Flying to a deserted island on my paramotor!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Flightfullbot 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what is going on friends and fellow paramotor enthusiasts welcome to part 2 of our Bahamas adventure today's actually day 2 of the mission yesterday we arrived we tested the air and found out it was pretty gnarly today is looking quite a bit better the mission for today is actually going to be pretty sick we're gonna try to launch from a beach right around here in this marina and then fly about 10 miles down the coast and land on an uninhabited little island and it's actually kind of rare to find one around here that's both uninhabited and landable a lot of them just have like vegetation or not enough beach or just jagged coral looking stuff that you can't land on so we found one that we think is good it has about a 200 some foot sandy bit depending on where the tide is at so I think the mission for today is going to be to fly over there hopefully land and not get stuck in the middle of nowhere so I'm pretty stoked we're just getting the day going mixing up some gas drinking some coffee this is gonna be rad time [Music] all right so first step of this mission paramotor starts on the big boat then it goes on the dinghy then from the dinghy it goes on to the trailer bicycle trailer bicycle to the beach beach launch deserted island [Music] and how do I not eat going down this [Music] all right we're down here on the beach just about ready to go got everything set up I've got flotation double one on the motor one on my body we've got radios for the boat we've got a satellite phone messenger thing we've got a normal phone we've got all the safety gear and precautions ready for this mission so chase cam spectators are ready they're in the background we're gonna take off and go down the beach and hopefully just find that island we'll Park it there hopefully not have any issues and explore a completely abandoned Island so let's see how this launch goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a time to be alive this is just beautiful when the Sun comes out up here this water just looks like straight-up kool-aid got just a little bit of ridge lift going on here [Music] all right so here's the short dirty plan my man Canyon and Dan are taking the bike back to the boat they're gonna hop on the boat I'm gonna chase them out as they leave and then they're gonna sort of follow me a little bit down to the abandoned island just in case something happens lo be there is back up so I'm gonna go ahead and power down my GoPro so we saved that battery life we'll pick up over at the boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all right so this is it we're back to the coast and where I'm headed is somewhere out there were events I looked at a bunch of maps Google Maps and like voting charts and stuff I have a pretty good idea of where we're going hopefully we land on the right Island freakin boats man I have never like been around boats my whole life so poor on the boat those guys are like go on tie that rope and I'm like how do you tie a knot we got the sick wiener cord mod going on the throttle the screws stripped last night so Canyon tied it back on it's working a perfect we got a bird up here sod it all right we're coming up on our abandoned island hopefully we have a smooth approach the wind is pretty strong and I'm coming into this like completely by myself so I have to be extra careful that I don't like get drug into the water or something crazy like that the boat is well behind us they're not going to be caught up for a while so I'm gonna be arriving into this place by my own just put a post up on the Instagram you're not following an Instagram it is a Tucker got on the instagrams follow me for like live updates before things get uploaded to YouTube there she is that's our island it's gonna be all to ourselves just flown hands off all the way down the beach like 10 miles absolutely beautiful let's descend and maybe we'll sneak in a little touch and go wind is strong though that's the only thing and we're talking some pretty high wind situation here dang look at that water spray from the crashing waves oh yeah this is majestic check this action out I can just Park it wherever I want Oh chase Pam no she took a hit GoPro flopped off I'm gonna do a touch-and-go will recover the chase cam later holy razor's rocks [Applause] [Music] while that is gnarly [Applause] all right let's come in for spot landing number two here all right we're gonna bring her down to the left all right so bandeau island all to ourselves try to get this wrapped up just a little bit before she tumbleweeds away poor lady Mildred took a hit Mildred the chaise cam of a hobo on Tucker gasps huh just don't make your line as long as your glider lines you're freakin JC I won't hit your prop we'll get her duct tape up duct taped up all right this is it got the motor and the wing kind of stowed man cannot get any better than this I'm just gonna walk around this island see if there's anything interesting to explore flying a paramotor to an abandoned island part one as always feel free to make fun of my sock damn this water is actually nice and cool it's pretty refreshing so I guess I don't have to really worry about anyone stealing my motor there's no one out here to steal it so this is it I just walked from one end to the other tiny little island I measured the landing area on Google Maps to be about 200 something feet I was standing back behind these trees that I was looking at from the air and when you're standing behind the trees there's like no when completely blocked so the other side no trees you've got so much wind that the glider is just like pulling you into the sky well I'm back to the other side where my motor is stowed absolutely no sign of the bow paramotor travel and the islands it's officially faster much faster than belt travel I got to go take some pictures of my motor sitting over here with the background and the crashing waves it's just poetic check out these little snail dudes I'm just walking around chillin looking at the vegetation rock formations and I think I actually see the boat way on the horizon coming this way permit if I got you on the horizon beautiful arrival way to grab water Brad all right we got Mills with the chase scam button back up with a rubber band got the chase boat here to get some sweet footage about to depart all right here goes nothing only obstacle is we got to climb over that jagged rock formation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back at it up in the air what a excellent mission all right here we go that's our island we were just on just a little bit down way doesn't look like much but right ahead it looks like there's a nice little sandy patch we got the chase boat in action I think I'm gonna try to shoot a touch-and-go here it's like bush pilot stuff shout out the Trent Palmer but he could learn his Kitfox right here [Music] ever so gentle fully and the chaise cam goes by my side that one-step takeoff [Applause] [Music] check this out just hiding on a little island in the middle of nowhere parking it on another Island who three abandon islands check this out we're down here a little bit away from our abandoned island there's totally a shipwreck gonna I saw that from a distance but I couldn't tell it I was over it and it looks like there's steak raised or something all right my friends I'm gonna make this quick because our GoPro battery is dying we made it down here to this beautiful little golf course and I think this is going to be our turning point there should be somewhere around 20 miles just look at that blue ass water I got to go all the way back up the coast and I want to make sure I've got enough gas because this way I have a little more headwind than the opposite direction I wanted to show you guys one more thing before we sign off just in case you wanted to buy a place in the Bahamas I have got the deal for you this place up here they decided to write on the roof that it's for sale what kind of marketing is that I mean right now it's probably pretty good marketing cuz who would have thought a paramotor would have flown over it and read the number off but if you want to buy this place the numbers four seven seven five five eight one four a beautiful turquoise colored home in the Bahamas got solar-powered so random alright I'm gonna sign off we'll pick up at the landing alright here we are back at the beach it's time to come in for the final landing conditions seem a little bit stronger than they were when I launched my aptitude go-around actually getting ridge lift here yeah we're gonna have to set that up differently kitchen lift off the ridge [Music] swing it this way perfect landing Oh a scam to the prop put it down like that and run towards her Oh job well done the guys aren't back on the boat yet but uh shout-out to you guys for the support on this mission [Music] all right so it's me from the future it got a little late last night and I didn't get a chance to film an outro so here it is flying to the abandoned Beach and several other abandoned beaches freaking life goal of type of stuff I was thinking about it like the type of content I want to bring to this channel varies I've got a lot of different goals some of which is just casual flying having fun and inspiring you guys to check out paramotoring some of it is kind of pushing the envelope of what is possible with the paramotor and I think this video kind of fits in that category of sort of outlandish stuff that a lot of people don't really do I'm super fortunate to have the opportunity to do things like this so I really hope you guys enjoyed this adventure if you did smash the like button leave a comment down below do all the things especially check out team fly halo linked in the description they're the ones putting on this whole adventure trip additionally check out my website down below if you want some sweet paramotor related merch and yeah I'm just super happy super grateful that we got to do that and by the way yesterday I was thinking like how can we top this today me from the future we topped it so I'm gonna say go ahead and subscribe if you haven't yet because we did something today which will be the next video I post that was insane so get stoked for that it's gonna be awesome thank you guys for watching until the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Tucker Gott
Views: 4,220,904
Rating: 4.9063382 out of 5
Keywords: paramotor, tucker, gott, tucker gott, paramotor crash, paramotor accident, paramotor training, adventure, gopro, flying, airplane, paragliding, pilot, aviation, flying to mcdonald's, mcdonald's, flying to mcdonald's on my paramotor, bahamas, sailing, deserted island, 24 hour challenge, desert, ocean, island, ship wreck, shipwreck, ship
Id: adIF-62MmBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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