FlyWire on the Road Bringing Home the New Dog
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: FlyWire- scott perdue
Views: 10,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Husky, A1B Husky, Aviat Husky, Huskly Adventures, Bringing the new dog home, Wendover utah, Gallup new mexico, Flying Husky cross country, Flywire, flywire online, flywire youtube, scott perdue, beechcraft bonanza, general aviation, Aviation, F33C, F33 Bonanza, A36 Bonanza, V35 Bonanza, Aerobatic Bonanza, Aerobatics, Acrobatics, Flying, pilot vlog, flight training, flying vlog, cockpit, airplane audio, cfi, pilot life, bonanza, pilot, travel, travel by plane, flying an airplane
Id: KzhN7Cgxxws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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