Lake Atitlan Guatemala Travel Guide | 90+ Countries with 3 Kids

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hi I'm Chloe from Randolph reporters and I'm Julia and we would like to welcome you to like Epsilon holla [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you want to see the view to what we woke up to here at the border [Music] we are right now in Guatemala City just checking in and here's where we're staying for the night we're staying in a property that has three different properties so this is your bed it's really cool they like to paint their Janette and it comes with a cute little girl sleepy girl this is where we're staying tonight on our way down when you come into the city it goes down down down and then all of a sudden you see this like massive in this huge city and there's so many different like franchises like chuck-e-cheese yeah every franchise like if we drove by on the way down really well it's like being in the United States and then we arrived and it's a gated community so when you come in it's a gated community but it's like really a big huge community right and then you have the hotel there's your instruction that you find like only [Music] [Applause] the next morning we left from Guatemala City for a long car ride all the way to Lake atitlán over mountains beautiful sceneries ups and downs turns and twists and finally we arrived so after a I think was about four hour drive from Guatemala City then we arrived on the other side of the lake and we took a ferry boat over here and it was about a half an hour drive or not drive but boat ride so we came all the way here and this is called Sun pebbles and I Laguna and we're at that be the resort it's very beautiful it's right beside the little village stuff we finally arrived [Music] the head music playing like this all night you can hear in a distance which means some people it's it was Saturday night last night so some people were partying obviously all night long [Music] [Music] this is really cool so the Mayans that we're living in this area used to have saunas and then when the Spanish basically came and everyone else they took out most of the saunas but they they knew that it was healthy for you and at this place they have a sauna and it's gonna be just so nice I'm gonna go right now and enjoy it is it nice Chloe show me Chloe it's a small door this here is the sauna are you nice and warm yeah cuz I'm so hot seriously this is the door that you go into no way okay so this was their son is this is how the Mayans used to meet them and then they've destroyed them all so this one is an authentic one right yes is there a window or no so that's good and then they put they put up see like these leaves on here which make it smell really nice you can't really see it don't fog me cousin the steam let's keep the door shut let's shut the door yeah we had to hear it okay nice besides they make a fire and it warms up the rocks basically you can feel the humidity now it's almost like a pizza oven for people then so off we go we're right now going to walk over to San Juan so where it's my Vida is located is between two little villages so you've got Sun Quan over here and then you've got Sun Petra on that side and what we're gonna go discover is they has little local cafes there's a famous chocolate Turia chocolate area chocolate place place that serves chocolates and lots of different local paintings and art systems and stuff like that and one and with this one plant they can make like really cool shirts no they make different dice so we're gonna go and learn the process how they take the plant and they make them into the different colors yeah because one plant currently gives you different colors so and there's a market going on today so it's going to be really fun it's only about 10 15 minute walk away this here is a mime tree then they plant the lemons over there as well look at this little walkway the temperature here is it gets really cold at night and then during the day gets really nice and warm so you have to where you need to bring all kinds of clothing yeah straight and then when you see the little kids play park we're gonna turn and go up yeah their coffee because they have lots of coffee here look at their drawing them all up all here that's all coffee beans so we have different levels all the way over there and it distance you can see another one these ones are being worked on [Music] music starting you ago I was hoping for another done for you cuz I need another dance we need another chance I'm waiting [Music] so how many mangoes to be a dollar fifty just I think we just found the cocky spot let's go looking for the confirm Cathy hmm and so it's that muy bien no really good okay let's go stairs oh yeah yep she makes it up here look Chloe we have a little table altar sighs it's beautiful view [Music] you actually here is where they teach how to do some of the weaving and all the local deities [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the way they they make the thread is it starts off by being cotton and and there's two different colors there's white and brown they're spacious hello and what's really cool is that they take this and I never knew this but the way it works is that when you pull this the way they do this is that the check the cotton in it becomes thread and I never knew that this is how they make cotton balls and it takes them three days and they work three hours in the day three hours later in the day and it makes the cotton mouth so then they take the cartoon and then they dye them the colors but they use the different kind of things like carrots to get orange all right and your title branches to get brown or cool to get black and there's some of them they're like reefs like this and it makes two colors on a full moon there's only two kinds law to a tree and this say keep it in there please and then it makes I gotta for me to makes a dark color and with no moon it makes this color not amazing that's crazy show us the pink I thought that was such a pretty color this one's from insects from insects and they cook it for how long again well they all depend like the bugs they have for one month lemon juice and then they boil them and they all depend on different things but they're really cool so what they do is they put the fried basic clean banana juice like banana water and then they boil their like there whatever I just do this one was beets let's say so when once the and then with the beets they put it in and then a mixture color and then they rinse it again with the banana water and then picking it up I'm gonna hang it in the the hang it in the shade cuz if they put it in the Sun y'all took away the color and it take you it takes two hours to make a Fred ball and then like they use this and it's been guava roll it so it's easier to use this and this is how to make multicolor things so they like did this process and then they repeat it and it makes it this kind of like multi colors and then from there they can go and make them from there and I maybe it's when they start weaving it to mimic different I mean it takes them well this one you first start to take it takes like up to 15 I'm cooked a month or so no gives you an appreciation for what it takes just to make one item a grows as it says the name of who made it mm-hmm the price so it's really cool where are we going to now girls yeah Wow it's a colorful Chocolate Factory oh my goodness they have coconut ginger macadamia nut orange cinnamon let's try it tastes like a brownie so they got 50% chocolate we got to the dark one 70% and this one they got me so good as a comparative Swiss chocolate I think they get to chuck the cocoa beans from here is us yeah gotcha Lee can you go host me first we're gonna take this tuk-tuk right here to the next little village called San Pedro this is gonna be interesting we're all feeding on this little tech tech here [Music] [Music] here's a perfect map that we just found lake active gun and I'm gonna explain to you a little bit about some of the different little villages so this one here is the largest one and it's where Melissa the tourists come in because you can get all the tax cheap little ferry boats that go alter out and here they have this big massive market tons of hotels upscale little scales like everything so you probably saw the footage that we have that's just huge market goes on and on and then you can take boats all the way where we are right now I'm dependable and here it's a pretty it's bigger it's the second largest city here on the lake or village and it's very true sticky there's a lot of things that seem to bend one is where we were earlier where we saw the leading and so that's what it's bit smaller a little less tourist icky and quieter so feels more in that and here in San Marcos if you're into doing yoga or any kind of relaxation or meditation it's a very spiritual place to go and see so there's tons of activities to do on the lake Panama City - Debbie - book respectable which is yeah I read around yeah and then we went to Costa Rica to San Jose yeah to Tamarindo and then we went to Nicaragua he went to a town called Sun fun then we went and we were in Grenada can you find Grenada on there yes read on the way yeah I'm the Lake Nicaragua and then we went to Leon uh-huh and then we took a bus all the way from Rogers [Music] some Salvador yeah right there and then we went to Guatemala now on the lake [Music] my voice is just a call away you don't have to be afraid you don't have to be a friend I'll keep you safe on that day I'll be wearing wanna be a sunny where you I'll be your rock I'll be met - aside from where it all began you're more so it's surprising for us here in this little villages they only take cash almost every single place we went and they only have certain banks so depending on your bank card it may or may not like it in our case it doesn't like our bank card so you can't buy anything at the start so we're a little bit stuck so we need to find the placement [Music] [Music] okay girls where are we going to today Denmark oh so we're gonna take a boat ride we're waiting for our boat he's coming to pick us up at the hotel here at the dots and San Marco if I'm not incorrect it's somewhere over there in a distance so San Marco is the village that's like very spiritual apparently there is tons of expats so I'm excited to go discover it and I'm really hoping that there's a bank machine there actually cuz I'm having a hard time pulling out money so I need to find the the one winter machine that's gonna let us put cash if not we're gonna be stuck here so we won't be able to leave [Music] today's the big day - we're gonna go over to Patna Chen they shortened it for Penna and we're gonna go over there and discover that little city quickly before we take our next ride over to Antigua [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm just reading some of the events living out here and San Marco is very kind of hippie in the spiritual and have all these different things so I have a tribal village full moon celebration dance then you've got all these different kind of things going on renew repair would have embodied ancestry whatever this one is so yeah everything kind of natural spiritually right when you're coming in off the ducks here they have a big huge board of all the different activities in favor I have going on well we definitely seen so many health food stores and kind of like places that offer courses on well-being and different smells of in senses and it's just a very different feel here [Music] this place here does cooking classes where you can learn how to do authentic what the Milan physique [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching our tour of Lake atitlán here in Guatemala please subscribe give us a big thumbs up and comment down below while you're watching from me love to know see you soon bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Growing Up Without Borders
Views: 26,437
Rating: 4.9667773 out of 5
Keywords: Growing Up Without Borders, family travel, Family Travel Vlog, Worldschoolers, family vlog, world travel vlog, travel, travel advice, Lake Atitlan, lake atitlan guatemala, lake atitlan san marcos, Guatemala, guatemala vlog, Lake Atitlan vlog, lago atitlan, panajachel, San pedro, san marcos guatemala, what to do around lake atitlan, guatemala travel guide, why go to lake atitlan, Towns of lake atitlan, mayans, jaibalito lake atitlan, things to do in panajachel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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