FlyWire on the Road Bringing Home the New Dog

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[Music] hey this is flywire on the road update uh well technically i'm not on the road anymore but this is an update on the trip home bringing the husky home so stick with us on flywire hey i'm scott for doing today on flywire i'm going to give you a real quick look at the trip report or a trip report from my trip to bring the hus mike home i'm going to call it mike 262 alpha mike i'm going to talk about the trip home from idaho to texas and i've i shot a whole bunch of little video got a caveat here as i didn't bring all my good cameras and mounts because well i didn't know where to put them and traveling pretty light i wasn't sure i wouldn't want to carry them and stuff so all i had was the iphone so this is a classic uh minimalist kind of juan brown trip so we'll see how it goes but i took a whole bunch of short videos different stuff that i saw so let's get to it i am here at wendover utah it's a pretty historic basis is where the nola gay the b-29 and that group practiced uh how to drop an atomic bomb before they went to japan and to do that for real they practiced out here it was really in the middle of nowhere back then and it's pretty close to that right now this is hangar one right here and uh there's the tower and the house building they got a really cool museum in there you should come and check it out so um that's a husky well i've been having a jones for a husky for a couple of years and was really been looking for hot for one since i sold my sky wagon and it's been hard to find but i found one in boise and i'm flying it back now so uh it was a pretty much flight plan route uh had to dodge mountains and stuff like that but the winds weren't too bad and it burned the right amount of gas that i was supposed to so i'm pretty happy about that great airplane a lot of fun and lands short takes off short it's going to be a hoot and this is on the climb out out of window over headed east there's kind of a corridor vfr corridor between restricted airspace and stuff to go towards salt lake city this is the great salt lake on the western end and it looks like what they do is they farm salt i guess they pump brine in and let it evaporate this is a kind of a look at the southern side of salt lake city it's over there to the left wing and uh that's kind of where corey robin and mark and mike petey live over there i think spanish fork is just in front of the wing i can't go there at least today because i don't have adsb so can't go visit them but uh it's pretty country looks like a lot of fun out there so one thing about flying here i wanted to fly at least 2000 feet above the ground give myself options unfamiliar engine unfamiliar airplane stuff like that but uh so i flew even then it was pretty high uh most of the time it's the terrain is just beautiful you look at all these rocks and they're red and they're they're white and they're different colors it's just amazing where the trees grow and they don't just really beautiful this is all my iphone so it's not perfect but not too bad holding it out to the left had to fly with my left hand and operate the phone video with my right hand so most of the looks are out to out there on the left side away from the sun usually to try to make that happen beautiful day a little bit of overcast not overcast more but thin cirrus and that was great for the whole trip never got hot turbulence from thermal heating wasn't a problem at all so it was just some a little bit turbo from winds and most of the winds turned out to be in my face when i started at the southwest this just struck me full it's kind of smooth on top here and it's red i would suppose it's granite but it's all smooth and it's just fascinating this stuff is just just truly cool this i think has to be a fault line and like i said i don't know that much about geology etc but this looks like a fault line to me the way maybe it's two different plates that are meeting and tectonic plates and one one on the left is kind of from the east side is kind of rolling over the one on the west on the right side just fascinating stuff this looks like it's folded it's just folded rock how did it happen to be so smooth is the brain that much or is it just a result of what rain that they do get it's just it's really really interesting you don't really see this kind of detail from really up high and i'm a little chicken because i'm not flying super low either this is the north end of lake powell um real deep cut in this this rock it's fascinating i'm headed towards a cal black uh memorial airport as my refueling stop but i was originally thinking about staying the night and but there's no real place to stay there or eat there so i had to give that idea up this is the cal black airport right here and they've literally carved it out of rock you can see where it's it's this real rough scree and then they carved the airport right there and the gas pump is there on the lower left of the the ramp and then they have a terminal building and it's manned during the working hours nice guy there and drives 90 miles each way to work there every day but nice airport not busy at all rugged rugged terrain this is where this is actually the private airport there in monument valley um i've been fascinated about this place for a long time first time i've ever flown over it from anywhere any out to where i can see what's going on but it's really beautiful and up in that valley there on the far end of the airport to the right there's a whole bunch of houses and stuff like that it's very interesting i guess that's where the resort is it's just absolutely stunning these things sticking up on out of the out of the flat desert terrain how did how did that happen what kind of rock differential kind of erosion and it's just fascinating be careful taking off to the southwest so when i see all these these buttes i think of how many westerns were filmed right here i mean this place must exist the settlements etc for all the westerns that were shot here over time but it's really pretty you sure don't see this from 30 000 feet so this is the way to say of course the banana's not going to fly 30 either but i'm going to be in the height and then the low tens and you're not going to see it that well dude either beautiful skies lots of blue because they call it corn flower blue it's real pretty this is this is a little bit south uh east of monument valley and it's a real deep cut canyon i don't know if you can really get a feel for how narrow that is but it's it's a couple hundred yards across at its widest down there and you can see it's most of the time it's in shade and there's a couple of when you're in the bottom and there's a couple of interesting places i saw when you look straight down so there's people in there but it's got to be cooler very interesting this is across the deserts bear man that's from that song that's what this is bear desert all right i'm here in gallup new mexico uh made it a little bit before sundown wanted to get a little bit further but uh winds are were pretty pretty good for me today but i think we hadn't made it pretty far i think it's five and a half six hours something like that from boise it's not too bad uh gallup's a nice airport uh very friendly feet real friendly people so tomorrow make it home the adventure begins well it's dawn here in gallup and it's time to hit the road head for texas so uh 37 degrees a little bit chilly but the airplane's all filled up oil's good pre-flight's good so weather looks pretty calm i think we'll take off and head east so here we are headed east uh i did a couple of laps over the airport to climb because gallup's actually 6500 feet is pretty high then climbing to the east into the sun it was just really pretty but didn't have a lot of ground clearance even though i'm climbing up to 9 500. just this is an interesting terrain i mean you fly in the east and there's a lot of trees here there's some trees but there's mostly just terrain it's really pretty though there's a solar farm this is in texas now so i thought this was pretty interesting to see so what i did was i flew probably the majority of my time at about 9 500 a little bit at a time at 11.5 on 75 and at 9 500 i was indicating about 113 to 115 miles an hour which trued out at 133 miles an hour which is not this struck me as pac-man eating the crop circles i guess that dates me but that's pac-man up there in the upper right there's more crop circles on the left and right there there's mickey mouse you can tell which ones they water not all of them but some of the crop circles are not watered at all there's windmills scattered all over the place i think we i think the proper name for this is the texas reach it's flat and it goes on for almost ever not an awful lot of features out in west texas this is coming out of level land south of lubbock and again it's flat it's kind of pretty so that's my trip report hope you enjoyed it there you have it that's my trip report from bringing the mic home from idaho to texas took two days and i saw some incredible beautiful terrain i think i mentioned it and my voice over there on some of this stuff that it really got me thinking about geology and wish i knew something more about it i mean how did all that stuff happen you know the different layers and the erosion patterns and all that stuff's fascinating and uh it's just something i don't i just didn't i don't know so something to check out anyway i hope you enjoyed the trip there's going to be plenty more i hope in the future and i'll take you along with me in the husky so thanks for watching and i'll see you next time on flywire hey before i go i just wanted to give a shout out to dnb bank of clear lake south dakota those are the guys that helped me finance this airplane i'm a retired guy so don't really have the income people like aopa won't finance me so thanks a big shout out to mark law at the dnb bank but i'm going to leave a link below you go to greg peterson he's he's the guy that can get you all set up if you want to finance an airplane as well through dmv bank so give me a shot
Channel: FlyWire- scott perdue
Views: 10,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Husky, A1B Husky, Aviat Husky, Huskly Adventures, Bringing the new dog home, Wendover utah, Gallup new mexico, Flying Husky cross country, Flywire, flywire online, flywire youtube, scott perdue, beechcraft bonanza, general aviation, Aviation, F33C, F33 Bonanza, A36 Bonanza, V35 Bonanza, Aerobatic Bonanza, Aerobatics, Acrobatics, Flying, pilot vlog, flight training, flying vlog, cockpit, airplane audio, cfi, pilot life, bonanza, pilot, travel, travel by plane, flying an airplane
Id: KzhN7Cgxxws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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