Candace Owens DESTROYS woke guest who can't keep up

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well here's Candace Owens she doesn't take anything from anybody and she just absolutely gets after these liberals it's like candy for her to just when she sees these liberals ideas and coming after her it's just like she just can see it coming she just knows how to handle it so well senior director of research for and the communications director for Turning Point USA Candace Owens good morning ladies good to have you with us good morning good morning I think we can all agree that things have gotten ugly it has become so hateful it's become so divisive Candace is there a double standard with women on the right you think of course there's a double standard I mean it's incomprehensible and indefensible and anybody with a modicum of decency will admit that what's going on here is wrong I can't even have fathom a world where Obama's daughters are threatened with pedophilia by somebody in Hollywood in the same week that someone in his administration is kicked out of a restaurant with seven members of their family just for wanting to eat we would never hear the end of the claims of racism this would not be allowed whatsoever and it should not be allowed just because this is Donald Trump's Administration Jessica your response my response is that there are two issues at play here there's the civility issue which is what happened here with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and I personally don't think that she should have been thrown out of the restaurant I think you can have a conversation with someone about the beliefs and what this Administration is doing without denying them service we don't deny service to people for immutable characteristics we can legally on the basis of political affiliation but I don't think it was constructive and it hurts the debate the other side to the issue is the fact that Republican women want to be deemed feminists and they want to have the same kind of clout as women on the left who are actually advocating for policies that help women whereas the policies out of this Administration actually hurt them like refusing to raise women but women that work for the president they wouldn't say that they would say actually the opposite but say that we believe in the same issues and we feel like they help women yeah you can say whatever you want but the statistics don't lie we know that if you raise the minimum wage two-thirds of people in this country on the minimum wage are women they need that help we know that there is assault on Women's Health Care rights from this Administration things like that just yeah just please please you can see Candace Brewing up she can't she can't stay take it anymore and this left-leaning liberal here is about to get about to get it from Kansas The Selective feminism that we hear on the left all the time okay well it's not a feminism I'm not done I'm not done okay but you're going out and attacking women you are not a feminist this is not defensible whatsoever and you sit here and you say this I'm sorry I care about mothers the basis of this is that people are upset that illegal immigrants are being separated from their mothers why don't you refocus some of the energies the black community they've been having their family separated in fact it's subsidized to the black community you appreciate single motherhood you are given more mother for more more money to families for fatherless absence so all of this selective fake outrage when you guys do not have the same defenses for the black community is really lost on me and it's time's UPS on this all together I think the black community has had enough of you guys being selectively outraged for parents of illegal immigrants but not for the parents of black community who have been separated from their family there's about six decades all right I just want to point out so feminists they they hate men they don't like men they don't think men are good and Candace has a good point here is that the fact that the black community has been subsidized they're the in the 60s the Johnson Administration said okay black women we're going to give you money for kids that you have for in welfare programs but the men cannot be there I don't understand the whole logic of it they they kick the man out and allow these women to have all these babies now all these babies are growing up without a father and it's hard to have a mother who is the mother and the father at the same time young boys young girls they need a father they need a mother in the household and feminists don't like that they don't want to have a father a strong father figure in the house they want to have just you know women run everything ladies I just want to point out let's keep this civil we as I opened up this segment there is already so much hate um in this indecency in this country so let's just keep this debate a debate and keep it civil Jessica responsible I believe I was keeping it civil and then Candace told me that I wasn't a feminist I also believe that Candace doesn't speak for the entire world I said the left I didn't say you Jessica so don't make it personal I said the left it's selective feminism on the left that we're seeing I disagree with you and I'm going to do that politely I'm going to return to my original argument which is that we have heard this for years that kellyanne Conway Sarah Huckabee Sanders and all the women who work for this President and support his agenda aren't getting their due they're not getting their due from the feminist Community because they're advocating for policies that hurt women that keep them in a bad economic position that don't allow them to leave live equally in this Society for the black women do you think that Kirsten Nielsen should be harassed because of her position and because what is going on with immigration do you think because of that she deserves to be treated the way that she does she was essentially forced out of a Mexican restaurant protesters in there you may disagree with her but do you think the way she's been treated is fair I think that what Kirsten Nielsen did and initially coming out and lying about what This president's policy did than having to backtrack on it was my question position though I think that people should have civil conversations about it and certainly have every right as a public official to come up to her table and to call her out on her lies and this administration's lies if she wants to leave because of it that's on her but she should be open to that dialogue with the Americans this is a very successful Candace very quickly this is a very slippery slope the left should stop this because then you're basically saying that in the future this is going to be allowed in administrations that you do support and as I said the selective outrage for illegal families when this has been going on in the black community no one talks about the fathers that are separated the fathers that are behind bars the fathers that are buried on on the south Candace Nails it she Nails it right on the head this is about the families you know fathers being taken out of the uh the families that's and it's not good and you know a lot of these left-leaning people these Democrats they were all just hatred of trump and now look at them now they're all and she's talking about this left-leaning girl she's talking about the lies in the Trump Administration how about the lies that's going on in the bite Administration all these Corruptions lies that it's been going on and it's going to be tough for Biden to finish out his presidency not only because he's I believe he's got dementia and he can't finish his office but I think that he's going to be all these corruption charges are going to come out against him which is good because we can't have politicians taking money for bribes and I think a lot of the people in Washington are taking money for bribes we can't have that we need to have people in there that are doing the work for the people and not taking money from foreign countries like bidens has been doing and I think a lot of the politicians in there are going to be scared of this impeachment because it might expose them to some of the corruption that they are been um you know been going on in Washington so I like to see Candace standing up she does a good job of it if you haven't seen her she's got a great YouTube channel just go there and and you can check her out
Channel: Tyler Updates
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Keywords: fox news, google news, latest news, news google, news abc, news today
Id: Dk5eBIUxVrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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