Flutter project build failed with Kotlin Gradle plugin version error | Flutter Errors | 2 methods

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hi guys I hope you all are doing well so I was facing this issue in my flutter application so how I solve this issue so we I have apply different methods so I just want to share with you so maybe it will also help you so this this is the issue this is a straightforward issue so uh this is the shoe and also flutter suggesting me this link of the cotlin so what's the latest version like 1.9.2 so uh flutter also suggesting me the path where I need to update it so I simply like go to the Android and in the Android I just simply go to the build. gridle in the in in the very top like you can see like this is uh like here I need to write the latest version 1.9 1.9.2 but after updating this like maybe the your issue will be solved but sometime this issue will not solve just because of few reason so if this issue will not solve just updating this this uh this version so you need to do one thing you just need to uh open your Android project directly like how you can open like simply go to the open and after open you can like this is my project I'm working on so in which you can see there's Android folder so directly open it so after opening it like you can see like uh like maybe here you can see the option of syncing so once it will be completely sync it will download all the dependency of C spotland new version so you can see here like uh Blue Tick bit button so you can see like your build is ready after that you can simply go to let if you are run if you want to run this application or uh make the make the build our APK so my issue I was feel I was facing this issue in while creating the APK so I'm just creating a new APK so as you can see build after build you can go to the uh build apks so after the build apks you can see like it just instantly creating my APK so you can see just locate and you can see this is my APK is ready so I miss I'm facing this isue uh but uh after updating the version it's not working for me so syncing is the solution of this problem so if you guys are facing that type of uh that type of issue so you can solve by using my this path and uh if you if this video help you to then subscribe to my channel and also click the Bell icon for the latest informative video thank you so much back
Views: 518
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Keywords: Kotlin Gradle, pwh services, Flutter project build, build failed with Kotlin Gradle, Flutter Errors, Flutter project build failed with Kotlin Gradle plugin version error
Id: l1aI6OI4e28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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