Flying from Cleveland to Florida and Back: Vacation Trip in my Cozy MKIV Airplane

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welcome to Canard Boulevard I am Scott and today I'm going to take you along on a flight from my new airport here 1g5 minina just outside of Cleveland Ohio and we're going to fly down to Florida for a week we have friends in Florida we're going to stay at their house and take care of their house and their dogs for a week and then come back so my wife and I are packed up in the Cozy along with lots of bags and whatnot and we're set to go as soon as uh all the traffic gets out of the way and there's quite a bit of traffic this day because as you can see it is a gorgeous day for flying it's nice and cool out beautiful blue skies no clouds TN twin go ahead and cross you can see there's a twin there that was uh waiting to cross the runway so I just told him to go ahead weather for the entire trip down looks beautiful just like you see here today minina traffic experimental 797 Delta Lima departing 27 Medina all D traffic 81 Fox DRS clear Runway 27 theis spe's alive 32 35 there's 40 there's 50 and 60 back pressure 65 70 and [Music] rotate hey and gear up pitch for [Music] vxa [Applause] [Music] B and M Traffic experimental 79er 7 Delta Lima is the parting to the South C approach experimental 79er 7 Delta Lima VFR request experimental 797 Delta liead uh 797 Delta Lima is an experimental cozy just off of one golf 5 like fight following a 9,500 to kilo uniform kilo foxt please stand by for COD 797 Delta Lima blck 7441 7441 present Del L 797 2 mil North ofth airport on 9,500 Del Lima 9,500 on7 Del Li contact approach 125.5 1255 7 spr 686 contact clel center 12077 here Cleveland approach experimental 79 7 Delta Lima level climbing 4,000 797 Delta Lima 32 32 percept Li so it was a cold day aoft and despite the new heater fan that I did put in it did make a difference uh it it definitely blew some a lot more air warm air in but the temperature of the air is nowhere near what it needs to be it's just not picking up enough heat off the exhaust muff uh the Shroud that that surrounds the exhaust pipe that gives it the heat so I'm going to have to uh do some rework on the exhaust and heating system in this airplane because my wife in back was freezing and she let me know in no uncertain terms Delta Lima Contact Indianapolis Center 12445 445 for 7 Delta LMA good day yeah hang on a second I got to talk to the Indie Center experimental 7 Niner 7 Delta LMA level ner 500 7 7 Delta Li Center Park 38 38 7 Delta Li what what do you need uh is the heat on oh no so I turned the heat on but uh and I did tell I could tell that it's actually blowing warm air up by me so uh it made a difference my my feet were definitely warmer uh however it wasn't making much difference for her in the back and I realized there are no heat outlets for the rear seat passenger so I'm going to have to uh put some in there so that we do at least get some warm air back there I don't feel the heat I'm freezing uh let me see you turned it on yeah it's definitely on boy it's uh it's only a bit warm it's not that hot huh definitely on though uh but it's not working it is it's just it's not it's warm not hot that's not going to do any good especially for me back here yeah I don't know you want my jacket to put over you this is Tango you want us over tower now Tango uh you got oh yeah I'm sorry about that yep we got the airport no worries contact to 1237 and in doing so I managed to knock the camera off its Mount so that was the end of all our inflight video for the trip down to Florida unfortunately except for uh this portion here that uh my wife managed to take video of the takeoffs and Landing simply because she knew that the camera uh had gotten knocked off so here we are so here's our approach into K UKF which is wils County North Carolina an airport that I picked for two reasons one because it had cheap Fuel and second uh you can see the mountains right there and if we stopped before that we would be in high elevation mountains and having to take off from a 5,000 foot Runway uh I saying 5,000 foot elevation Runway we're here we're only at about 1300 ft if I remember correctly so this was about 2 hours in and we didn't really need fuel I mean we can go for 5 hours with an hour Reserve in this airplane but uh um we definitely needed a bathroom break and took the opportunity to take on some cheap fuel while we're at it we saw some absolutely beautiful scenery on the way I did see this forest fire uh which was actually creating a bit of smoke at altitude so finished at kuk KF fueled up had some uh free snacks inside and off we go and of course no inflight video here just what my wife managed to video on the way uh we had to detour around Charlotte because they wouldn't let me go through the class Bravo and then we went over top of Savannah and then hooked a little bit left to avoid a prohibited area and here we are coming into F Fernandina Beach uh which is in Florida just outside of Jacksonville and this is where we will be staying for the week Fernandina Beach has a beautiful beautiful airport three very long runways in a triangle so no matter which way the wind is going you got a good Runway the FBO is beautiful everything about this airport is really nice and what do you know a half decent Landing you might notice that I've taken off my sweater and I'm out in a t-shirt because we're in Florida and it's much much warmer than it was so we put the airplane to bed for the night and spent a week walking around Florida seeing the sights walking with the dogs seeing these amazing trees they're just the 100y old trees with Spanish moss hanging off them and they have them hanging over the roads everywhere it's absolutely beautiful we had a wonderful time while we were here spent lots of time downtown sample some restaurants so it's goodbye to beautiful Fernandina Florida the heading out and going back to the cold and snow and Miser misery of Cleveland Ohio just getting packed up finished the pre flight getting ready to go lots of traffic here today some fluffy clouds we'll get above that pretty quick and get on our way berand traffic experimental 797 Delta Lima departing 04 Fernandina and of course all good things come to an end so it's time to head home this is a week later ready you ready we actually were planning to come back the next day uh with the day following that as it was a reserved day for weather but uh the weather at home in Cleveland looked really bad so we actually left a day early it's a good thing we we did because the weather really did turn crappy for a while after we returned K's alive and there is 60 65 and 70 nose back and rotate at 75 nice everything's in the green pitch for VX no remaining Runway gear up how their CHD doing not bad 389 a little hot it's heading there 390 I'll wait till we get to 1,000 we'll power back I'll get through the scattered layera traffic experimental 797 Delta Lima departing to the north Jack approach November 797 Delta Lima VFR request 797 Delta Lima Jack request 797 Del is experimental off of Fernandina we would like a flight following to kilo uniform uh kilo Fox Trot at 9,500 please verify the destination is uniform kilo Fox Trot uh kilo uniform kilo Fox Trot what type experimental experimental cozy Jack jump six minute from jumpers one prior to parachute jump operations at the front beachport in 1 minute 10,000 ft number 797 Delta Lima altimer 3020 reset transponder squat 1622 1622 for 7 Delta Lima 5488 turn right hitting 230 to C maintain 6,000 Vector toward final right 230 down to 6,000 5488 November 797 Del contact 5 mil North F Beach Airport maintain VFR below 4,500 CH advis say alud leaving all right leaving 2,300 for 4,500 7 D I'll let you know when you continue your clim if you like 7 thank youting 60 160 heading Amer 772 you can see a light scattered layer that was just starting to form as we left and had no problem climbing up through that it was kind of nice to see nice little po November 77 Delta Lima altitude your discretion contact center 26.75 675 for 7 Delta Lima and altitude my discretion thanks half good day it's cleared up phom in on the runway 4 on have a apprach there reduce your speed it's there well was practical for now we get you in there and lower here for victory in a moment Roger uh slow to uh slow down for 769 call block Jack approach 79 7 Delta Lima with you climbing through 4,500 for 9,500 797 Delta Lima Jack maintain VFR Al 3021 and what you climbing to uh 9,500 302 21 for 7 traffic 12:00 8 mil southbound Piper 8,000 has the traffic I was on the uh the uh cozy um Facebook group weekly call last night and uh was on a Friday night and they they uh actually one of the members emailed me and said hey we're talking about you in your YouTube channel you might want to join Jo to hear all the nice things being said about you so I ended up talking to those guys for probably about an hour last night it was it was a a nice chat learned a few things uh so it was it was great to talk with those guys and uh the one thing I did find out turn 20° to the left vor's clim I did find out there's quite a few cozy Builders who are building their airplanes that uh look to my channel and channels like mine that show flying their cozies places and that's like motivation for them to build their airplanes and and as well as you know learning what it's going to be like to fly around in their cozy once it's completed so uh you know I hadn't even thought about that when I started this YouTube channel that people building their cozies would be looking to this but uh that's fantastic I love hearing that that um that what I'm doing here I'm not just flying around going places is of some motivation to you guys so uh yeah that's great I I'm really pleased to hear that and what are we doing here we're getting close to leveling off 9955 500 ft so we will pull the fuel Back Lean a peak right now I'm doing 13 gallons per hour and uh we'll come back to probably about 8 and 1 12 this [Music] altitude St Simon clearance par 91 you Center Roger maintain level 2 0 Jacksonville Center Skyhawk November 65628 we're with you at 6,500 65628 Jack Cent Alim BR 3020 and maintain VFR and field 3020 altimer 628 uh we're going to begin our descent down into St Sim maintain altit discretion there we are trueing out at 160 knots ground speed of 162 and 7.7 gallons per hour1 how do you hear 79 Victor kilo if you hear Jack go to Jack 12757 acknowledge ident 797 Delta Lima cont approach 25.3 1253 for 7 hey departure exact at 581 is checking on 1500 for 2,000 left turn direct Smalls approach November 7 ner 7 Delta Li level ,500 581 departure ident maintain 1 10,000 okay here's the ident up to 10,000 for 581 second call again 7 ner 7 Delta L VFR 9500 Delta apprach 325 3025 7 581 radar contact north of Hil airport clear direct small we're doing it and we're leaving this scattered layer behind which we could see on the uh the Garment pilot charart you can see that the scattered layer there and we're up here and you can see we're about at the end of it there's the coast and out there is nothing but ocean for several thousand miles over here we have swamp and alligators don't usually gets such a uh gentle crosswind we're only three knots from uh 060 and and we're currently hitting uh5 so if you look the velocity Vector is almost right in the center that little green circle normally it's way off to one side cuz we just got Wicked winds off one side or the other but uh interesting to see that it's holding right in the middle there I like seeing these guys here he's 20 24,000 ft above me and there he is way up there class Charlie Sav right [Applause] there 2000 that's fine L the traffic right on the surface at Savannah you can see there the ones in brown are actually on the ground this guy's well he's below us and he's just climbing out so this little jog the reason I am heading up to Savannah uh and then turn over Savannah is that there is um a uh restricted area 29 turn left heading n z so this kind of like9 little bit of a jog around that restricted area so we don't infringe on that lifar one turn right heading Z Z we definitely uh have picked up some more headwind you can see we're up to 11 knots now and uh so our ground speed is down to 156 even though we're tring out at 164 headwinds increase is now a little bit more off to the right so our velocity Vector is now off left a little bit fortunately we don't have a um bad weather today in Cleveland we're actually our original plan was to head home tomorrow with Monday held in reserve in case of bad weather tomorrow however the forecast for both tomorrow and Monday is bad with snow and ice and rain and uh surface freezing um just not good flying weather in Cleveland so we headed home a day early because uh there's while there's no precept today we do have some clouds in Cleveland but nothing we can get under and uh we'll we'll get in there no [Applause] problem actually I'm looking at the weather right now for Cleveland and uh it's actually looking uh better than I thought I was expecting a uh overcast layer at 3500 but uh it looks like our ceiling there is going to be uh a broken layer at 12,000 so that's that's even better we'll have no problem getting in there however it looks like we have definitely got some clouds at uh WS County let's see 7 tangle contact Jack Center 124 point up yeah we got a 3500t ceiling there that's uh no bueno the mountains above there that are that's uh not good the marginal VFR we may have to replan your six from auu turn left heading 140 maintain 2,200 cyber clear is Runway 111 and colia November 797 L but we're going to redirect to kilo Sierra Victor Hotel some and just as what happened on the way down when I got close to Charlotte they did not want me intruding on their class Bravo uh on the way down they just said unable even though there wasn't much traffic they weren't busy but uh this guy he um he helped me out a bit he brought me around a bit and then took me up and underneath the class Bravo Shelf at the top there so it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been but I definitely didn't get to go straight through 797 Del Lima contact ATL Center 12.15 all 7 Del Lima we'll go ahead and cancel we we're fairly [Music] close exch thanks for your [Music] help ill traffic experimental 79er 7 Delta limo will be overflying the field to 2500 turning to enter left down for one Z State and St so region P sport short final 10 Touch and Go this will TR than master5 uniform pop about 5 mil to the north descending to 2,000 setting up for down 1 one0 uh looking for the traffic in the pattern St Statesville traffic experimental 79er 7 Delta 45 for 1 Z Statesville full stop 45 experimental on a 45 how far out are you uh 79er 7 Delta Lima now downwind midfield for one Z Statesville all right we got you in sight we're pulling up for Clos traffic on 10 70 Char traffic Sky Master uniform on about a 3 M 45 now for down one one Z looking for traffic switches else he gear is in the green and the sky master has traffic on downwind Insight 7 Charlie Julia at statei Regional we've got the expand in front of us on left downwind and so they two of us on left downwind master has got one that's about Midfield that be me 7 Char I'm just going to make this a wide down until I have both you guys sight and STV traffic experimental 79 7 Delta Lima left base 1 Z 500 and stfi traffic 797 Del L experimental final one Z full stop Sky master has traffic on down and inside all and Statesville Regional 7day Charlie it's going to be turning left base now with the experimental and final Insight experim fin you have full stop so we taxied into this nice little airport uh there was actually some other traffic uh as you heard in the pattern all once coming in I saw a little mu2 here I pointed out to my wife as a absolute suicide airplane and uh we parked here and shut down eventually this stop took a little bit longer than we expected because uh after I got fuel I went in to pay for the fuel and they tried to charge me for 38 gallons and I know my cozy does not burn 38 gallons of 100 lowed in two hours so I said something's wrong and and he said NOP I I definitely checked it that's that's the correct amount and I started thinking well I definitely just filled it when I left Fernandina Beach there's no way I burned 38 gallons because the fuel toer would have would have shown that up so that I thought well if it lost 38 gallons of fuel in two hours of flight that means there's a massive leak somewhere so I went outside to have a look cuz if there's that much fuel leaking out of the airplane there's going to be blue stains all over I checked there is no fuel stains anywhere on the airplane I checked the uh the g3x totalizer and it definitely showed 19.2 gallons was burned not 38 so I went back in and I said there's there's something definitely not right I told to myself my airplane shows that it burned 19.2 gallons there's no evidence of it leaking I said are you sure your guy reset the counter before he did the fuel he's and the kid is like yeah yeah I'm sure I did it I said well can you maybe get the books and uh check the start and end uh fuel numbers on that delivery just to be sure so the manager went out and got the book from the fuel truck and sure enough it actually only took 20 gallons of fuel not 38 so it was the the line kid uh didn't reset the counter before he started so I'm glad I caught that because that would have been an expensive fuel up so now I'm back in the airplane and it started up and I've got a problem in that I've got an error in the communication for the pitch Servo which means I have no autopilot and I I don't really want to handly this airplane for 2 hours I mean it's not that it's turbulent or anything and it's not the end of the world but uh I'd rather have this working properly so I thought what is going on here I figured that maybe if I just cycle the power of the g3x that will solve the problem so I tried doing that I tried turn off the the radio master and turn it back on everything booted back up and it still had the same error uh I took a a image of the error on both the uh g3x primary and multifunction displays because it shows the different error it shows the message uh box of the error and um then I Googled it and I found somebody that had the same issue and he said you actually had to reboot the servo I thought well the only way I can really do that is just by kill the master for the entire airplane so I'll just kill shut off the master shut off everything so that's what I did okay so now the engine of course it's an airplane so the engine kept running because it has a Magneto on there and uh once everything booted up no more errors and we're ready to go Statesville traffic November 79 OR7 Delta Lima departing one Z Statesville you ready and we have 2300 RPM everything's in the [Music] green Air speed's alive we got 40 50 and 60 no pressure back and there's 70 and [Music] rotate positive rate no remaining Runway Gear Up tht is climbing we're at 51 let's get some cool air safe traffic AC be flying over over the field about 3200 ft all right little bit of a cruise climb get her speed up get the chts [Music] down and St traffic M 77 Delta L departing the [Applause] north approach November 797 Del Lima VFR request vfi request stand by who is the call sign looking for fight following it was November 7 ner 7 Delta Lima No 7 Niner 7 Delta lius clock 1752 752 for7 Delta Lima 77 Delta Lima radar contact 12 mil north of the Statesville airport what's your aircraft type and destination aircraft types experimental cozy we're looking for one golf 5 at 8500 remember s Delta liar Rog you said one Golf five is your destination s Delta Li affirmative okay maintain VFR the H is 3027 30277 got that traffic and here's the reason why we had to divert this is the UN forecast layer that uh just appeared over the airport that we were going to stop at hey if you haven't done it yet click like on this video and please subscribe to the channel it really helps me out when you do that and helps me create more and more videos like this one why not do it now there we see mountains here's the layer that caused us to divert the airport we were going to be stopping at is right below this and then it ends at their mountains so we couldn't really get out from underneath it unless we punched through it and it's a pretty solid layer so that wouldn't have happened we would have had to turn around go south to get above it and then turn around to come back which doesn't make much sense plus we would have had a scud run below it and it's only about uh 2,000 ft AGL the base of it so uh that was a good decision they had to pay more for fuel but uh at least uh we're we're safe and it ends right as soon as we get to the mountains you can see Atlant center Rogers after lindz direct Parker it was very interesting watching the mountains suddenly rise up out of the ground I love this area of country and then if you look at the clouds below us compared to the cus clouds above us you can really see the difference in the direction they're going because of the difference in the direction of the Winds at those altitudes you know we're almost an hour into this 2hour leg and uh we got uh an hour and 15 minutes to go and um I find myself wishing that this was a lot longer because it's so beautiful up here I'm looking at these mountains and it's a you see some Mist over those mountains and it's smooth and calm and the engine and the airplane is just running perfectly and this is just a really nice place to be and I just wish I could just sit up here all day long um it really is a a dream come true to be able to have this airplane and fly it around and go to all these places that are far away that you could never do by car in a reasonable day trip so you know a 4-Hour flight to Florida is a dream for most people and here I am living that dream so I am extremely appreciative of the fact that I have the ability to do this that I can afford to do this that I have uh the skills to do this and uh the support to be able to do this so uh I definitely do not take this for granted I really love and appreciate this um that that flying's been a part of my life since I was a little kid and uh I don't know I I can't imagine not doing this all right back to Flying check my instruments check my engine check my you know the deal just for last I thought I'd tune in a VR because uh there aren't many left and there it is I tuned it in and uh I don't know if you can see that but it it worked I can hear it there 65 pop Tango Charleston approach Charleston alimer 3020 you see I got a distance and radio so there's my VR it's definitely working back when I first started flying the time that I'm doing right now just following the the magenta line uh Del Lima change to my frequency 12.1 241 7 Lima and seven Delta Lima is up on 241 Delta Lima got you loud clear now 3020 3020 7 so back uh when I was uh first flying back in the '90s um when I learned to fly and got my commercial tickets on instead of sitting here following this Venta line I would be sitting here tuning in vs and then getting know my chart and triangulating and and you know real pilotage stuff to make sure that I was going where I thought I was going um and that's uh a skill that's folling by the wayside I suppose that along with ADF and lauran and uh uh I actually had to do an ADF approach on my instrument check ride as well as a DME Arc so uh those things I don't even know that they hardly exist anymore it's a new realm I can't say I don't I can't say I miss vs and ADF tracking with wind correction you know angles and all that nonsense um I I definitely fully Embrace GPS and uh modern navigation and modern instrumentation avionics uh I I definitely wouldn't want to go back Follow The Line follow the flight [Applause] director it's all good but here's this guy coming across at 27,000 ft above me United Airlines 358 and there he is curving a trail across the sky look at this we've been flying for an hour and according to this we've used 9.9 gallons that's including the climb to 8,500 ft which means I have 42 gallons remaining and at this burn rate I have 4 hours and 58 minutes endurance remaining which means I actually started with 6 hours remaining or 6 hours of fuel at this speed um I don't have a 6-h hour bladder however of course you're not going to fly 6 hours cuz you'd run out of fuel but even 5 hours um it's just incredible that I've been flying for an hour and not including wind 737 alpha alpha I'd like to cancel flight following we have a change of plan and uh you 5 hours uh remaining that would get me 800 nautical miles to go and we've already gone at least a couple hundred nautical miles so uh uh that's pretty incredible very efficient airplane show we're getting 22 m per gallon it calculates so that's pretty good for an airplane um very very efficient airplane very fast this is a cross country monster this airplane I really love it love this airplane when I was a young kid in Canada and I'm talking like 12 or 13 uh there wasn't the internet so they had copy serve and on the compy serve system I was 75616 comma 570 that was my ID I still remember it they had a uh CB simulator where you could talk and chat in text uh with other people from around the world I started talking to this young girl my age and uh we ended up spending hours chatting back and forth and she was from from Parkersburg West Virginia and I always thought I wonder where that is I'll never be there well there it is there's parkerburg there's parkerburg West Virginia right there so it took me uh 40 years or so to get here but here I [Applause] am and by the way this is uh all being shot on the inov k6 camera which I did a review on uh recently I'll put a link to that review in this description of this video and you can win your own in of k6 beginning December 1st I have a contest where I will be giving away one of these inov k6 camera systems for free if you want to win this inov k6 camera system uh go to the video where I do the review there's links to the contest and more information there and you can see where I've got it set up in mind I've got it uh mounted in the bow right above in the canopy there and I've got a GoPro Mount that's got it facing forward and that's my forward facing camera and of course this is a little uh well I right now I'm using it as a handheld I don't know what I'll end up using it for but I could mount it somewhere I could just keeping it as a handheld but anyway so if you want one of these inov k6 camera systems for free uh check out that video and uh enter the contest it goes from December 1st to December 31st here we are leaving behind the Glorious Sunny Blue Skies of Southern Ohio and heading towards the Perpetual gray overcast that is Cleveland in winter so you can see that overcast and that's pretty much what we see all winter long in Cleveland the sun just goes away and we don't see it again for a few months unless we come down here to Southern Ohio which we see sun and blue skies it really kind of sucks in Cleveland in the winter contact Cleveland approach now1 125.5 and have a great day 125.5 for 7 D thanks for help Liv approach 7007 Delta Li 8,500 7 7 Del Lima leave 33 3237 Del Li the overcast layer that we're coming underneath here is actually quite a bit higher than forecast so that was nice to see as well clear approach 797 Delta Lima has the field in sight we'll go ahead and cancel with you 7 Roger radar termin frequ change group come efr thanks thanks for your help minina traffic experimental 79er 7 Delta Lima is 10 to the South inbound will'll be crossing over the field join left down9 [Applause] minina is cold we got a temperature inversion here cuz the farther down we go the colder it's getting we're only at 34° here now and uh the meager heat in this airplane is definitely not keeping up it is rigid in here traffic November 797 Delta Lima experimental crossing over the field 2 700 will be joining the left down with bur 9 Medina the traffic 6543 Echo is back to X9 then traffic Amad where are you at uh we are now north of the field we're going to be turning back inbound to join the 45 for Runway 9 downwind okay 43 Echo departing Runway 9 or midina din traffic experimental 7 Niner 7 Del Lima on the 45 for the downwind runway n Dina din traffic experimental 79 7 Delta Lima downwind Runway 9 Medina din traffic November 797 Delta Lima base Runway 9 full stop 43 Echo has a traffic turning base in sight we're departing to the Southwest over the airport 500 of traffic November 79007 Delta Lima turning final full stop Runway 9 minina I [Applause] e so that was the end of our Florida trip a beautiful flight down beautiful flight back uh we managed to skip the weather that was to arrive the next day and hang on for a few days after that we got to see a really beautiful Yak sitting here as we taxied in I love having the advanced avionics that you can pick up weather on route that let you make decisions long before you need to the fact that we had one for that was showing our UKF airport as being perfectly fine and then an hour into the flight I could see that actually no it's not going to be fine at all we have to divert and being able to make that decision so much earlier on is is really amazing and great in terms of safety so I hope you like this video thanks for flying along with me if you have any questions comments suggestions please leave them in the comment section below and please do click subscribe and like it really helps me out when you do that I really appreciate it thanks for watching
Channel: Canard Boulevard
Views: 23,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canard, Cozy, Cozy MKIV, Long-EZ, Airplane, EAA, Experimental, Flying, Aviation, cross-country, ATC, Florida, trip
Id: mD1QXf46fes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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