if they lock it in then they just have to pick their mid laner tahm Kench will get locked mid lane at the last remaining role of course exhale still keeping their options open showcasing a lot of flexibility the hover on Orianna right now is coming through and I think this is a pretty safe blind that I think especially be quite comfortable playing a syndra in - I've heard mixed things about the syndra versus Orianna matchup I think that it could be quite skill expressive depending on how comfortable both players are on their respective champions but now I'll get to find out is this syndra in the mid lane is this syndra in the bot lane I expect it to be in bit but then the question becomes is what ad carry are they going to go for right now I feel like Excel are lacking some engage so I wonder can they get that from that yes they can they can get that from the ad carry if they go for a Sevier we have not seen the Civic for a while no I'm gonna find out when it last was very us while you continue to talk so I was talking about an ability to actually start off fights I think the Civic can't provide that and with a composition like Olaf and Vladimir or they really need our tools to be able to close the gap and civies ultimate does a fantastic job of enabling that there's a lot of single target damage coming out from the syndra and because you have the pick power of the Thresh Exile do have a couple of tools in that capacity per that late-game price is very devastating as well in terms of more traditional straightforward team fighting of fnatic half the composition that Boris engage their follow up with Orianna they have brightest engage to the gangplank ultimate a lot of AoE wombo combo a lot of what we've been seeing over this weekend of gameplay so it's gonna be an exciting one for sure I'm ready to jump into fnatic vs XL so last server we saw was a tiller in 2019 against Schalke he won with it in the summer playoffs went for three and nine but here we go I'm in to fnatic vs XL [Music] and onto summoners rift we go I will say having a look at Patrick he does have a really good win record on severe across the course of his career this is all the games I can find on this handy little website he has played six and has won five of them Wow 83% win rate damn I hope that does include the regional tournaments he played in as well so let's have a look at this level one very quickly before we talk more about the severe exile cleared out that Ward outside the Raptors this suggests that Gragas wants to start on the top side of his map and the reason why they put that Ward down was because they were worried about a potential invade and they wanted information on what Kiril does in the early game they've restocked that Ward so that they will be able to gain that information now self means actually gonna move towards the bot side of the map they're not gonna know yet where the Olaf is starting or off of course can start solo which means that the Civic can get into Lane very early get that early push going things can go quite comfortably so interestingly about the Civic because we haven't seen her in such a long time I think against a virus one of the things you've got a bear in mind is the massive range discrepancy between the two and virus is one of the longest range EB carries in our game whereas Sivir is actually very short and this makes it very easy for the virus to be able to get relatively easy trade backs things like the e are very easy to apply the effect and then slow and then go for those trades and on top of that you can also just keep stacking of those blights and get pretty favorable trades the great thing about Civic is her spell shield does mitigate that ultimate from the virus or with deny some of that later gank potential she can also spell shield the the cue from the tahm Kench which can also help keep the mana uptake but overall one of the city's greatest strengths is her ability to just shove in waves with her WQ combo it can be quite mana intensive launch hits level 2 she can just keep the pressure up and they can look for hooks and sort of like ship damages like you're seeing on your screen right now especially when you don't have the thick skin as tahm Kench because you're only level 1 that sort of damage can stick pretty effective they just want to mention that toilet has played Thresh two times this year and there's one both times on it this is across the entirety of the LEC 2020 very high winrate support very powerful support as well because of the state D provides for you to carry the hook potential that you have I see if Tory can bring those abilities to the fore in this game other lanes let's have a look at how we're pushing special has got the priority in the mid lane right now nemesis is underneath the tower but in top lane cries is doing it the officer he's farming under his tower as blippo has the advantage early on on this gameplay yeah I want to talk a little bit more about this mid lane matchup because we don't get to see syndra a lot she's yeah and I think many people who've experienced for in soloqueue can find that she's quite oppressive in Lane the range of her queue is about 800 right and that doesn't seem very long but it's very obnoxious right and so Orianna the thing that she has to decide when she's trading in Lane is whether she uses her ball to harass or whether she uses it to clear minions now in the early stages of the lane her damage to minions is actually very low you rely a lot of points in your W so when she gets to about level 5 level 6 that's when she really starts to watch the apply pressure in clearing ways and that's when she can start getting much more aggressive against the syndra but until that point syndra can just keep harassing with the Q and every time the Orianna tries to walk up an auto attack you're just going to keep getting bullied so that's kind of what we're seeing in a situation like this where you just keep getting pushed around you keep getting bullied but know that as the Orianna gets a couple more levels under her belt that's what she can actually start to be significantly more aggressive you can actually see that n nemesis is skill or don't bring this up quite early but you can see he's put a couple of points in E early on because he's getting constantly harassed out in the lane getting that shield of course your passive I believe is clockwork windup gives you that little bit more damage on your auto-attacks so you can try and get the CS with that but nemesis just trying to stay safe in this lane right now yeah and I do like the adaptation because many orianna's will typically go q max sometimes if you want more waveclear you can put more points in your W but if you're putting points in E it's largely just for that extra bit of safety and damage negation you can see that nemesis is having a bit of a rough time he's at a pretty significant Siesta deficit in this early game but the other thing is taking into account is the fact that there is an Olaf jungle as well who can show up at any time we do see a better trading in the bot lane I doubt it's gonna one mount too much so I'm surprised that the exhaust did come out from Hillier saying there but yes I would have to watch a replay of it but I'm pretty sure what he'll Assange is trying to do is getting all three stacks right because he had one and then just as it fell off and he plays the exhaust the idea was promising but the execution didn't quite come through Excel with a slight gold advantage right now largely coming from the mid lane differential you can also see nemesis prioritizing getting himself early magic resistance so again something that you often see when playing into cinder lanes because of our oppressive that they can be yeah once he gets a couple more levels under his belt he should feel a little bit more comfortable to go for the trades now selfmade is looking for a game specials level 6 though he could one-shot selfmade if he's not careful so they've got to be they've got to think about how they approach this play yes pretty much all of them they're self-made don't get anything out of his time he's gonna have to retreat back on his way to Guam there's a CS differential in the jungle as well laughs of course one of the fastest clear as early on cuz you go low and then your attack speed goes up on is gonna be able to start to get pushback in the lane start to be a little bit more aggressive talk to me about what sort of the strategy is for these two teams like excel very happy just allowing this syndra to get extra farm in the mid lane and trying just to scale up well I think both teams were quite comfortable when it comes to scaling yeah the the thing with the VARs that you typically expect is because of how Lane dominant he can be it's usually a lane that you want to try and play through and over in the LPL they're actually very famous for using their virus tahm Kench combo for setting up dying because of your ability to reset tower aggro which is why i quite like this to be picked because what we're seeing is the virus can't get as much Lane dominance as you typically expect the she's constantly in the fever of severan look at that actually just get to manner back so she can just keep this pressure up and so in terms of the CS difference it's actually very even sofa nanak haven't been able to play through botlane we haven't seen the Gragas make any gangsta well i think we actually did see one attempt with yes but unfortunately that one did not pan out and they also don't have pride men in these early levels so in terms of the early game fnatic right now don't have a huge number of options that doesn't mean that they're just gonna fall off later as you mentioned they do have very strong want more combo ability but the thing that they have to be careful of is the fact that vladimir and severe once you get to the late game stages where they're about three items that's where their team fighting power really comes online as well so I feel fnatic need to complete their first second core major items like training force on the gangplank maybe you want the seraphs fully stacked and ready to go on the Orianna and then you want to try and force a fight on that key single item pounds bike of course that is when the severe sorry the syndra is very scary but the Civet and the vladimir won't be there looking at that kind of three items bike rather than just a one or two so i think there is a window where fnatic can look to be very aggressive and in that window is where we need to see them try and be proactive and look for these fighter players the issue is of course if that syndrome is too powerful at that point you can just one shot someone it's gonna be a difficult thing for you doing she does have a thirty CS lead yep now in the mid lanes if you're not catching about early on in the fight you might struggle you can see fnatic going for an early swap here reckless is coming up towards Pedro now okay drew will have the Ragnarok if he got caught with a chain of corruption but I'm a little interested in this change because usually usually it's the support that roams away my tank teams up with the jungler but here they send reckless up and Mickey actually asked like Hillier Tsang spent a long time holding that botlane wave and he's only now working his way up because he tolerate his joined special and the lantern just adds that extra degree of safety that makes it quite hard for fnatic to find a dick they are gonna start up the rift hold it civets just trading this for plates in the bot lane it looks like excel they're not risking testing this which i think is the smart play even though they can get priority in mid lane they don't have fry Oh Tom the bot Lane from fnatic has rotated up great utilization of the gangplank ultimate Thank You observers for highlighting that as well because it slows down the push from the severe mitigates the number of plates that Sivir will actually be able to get and now fnatic can look to keep their duo up towards the top side they can probably look to trade towers or excel can just swap back so I think overall fnatic is pretty happy even though a small CS advantage has now been accrued in favor of Patrick and he has hit level seven as well did get two plates off of that as well he's now building up towards when I assume is an essence reaver on the Sivir with the bf sword and the cords hammer he also has a cull stacking up so he's about to finish that in about 30 CS just have more gold in his back pocket XL hundred gold ahead right now and they're in a pretty comfortable spot all around yeah I think the what we've seen from excel is that their early games haven't been super explosive over the weekend they've kind of taken that slow style approach and then well we've seen issues for those when they get to the mid game and then the couple of people get caught out their execution isn't always on point and so as Frost was saying on the analyst desk often the idea is good execution isn't always then of course this is the very start of the split we've already seen some split favorites falter we've seen some surprising upstarts and so that's why you can never really afford to count excel out because it is still week one you have some new players coming to playing in the else's LEC and getting used to everything so we'll see how excel progressed from here we can see a number of excel members rotating down towards the ball side of course the ocean Drake is up this is gonna be the big point of contention and nemesis doesn't have TV he doesn't have TP the minute I was gonna come down the Hang so they wanted when the sender is strongest equipo eatin up a paella sang first kill is gonna go across the fish goes down cries though with the emo plate that you're trying to get the damage down but it can't quite get it with before so has tore a riff though did get a charge in and managed to take down three plates but ends up being a one for one I like that excel we're able to mitigate the tower going down though not too many plates will lost off the back of that excel will still hold on to the gold Lee which means it's currently one to one but fnatic in a 4 vs. 5 were able to get a pretty good disengage there and when we bring the replay up we can see exactly how they were able to do it so as you mentioned Orianna is still sitting in the mid lane the teleport was not available then the herald comes down and then the gauge comes through we've always forced a flash out very quickly but a really good Greg its ultimate and the consume from Helles Hank keeps gangplank alive for a very long time I love the exhaust from Hillier saying there as well to mitigate a lot of the damage that was coming out from special but while Excel had the right idea there was a big minion wave stopping crows from getting involved in the fight the damage that was largely sitting on top of the syndra was heavily mitigated and we can see the power of this tahm Kench in a situation like that where excel they just want to blow someone up stop this push from happening and walk away with a kill but because Tom Kent was there that was heavily mitigated and exiled don't get everything that they want a little bit surprised that we haven't seen special go for a full reset yeah he's sitting on about a thousand 500 gold on the syndra right now and it's one of those moments where if fnatic had fought around this dragon you would have wanted him to have that okay thank you very much for highlighting that so played is on award as he comes up here you could think with the to control wards being in the river that he was safe to path here but prize will know that selfmade is on his way and selfmade will realize that fires probably knew that he was on his way back so way he's gonna take the crooks clears out of Ward meanwhile Excel are playing down towards this bottom side toy with the hook how's the lantern Kate who's gonna come across the wall here as well hillier saying no no exhaust no real way out of this one it's gonna pop the fixed in underneath the turbine just one more to attack this need a cage on the ax in the back of the catfish and that's a new form of fishing but it works out pretty well for enter I'll play there from exile this does of course mean they'll be able to get some plates in the bot lane once that wave hits the tower but fnatic are doing the same in the top side regardless sitting with a healthy gold lead at the moment but that might change is it special I think he's gonna die and you know how much gold he was sitting on when he died like 2k to secure the loons echo planned I mean of course he still has a pretty significant advantage over nemesis he is sitting at level 11 this is a very big item to have completed but of course this gives fnatic an opportunity to push in that wave maybe secure a plate or two which will be denied by a quick teleport coming in from Patrick as he upgrades to his essence reaver I remember we were talking about that the items spike point where fnatic have a window where they could probably look to fight we're getting close to that you can see the Trinity force is now done before the gangplank he's about to hit level 11 so I'll have two points in his ultimate as well and the Orianna very close to completing that archangel staff likely won't be upgraded to the SAS for a little while longer but in any case a lot of these core atomization czar coming through for fnatic so they can think about looking for a fight right now excel isn't insane strong you can see the Vladimir is still relatively weak so there's a pretty big top lane discrepancy right now and syndra is really the only one you have to be very scared of because virus by going from the the lethality choice you obviously have a lot more innate to power that much earlier in the game so you don't have to wait for your like third or four before atomization to really turn on line we'll see if fnatic decide to on the side of caution or if they take a fight the rift oh it's going to be up in about a minute's time so they could decide to play on that top side of the map we still got two and a half minutes on the Drake but XL the duo of K drill and tour a jungle support something we see so often decided not to actually kill that ward and that's it on one HP I guess special can get it as he comes up through the truck it's not seeing anything anywhere but you kill that's gold I mean I agree it's also a bit of experience to remember the good old days when Asus used to be able to queue wards and gain help they survived because he cute award game at some point but no Nasus in this game will be secured by fnatic no fights gonna get taken here by Excel they don't have teleport on special or Patrick so they wouldn't have been able to join the fight anyway and selfmade will secure the rift out for himself he's having a pretty good game so far to 0-0 got himself that a Bolivian what orb and the unik echoes upgraded has the stopwatch in case he goes a little bit too deep at any point so I'd like to see fnatic use this herald in the mid lane by breaking that tower it opens up the map a lot more and when playing it's too severe you want to try and Wow seizing that middle lane tower becomes a lot harder because yeah that's why so by having the roof tailed it makes a lot harder for Patrick to be able to store things out but with the mid lane tower gone it gives you easier access into the enemy jungle and you can start to utilize some of your or really open up would pour a little bit more considering he is very strong at this point in time with the drake spawning at about a minute that's what i expect to see fnatic looking for a fine-only is it the third rate of the game but it is an opportunity for them to try and swing the momentum of this game back in their favor obviously the gold is still very even but we're kind of thinking forward and if Excel is even at this one in the game they're sitting comfortably because I do think that with the Sivir and with the vladimir they will have stronger team fighting later on into the game so we'll have to wait and see is that they're trying to get Hitler sang we will pop that thick skin back north was used as well though we're powerful soft towards the top side of this fight special looking for some damage over the war will hit selfmade just a little bit and the thing about this is it's not always about killing the enemy if you chunk someone out it then takes some time to get back and you have that extra time to try and play around the dragon the issue with doing it on a tahm Kench is he has the abyssal voyage so he's able to get back into this fight just a little bit quicker remember there's no back on cage rule so if nemesis went the Ripper the old special special and these power flashes forward both of will flash away from the Darkspear thereby nemesis but the dragon is available for excel how Webber could stop them reckless and form aside from quip o n from self way to put the rift out down here in the mid lane trying to open up the map a little bit more specially cage will have find enemy lines in the jungle near this red the teleport coming in here flashes board he's looking for that quiet a straight into the shock waving goodbye syndra and is a great fight great peek there for fornicators gonna get the lantern out and this should be fanatics dragon what could have been a great opportunity for excel and chile ends up in disaster hello sang recognized it with the flash gone from special that you get a punish nuts Elfman looking for Patrick doesn't have the Gregor's ultimate though all reckless tree he was worried about liver fallacy damage that could come out from the virus didn't have the spell shield up when we forced to disengage this means fanatic now feeling a little bit more comfortable in this situation so this is after special has used his flash to try and get back killed on to Orianna which means the hell assigned contractually is okay team has priority in mid lane we can get this collapse through the TV from nemesis as well and nemesis ends up getting vengeance against the opposing mid laner they end up getting that killed Cantrell gets out to safety but they lose so much control over the Drake and it's these small mistakes that we're seeing from excel we've been seeing them a couple times over the weekend and we see it once again here special can't find that kill they're too deep in the enemy jungle and fnatic successfully punished them do want to give credit to nemesis flashing over the force of will the Scout of the week great you dodged it just the same not nemesis ever sang for dodging that some days he has more aggressive days some days the aggression pays off and today seems to be like one of those stuff though flashing forward looking for the body slam Tory is trying to dodge away from the explosive cuspid he doesn't realize this and cool down right now if I'm self made that I'm just look at him like ah you don't know oh I don't think what's up made even use this flash so I can understand why they would be pretty committed to believe it and ultimately that ends up being worth 4xl because heck grace isn't that flash anymore meanwhile but buh buh will be securing that tower in the bot lane I think it's done a great job in the side lane so far this game the Wladimir one item completed working towards the next still a ways away from being a big threat the fnatic need to be scared of and it feels to me that fanatic of after that drink play claimed a little bit more agency over the game they consistently pushing in mid they're looking for these picks and they're forcing Excel to play more on the defensive this syndra who was very dominant in the laning phase and as a big CS advantage when I have a look at the gold okay this is a pretty sizable difference between the two mid laners I will acknowledge but in terms of itemization it's not that dramatic you can see the bigger difference is really coming from the 280 carries but again because Patrick is playing more of the hyper carry style of AD where you're going for the traditional crit bailed and reckless is going full of authority even though he's at a deficit he's probably stronger than the Sivir is right now you can see that he did just complete his Yahoo's as well so with Tula file the items done he's feeling very strong you can see that self-made also completing the morello so I feel like fnatic should feel very confident at this point in time to be willing to go for fight just get back to lane to be able to clear this wave out yeah I thought the same thing as you flank there so apologize it's all good it's all good so right now fanatics setting up around the barren area I don't expect them to force it just getting some vision control cos there's nothing to play for on the bot side of the map you know this is the sort of states where you could think about freezing I'm not an expert enough especially in this specific situation to say whether you could do it for sure but this is the kind of situation and we can think about it I can see that let's see what he does in this situation is he gonna shot the caster minion maybe no you've always got to look for these things just fnatic we know they're big advocates of the freeze yes a populous in any case as you can see the game is very it's not very slow its slowed down compared to some of the action that we saw earlier on with a lot of the outer towers now dropping both mid lane towers getting very low the Baron is becoming a point of contention I imagine the next big fight will be around the street or it could be in the bot lane yeah buddy son he has no vision around here pops the sanguine pool where you go you flashing the wall he's trying to get with the baby so she turns it back around that email plague has been popped as well in Christ is ticking away but heals up sometime and we'll be pushing that wave specials gonna get to in the top lane for at the time that was spent down toward that bottom lane but wit Bo has so much major resist and is going through death dance just to top it off yeah as well so it's gonna be very hard for choir to play that one B one Patrick pops the automate here go fast as he speeds his way into the mid lane and Excel get that the tower of the game go pretty even although it's a slight lead for fnatic as they take that tied about a thousand or so so we can see the football continuing to push down that ball side fnatic right now even though the gold is only about 1k very much in control of this game excel should not be counted out by any means we still look at their ability to scale something very affect prominent rather and even though gangplank has itemized heavy magic resistance he's obviously not itemizing to deal with Patrick so if a single ricochet lands and a teamfight trust me buh buh will melt completely exactly that so it's something that's fnatic have to take into consideration they want to think about trying to accelerate the the state of the game right now so that this Civet doesn't get to that very terrifying point they're going to be looking to secure the second cloud ring I think this is great for gangplank especially I think having is ultimate on available more often is extremely valuable if you get it to 40% like that is really really good especially with an Orianna and a virus where their ultimate can be so impactful as well so pretty helpful Drake for fnatic for the time being you can see that Excel still holding control around the Baron for now both teams just posturing looking back and forth and to be fair Excel there are some question marks coming into this game how they stack up against fnatic they're doing reasonably well for the time being but we have seen a couple of those small mistakes which the experienced team in the form of fnatic were very quick to punish and it's something you always have to be careful of because if you're not always playing on your toe is the team like fanatic is very quick to try and pick you apart in those moments for example there where Katie was standing outside of the bush perhaps doesn't really matter he wasn't gonna kill Hill the saying anyway but having just those small mistakes can cost you a lot and meanwhile self-made reckless and Whipple I gotta try and push in this Lane they know that crisis busy dealing with at the top wave he pushes out he's now gonna work his way across towards made but we are getting to that point weapon that it could look towards a bow in there at least clearing out the division fast I would say I would agree with you I think a traditionally camera would make it just that slightly bit faster obviously but it's one of those things where I don't think it's slow 30 second yeah it's like cuz when you have like a sinner doing okay that's that's a slow barren right but I think it's fine but it's not like a jinx pan or you just like get dead that's the sound effect jinx me push push Oh dingdong your pizza's here alright I respect it I mean to be fair you were describing gameplay very specific I think you showcased everyone how much you list the League of Legends anyway baron both teams just clearing out vision for the time being wait can we have a quick look at blip oh again do you know what he's doing look better way to disagree with an argument it was like oh I think he could beat me he is snow pushing yeah he's stacking away fright now and the reason why you do that is because it forces Christ to invest more time into the boss I notice that he's moving with the wave as well he feels very confident because even if someone were to gank him because fnatic have fallen is on the topside they could rush Baron so the only downside to that is accelerating three teleports so he does have to be careful but it depends on who shows up if Cadle shows up right now then that gives a window for fnatic to be like the wall baron maybe but of course we're just gonna disengage for now I would say I like Crysis itemization here he knows he's gonna be dealing with most of the time so he's gone void stuff second getting rid of some of that magic just slight edge of night locket although it's deceptive because it gives you the banshees veil shield via a magic resistance locket of the iron Solari I'm just gonna list all the things I think we agree voids that yeah yeah precisely oh he's got the yeah that's actually nicely done Langton flash away into Patrick getting to say D Patrick doesn't have to burn his flash which is so important for a late to teamfight give him some credit there that was well escaped by Patrick and by Tori but they are gonna have to sacrifice at least one timer in mid probably a couple is phonetic again in the trying up the tempo of this game we've gone from my musical tempos that well but I hope those were right fanatic force that played down at the mid lane now special isn't a side Lane he's gonna get some damage on that turret down towards the bottom lane I like the way in which with both he stacked that way even bought to give him room to rotate around to mid so the fnatic are actually a five-man when exile went for that pick giving them a pretty significant numbers advantage and knowing that cries and special would be forced to invest their TP if they wanted to try and contest this gave fnatic two very quick towers which then gave them the opportunity to gain a lot more control over that but now Excel are starting off this [Music] brand comes in from reckless in the pit is self-made Patrick is no way you survive this restless takes him out now his cries and toy versus the world but Toby is down a triple for reckless the famine fanatic wonders I think that was just a very easy punish for fnatic the waves were not set up to allow Excel to rush that one down fnatic also had multiple teleports at their disposal the gangplank ultimate as well the abyssal void it was so easy for fnatic to be able to rotate but Excel would concern they feel like the game was getting away from them and they wanted to try and take back gamble it doesn't pay off kill score now eight two in favor of fnatic and they're in full control of this game not looking to end it right now but they're dead set on their way they really are such a powerful position for fnatic to be in Bauman's going to be up for another two and a half minutes or so they've already taken down the meat in hit whip Oh is an unstoppable split-pushing monster no one can really deal with him in the 1v1 we have another look at this room it's a boy comes into a bit nemesis it's his positioning really because he's coming in from behind I think I'll think that they can jump on top of him and Russian down but there you see the value of the Banshees now the investment in this magic resistance mitigating so much of the centric damage wit birthing comes in to help with the cleanup as well and with the Civic dead a lot of the damage that disappears as crisis just forced to retreat and again I feel like fnatic did a great job of utilizing poop on a side lane he was that strong point getting those corner mines ations and a look at the Patrick he gets one shot by self Majed the self-made dancers want his body fnatic now looking to win the game so I believe the can approach will work the spell shield if you pop it and then he pops spa shoot it's like oh no okay sorry that's gonna be pop before I coming with a body slam so that's really good coordination from fnatic and now they're coordinating he push it down at the middle lane excel where you hold on for a long time goes and a double kill triple kill but reckless give him the quadric right it's gonna flash way and try and stop it from happening but this is why you don't give Barris to reckless he is 6:03 dominating this game and fnatic will top the table undefeated with rogue overall very solid game from fnatic it felt like that I'm salt they had a couple of tools that they could have been using in the other game with the likes of the thrash they had a syndra all asset they could have been very aggressive wear that while special was building up advantages in the mid lane we weren't really seeing them capitalized on weren't seeing them snowball that of control and as a result I feel like fnatic played the mid game just so much better and these small punishes that were coming through on to excel meant that the game was just slowly falling further further away from them so mad props Excel a lot of growth still needs to happen for this excel roster not a great start to the summer split no it is not 0-3 sitting in the bottom of the table with only Schalke 4 company you can vote for Kier play of the game at LEC on Twitter self-made reckless and nemesis I read Nami option it but coming up next hill are saying gives us all it gives us all on fanatics 300 weak and reckless joins us in the post game Lobby don't go anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just to try and heal up his teammates Hillis thanks done with those done crummy games leaving a bad taste in your mouth don't worry LEC has got you covered Ellie sees incredible power comes from its deep talents pool and world-class competition helping you feel good through every moment of your day use LEC just two times a week and watch your teeth go from iron floor and whining to challenger and shining LEC give yourself something to smile about think you have a little bit of tumble still here and welcome back to a digital the last interview of the with mr. Healy sang here fnatic is 3 and 0 in their first week highly hello are you happy with the way you guys won over all the three games actually I don't think we played that good in the first game in the third game I think we played really good in the second game though yeah I think it was more like a team composition and yeah we didn't have much opportunities I guess but in the second game we had a lot of tools we will remember this Blitzcrank performance of yours yesterday Congrats about this one by the way but this I want to talk about the meme overall around hilly sang and the fact that you can be a coin-flip player do you agree with that and how does that make you feel when you read about it I mean does it really make me happy I'll say it's just my play style I guess I'm working on it I think MIT is helping me a lot and the boys as well with not taking unnecessary risks I would say that's like the coin flip thingy but yeah I always looked to want to just and and sometimes it works we are lagging a bit here but from metal like stuff okay I heard like half already said but what I got is the fact that you're trying to work on it and meetly is helping you but I I think this is what makes a good player in the end finding this thin line between in seeing and being actually amazing and it's really good to hear that you're working on that you are one of the top supports in the LEC after all so it makes total sense and about the support role as the whole way we saw that we had many champions who were played on that line I mean you can have you can have ranged support you can have many support but it's hard to find what is the perfect support to go with right now so tell me about the mirror as you see it right now and what according to you next this champion pool of supports so wide at the moment I think there is two play styles we see right now it's like either you me Lulu trade off and like hope that better care wins or you play like now to loosen Thresh and you let's try sometimes and Jana and yeah I think every team has a different play style and different method they think at least and it depends on the play style of the team which one you prefer okay new possibility with you and reckless I mean we saw yesterday d Blitzcrank and syndra so we'll see reckless in a few minutes in PDL so tell me about the synergy you guys have and how you developed a wider champion pool and things you can play on battling we play a lot more Tokyo that's four start I guess and yeah so he's performing very well in soloqueue n stage or like competitive he picked up many champions and he's playing them to perfection and yeah it just helps me this type of pressure helps a lot to me as a support because it's so much easier if you have like educators pressures a lot rather than like just a farming ad carry right so yeah yeah it's it's a two-man job I think it's a bad lane after all and he's helping you and you're helping him also and it's been working so well for you guys in the beginning of the summer split Healy thank you so much for this interview and congrats on week 1 3 and 0 that's quite impressive yeah thank you you're welcome and we're gonna take a short break and coming back in a few minutes we'll have shocks and reckless for Cadell stay tuned guys you [Music]
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 33,178
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 10, s10, 2020, lcs 2020, lec 2020, spring, vod, full game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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