Flying To Guatemala During Covid-19

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[Music] so [Music] hey brother [Music] so uh yeah i'm back in guatemala [Music] a little bit of craziness happen between pandemic going home for a few months not knowing if i was going to be able to travel again all that fun stuff but hostile i was volunteering at back in january it has to be fun to come back so here we are with the pups we got brava and roo [Music] it's kind of been barking a little bit too much and being a bit rowdy so i figured [Music] take him for a hike up the hill and has me pooped [Music] you guys tired no but anyway decided to come back to gwat on kind of a well undetermined amount of time don't know when or if i'm gonna go home who knows how things go with kovid if i end up being able to get to oz do my visa but until then i mean this this'll do really happy to be back just really happy to be on the road again but uh no gonna keep you guys posted hopefully see where things take us and uh what comes with this planning on hopefully learning a bit more spanish sharpening up on that um yeah the only volunteer here aside from two other people have been staying here for a long time well they live down here full time i can't say it enough it is just so good so so good to be back [Music] so this hike is one i used to bring groups of people up on uh kind of there's a super low amount of guests right now there there's really no need to bring anybody up here but hopefully in the next few weeks and a few months most likely uh we'll actually start getting a bit more traffic through here and i can show people just a little bit of this [Music] really been working on getting some friends from home to actually come down because to enter guatemala at the moment uh it actually isn't too complicated all you need is a negative covid test i got the tcr test which isn't that bad they shove a q-tip up your nose sometimes they say they go all the way up to your brain uh mine they just sort of went in the tip um yeah it came back negative came through customs uh show them the paper and it was pretty much a walk through so um i think it's cool that you know they're trying to find ways because they've got to stimulate their economy a little bit because there's not a whole lot of exports from guatemala from my understanding tourism is a really big part of that it does get a little steep apart so that's really all i have for this little put together video um if you're not afraid of having the test done i really think that you should try to get out and travel a little bit uh it's interesting seeing [Music] you know the foot traffic that's not here compared to what used to be and i'm really excited about the fact that i got to come back early and hopefully see this thing grow into a little bit more just see what it morphs into what kind of steps it takes and what the future of travel might actually look like whether that's you know i write about the concept of slow travel which is pretty much what i've been doing the last two years or so and that is you know you really take your time um not as many flights or so many people are working remotely now that there was there's kind of a theory saying like hey um i work remotely i don't have to have a permanent home uh so you can fly to a place like guatemala or somewhere else in central or south america or even eventually southeast asia when they do open and call that place home and really immerse yourself kind of into the culture of that place instead of just going there and seeing the highlights of the you know the the museum that you can't miss like if you're in europe and if you have to go to the louvre you have to go to the leaning tower of pisa you have to see the eiffel tower because those places they hold a lot of but they always held a lot of large groups and because of kovid people are you know avoiding large groups which it's only a natural reaction and i think it's going to be a few years until that that mindset actually really changes but until then i'm gonna keep exploring whatever options there are and ways i can think of to try to help people feel as comfortable as they can and get out and see the world a little bit because damn it's special i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: Kyle Halabura
Views: 2,420
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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