- 5-Player (LVL 9999) OP Grim Reaper

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i did always wonder why snowboarding i'm not once i'm not saying it's easier but it is definitely easier ah yes what a good old throwback fly or die dot io the game where we lose our mind every time because it takes like over an hour to beat and that's if we beat it so we decided to hop on it for the first time in literally months and see if we can pull it off now the only thing we need is a good old disguise so what's a nickname no one would ever guess yep that's me what d that was a good that was a good nickname that nobody would guess yep that's me all right i got my nickname let's do it wish me luck guys okay uh oh i started off as a black bird that's something you didn't like you said those words and i think i had a stroke what what words he's talking about pterodactyl whoa oh there's a giant grim reaper yeah he almost ate me right away but it's fine yeah he's not very nice jeremy what are you right now i am a blackbird okay i'm a bluebird now you're already a blackbird because i i'm a really high level i've beaten this game so many times now i am very high level and there we go this guy over here mlg pro flyer die which one of you guys is testing dot dot dot not me it gets a box i'm not gonna get anything for eating a fly do you think probably get like one xp for this 175 that's actually not too bad it could be way worse chicken forgot what i can eat okay i think i'm gonna program a thing to play this for me in the future can you do that yeah i mean of course yeah you could how would it know about like the thingies like how would it know like the ciara strain but it'd be cool dude this lobby everything wants to eat me and i hate it welcome to flyer die are you new here welcome comrade um negative that's not me oh my gosh the stork that i'm fighting right now oh axe might get the kill give me that kill give me that kill yeah boy i ate the stork tony stork tony tony storks i did eat tony stalks oh that's a big grim reaper i don't want to mess with him he's kind of mean okay i mean have you gotten to know him um honestly no to be fair i'm just kind of judging him at this point i mean the groomer for really swelled back he could have taken me out and he didn't yeah i mean to be fair maybe he doesn't want the job he has he just has the job he has to you know i mean what else is he supposed to do pilates dude i had a small obsession with pilates one day i just wanted to know the history of it it's made by a guy named joseph hubertus pilates wait really yeah that's not that that's his name and i think it's fascinating it's legitimately just his name and it's just super like his name are you ready wait a minute mr pilates his name is paul yeah there's a mr pilates who invented pilates it's intense stretching i find this way funnier than i should oh god there's a pack of three grim reapers just flew by a lot of this is just angry yoga oh no are you so lettuce yeah oh my god okay wait who do you guys see on your leaderboard um johnny's number one okay yeah dropsy i thought it was funny steve we said north america first four times picked i know better i see cathy cappy's cappy i i don't know what you're talking about oh no i don't know what you're i don't even know what you're talking about dude okay let's see you have no clue how bad that is that means i gotta start all over again oh i'm sorry you found off this early no i'm sorry i'm sorry you didn't mean it i'm sorry to be fair like it's not great steve but also we're like literally less than five minutes in yeah i know but i was so better and now instead of like 30 minutes you know yeah man oh there's a there's a chimpkin get over here jersey fried street chimkin are you that is that how you make the falcon noise because yeah i'm a falcon i'm a pilot are you the black hawk oh now i'm an eagle the best i've ever done in this game i've never had this oh i spoke too soon get away get away eat my eggs don't bother me oh you're gonna eat the eggs yeah but chucky is after me like that doll from the horror movies i'm gonna pause a moment and play bite on my fry chucky what sort of fries get away chucky dude you're such a loser i just ate my duck that gave me a good amount i like cajun flight yeah man you get those cajun curly fries though and oh all right wish me luck guys i'm going to the bottle next you gotta have the cajun curly chili cheese fries for real though that i don't know it's awful for me i don't like cheese well i do like cheese i can't i was yeah to be honest no i don't like cheese on fries there's already so much grease and stuff i don't need anything else not that yeah i like cheese on like pasta dishes and like i just saw two grim reapers fighting each other guys this is a i don't like this one yeah it's bad yeah i'm really not a fan of this world i also like fake cheese on like snack foods like cheesy popcorn cheddar cheez-its white cheddar cheese it's the best um spirit correct uh no you're talking about the spicy cheeses i think it's extra toasty white cheddar cheese it's the best i think you mean tasty i like giant cheez-its oh no wait or this one wait there's a new rat yeah on the bat and it's not just the gray rad anymore there's a white one yeah like an arctic mouse maybe i don't know i mean there's hamsters but the hamsters have a question no no not probably old news but at the very bottom of the screen you see a little arrow no johnny you suck so much dude geez man he's just like targeting me as that grim reaper dude he's been chasing me the whole game he's one of the people that get like they won what is he what more does he want like what is he doing dude what do you want from me but anyway if you click that little arrow has it always brought up the map what there's a map i don't see that on the bottom and i think we haven't noticed that till just now no i think that's new oh i see that what is that little faint thingy at the bottom that faintly arrow i don't want to click it no click it i'm scared right now i'm in i'm in the arctic i'm at the bottleneck do you want me to die [Music] i'm not messing around well at the bottleneck no change no messing around you just click the button and it's it doesn't i'm not messing around at the back i would not do something to sabotage you and potentially be here for two hours i don't know that sounds like something an imposter would say yeah i think he's the imposter how do i vent like steve excuse me how do you vent oh my god i was playing like i was playing with my real life friends two days ago i was dying i'll leave bud that's fine no it's my friends that aren't from the internet all right all right you know i bet you in the real life i pooped in your toilet it doesn't get realer than that bub nah i can't do that no it can't bring another one so i was playing the other day and he your other friends and he was cheating but not like a purpose-ish i don't know he was just trolling around so anyway we got a huge argument or someone was like we know you were an electrical he was like i was in the reactor he's like you're lying and finally got really angry and he goes look i'll even screenshot it right now because on the voting screen you can still see the background kind of you know what i mean when he screenshotted he was red he screenshotted it and we're like all right robby you're not lying but you're also red-named and then he left out of anger i saw a funny thing um that someone did online that they're playing um among us and they screenshotted the screen and then like quickly photoshopped their name to white and the other impostor's name to white and then photoshop the other guy to read and they like did a similar thing they're like you know what dude i'm sick of it i said i'm calling you out and then like they sent the screenshot in discord and it said their name was red and he's like no dude he photoshopped it there's no way he photoshopped that they put him into space and everyone just lost it oh no i have seen that happen in videos before where people do quick photoshops they'll do like this quick select in photoshop the names are going to be like i don't know this seems suspicious did you open the map yet dude no i matt i click the button or i'm leaving oh my god okay i died don't click the button i'm done with this i already know how the map looks i clicked it and that is very cool for new players though i will say new players that kind of know where everything is yeah matt uh you're talking to number one and season professional allow me to give you a tour of fly or die if you look to the left danger and if you look to the right death i'm actually moving up in the world quick i'm about to get to the mad bat would you best not be rage quitting i died but i didn't lose i'm very irritated right now can't rage quit i'm not going to well i just got to the mad bat i'm a little bit scared because this is one of the other what i would call filters where coming up not right now oh my god there is happen you're kidding me i'm dead i'm gonna die i'm gonna die like two seconds here oh jerome i have like no health left you can make it out i really can't i'm running out of oxygen and i gotta i gotta fly i gotta go oh my god oh my god no you're such a noob i like oh my god wait wait wait wait wait i don't know who beat that game but i appreciate them did he get you and i though like how's the new one i like it i saw your tweet oh yeah it was legitimately all i did was we were eating at a taco place and there was a piece of lettuce on my place and they're like you're not gonna eat that and i was like well i'm done eating and they're like so you're not gonna eat that it's like well i'm i'm done all right so lettuce and i was like okay i've been more active on twitter and insta recently and i don't know if that's a good thing i like twitter i know people hate it but i i love it i've been trying to avoid twitter because it just that's fair there's just too much i understand it's too much outrage i feel like what's the hypocrisy and someone named doom please do not eat me chasing me down trying to eat me yeah i don't know the reason i stopped using twitter because to me from what i've seen on twitter it just seems like a place where people complain and think that other people actually care and it just gets really exhausting no i just post funny faces all right all right then maybe i just followed the wrong i might just follow the wrong people then because for me it's just a very exhausting place and i just don't want any part of it well you don't even have to follow me jerome because i put it right in our twitter groups too yeah yeah think about unfollowing everyone that isn't one of the buddies how about that oh i like that drama that's a good call got a follower to follow ratio it's gonna be pretty good man yeah right what if you did that though and then like half the merch companies was like jerome unfollowed me i'm leaving no i'd cry do you believe in magic what are these tubes in here [Music] hey i got a big heat there big eater a big heat a big okay i'm almost back to the mad bat and i learned my lesson i'm getting out of the arctic as soon as i possibly can this is mine i'm in the stork nice i'm sorry oh wait i only need like the smallest sliver please let me get this bread please let's go i've heard that before let me get this bread okay come on yeah mad bad now i'm in the final day yeah yeah come here buddy okay stay away from the arctic as tempting as it is because of all the good foods in the arctic it's just not worth it did i externally eat a stork i i you can't make this up i feel bad for the guy he clearly pant because he was poisoned he dove and landed on me from the sky like he clearly didn't see me and just fell i don't get anything for that man i stole two of these guys fish fish dude ola goodbye vamanos i am trying to eat people oh my god go away i'm just trying to do it right come here all right you took the chair that's it toes are us hi man that's what i was trying to get at how are you feeling there until i die yeah i i have premium i can sit here for 18 more minutes hey you better run yeah i'm not going to run i'll sit here die and then you will never feed off me a gem i didn't want to eat you dude yeah right not yet anymore he would have if he really wanted it later i'm saving you for later once i'm the ghost come here chicken hey that's mine you wink oh no i hate being the vulture pterodactyl child doing things like skateboarding but i'm a pterodactyl oh man could have could a pterodactyl skateboard if they wanted to dude they would be incredible at it because think about their wingspan helps them with balance i genuinely think a pterodactyl manual further than rodney mullen i'm gonna go on record and say i could agree with you but uh how many people know who rodney mullen is now um if they don't then they need to educate them rodney mullet is the best freestyle skater that exists thank you i agree uh-huh that's cool y'all don't know about rodney mullen do you no i do uh have you seen the new freestyle skaters though i i admittedly am not a huge skater anymore but i i watch this one guy and he plays with like all his skateboards are made up like of hinges and he'll like kick flip in his skateboard or like fly apart and then come back together from like the centrifugal force that's i've seen things like that i i haven't watched the skateboarding like i haven't like been as into skateboarding as when i was a kid and actually skateboarded but recently i started because the toenails pro skater uh yeah tony stalk sorry yeah yeah because of it coming out recently i started to get a little bit into watching it again did you know that for the first time ever very recently someone pulled off a 1280 what yeah i thought we were still on the 900 how many turns is a 12 baby uh too many well it's 360 is one so yeah four four complete turns oh did i say 1280 i'm at 1260. sorry i misspoke but same principle same yeah almost like four complete turns right yeah that's crazy i think it's four and a half maybe three and a half three and a half maybe i mean you know they've been doing that for like a very long time in snowboarding right yeah yeah but snowboarding is a little bit easier dude not easier not easier in like a skill set but like you're strapped in for one it's all downhill yeah it's all downhill and you can jump off a huge ramp and not have like you can just land i mean i know snow gets hard too but i feel like having it strapped to your legs makes it a lot easier to get more no it does [Music] you're right i did always wonder as a child but you know i did always wonder why snowboarding i'm not once i'm not saying it's easier but it is definitely easier to do uh spins and well i mean because skateboarding you really don't do flips flips as well i always wondered what it is about snowboarding that makes it not wonderful i don't want to use the word easier i don't want to use that works it's not easier but it you know you're strapped and the board doesn't johnny tsunami about how it's not easier get out of my head right now i'm just like having flashbacks it's it's not easier however you can like one you have to control the board under your feet the other is literally strapped like matt was saying yeah i guess what i'll say hindrance yeah i guess i would say it's not easier but certain certain things are easy far easier i always find that i like how careful we're skating around the fact that we don't want to offend snowboarders guys that's what we're trying to do because i like snowboarding yeah it's ice cool all right i like snowboarding a lot i love snowboarding and i want to go one day i never go what could be so hard about falling downhill bro i got that unlocked i don't i don't mind one of my good youtube friends fell so hard he's color blind now oh my god wait are you no not me uh biffle with him i was with him when it happened he slammed his head and he he's now a blue yellow colorblind which apparently is a very very very rare symptom of head trauma but he claims he wasn't colorblind before and he claims he has slight blue yellow colorblindness now ever since then insane yeah you can look up it's very rare but it is a symptom of i quit i'm dead again you're not no you're not allowed i'm not allowed you're not allowed to quit watch me literally not allowed listen you don't leave fly or die you essentially don't get to leave after you told me that we all have to try our hardest like those like secret agent like movies all of a sudden his chair straps just like strap around his wrists so what what you're not going in nobody's being stephen why i've brought you here mr bond oh all right no need to get angry no i'm angry there's no need for that guy to have killed me well i'm with him there are some people that do that and you're like you're just really there was legitimately no reason for him to sit there and camp the water i hey i'm with you steve there are definitely some annoying people that do that someone ate the woodpecker before you yeah it's really sad you deserve it i'm sorry man the last time that happened oh you're not gonna go into it okay yeah oh sorry sorry no that's fine oh the swamp monster i get to eat poop yeah uh-huh wow it gives you 700 points per poop glob that yep would that be called a problem okay i don't like like any of things you guys are doing right now where in the world am i going to get a starfish in the world are you a seagull i don't know what i am bro well take a left at the like pineapple underneath it to the bottleneck this is oh you're the snowy owl it's my time and there's a phoenix hovering the snow area so i'm scared yep godspeed i hate the bottleneck it's the worst part of the whole that and pterodactyl are usually my worst parts guys i can't give me more penguins please uh far side of the map in the snow area matt oh no jerome you just poisoned me oh that was you no that was just not even intentional i was just falling and i was like i bet i could fall on this guy's head oh cappy hello stop fancy meeting you at this watering hole they're poisoning the watering hole there's a snake in my boot there's a boot in my snake can i just have another penguin please i just i literally just need one oh let's go i just said that's nicely oh that guy's on fire the phoenix is back penguins actually do have knees they're just so fat you don't see them yeah yeah i hate that but it is true it's also like what what is the animal that like their legs are really straight like don't elephants have really strange legs maybe that sounds right or something like that did you know that a horse's legs are basically one big toe yes i did not know that but now i do and i'm very happy i did know that actually yeah elephants have like human feet but it's like they're always wearing high heels yeah interesting did you know that i fish actually have knees what what what are you just making stuff up to try to fit into the conversation yeah i mean that's not crazy i just wanted to be included i'm sorry it's okay i understand the struggle we understand you know just don't do it it's just that you're just included by being here and we appreciate you man do we appreciate steve even though he quit on us i'm still playing i was really hoping cappy were gonna know he's dead to us are we looking at right now what is that that's an elephant that's an elephant doesn't it kind of just look like a human foot that's always wearing a high heel yes it looks dude where are these fish where is the starfish the snow area man i told you that there's snow on the the entire map it's on the left well then you're just blind i don't know what else to tell you the entire almost the entire left side is the snow and the right side's the volcanoes the snow the poison guys are that's the poison guys no it doesn't show the snow on that handy dandy map what does it show i haven't looked at it well then the map ain't that handy-dandy yeah um that little chunk of ice all the way to the left well that's not little it that's a large area it's just to scale it's it that entire left side is like snow dude you just gotta go over here matt he responds with me hmm i too feel that feel i am a demonic bat i'm a hawk i'm a snow well i'm fine i'm not fine i'm not fine i'm not fine what a rollercoaster of emotions like i can't handle this i live to see another day please don't die i need to beat you so that i can win oh yeah i get it it's cool you just gotta run away from this pterodactyl yeah i'm the vulture i'm a raven you're the number eight dude you're moving and grooving you're number fourteen thank you like i don't think the top people are as high as i think the oh yeah the the people when we first got here were number one and like two and so they're just they left finally good all right i'm done for the day so cool okay mr phoenix name don't eat me goodbye oh yeah he's been there for a while kathy did you just switch to a little bit of a cusco voice oh you mean cronk yeah cronk that's the one yeah [Music] all right the boys are for cusco you guys have seen cronk's new group right yo what that's a show it was a movie it was the second and first new group cronk's new groove was super good you haven't all right i saw emperor's new groove i saw the dance scene that's great and i want to recreate it the uh animated series was also really good emperor's new school i think i am being called yeah i i used to watch the animated series as well so i watched the first movie in the animated series um you know what i really liked i liked the recess tv show oh my god and the movie was wild did the movie yeah oh my god i wouldn't chicken in one bite and i felt really bad about that he was just trying to live his life and i accidentally landed on him okay but tell us what you're doing in the game though oh uh well i'm a raven currently oh okay i'm the maroon bird i'm gonna hide in a cloud to take a bite of my real food how to score matt's a tacky fish why is there so many bad things around me i haven't heard that in a while what else i haven't played this in a while yeah i'm a black bird please respond mummy i would like to eat you so that i can get lots of xp and grow big and strong jerome you're a big guy you don't need mummy anymore i do i'll always need my mom don't even joke man yeah what are you even talking about dude i'm not an adult until i'm at least 53. really yeah i think so not what it is you've got time oh when i was 18 i was like well i'm not like a real adult i guess and then turn 21 and i'm like no that's still not like a real adult i guess like there's things i can't do and then i got to 26 and like you know i was like i'm i mean i'm still not like yeah man i have a feeling you're going to be saying that the rest of your life that's what you're convinced i don't think anyone's ever really an adult i think everyone just hasn't known i think we all just like keep bumbling along and eventually we get this arbitrary title of adult but no one actually knows what they're doing haha dropsy that's what you get why you're stealing my frogs what do you mean stop you're not getting water like right now if something was horribly wrong i'm like oh god i need an adult like i need a bigger adult you know there's like levels to adults yeah my new goal in this game is to make dropsy's life difficult why because you're stealing all the frogs no exhibit a for fighty buddy she's stealing the frogs i'm not smelling the frogs i'm eating fish get away from me okay guys the mummy is just not responding what did you do to it matt what did you do to the mind i'm about to eat you matt it's okay but you got to tell us the truth what did you do to the mummy dude i am far too much a peasant to do anything to the mummy do they lower the spawn rate of bosses is that what happened man i accidentally flew into a tyrannosaurus rex mommy mommy mommy let's go let's go give me that xp give give give xp give xp eat the penguins eat the penguins excuse me say that again steve 14 000 xp let's go mega plays uh right now all i can do is eat bosses or eat other players and the eating other players part is not really working too well so i guess it's just wait like 40 years for bosses to spawn eat them move on my life yeah that's yeah yeah that seems about right have you been doing in life lately jerome um eating players and bosses you know what it'd be yeah do be like that sometimes yes it do how about you i bought it i bought a vr headset oh nice which one i got the oculus rift s nice oh hey cappy i wouldn't go that way 2d knows lots about vr he loves vr so if you ever had any questions about how it works i'm sure 2d could help you out not that i don't think you do not know what to do i don't doesn't matter to me man i know i'm stupid wait that's not very nice captain well i said it to myself i'll give myself a pass i don't think you should forgive yourself so easily just make this even worse no one's in the pyramid please land in here so i can eat you no sure i'll be right there the laziest animal in the world's like hey hey just just land here please i mean i mean a lot of animals hunt they set up traps in the ground and just kind of wait alligators i was gonna say isn't that like a venus flytrap yeah you guys you know what that just reminded me of uh the trap door spider episode of uh magic school bus i don't remember that one i don't remember much of magic school but the only magic school best episodes i remember are all the ones they did in space specifically the one where they went to pluto and cousin yeah arnold's cousin took off her helmet and she just froze oh yeah you know what books you used to love as a kid captain underpants no well yes yes magic tree house i love the magic tree yeah what now the magic trick treehouse they were all history books is that like sabufu no are you trying boom foo is awesome though it's great but no it's no similar concept to magic school bus but it was specifically historical events that went on oh wait wait was that ah was that the one where it was like book based and they'd read about it yeah they'd open the book and teleport them i remember a lot of that civil war stuff and yeah yeah i remember that that stuff was lit like oh my god i ate a parrot oh that's cool steve i made it back to raven nice i'll say nice you sabotaged me i did not i left you alone he sabotaged i was a nuisance for all of like 45 seconds and then i left you that was enough for me to die don't you blame your death on me i didn't do nothing you didn't let me get to water to get unpoisoned you were fine and all right your boy's a dragon nice oh i can no longer be back to being a black bird again finally nice for some reason i can't eat bosses anymore i have to eat snakes and cats hey diet i guess dude this this guy has been sitting here lighting me on fire time and time again and it is so annoying i'm dead jerome i would let you consume my character if i thought it would actually help but i feel like it's too early same i'm waiting till i have more stuff going on i've died no i appreciate it i don't want it either right now matt because i would much rather wait until i'm like a grim reaper or something and need it to level up it's not the grim the grim reaper's the last but pumpkin the pumpkin eater yeah he needs player kills there's there's one role that actually needs player kills and it is infuriating what's infuriating is this game oh my gosh get away from me you killed me last time right oh man sitting here for 12 minutes by all means hover me bet that's what people say nowadays right cool kids yeah it has dropsy she she's like our like translator for cool i'll still say that yes yeah but also now it's not cool anymore but now that all of you have said it individually it no longer yeah it's wager now it's no longer better i gotta find a cloud i'm trying to been still still trying to eat my lunch this whole time yeah wait here at my wage cage wager matt no i'm going to stay hold wager [Music] hi dropsy oh hello come on guys we've only got another like 30 minutes to run that saying into the ground it's fine i eat this penguin and i'm already back to walk i wish we had the influence to actually say ridiculous things and it catch on i mean you guys kind of do come on well you know how many kids just talk about toes now yeah i feel bad about that one i don't feel bad about that one maybe i feel bad i i feel bad that i don't feel bad about that that's the problem i think uh-huh right okay you know what i'm saying sure sure jerome whatever you say why do we say blood yeah but it floats your boat oh you're the boss man yeah you're the man boss i want more meat shanks man to cross [Music] do you guys remember amanda bynes oh yeah aren't you too young for that i just sing the song and you're saying i'm too young for that it was a question actually i put a question mark at the end you know actually i'm with them because you don't remember the kitkat commercial because that was made in the 80s didn't we talk about this yeah but they carried on the give me a break give me a break dude yeah the original stopped hearing but yeah no but they they carried on that slogan for like like yeah i agree like are the ones about like moon shoes okay that's all i cared about does anybody remember fushiki does anyone remember yeah does anyone remember those like genuinely just insane fever dream of commercials the reese's puff ones oh yeah chocolate please did you watch this little commercial i said where the like like wrestler just beats up like a little kid dude cereal commercials in the 90s were wild i hope that kid's okay wrestling's real right oh man that poor kid dude serial commercials in the 90s i think were the craziest of all commercials yeah they were yeah i would always get mad when they would change the mascot dude what was with that like what in the world was even the honeycomb thing besides like a hairball you'd find in your sink you know what i'm talking about the honeycomb you no don't tell me you don't remember the honeycomb guy don't know what you're talking about you don't know the honeycomb guy no i don't remember just type in a honeycomb commercial i don't know if you know this snapdragon i can't because i've got a display capture on but just look up honeycomb commercial and pull up the images and you're going to see this that's so crazy yes okay i do know this i just didn't know what you meant by the hair glob and i was like huh wasn't that accurate oh it's accurate he looks like something you'd find in your sink everybody yeah no you're you're right why specifically does he have piano keys in his mouth oh right i remember that guy yeah dude who else did we have we had a bunch of crazy mascots growing up as like our cereal brand now get away from me buddy you don't need to kill me i give you so little xp don't need to do that well you've got the classic trixx rabbit dude the kool-aid man probably gave some people ptsd like that that commercial was wild oh yeah can't confirm irrational fear of the kool-aid man busting into his room in the middle of the night oh my goodness i'm gonna die again i had that fear and drop something the only problem there is you just use the word irrational completely rational that man could strike at a moment's notice it was specific people don't have any defense other than your blankie there's no there's nothing more rational than fearing the kool-aid man i'm so sorry i misspoke as long as you understand no no i see i see the error of my ways they say if you say his name in the mirror three times oh no don't worry john cena isn't real he can't hurt you you can't see me you can't see me oh my god can we make a meme of a creepy pasta that's just john cena and it's like some people believe he's real and like he haunts you wherever people like him it's like if you think that he's real and you see him that means that you've already been infected with the virus your brain will make up fake memories even fake web articles people are swords like oh god what do you mean i think you'll see him in movies when it was a different actor the whole time it's the c-e-n-a virus other symptoms are thinking that you're playing as travis scott in fortnite travis scott mill mcdonald's i heard it's absolutely stupid i heard that it was just a normal burger with bacon on it but it's a normal quarter pounder with bacon a quarter pounder with bacon and they put like onions and all that and then you get fries with barbecue sauce and a sprite with extra ice i don't know what extra ice means okay it's literally whip you up until the extra ice cream that's what it is right i don't know what that means though because they fill the cup that means you're getting scammed bro cause like more sprite less ice i don't know that's how he likes it i'm telling you right now it is french fries and barbecue sauce that's an age-old classic i've been doing that that's good i respect that you guys ever had like chick-fil-a sauce oh yeah yeah yeah my favorite oh sorry sorry oh i was just gonna say it's basically just honey mustard honey barbecue sauce and like mayo my favorite of their sauce is i like the polynesian that's my favorite of those chick-fil-a sauce is better nice yeah it depends fries for fries is better for fries i like chick-fil-a sauce for the chicken i like the polynesian there's a chicken that just ran through and laid eggs by every piece of bread they saw egg bread um why can i not oh my god why i'm dead this game is horrible i'm sorry steve i'm almost the cosmic insect i'm gonna be there can you i'm done playing this game [Music] over here oh my god this is not doing fine and i think he's realizing what the rest of us normally go through yep because normally he's fine at this point like i'm doing better than normal it's but this is definitely gonna be like an odd one out and every other time will be business as usual oh phoenix no please it's the worst thing ever because it's i died and it set me back like five evolutions and it's like what what sense does that make that's another 40 minutes that's normal welcome to our lives all right jesus not to mention the worst thing ever jerome i did you know that um the the the guys that eat the lava eggs can kill you uh the imps yeah no no no not not the imps just the the like um right after the stone eater you go onto the lava egg eater yeah which used to only be lava eggs that they can eat well apparently they can eat mad bats too really please don't eat me is now stalking me in the cloud as the ghost reaper stupid snow area is stupid oh no i got feared oh let me out let me let me let me tell us how you really feel though i will i'm gonna scream and shout and let it all out steve's gone and shout and let it all out did you just switch to i'm hooked on a feeling no that's that's right no i thought you just switched over to the head cap i would we're all good friends i just want to confess this guy i loved hannah montana i mean yeah everyone loves hannah montana what's wrong with that it was amazing yeah and i'm pretty sure miley cyrus is hannah montana i don't know yet i'm not that deep garbage show actually they've never been in the same room together i'll ruin it in the fourth season it it's revealed it's actually josh peck what is that how he got through with like the restraining order on oprah because it's like i'll i'll take some tips on that yep don't tell anyone the josh peck hannah montana dude that's crazy [Music] steve are you making pop tarts please not necessary i got a life saver crazy oh what flavor uh the red one cherry bread is in the flavor except for gatorade that's not true also in um in snowballs what i didn't realize you could be allergic to please don't eat me suck so many toes dude he's been camping my cloud every time i come out he's just there waiting like what does he want from me bro dude this game i had a friend growing up that was allergic to red dye number 40. number four so pretty much any kind of like red candies red gatorade yeah red dye number 40s and so much stuff yeah it's also made out of beetles but he wasn't he wasn't like allergic to it like he wasn't going to die he just i'm not making this up would just not stop farting he would just have horrible gas i have something similar but i just throw up like i have an allergy to cherries i don't break out in hives or anything i won't die but i'll my stomach rejects everything for like a full day no this guy would even insist on still only eating the red gatorade too knowing that this happens when i eat shrimp oh yeah steve no steve destroyed a poor mcdonald's in dc's they didn't stand a chance didn't know what hit him steve was that in dc yeah that was in dc couldn't remember if it was dc or philly yeah because it was the yeah it was it was yeah yeah but there was also philly we all remember what we did for that one that was the one yeah that was oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude yeah what did mcdonald's ever do to you yeah man first you're trashing on the travis scott meal then you're ruining their bathrooms yeah man let me get this straight the travis scott ripple dude you want to hear a story it's the normal price plus i think no it's more it's more expensive plus bacon that's all you get is it more expensive i don't think it's more expensive like with tax on that i think it's legitimately the same it's just all right well all i know is that i really want to be sponsored by mcdonald's one day and if we keep talking like this it's not going to happen guys i think it's great i have good news i'm a ghost does that mean you can eat me and then am i suffering no ghosts can only eat zombies steve what are you uh the snowy owl okay all right time to become zambaland it's bad i was thinking the same thing and we all were so it's just two of us together every day i was gonna say like even at the twitter group i don't think there's a day that like we all don't say something to each other yeah man which is weird to think about constant communication i can imagine his face right now he's doing like the half smile thing no yeah yeah he totally is stupid every time i make the mistake of going to look at my water and like taking my hand off the keeper for a second i go into stupid tyrannosaurus rex all right i am now i'm i'm a grim reaper guy are you eating so many socks i'm a black bird again can i eat my friends yes where please end my suffering where are you and i are both by the red and blue poke center what near the middle of the map the red and blue pokemon i'll meet you at the middle i'll come to the middle oh no i'm number three on the boards get away where are you at bud oh i'm coming to meet them at center oh you led up to me i'm gonna eat things along the way and see if i can dude this guy keeps chasing me your name's literally noob go away drops is kind of mean well i don't know what else to say i don't know you can compliment like i like your pitchfork i guess but i'm in the snow area jerome yeah i'm already heading to mid to find that i'll make house calls to the snow area afterwards oh i'm legitimately in the middle of the map right now okay no i'm lying to you don't worry i'll make my way to the pokemon center what is the pokemon center i do have to ask matt [Music] you'll see it when you see it gotta be in the town right now never mind i actually get what he's saying no it is like a pokemon center and a pokemart well i just went through the city no i met just the two houses i'm here with seletus so you're passing this guy hold up consume me did you call dropsy uh sir lettuce lettuce was the name celeste lettuce i heard sir lettuce and i got a little worried he will also be sir lettuce hello hello so lettuce i will eat you thank you i am pumpkin man all right uh if you guys can keep trying because i have one more round of that once i'm i'm done being a pumpkin i go to the pumpkin ghost and that's that's the last one so i need to please leave me alone send you one more round of that guys we're killing it this might be a new record honestly i started his mad bat so i'll be able to get back quick so where's this two houses all the way on the left no it's the middle no no no it's it's a little bit on the right side of the middle so if you look at the map okay there's two houses next to each other by a tree one's blue oh i see him i see him on the map okay cool i'm a swamp thing and i'm also coming over there hi cappy hello i'd love to eat you later thank you i know what cappy wants to say i have some restraint okay tara oranges stop oh god am i gonna burn oh no please please please oh my god what is everyone dressing up as for halloween um i have to stay at my house this halloween i actually have to hand out the candy this year did you go trick-or-treating you're still gonna dress up for that no i'm not gonna dress up for that what you're lame all right i'm gonna meet you guys in the pokemon center i just killed a random stork a little oh god it spun me all the way over here all right well jeremy you lost your chance to eat me because i'm gonna die oh okay that's good number seven i was getting chased by a grim reaper he accidentally ran into me right coming to the pokemon center ah this guy he wants me dead i might you guys might want to hide for a bit i i i have a grim reaper trailing me and he clearly yeah he wants me dead okay i'm in the cloud above the pokemon center i'm still on my way dude you need to go away dude that's what i'm saying i just went in the cloud and waited him out i mean i've got 15 minutes on there so i can't just do that i'm on the second to last thing so now we wait he needs to get a life i'm watching you and he's still just there please don't eat me you don't need me oh my goodness dude he's still waiting for me in the cloud i don't think he realizes that i have 14 and a half minutes left in here i mean why would he realize that he just left with an angry emoji yeah go away pal all right going back to pokemon center stay away from me i'm toxic at least we have a warning blade got really excited about the honeycomb thing and i think that explains a lot about him as an individual yeah oh hey look i'm at the pokemart all right i uh i've made it to one house over from pokemon center hi guys so that's the trading from the original pokemon yeah do they still make that noise i did it we did it you beat it gg i think that's a new record i think we beat it in a new record time guys i'm so proud of you yeah good job thank you all right so right here if you go down through the graves and if you're an undead being you can fly through these flames and get to the super secret final boss who is just literally impossible i've never even come close to beating him uh he also is like a smart ai so he'll actually follow you around and stuff unlike everything else's like track patterns and all that but where is he guys he might not be home somebody already have killed him it's it is possible someone did kill him yeah that's what we call a big oof oh man wait 47 minutes left on it yeah all right well someone did it somehow but i'm not waiting 47 minutes
Channel: JeromeACE
Views: 198,423
Rating: 4.9560246 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, flyordie, flyordie io, fly or die io, io games,, .io, io, io game, fly or die fast, max level
Id: x8tfiZvU9ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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