FNAF SL: The Animated Movie

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OlekAwesomeReddit213 📅︎︎ May 04 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Someone finally uploaded it here!

Before you asked, I didn't upload it because I expected someone else to do it and then forgot.

Also the lore revelations thing on the warning screen. XDD Forgot about that. wheeze laughter intensifies

EDIT: Oh God was the Final Nights 3 Nightmare Spring Bonnie in there at 5:22? God I feel bad for anyone involved with that game now.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Can't believe they fucking retconned William and Henry's abilities. No, let's push it to one guy who gained purple eyes from satanic eldritch magic.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/JustSomeWeirdBloke 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 đź—«︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/matlor343 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Thank you

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2018 đź—«︎ replies

I wouldn’t consider these movie things to be cringey, they are kinda well made, although they would be awful in theaters.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2018 đź—«︎ replies
Attention. This movie may contain: - Jump scares - Sad emotional scenes - - FNAF Lore revelations - Cautionary stories - Watch it on your own risk. Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. Once again dear viewer we return back to the stories about this mysterious and strange place. Of which you have definitely heard about. Some say that many kids have disappeared in that place. And now their souls exist in the bodies of animatronics. Who seek justice during the night. While others say that many people have mysteriously died in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria walls and no one can explain those deaths. And some think, that this place is simply cursed. With each year more of these stories were being spread and told. But is there any truth behind them? Thanks to Linda, Jeremy and Elza. We do know now, what was hidden behind “Bite of 87” incident. Why children souls were pursuing security guards in pizzeria walls. And what is most important. Who so called «Purple guy» was. But even thought, some answers were received. There are still so many mysteries left unattached. What was hidden in that mysterious chest? Who Brian Clark and Frits Smith really were? Were they even humans or were they are something else? And what connection does Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria have with Circus Baby's Pizza World. Well my dear viewer. Today the time has come to find out answers on these and many other questions. 911. What is your emergency? I am scared... Please… Can you please send help here… I think... Someone is the house… Of course. What is your address? 4509 Pickman street. Please hurry! Don’t worry. A police car is on its way! Please hurry! I think I hear… I hear how they are moving through the hallway…. They? Boy, are there any grownups in the house? Where are your parents? They are not home… Oh no… Somebody is already behind my door… Please hurry up! I am really scared! Police is on its way! Kid, do you have any place to hide? Help is already right near your… Oh no... Hello!? Hello! Are you still there? This is Arkham Police! Please open the door. Oh no! No no no no! Please work! Come on! It’s a strange thing to want to do, to come here. Fazbear's Fright burns to the ground. Good day Miss Scott. I am Ben Richard, reporter from “Arkham News”. I was informed that you are ready to talk, about the events that happened last night in the place called “Fazbear's Fright”. Is that right? Yes. I am… Though I am not so sure, that you will believe me. Most likely, when I finish my story, you will think that I have lost my mind and should be locked in Arkham Asylum. But I don’t care. One way or another, people should know the truth… Yet, before I start, give me your word, that you will print everything as I've told you. Word by word. Despite that fact, that some details you may find weird and unrealistic. Of course Miss Scott. You have my word. You may begin. Yesterday in the evening I received a mysterious phone call from unknown person to me. He introduced himself as Mr. William Afton and told me that presumably he had information about the whereabouts of my partner Jonathan Schmidt, who went missing 2 years ago… Isn’t it that the same Jonathan... Whose brother, I believe Mike Schmidt. Got brutally murdered in the old “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria”? Yes, that is him. 2 years ago, his younger brother Mike started working as a night shift security guard in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. For 5 days, he used to tell Jonathan, that it seemed to him, that animatronics that were in that pizzeria, used to become alive during a night and were trying to get him. Of course Jonathan used to think that Mike was just imagining things, due to a lack of sleep. Yet... after 5th night… A torn apart body of Mike was discovered in the maintenance room. It seemed that someone of something was trying to put Mike inside one of the animatronic suits. Which didn't have proper space for a human body. As for the animatonics themselves. they were motionless standing on the stage… All covered in Mike’s blood… In the end we did not manage to find any signs of someone breaking in into the pizzeria. Neither there were found any malfunction signs in the animatronics. Only now I know the whole truth. And what really happened that night. But soon you shall understand everything yourself… After Mike’s death, Jonathan became abscessed with the desire to find those who were responsible for this tragedy. Through days and nights he was doing interrogations, checking archives and gathering all possible information about Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. He became so closed in himself and eventually fully isolated from others, including me. And then, one day, he just disappeared... And was never seen again. And In that moment, when I already lost any hope of finding him. I was contacted by Mr. William Afton. Who said that he knew where Jonathan was. Based on his words, it was dangerous to have this conversation over the phone. And due to that, he asked me to meet him in person. And even though it was too foolish and reckless from my side. I straight away went on this meeting. As far as I understand, something went wrong? Yes… You can say so… Come on! Open up! I can’t get a signal. Why can’t I get the signal!!! Common!!! Same here. No connection. No internet. It seems that someone really doesn’t want us to leave this place… Hey bro, let’s try to lift it up together! I don’t think that will be possible… You will only waist your strength. This door weighs about a tone. There is no way you can lift it… At least without proper tools. Well in that case we will have to find another way out this place! Sounds like a good idea! When I arrived to the meeting spot. Instead of William Afton I met a group of people unknown to me. Who were also invited here by Mr. Afton. But as soon as all of us gathered inside... Without any warning... The main door closed behind us. There for locking us inside. At the start we thought that it was just some sort of joke or a spoof. At least we used to think so... Until in a search for answers we’ve reached the security room… Whoever lured us in here... Definitely wasn’t planning to let us leave this place alive. There was also a message left on a wall. It stated that 6 of would die that night. And starting from midnight, every hour 1 life would be taken away… This kind of threat of course sounded weird. Considering that there were 7 of us and I was armed. Yet still, I decided that we should be on the alert. Also, I had to find out who the other 6 people in the room with me were. And what connection did they have with William Afton and this place. May I have your attention please. As we are stuck here for some time. Let's introduce our selves to each other and tell how we ended up here. I’ll start. My name is Fiona Scott. I am a detective from our Arkham Police Department. Today I was contacted by Mr. William Afton who promised to provide me with important information about one person, who disappeared 2 years ago. And was never seen since then. That is the reason why I am here. Now I want to know, why all of you are here? I am a journalist. Right now I am writing a big article about Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria and its dark past. Today Mr. Afton was planning to share with me some details about mysterious murders that happened in this place many years ago. Yet it seems, something went not according to the plan. By the way, my name is Ryan. Hm… This is strange. I was also invited here by Mr. Afton. Based on his words, in the old maintenance room he had found a letter addressed to me from Joshua Smith. He was the founder of Freddy Fazbear’s restaurants and a good friend of mine. Joshua Smith? Didn’t he die many years ago under mysterious circumstances? You can say so… My name is Henry by the way. Since all of us talk about Mr. Afton, allow me to introduce my self. My name is Emma Green. What I do and where i work, is non of your business. Lets just say I am the person who has the power and the money. And today... Yeah, we definitely can see that… Please do not interrupt me. As I was saying, today I was going to close down this place. Once and for all. And then that “Fazbear’s World Theme park” as well. I do this due to my personal reasons. I was supposed to meet here with my assistant Kevin, so we could hand in the notice to Mr. Afton that this building will be closed and demolished. Yet instead of my assistant I met all of you here. This is actually good, since this means that Kevin is outside right now and definitely has called for help already. You sure don’t like this place Madam. Well… My name is Nathan. I am a mechanic. Mr. Afton called me here to insect some old animatronic model which he had discovered in the abandoned warehouse. And if it is possible, fix it. As for the glasses. I had a serious eye injury back in the days… I see. What about you two. Why are you here? My name is Eva. I am a designer. William Afton hired me, so I could help him to give a new look to this pizzeria. And that is why I am here today. I am Max. I was hired by Mr. Afton to work as a night security guard. I was suppose to watch the security cameras and make sure, that no one is stealing anything. Today is my first day here. Yet considering what happened to the previous security guard… I am definitely not planning to work here… Have any of you actually seen Mr. Afton in person? No, I only talked with him over the phone. Same here. Over the phone. Same... That is the point. This Mr. Afton appeared out of nowhere and no one knows anything about him. Yet somehow he managed to become an owner of this place. Hm... Does anyone know what happened to the previous owner of this place? His name was Fritz Smith. He disappeared a year ago and there was information heard about him since. Yep, this all sounds interesting… All this conspiracy theories. But maybe we should stop chatting and start searching for another way out? There should be definitely another exit. Since I really don’t like this place… As soon as we get out. You can chat and have discussions about this place. As much as you want. I agree! I really fell scared from this place… Not to mention, that midnight is almost here. It is already midnight… I might know where we can find an additional exit. There used to be another restaurant here, right below this… What a hell is that? Alright! Everyone stand behind me! I always carry it with me, just in case. There are reasons to that… Don’t worry detective lady. I got you covered. We’ve got you covered! Whoever you are, put your hands up in the air and state your name! I am from the police. So don’t make any sudden moves! Listen pal! There are 7 of us here so you better listen to the lady or this might end up badly for you! Oh no! Everyone stay on your places. Do not panic! I need light! Does anyone has a flashlight!? What light! Screw this I am off before he gets me! Everyone, don’t move! Light! I need light! Yes! Just a second! 7 of tried to fight that thing… We used pistols, axes, even our bare hands against it. But there was no effect. That thing was simply ignore all damage it received from us. And then… It grabbed Max and in a split of a second… Broke his neck… And then just turned and walked away with his body… I shot whole mag in its back… I shot that thing it in the legs, back, head… But again… No effect… And that was just the first death… More came after it… Every hour it was returning back to take away one of us… But let’s follow events in the correct order… As soon as that thing went away, lights went back up. Everyone was shocked and scared… Including me. Yet despite feeling fear I knew that we had to get our self together and find a way out of this place as fast as possible. Before that creature returns again. Did you manage to figure out, what attacked you? At that moment - no. There were a lot of theories and guesses… But all of them seemed weird and unrealistic. And some even crazy… So what was it then? Not now. You will understand everything yourself through my story. So… As soon as that creature left and we recovered from the shock. A decision was made to return back to the security room. Cameras were already working in this place so at least thorough them we could get some understanding of what was going on around us. I purpose we stop discussing what that thing was and start thinking on how to get out of here. Henry I believe you mentioned something about second exit from this place? Yes. At least I hope it still exists. In 87 there was a huge fire in this place and lots of stuff was rebuilt after… We should check it out anyway. As I don’t what to sit here and wait until that thing returns. We still have 45 minutes left! How are you so confident about it? Anyway. We should act! I agree. Yet it would be logical if someone stays here and through cameras track down the situations in this place. Any volunteers? Even though idea to separate is not the best one, it does sound wise. I am ready to say here. But not alone! I’ll also accompany you. It seems to me, that it will be safer to say here rather than walking through those dark corridors. You sure are a brave person Mr. Ryan. In one of the boxes I managed to find these walky-talkies. With them at least we shall be in contact. Good. Alright then. Henry, lead the way. It seems that Henry used to know this place really good... At the start I also found that suspicious. But as soon as I’ve heard his story, everything made sense. I suppose you are wondering how I do know the structure of this place so good? Truth is… I was among those people, who built it. Well… the original version of this place. As I told you before, Joshua Smith was a good friend of mine. And when he asked me to help him with the realization of his dream, I straight away agreed to do it. And that dream was to build the best pizza – attraction in town. To his beloved daughter Anna. Yeah I know… It might sound a little bit absurd. But after Joshua tragically lost his wife. Anna became his only source of happiness in this life. Even despite the fact, that Joshua had 2 older sons as well. By the name Fritz and Daniel. It’s just… Seeing Anna’s happy smile was the best cure to Joshua in handling those hard times. For a year we were enthusiastically building his dream. While Joshua was dealing with construction tasks. I was creating first prototypes of the animatronics. Which were expected to be the main feature of our Pizzeria. Oh… And you should have seen how Anna was happy about it. And with her, Joshua, me and the whole construction team. It seemed that Anna’s happy smile could charge with positive energy almost anyone. Well… expect for her bothers. For some reason Fritz and Daniel were not sharing that same happiness as everyone else did. And then, one day, that second tragedy in Joshua’s life happened. It was hard to say, were the children responsible for that or it was just an accident. But one morning while playing hide and seek with her brothers Anna decided to hide inside one of the animatronics. That model was still unfinished and springs inside of it were not stable… This new tragedy… Well I suppose you can imagine yourself. What it did to Joshua... Straight away he isolated himself from everyone, even his kids. He fired all the staff. And for days and nights he used to stay locked inside of the our unfinished pizzeria. Sometimes he was only seen in our local library. Where he used to take books, with a very strange and even terrifying content. This kind of behavior lasted for half a year… And then one day… Joshua unexpectedly contacted me. He told me that he wanted to finish what we had started and open the pizzeria in Anna’s memory. At the start I was really happy to hear this kind of news. As I thought that Joshua finally recovered from the tragedy. But things were not as simple as I had assumed… When I saw Joshua, straight away I noticed... That something had changed in him… Yes, he was still that same looking Joshua. Yet his eyes and the way he spoke, it was very unlike him. What was also weird, he adopted a child by the name Brian. Who seemed to be always near Joshua and almost never left him alone. And even though that boy was around 8 or 9 years old... If he looked at you. You would feel straight away a sense of horror and danger. Once I was going to the Joshua’s office and overheard how he was having a conversation with someone. Or something… The voice that talked to him... I don’t even know how to describe it… Let’s just say… It was hard to call it a human… While being driven by anxiety and curiosity I went inside… And to my surprise I only found Joshua and Brian in there… But the way they looked at me... Even now I still see those eyes in my nightmares… With every day the situation was getting worse. No longer was I feeling safe inside of the pizzeria. Right after Joshua something happened to his younger son Fritz. He also changed… And now whenever he was staring at you… You felt a fear and danger of evil presence. Also for some reason a lot of strange changes were made in the pizzeria’s construction plans. Additional rooms, underground premises and hidden chambers were added. Not to mention, that Joshua asked me to make so many adjustments to the design of the animatronics. Some really strange adjustments… It was hard to say, with what kind of intentions this pizzeria was being built. But definitely not for pleasure and fun, as it was originally intended. And definitely not in the name of Anna. One day I decided that I can no longer be a part of this madness. And i left. And I broke all ties with Joshua. Yes, you might think that I acted like a coward and left my friend alone in that nightmarish situation. But to be honest. That was no longer a person I used to know… That was someone else behind his face… And that letter, which was allegedly left to me by Joshua. I guess, in some way I was hoping that it would explain… At least a little bit… What really happened to my friend. But anyway, here we are. This is the place. Are you sure that second exit is here? Yes, that door should lead to the old premises of pizzeria. Alright, let go there then. You go, I’ll stay here and cover the exit. Henry, can you please come over here! Is that what I think it is? Oh no… This is bad… We should leave this place as soon as possible. Guys! I am afraid I have a bad news… What kind of additional difficulties did your group face? As it turned out, the second exit from the pizzeria, was immured. Of course, it was foolish of us to expect. That everything would be that easy. And although it might have seemed that we were doomed. Henry once again purposed a way out from this desperate situation. It the same room with immured exit door, was located an elevator. Which led to old maintenance rooms. Of course there was no power in it. But luckily we had a mechanic in our group who could fix that. At that moment we had 2 tasks before us. We had to activate power to the elevator. And also eliminate the gas leak. As some of us already felt prostrations, head pains and started seeing hallucinations. And it would only get worse. We divided in to 2 groups. Me, Emma and Henry went to eliminate the gas leak. While Nathan, Ryan and Eva went to deal with electricity issue. Be careful. We have been exposed to this gas for quite a while. So visual and auditory hallucinations might appear. I guess we are already old enough, to distinguish what is real and what is a hallucination. EMMA…. Olivia!? Why did you leave me Emma? It is so cold and lonely in there… Why did you allow this to happen? You were supposed to protect me… It is your fault… It is your fault!!! Emma is everything alright? Yes, everything is fine, I just… I think I saw someone… But it doesn’t matter… Let’s catch up with Henry. Hold it! Just hold it! This thing is strong! I think…I don't think the door is not going to hold it! Don’t worry, this door should hold! I... Oh god... I think it is going away… Then let’s not waste time. We should fix the electricity supply in that room as fast as possible and then leave this place. Before that thing returns… But if that thing no longer is trying to get to us… That means it is on its way for others! Good call, we should warn them! Henry do you hear me? That thing is most likely on its way to you! Please be careful. Copy! We will be prepared. Did you managed to fix the electricity problem? I need around 5 more minutes and then it is done. Copy. We shall meet you near elevator then. Alright. And once again, please be careful there! And the same to you to Eva! What if… What if it is a trap and that thing actually did go anywhere... And just waits for us behind the door? If it is so, then we will have to fight our way out. As there are no other exits. And considering the fact, what this thing already managed to do with the door. We will not be able to hide here for long. Perhaps, there is an additional exit. What do you mean? Hm… This might work. Help me with the ladder. I’ll see what is in there. Just be careful there Eva. So? What do you see in there? Hard to tell… It is too dark… I’ll try to use the lighter… Don’t just stand there! Help me Ryan!!! Damn you Ryan!!! Help me!!! A little bit more… And done! I know that look Emma. Guilt haunts you. What’s wrong? We all are in the same boat right now. And the best thing we can do is it to cheer one another up. Now if something worries you you can share with burden with us. And perhaps we will be able to help you. Olivia... That is the name of my younger sister. Eternal fidget, who always liked to be naughty. Several years ago she went missing in one the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzerias. And it happened, due to my inattentiveness. Since I… As always… Was too busy in my thoughts about work, tasks, future projects… That I didn’t pay attention to anything else around me… And due to that, didn’t notice how Olivia slipped away from me… Whole town was looking for her… I’ve used all my of connections to find here. Even your police lieutenant Brian Clark was personally leading the search operations… But with no luck… And then, a year later… They finally found her… Since then... Every day I live with an incredible sense of guilt… That I let her down. I also swore, that until I am alive not a single Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria place shall open its doors to any new visitors. As soon as we get out of here, it shall be like that. I’ll personally make it happen. And also I’ll make sure that Mr. Afton answers for everything that happened here. You can count on me as well. I’ll raise all of my connections. We will not let this go unanswered. And trust me Emma, one way or another justice will prevail. And whoever is that person is. Whoever caused the evil to your sister. He will pay for what he has done. That I promise. Thank you! To both of you! Alright, leak is fixed. Now we can go to elevator. The others are probably waiting for us there. Good then. Let’s go! That creature sure acted strange. Based on your story,it could easily kill all of you at once. Yet for some reason it only took away one of you at a time. Did you manage to figure out why it acted like that? Yes. Emma had a theory about that. She thought that this creature was hunting us not based on his own will. And that most likely someone was using him. Like a trained hunting dog. The question remained… Who was giving out the orders? I am glad to see that you are alive! Sadly, no all of us… We know about Eva… How did it happen? That thing… It attacked her from the ventilation shaft… We didn’t even manage to do anything… Didn’t manage to do anything!? Instead of standing still and staring on how Eva was pulled away you could have helped! If not for your cowardice, we could have saved her! Maybe if you yourself tried harder, then maybe she would be… That is it! Gentlemen! Please save your strength. Let us first get out of here. And then you are free to settle your conflict in any way you find suitable. Sadly we can’t help Eva anymore. But we still can help each other and leave this place together. Before that monster returns. Doesn’t this sound reasonable to you? Emma is right. Let’s first leave this place. Before anyone else is taken away by that monster! Follow me gentlemen! Alright, let’s go down to our freedom. I am surprised it still works… And haven’t fallen apart. Well, back in the days, they knew how to build stuff. No need to worry... This elevator should... definitely… I hope that everyone survived that fall? Almost… Hold on Henry! We are almost there! Thank you friends! And now, the best thing you can do… Is to find a way out of here... And bring help. No need to worry about me… I’ll just rest here for a while… And gather strength… What!? No way!!! We are not going to leave you here alone! Don’t even count of that! I’ll stay with you! Thank you for your care… But you understand the same way as I... That I don’t have much time left… And sadly… I am... And sadly… I am not gonna make it. So the best thing you can do right now... Is to save your selves! Please… I ask you… Let me go away peacefully… With the thoughts that at least you managed to get out of this hell hole… And now... Please... Go! There is no need for extra words and tears… Henry, don’t you worry. That person who lured as here. I’ll do all that I can, to make him pay for everything! Thank you… And now go! Just let me have… Some rest… What are we going to do now? Let’s spread in 2 teams again. And check all the rooms here. There definitely should be an extra exit here. Good idea. I am definitely not going anywhere with him! I’ll go with Ryan. Are you sure about that? Don’t worry Fiona. If something happens, I can stand up for myself. Alright, then let’s not waste any time. Me and Nathan shall check the workshop room. And you can then go check the control module. Okay. Joshua?... I don’t know… If this is a hallucination.... Or if it is really you… But it doesn’t matter… For years I dreamed to tell you... Please forgive me... For abandoning you... In those hard times... Forgive me... My old friend... It seems that it is another dead end. Though there is some strange looking ventilation shaft. It might lead somewhere... I suggest we don’t go there! It may be dangerous! You are brave as always Ryan... Do you have a family waiting for you back home? And that is why you avoid all kind of dangers. So you could return back to them in one piece? I have a wife... I mean... I had a wife... She is... No longer... I am sorry... No worries... Wow! It seems that Nathan managed completely restore electricity in this part of the building. I wonder, what does this button do? Damn... I don’t even want to know for what kind of purposes this feature was used... Definitely, not for fun… Henry... No… How did this thing get here!? It does not matter, how it got here What matters, is that we have less than an hour, before it comes back for another prey. We need to warn others and find exit fast! I think I know how we can stop it! How? Are you thinking about luring this creature into that room… And then try an electricity trick? Hm... It is a good idea. But how will we lure it there? I have an idea… You know Ryan… It turns out you are not that bad… Hm... Based on this draft, some animatronics where created with the goal of kidnaping children. And hiding them inside of their suits. Damn... What a hell was going on in this place? Obviously, nothing good. It seems that we will not find any exit here. Let’s check other rooms. Do I imagine things? Or there is actually a small animatronic standing in front of us trying to show something? I’ve already seen him before. He is the one, who warned us about the gas leak. We should follow him. Are you sure about that? Yes! This night is only getting weirder... Finally you have arrived. I’ve been waiting so long for this moment. I understand you have a lot of questions. But we do not have much time left. They almost managed to gather the needed amount of souls. You have to stop them! And I know how to do that! Hold your horses. Before we do anything. First tell us who or what are!? And what a hell is going on down here? We don’t have… Nathan is right. Without answers, we are not going to do anything… Fine… My name was Linda Jones… A long time ago I was investigating... a case about missing kids from this pizzeria. But my desire to learn the truth and achieve justice Only got me and many others killed… Since evil... That is responsible for all the horrors here. Has no limits in its cruelty, meanness and lies. And all it is interested in - is human souls. Which it successfully gathered for several decades already. I don’t quite understand, what are we dealing here with? While being heartbroken by the death of his beloved daughter Anna. Joshua Smith decided to take extreme measures. And started studying occultism. For days and nights from the darkness he was trying to summon forces that would help him bring Anna back… And then, one day, something responded to him... And from the deepest corners of the darkness... They have arrived… They? Yes… Those who do not have permanent names... Neither permanent forms... And can only be distinguished by their purple eyes. No permanent form? Correct. They may take form of any victim, whose soul is in their possession. All of this sounds very confusing… One thing can be said for certain about them. They are the personification of pure evil and cruelty. Two brothers, whose souls are so dark... That they can overshadow the sun… With lies and deceit they possessed the mind of poor Joshua… And then started this nightmare… For decades they used to torture and murder people. In order to imprison their exhausted souls. Children especially… As their innocent souls were for some reason more valuable to them. And then all of these souls were trapped inside one of the mysterious chests that they brought with them from the darkness. What is most terrifying… Is that those trapped souls never achieve peace. Instead of it the continued to be endlessly tortured. By experiencing their worst nightmares. Over and over again. Without end. But why are they doing this? That I don’t know. It is hard to understand the motives of their actions. Even that animatronic, who is pursuing you right now. Is also a victim of their treacherous plans. He is being manipulated and forced to kill… But truly, that person used to be a good and kind person. Who was only seeking the love and recognition from his stepfather… Who used to ignore him for years. And then by deceit sent him to a certain death… Let me guess. That stepfather is one of the aforementioned brothers. Yes… His previous name was Fritz Smith. Now he names himself William Afton. Afton… That is what they do in this place… At first they make you suffer... And then turn you in to their evil puppets… Through all the time I was here I only managed to save one soul… But then they spotted me. And trapped me here. Inside of this motionless animatronic body… What Is weird… I am not the first soul that was locked inside of this animatronic… Yet that soul, have left this prison a long time ago… Who’s soul you manage to save? You know him very well detective Fiona Scott. It is your old partner - Jonathan Schmidt. As many before him... By a deceit he was lured into the pizzeria… Only to face his inevitable death… And then his soul was trapped in its personal hell… Where as a kid, he was locked in his parents’ house. And used to be attacked by nightmarish looking animatronics. Who would repeatedly tear him apart… Over and over again… For days, months, years Through all that time he spent in that hell. Sadly most of his personality was lost. And the part that remained, stayed on a childish level. Jonathan… But partly, he still remembers who he used to be. And what is being good means. And that is what is most important. He is willing to help you to put an end to this nightmare. You got your answers, now please... I beg you! Help me put an end to this evil! Of course! What needs to be done? You need to destroy the vessel, where all the souls are stored. By that I mean the mysterious chest. It is located in a big hidden room, in the office of Joshua Smith. The entrance to it you will find behind Anna’s picture. Yet when you get inside, you have to be careful. Since that place is guarded by another animatronic… She is another victim of this nightmare. Her name used to be Elza… She was the first one, who decided to fight that evil back… Even after the death… But after decades of desperate struggle… The evil brothers still prevailed and not only took over her soul.. But also forced her to follow their commands… Yet I believe that I might be able to help you with her. I just need to get freed from my Imprisonment. How can we help you in that? You need to destroy the body in which I am trapped. The best will be to use fire for that. And then you will have to do the same with the chest in which other souls are trapped. Also it would be better to completely burn this place down. So that souls would definitely be able to leave this place and achieve peace, once and for all. But how would we be able to get out from here? You will find exit door in the same room, where the chest is located. I’ll show you the exact place. Don’t you worry! I’ll not allow any more death in the walls of this terrible place. But you have to hurry. At any moment one of the brothers might show up and try to stop you. So as I was saying you will need... Your friend is in a mortal danger! Emma!? One of you should immediately go help her! Jonathan will show you a way! While the other one, should set me free. I’ll go! Nathan you are the smart mechanic. Help Linda and then try to find a way how to burn this place to the ground! Fiona wait! Good luck! Thank you! Oh no! This is bad… This is really bad… Emma! Fiona! Stay Clear! Oh no… It is bullet proof… Emma! It is time... I am waiting for you big sister... Fiona. I know my request might seem hard to you. But please, fulfill it! On the panel there you will find a button with electricity sign. Press it and do not release it until that thing dies! Once and for all! As you can’t allow that monster to kill anyone else after me! What!? No! There has to be another way! I can’t do that!!! I am afraid this time there is no other way… I don’t know what you are and wh you are doing this. But know this… I am not scared of you! All my life I used to live by my own rules and on my terms I shall end it. And I will take you with me! I am not scared of you or death! Do it Fiona!!! Goodbye Emma… Why did you do this Ryan!? Why did you locked Emma with that thing? It had to be done… I do not expect you to understand me… But believe me, I had no choice… I had to do it… Reasons why I do this are more important than even principles of morality… And what now? Now, I’ll have to kill you… You know, there is still an alternative way out of this situation. We have found another exit from this pizzeria. You can come with us! I can’t leave this place without her… I am sorry… I really am... All I wanted was to return her back... That is why I made this desperate deal with Afton... But I should have figured out… That it all was a lie... What are you talking about? Afton asked me to make sure... That none of you would make out of here alive... How fullish and stupid I was... Forgive me Fiona... I honestly did want anything of this... All I wanted was... Just to see her again... Good news! I damaged several gas pipes, so it should be sufficient to... What happened here? Where is Emma? I truly feel sorry for you and your friends. But did you manage do find that secret room? Yes... As soon as I told Nathan about Emma’s and Ryan’s faith. We straight away went to that hidden room. But what we found inside of it... Nothing could have prepared us for that horror... That we faced in there... Elza stop! It is me, Linda... Everything is fine now. You are no longer alone... Finish what you came here to do! Alright, it is time to end all of this! Jonathan... Forgive me... All of you... That I didn’t manage to protect you... This is what human life means to those monsters... They made this place as a treasury of death. You have to burn this place. Over there you will find a door, which will lead you to your freedom. What about you? As soon as you destroy the chest and this place We shall be free as well. It is all done. We can set this place on fire. Well, who wants to start the fire? Bravo! Braavvooo! It has been a while since I have seen such a spectacle... Usually people would boringly die. Without even trying to give a fight... But you! You are good… I even see you managed to join your forces with Linda and Elza. That… is impressive! Elza and Linda… You have no idea how happy I am to see you again. Brian... Oh, I see you were even able to recognize me in this form. Impressive. Well in this case, let’s show you a familiar face. Not sure if you know this. But Elza was the first soul, that decided to rebel and fight us back. She also managed to unite others and for years they actively tried to stop us. And were sabotage our work here… Same can be told about you Linda as well by the way. And that is admirable! But ladies you had your fun... Now it is time for you to return back to your friends. Kids souls... They were always ten times more valuable than adults ones… Yet there is so much fuss with them… What have you done with them? I returned them back to the place, from which they impertinently managed to escape… Their souls belonged to me anyway… On your place I wouldn’t rush to burn this place down. You see, all those souls that are locked in that chest. They have nothing good left in them. Now there is only desire to make others feel the same pain and suffering as they felt. And if you set them free… Well… Nothing good comes out of that… Not for you or anybody else. But especially for you! As most likely you would be torn apart instantly. So instead of that, let’s make a deal. Good try, but meaningless… What are you? I am afraid your human brain will not be able to understand that… Let’s just say… A long time ago Joshua Smith summoned us in a hope that we will return him his daughter… That fool thought, that he could ask something from us… But he was wrong… As we were not genies from a magic lamp that would grant 3 wishes… Oh no… We do not give, we only take away… But it seems that fact was not mentioned in those books that Joshua used to summon us… And where is your bother now? Sadly, William is occupied with other tasks right now… As you might have guessed. We gather souls from many places… And your souls were supposed to be the last ones for this place. To be fair, only one more soul is needed. Why do you have to spoil all the fun! Nathan! No!!! Alright then! I think it is time to show you! With what you are really dealing with… It is time to end this and add your soul to others… You will still not win! Oh, you can’t even imagine.... How many times people told me exactly the same words… Yet for some reason all their souls still are mine now… For years you have been feeding on human pain and suffering and used to think that you can get away with it… You were ruthless. You even became a living nightmare to many of your victims. And you delighted every moment of it. Nathan! Can you move? Yeah. Let’s get out of here... You didn't even show a shred of mercy. And that is why it has to end like this. Your terror, which lasted for decades... Will end now! And you will learn yourself What it feels like. When your life and soul is taken away... Against your will! It is wrong! And now, together we will put an end to you... Once and for all! Noooooo!!! I suppose you are wondering... How I do know the structure of this place so good? Truth is… I was among those people, who built it. Well… the original version of this place. As I told you before, Joshua Smith was a good friend of mine. And when he asked me to help him with the realization of his dream. I straight away agreed to do it. And that dream was to build the best pizza – attraction in town. To his beloved daughter Anna. It is over… They are finally free! Jonathan... Thank you Fiona! Now. We are finally free! I can't believe It is over… We've made it! How are you holding out there? I’ll be fine... Just need to rest a little bit... Damn... Never in my life have I seen such a big and beautiful fire... It sure is beautiful… And that is the whole story. Hope you will print this word by word as I told you. Of course. But I have one question. There used to be a second brother. That Fritz Smith... Or correctly to say William Afton. What happened to him? He is still out there… But don’t you worry! I’ll find him and put an end to his crimes. But how are you planning to find him? As far as I understood, he can change his faces and appearances? Doesn’t matter how. But I shall not rest, until I find him! That is good to hear… But perhaps you will not have to search for him. As the person you are looking for... Is already here. I have to thank you Fiona. As now I know what really happened that night. And believe me, these mistakes shall not be repeated. You know, due to your actions Fiona... Not only my brother is now locked down in a very horrible place… But also my superiors are now very unhappy with the results of our work… And I’ll have to work very...very hard to fix that. Which mean I’ll need souls... Way more souls! And try to guess... From whom I shall start… But what happens next is a completely different story. Which shall be told to you next time. Since Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria still has many mysteries hidden in it. And until William Afton is out there. This nightmare is far from its end. But fear not dear viewer. There will be those, who will fight him back. And try to stop him. Will they succeed though? Well, as it was told before that is a story, for the next time... 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Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 5,926,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf animation, fnaf series, fnaf movie, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's movie, fnaf film, GoldenLane Studio, secret4studio, Five Nights at Freddy’s Series Episode, five nights at freddy's twisted ones, fnaf story, SFM Animation, SFM Movie, SFM Series, #fnaf lore
Id: uK1QqL2WknE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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