Fnaf Plush- Nightmare Bonnie's Story

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what beautiful day yeah he got the ball yeah that was fun ah oh I do it very far hey you're the bull all right where should I throw it huh oh I should throw it out the window yeah I mean it's our house I mean I could do it ah great it landing in the neighbor's yard I'm gonna go get it [Music] alright here's my ball I'm gonna go back hey kid hmm you wanna play catch with your ball sure all right come on throw it to us okay yeah thank you Oh way to go Jordan hey hey get lost kid it's our ball now no I won't get lost oh okay come look at your balls you wanted so much stop mocking me Oh mock you if I want stupid piece of crap huh get away from us kid no I won't get away from you until you give me my cry about it oh you want your ball back well you can't have it all go cry for mommy oh she's not gonna take care of you because you sulk ha ha ha good one thank you my mom that's a good question mom what about your mom are you saying that your mom's ugly and when the devil saw her he started to be a Christian mom joke ever stop I've never seen my mom before so don't make fun of her oh why don't you scram kid we got business to take care of and don't come in my yard again oh and by the way those were just jokes take a joke big fat baby sure those are a lot of bullies sure why would they bully me and why we didn't make fun of my mom wait my mom do I even have a mom huh for some reason I'm getting deja vu why that tree I recognize it mommy used to love these flowers I feel a connection with don't worry everybody mom is still here [Music] everybody body microphone let me Barney what what why am I out here care to explain I don't know what happened to me I was like having an illusion or something ha number bunny you probably hit your head on a wall or something now come on let's go inside okay just relax summer Bonnie I'll get you a pillow or a number one he just take a nap on this pillow while I play some bendy okay I just need to relax my pillow hard as a rock wait where is my pillow huh but where's number Freddy and and where's never foxy and spring but what I'm washing the dishes work day and where's never foxy he's always in a science lab what's going on it was never Carl he's always in his room watching like cook shows or whatever where is everyone oh it's a windy this is paper what house for sale what our house isn't for sale what what's going on [Applause] stop fighting wait is that me Oh get'em night where Bonnie ha ha wait a second I'm nightmare bonnie and wait I remember this this is when I finally met spring bite which was probably about a year ago wait if I'm right here and there's another number body over there then this must be a dream what well I'm gonna get spring but attention hey bud what spring fight come on wait this gene was about me meeting spring bite and while I was mean spring but they got kicked out of their original house and the house that were living in in real life was for sale and so that's how spring bud got this house and okay I'm so confused this is this supposed to be a back story dream [Music] are you okay I had a dream when I met you guys and then all the sudden I get knocked out by some creepy guy wearing a green hoodie or a black hoodie I don't know I don't remember and then he said now you're with your mom nightmare Bonnie it was just a dream none of that is true and will never happen okay now just go back to sleep I don't think I want you oh why is today so strange hey everybody in this house please don't go on the stairs just stay right where you are because there's a crooked board like on the ceiling and if you like go on the stairs am i falling you might hit your head and you might die so whatever you do just don't go on the stairs okay this has to be another dream first time on the stairs and Springbok randomly says a board is gonna land on my head if you walk on the stairs so this has to be another dream everybody wake up wake up everybody wake up [Applause] here what I thought I got knocked out by that stupid board I never Bonnie can you go find you my favor flower where's that voice coming from your favorite he looks like me oh thank you so much no more Bonnie you're so sweet wait I'm probably having another dream wait this I'm from wait probably having another dream maybe this dream is when I still was with my mom [Music] everybody everybody please wake up man wake up oh you're awake oh the Lord you're awake boy what happened I don't know but it looked like you were knocked out huh how did I get knocked out don't worry about that I'm gonna test you alright what color am i green okay good what car are you purple good job huh what's your name nightmare Bonnie hey what's my name spring but okay you kind of got that wrong but I'll soon give you that oh my head hurts don't worry number Bonnie the ambulance is on its way ambulance thank spring but but I don't need an ambulance what number Bonnie you have to have an ambulance you just got knocked out I'll be fine it's just I need an ice pack that's all no ambulance I'm hurt Bonnie everything is so weird where's an ice pack well here's one here we go sorry accidently dropped it let me get it another dream come on pony [Music] you ogle for the mother see gone away [Music] so that's how she really died everybody what's wrong number Bonnie What's Wrong bud my mom she died she was murdered [Music] no no Bonnie how do you know you don't know if you even have a mom I did spring bite I did it she was murdered never Bonnie it you you don't even know if you had a mom just just suck it up bud shut up three months you don't know so be quiet Lee I didn't mean it like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweetheart it's okay I'm always here mom [Music] [Applause] who are you never Bonnie it's me your mother mom baby it's okay I may not be with you on earth but I'm always with you in here in my nipple no sleep eat your heart and God is with you God mm-hmm that's the one who took me to a better place called heaven and the Lord is with you nightmare Bonnie just remember when God is with you and I'm with you just remember when God is with you nothing can stand in your way huh my mom I met my mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 825,231
Rating: 4.8082232 out of 5
Id: IysSOUnQavM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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