FlowHive Honey Harvest

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all right so we have the flow hive over here and we think that the honey is ready to be drawn out so we are going to try and fill this jar this is a half gallon jar and it has the pint listed so we're going to see how much we get and then I guess the tools so we have the key for the flow hive just some pliers because I know that they pack the wax in with these little plugs and want to make sure we can get it out and then just the little hose that you put in the base of the flow hive and the honey just I guess drips out so we're good to see I've just got some clothes on again love's in my head but I've never been stung messing around with my bees the bees are great but we're gonna just avoid getting stung anyways yeah they are so much truth tale this back awesome so for the most part this is all covered up and I think that it's ready so the flow hive is going to break the sails and then the honey should just just drip on out so you crank that over here and it's all smooth breaking whoo like that and see some of the wax they the bees like to fill in all of this here yes okay yeah to kind of pack the wax on that it's cool every little crack and crash it got wax on it here can I see that camera so let's just look that little hole goes right into the hive so she just come right on out of there so if we look here a little lip here so and then there's a little gap I'm thinking that that just slides right in it seemed to fit pretty nice then you got the nice little logo side but that's how it goes and then it should just pull right in look a lot of Wax look up little bees couple of our guys right there okay though above us that's our frame a couple bees back there come on little guys make sure you don't squish them yeah they're doing fine no I'm just not wanting to hurt anything and that's what we do is coming out and there we go right here the air pockets forming because that canal the bottom just getting filled up there we go Wow sure is cool I'll just drain it out what's cool is I mean we haven't been bothered by these bees at all we have the hoods on we have gloves and stuff but I mean they really don't even seem to be affected or bothered too much holiday hello do I could care less that I'm out here that's what's so great about these is you don't have to take the hive apart you know off the squish bees in the process I think we've only moved four bees and they were fine we didn't squish any of them and then they should realize that these cells have been emptied and they'll take the wax out they'll eat the rest of the honey or you can see these little guys oops you see those little tongues evening this honey see this Eden it's awesome and he's just pure honey oh hello bee that's awesome I'm not pretty quick there and so we put the brood box down they worked on the brood box for two months about two months building the frames and and filling it up and then they filled up this top box and got that all capped in about a month so we're going to take this one frame see how we do I mean it's a good amount of honey for us we'll probably probably bottle up some for our friends so you've got one B here he's a seen what's going on but the I don't know that but they could get that filled up in no time that one little frame they could probably do the whole box again before summer ends that's great yeah or fantastic we are harvesting our honey so great just want you to listen here we're just coming up on two pints I have four cups here just trying to get it up absolutely are already breaking into that seeing that it's gone so it's starting to slow down huh yeah but it's just yes training yes we can come up the top huh mm-hmm mmm good good mm-hmm that's really good turn try Oh your stuff not to collect your own dang that's really good it's a little bit sweeter we create hey this is almost down some it went up unto burden for coming down hmm a little bit more sweet right so just we're used to clove honey and I don't think this is club honey it tastes like mint does that I think I'm in a minute it's got purple blossoms so it won't surprise me just like mint honey see this dude what are you doing yeah they're not afraid of anything goodnight again then you just put in the top one to close it so I'll go ahead and close it now it's all the way in the back Oh in the back like that and then just turn it again and that does it up and that is that and then you know that you did it right if you can put the tab back in because the tab will not go in if you have not reset the frames it clumsy gloves and they're just nice like that so we got a little over two pints worth of honey then I got this tube and there's still a little bit of honey left over in it and we're gonna I got a fee to be there to feed one of our little bees and go you like that come on okay they're gonna be yep you're welcome good how about this be well you got some nice pollen on you oh yeah nice little pond so this will just slip slip right back like that bezoar up here should have had time to move there go
Channel: Cameron Ashby
Views: 567,814
Rating: 4.7251344 out of 5
Keywords: FlowHive, Flow, Hive, bee, bees, beekeeping, honey, harvest, howto, how to, how, to, collect, open, see, review, safe, honey bees, honeybee, honeybees, honey bee, season, experience
Id: -M8T94d10qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2016
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