Flula Borg Full Interview - CONAN on TBS

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my guest tonight is a comedian and actor who's appeared in dozens of projects including pitch perfect 2 and curb your enthusiasm he's also been called the sexiest north bavarian dj of all time huh and his new movie the suicide squad is in theaters and on hbo max on august 6. please welcome my very good friend i love talking to this guy flulaborg flula welcome hello to you conan yes so great to see you yes you just got a very healthy smattering of applause thank you five peoples yes i have to say uh first of all um this has been a long hard pandemic for all of us very difficult yeah but uh i have to say and many people complain that they have um well they've they've not been exercising they've been eating incorrectly you on the other hand look fantastic you appear to be in incredible shape thank you colin yes just like the marmalade i've been pumping up the jams since march 11 i immediately ordered one glove and five dumbbells when i found out a pandemic was coming wait so your first order was not to try and get toilet paper or lots of uh masks you ordered one mask and how many dumbbells one glove because the toilet paper was sold oh oh you got a glove improvised conan you used a glove instead of toilet paper i had no teepees what did you use i used two gloves handful spread one for clean yeah uh old friend if i can call you that okay uh what is it in german old friend the idaho and uh-huh yeah um listen uh so you've been working out constantly during this pandemic oh very deeply yes you know for the film suicide squad i was told listen flula you will be playing a hero slash villain slash who knows so i needed to pump up all of my bottoms all of my toppies all of my boobies so i just did it i went hard so uh so which are the parts of your body that you really focused on your chests uh i saw you walk in i have to say when you walked into this theater and listen i am uh you know a straight man okay but i was like what the hell's happening here uh chess the torso the abs your buttocks you seems like you put a lot of work into your buttocks well i would show you more but this is what television not tick tock i mean i don't know what you're talking i am as well confused i did one was worrying about my buttocks so i didn't receive a photo of what is the character looking like my character javelin so i thought why not make big buttocks just like that song from destination child booty dishes yes um it's destiny's child what's not destination it's not destination colon child it's destiny's child you're certain destination child that was never the name of that group i'm i'm not certain they started in europe they were definitely we're destination child people turn directions okay listen um again i'm confused by most of what you say flula but i'm glad that you're in terrific i bet you could clench your buttocks right now and fire yourself up to the ceiling not don i want to see it i just bet you could yeah in syria which could happen you know uh pandemic's difficult for all of us the quarantining but you fool are an extrovert i know this about you i've i've been on tour with you i went to germany to berlin with you on a trip we've had many adventures together and i've seen you you need people around you all the time you love the laughter you love the connection how did you survive during this period yes conan it's more important for me to see lots of eyeballs and so when i realized i was just going to be in my little apartment i decided to draw lots of faces everywhere and i also i ordered a photo of a sixth man of the year and former indiana pacer deadlift shrimp i laminated this and put this in my shower so that while i'm luffing we can have a conversation about sam perkins okay so this former nba great has been laminated into your showers is that right deadlift shrimp yes okay you can slow it down just a little bit sorry yes of course [Laughter] i'm aware that during the pandemic you tried to um you don't have to match my mouth just you're wearing very tight pants it's very tight across your legs so zero breathability yes um you i'm aware that during this uh quarantine and during the pandemic of the last 14 months that you have tried to send something to my house but i don't know what it was and uh i'm not sure i received it well it's a little bit oxford um as you know i am german all of my family is in germany and then the borders was bling-bling bloom no one inside you know so i was like who can be my family in america i thought of course conan yes you know we are i like to think of myself as as a kin to you as a friend as family yes yes yes like that highway to heaven like i'm the man with the beard and you are the man who is having the wings you know uh the tv show highway to heaven perhaps you're right you're not you're confused by your own references yes i've already forgotten uh what i just said yeah however i was delivering every monday to you a nice tin of lee kuhn with all they were bribery cookies if i want to be honest i wanted you to receive them and then open them and see you know it was adoption papers so that we could you know hang hanging oh oh you wanted me to adopt you yes so you would send adoption papers to my home or try to yes very hard to get to my actual home i know i'm an important man and so my uh my address is a mystery 321 north mulberry avenue thanks a lot beep it beep it no we can't afford beeping oh yeah jeff said before the show no beefing yeah all that money went to the writers yeah i get it i get it so um that's staying in by the way uh listen um you sent me a so it was a cookies cookies what kind of cookies german tasty lab cooking yeah i sent you 15 one every monday and they never arrived to you i know this because i was also the courier i don't know if you remember i was outside waving and then i saw you i thought i saw you on the security camera well i saw your face in the porch you're just like well i saw it no i didn't know it was you i saw a man wearing lederhosen and a bikini bottom and i didn't know if i should let him in so i didn't well that was me number one and number two i've saved the final uh can this is from last april 15 and so i would like to officially i mean thank you very much it has set it a bit but you can so these are what they were last march but oh oh these are these cookies have crumbled yeah that's how it happens with a cookie these looks like very well versed in our culture probably not safe to eat this uh you can mumble all you want yes okay um anyway and this is the adoption paper that you yeah oh this is very unprofessional oh it's official conan o'brien would you adopt fool of work now check box please yes ja now i think yes and ja are both yes well yeah means yes yes but do you have an option was i do i have an option to write in now no okay all right well let me think about this okay i'm gonna go through this with my lawyers perfect and then say no okay that's pretty much the order that's gonna happen seems rude i purchased a mobile for my baby room you're gonna wanna live in a baby room in my house well we have to begin at the beginning have you seen the madison billy show with adam sandley where he starts small and then gets big do you even know what you're saying the madison billy show it's been many months since i've made direct eye contact with someone other than deadlift while you're loofing in the shower you know it have you been watching no you told me that earlier oh that's correct you uh i'm told that during the pandemic you started selling inventions oh yes and uh you created something uh called shade dana's oh shade of danos yeah so you know many years ago i invented some very fun things they're very rare and very cool and nobody bought any but i figured you know if at first you don't uh succeed keep doing it over and over again as a definition of uh sanity so i decided to sell them once more okay so you invented something called shade dana's shader daniels shade diana's what explain the name shay dennis they are shades fifty percent bandanas and one hundred percent sassy okay oh it's in your little uh pouch i've saved what whatever you call that what do you call that it's the schlongbag oh schlongbag yeah i'm sorry i was so crass um this is the final uh this is the final one so i've sold all of them but i've been saving this one this is a one of a kind for you this is like if you are having the sword of teddy roosevelt from the battle of san juan hill this is what this is that i you know i'm a big teddy roosevelt fan i i so this is a combination uh shades and bandanas shade dana's look at that watch out oh do you have what's that what did you say oh yeah hey right i'll give it to you yeah this is fantastic i could you know i've been i'm sporting a little bandana lately this one i think it's sassy this one's very sexy uh look at this oh look at that oh so it's oh look it's a bandana and then and then oh where's conan o'brien what's a pale george clooney doing here how did you enjoy filming the descendants dude of all his movies you go with the descendants i don't know why not of everything he's done the descendants is what you come up sorry how was filming the peacemaker in 1997 here clooney you come up with these references emmy debbie it's imdb nobody said that that looks great oh fantastic and if you put it on it's like unforgiven plus er okay you know what uh you are this you might be onto something here i agree with it and by that i mean you're not oh sarcasmos i love it she shoots you yeah okay what are we doing who knows um uh well uh listen best of luck with shade dennis thank you very much that works you also uh sold something called danced on sand can you tell us what danced on sand is yeah dance stone sands are grains of sand that i have danced on for eight measures of techno music and spread around peoples with vials so they can enjoy these grains of magic so it's sand that you danced on for eight measures of techno music okay i think we brought a clip to explain this oh yes i have an advertisement advertisement what nothing let's show this clip uh this is your new product danced on sand which is available now yes and action meets a grain set of sweet intonation danced on sands by floor every grain is danced on by flulaborg for at least eight measures of music many variety of dancers are utilized to help to make each vial of dance dance sans magical dance is like lawnmower nancy the flippy flopper the rumpelshaker the shaky rumper the who is that the ouch out peep pop the mule mcdoodle and many more improve your life and your moods when you own danced on sans available only at lulashop.com uh okay um you could have shown less examples of dances but why i know i'm just saying you could have cut that part in half conan when you go to baskin robbie do they say hey home of maybe two flavors no they don't because they have like how many at least twenty okay you know congratulations are in order and not for your products that you're selling okay i don't have confidence in those at all but the suicide squad this is a big movie a big movie uh that you're going to be in and it is very secretive you are sworn to secrecy you can't tell anybody about the movie yes i was told nothing about it they told me the name of my character so i just started google it's javelin javelin yeah we have a picture here of javelin oh great and um this is javelin right here oh smokey jones no okay and uh now javelin is this is um am i correct i don't know what his superpower is but like all heroes he must have a special ability javelin what can you do can you tell us anything about him yeah yeah he is a former german olympic uh javelin thrower he's very much athletic he likes to be rude and evil and he has a very huge javelin yeah so in this part you you're required to throw a javelin i'm guessing or or use a javelin i was not certain what i was supposed to be doing as this javelin person so i just started googling all of the things of javelin there's a band called javelin so it's like listening to the music of javelin that guess what that feels unnecessary oh i don't know you know potato patootie and i also i started a coding in javascript uh just for fun i made a website again it has a form but again i wish you had spoken to the director he probably could have saved you some time why why ask just do you know okay did you travel to java is did you go to java no but i googled photos of it okay i also uh wrapped myself in javelin which sounds like javelin and it's an oil so i thought why not let's do it and then also a javelina is an animal it's a small or medium-sized mammal that is also known as the skunk pig so i i visited two of those and we spent some time together okay did you ever uh do anything physical to prepare for this role to the skunk pigs no no no what i meant was did you ever practice with an actual javelin because i would imagine that if the character's name is javelin you maybe have a javelin yeah but jeff oh sorry there's a flizzy uh javelin's office javelin's it's a fly right i got it i'm pretty sure i got it no he's here oh you got him okay all right oh my thing is open great theater you have here flanagan what a wonderful place sorry my interceptor was exposed okay settle down yeah i'm curious did you ever practice with an actual javelin to prepare for the role of javelin no it's called acting [Laughter] well uh clearly you know very little bit about the movie and you've shot the film oh it's shot yes but i've forgotten everything you know it's have you seen that film with tommy tommy johnson and he's like hey everyone what happened oh look at my pen poop man in black yes i got one of your references yeah that's a popular movie that people have seen is it true [Laughter] i don't know i do want to thank you because um a very fond memory all of us remember where we were when the pandemic hit when the shutdown happened i think i could be wrong i think you were one of my last guests before the lights went out and we all went into that 14 15 month quarantine absolutely uh conan when it happened we had our show and then i felt like that german character from uh star wars hans uh hans it's han solo and like he's like hanging out with jabberman and he's like bye oh and he gets frozen in carbonite yeah and the carbon boy and then after some months unfreeze and now this is my first time speaking to humans again conan yeah so i'm like conan yeah what conan what did i say you put an umlaut over there you go cunning conan cunha no it's just conan conan sounds cool though well that's your opinion why'd you wear a bandana well i just did it today i i wanted to i don't know break it up a little bit and as you know we wear masks but here in the theater i like to have like a bandanna and then what i can do is i can just pull it up and then look at me yeah i'm a sassy bandit and so i've been wearing uh this today and i just thought it breaks it up it's a little bit of color to have a neckerchief i like it i like it hey where is the nearest saloon because i'm a cowboy yeah listen okay i enjoy you very much flula also i love you as well uh i didn't say love i said i enjoy you i also have enjoyments of time spent with uh yeah okay um you're a good guy and uh i want to say thank you in your own native tongue maybe you could tell me how to say that you're feeling dang fiend oh well that's a song by freddie mercury it's like in vegas singing it all the time i don't think that's freddie mercury donkey shane my darling oh wait wait wayne newton wayne newton when you oh hello andy hi flula how are you oh yeah it's so great to see you how are you doing i'm doing fine thank you wonderful and great to see you as well oh good yes thank you you look good in animal prints thank you very much this is a javelina print so yeah call back you did do something physical you skinned them yeah um i know that uh as we go out to commercial you probably and i plug your project you probably want to do some kind of uh uh german folk dance on the way out that's probably something you would prefer to do i would like this yes yeah uh so why don't i begin the suicide squad is in theaters and on uh that's that's there's no way that's this part was not a german folk dance you begin the introduction saying i'm one of the sexiest north bavarian uh uh male german djs hello how do you think it could you don't just wake up and do it yeah you make it okay go ahead the suicide squad is in theaters and on hbo max august 6th uh love love it just everything you're doing everything you're bringing i love hula borg everybody conan o'brien everyone yeah i like it's like us
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 545,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Conan, Conan (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco
Id: H3LHD6z2z-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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