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[Music] before we begin this video we really wanted to acknowledge that there is danger in guatemala city as there is in every city and every country and we do understand that we may have gone to a little more wealthy areas while we explored guatemala city but our real goal of this video was to show guatemala city in a different light and show other tourists other locals and other travelers that it is somewhere that you can come to and have a good time so with that said enjoy the video [Music] welcome to another video from guatemala today we will be exploring guatemala city honestly everyone told us not to come here and for a variety of reasons they told us it was dangerous they told us there's nothing to see but everyone telling us that kind of made us want to come even more it did so we're super excited to be visiting guatemala city today and of course taking you along with us guatemala city is split into different zones we think there's around 25 of them however they all aren't safe for locals or honestly even tourists so because of this we will only be visiting the safer ones today we honestly don't have any specific things planned for today but we're just gonna kind of walk around the city and get a feel for it ourselves this guy over here is literally just walking around the city selling goat's milk like fresh coats milk to people if you want it then you could literally just get it on the side of the road should i try some i wouldn't right now we are in zone one which is like the center and the historical part of the city also we are on the sixth half walking street which has a ton of shops and it's kind of typically the most busy part of the city if you didn't already know guatemala city is actually the largest city in central america so as you can imagine there is a ton of people out and about [Music] we're literally the only tourists here at least we haven't really seen many others guatemala city doesn't have the best reputation so that's probably why not that many tourists come here but the goal of this video is to show you that there are parts that you can visit and feel safe in [Music] it is now time for us to leave zone one and head over to zone four which is just right down the street [Music] on our way to zone four we stumbled upon a little market we aren't going to show too much of it but if you do want to see a market in guatemala then check out our video from chichi castanongo which is linked right up here never been to latin america you're probably a little bit confused on what that was literally every single stoplight people run up to the cars to try to sell things and literally anything they could be selling like clothes food gum sometimes they're just juggling or like doing soccer ball tricks to try to get people to give them money it's it's pretty [Music] crazy we just arrived to zone four and it's already seeming way calmer than zone one the first thing you're going to do is grab a coffee for a little pick-me-up we just stumbled upon this kind of like hit boho walking area in zone four and honestly like not really what you would expect in a city that everyone tells you not to go to super nice to see and happy that we're coming across this [Music] change of plans we're going to get some food instead of coffee or maybe some coffee with the food we just got our food one thing that is so amazing about being in a big city is there's a ton of vegan and vegetarian options for alex and i excited to eat so good we got vegan buffalo chicken sandwiches so good zone four in guatemala city reminds us a lot like the district's roma and condensa in mexico city they're super trendy and hip and it's super nice it's now time for us to head to another zone we are going to zone 16. we actually couldn't find any public transportation around where we are so we decided to call an uber which is apparently the best way to get around guatemala city just arrived to zone 16 we are currently at cu dad kayala i think that's how you pronounce it but we found it online and we thought it was just like a nice little outdoor mall but it's actually extremely bougie and super nice [Music] no matter how dangerous people tell you places are or tell you that there's nothing to do there it's always so important to remember that there's always people living a normal life especially where we are right now like there's a ton of high schoolers middle schoolers out and about families hanging around kids playing and just living a very normal life yeah we always like need to remind ourselves that especially traveling that whenever we go places there's always good and evil like even in the worst places there's good and even the best places there's bad so it's super important to remember i think we're really happy that we didn't listen to other people's opinions about guatemala city and that we came and experienced it for ourselves [Music] well a police officer just came up to us and told us that we are not allowed to be filming here yeah he came up to us and told us that we need authorization to take photos or videos here because we have a professional style camera so i guess that is it for today you
Channel: Drew Samantha
Views: 75,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guatemala city, guatemala city travel, guatemala, things to do in guatemala city, travel guatemala city, guatemala travel vlog, guatemala city 2021, travel in guatemala, guatemala city vlog, ciudad de guatemala, ciudad de guatemala 2021, do not travel here, guatemala city 4k, guatemala city zona 1, guatemala city dangerous, guatemala city guatemala, guatemala city food, guatemala city tour, guatemala 2021, guatemala city tourism
Id: i3mYwI-DEfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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