Gw Movie- Springtrap's Date

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[Music] it's valentine's day today it's the season of love oh i can't wait to get these flowers to spring but i love him so much he's the best dad in the whole wide world i can't wait all right there we go hey hi springbok huh happy valentine's day spring butt i got your flowers and um that's really all i got you but the biggest thing i'm gonna give you this year is my heart full of love thank you i love you oh god get away from me please thanks for taking care of me spring butt oh oh my gosh did you get all of this stuff for me i love the balloon i love the balloon and i love it bonnie get i didn't get any of this stuff for you wait wait what then then who is it for spring bud i knew this day would come i've been keeping the secret from you for a while and it's about time i tell you never bonnie i have a girlfriend uh come again i have a girlfriend yeah i've been meaning to keep that a secret from you for a while because i knew you would be mad about that um so uh she might be coming over it a little bit you promised me that you would never ever lie to me spring by and you've been lying to me about having a girlfriend yeah keep going keep going yeah oh why am i not surprised i have loved you for so long and you do this to me and you who is this girl seriously spring but who is this girl go on tell me i won't be mad uh her name is uh her name's um sprain bonnie you you said you wouldn't be mad i did say that i did and i'm not mad i'm just disappointed listen emerbani i know you're upset and stuff but i think you'll really like her you know and um she's pretty nice and um uh what is it spring bud oh she's um she's coming over and we're gonna have a date night a date night oh oh my heart oh it's broken oh looks like she's here okay baby happy valentine's day oh springtrap you didn't have to do all this so you come in my box of chocolates and flowers they smell really good oh and you got me stuffed toy oh he's so i'm not a stuffed toy oh well sorry about that well i kind of am a stuffed toy but who are you oh well i believe we haven't met my name's spring bonnie yeah yeah i'm sure you guys will get along just don't talk to me okay i won't talk to you okay okay uh number bonnie me and spring bonnie are gonna have a date night and um you're gonna have a babysitter and stay here um what'd you just say spring butt i said you'll have a babysitter oh look there she is right now this place like rhino titty oh yes it does all right where's that little brad at springtrap don't you dare call my son a brat i mean he is but only i get to do that he he's right here okay yeah this dude right here yeah i ain't babysitting this brad yes you are i am paying you to do this fine listen man just just don't get on my nerves don't don't touch my nails in it you'll be all good uh a wrapping uh well everybody uh it was nice meeting you me and your father will i will kill you and everyone you love besides spring bud okay we better be going let's go spring bonnie see you number bonnie bye springbok the liar so what do you want to do uh honey buns i ain't doing nothing with you all right uh i'm gonna invite some boys over if you tell your dad then i'm gonna smack you okay i gotta figure out something i don't want spring booty to marry my spring butt i gotta figure out something um you know what i'll just call golden freddy maybe he can help me okay please pick up please pick up please pick up huh that's weird golden freddy always picks up why didn't he this time that's strange all right i gotta call in backup get over here i need your help on it oh boy what does neighbor bonnie need now ah all right i'm here what's the deal with the snow on you never mind that let's just get to the point what you need help with okay so springbok's dating this girl named spring bonnie or spring booty or something i don't know and i don't want him to date her do you know how to sabotage a date or something oh okay i gotcha okay so first off you need to find out where they're having their date at and you're gonna have to disguise yourself as somebody else and be annoying as possible okay and that will make spring bonnie or spring booty call off on the date and they won't be dating anymore huh okay i guess i could dress up as like a waiter or something and like be an annoying person at a movie theater okay all right thanks for your help frost bear alright good luck yeah i miss you gordon freddie okay spring bud is poor this is where poor people come to have dates okay i'm gonna see if i can work here hello hello welcome to mcdonald's what can i get you to do yeah that's cool um i was wondering if um can i work here sure i don't care anymore yes oh spring bud you're going down okay i got my disguise on springboa will never know it's me oh customers alrighty babe are you ready for a nice date night at mcdonald's really spring you you took me to mcdonald's sure all right i'm fine i should have just stayed with my ex i'll be right over babe i'm gonna go ahead and really number bonnie hello sir welcome to burger king what can i do i know that's you nymer bonnie well i've never heard of this nightmare bonnie person but he does sound handsome yeah okay um i'll just take a 10-piece chicken nugget and a cheeseburger and a sprite and a water that's it so this is interesting yep it sure is sure is alrighty ladies and ladies i got you both some waters sir i mean remember bonnie i i asked for a sprite too bad so sad go cry to your mommy okay now for your water i will thank you oh oh my gosh ma'am i i am so sorry oh are you okay do you want me to get the whammylands it's okay it's okay no it's fine just give me a paper towel oh sorry ma'am unfortunately we're all out of paper towels so i guess you'll just have to use your hands i am so sorry guys i am like very sorry i spill all of that water on you i'm like i should be like ashamed of myself i'm so sorry um can i get you guys something to eat yeah sure i'll have a cheeseburger with the side of paper towels again ma'am we don't have any paper towels and also we don't have any food so um yeah i guess you guys can leave now oh my god spring shop let's go you're so grounded oh um can i have a tip absolutely not oh well come again we won't okay so mcdonald's was a bust but uh hey maybe we'll have a fun time at the movies yeah yeah hopefully as long as it's not scary then i'll be good huh a scary movie you say [Music] yeah i can't handle scary movies myself huh just gonna scoot a little closer yeah there we go maybe maybe a little closer okay oh it's starting wait hold on you said it wasn't going to be a scary movie i didn't pay for a scary movie we must be in the wrong theater let's get out of here [Music] spray bonnie wait oh my gosh oh yeah that feels good oh that day was a disaster thanks to me now spring bud is all mine hey natmer bonnie huh oh hi spring booty hey never bonnie we're home from the worst date ever oh well so uh how was the date guys it was uh it was all right same time tomorrow right springtrap yes ma'am all right i see you then wait a second what does she mean by same time tomorrow spring but well we didn't really have the best date tonight thanks to you so we're gonna have another day tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 1,424,198
Rating: 4.8166814 out of 5
Id: ZZxi5jDci-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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