316 disc mower cutting some tall haygrazer!!!

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all right well here we go [Applause] and now it's got some pain I left this caning originally I was going to windrow it and braise it but you might end up we might end up when Ronan okay holy crap like a jungle out here okay oh man the stuff is tall [Applause] just starting to head out [Music] yeah squirt away I'll get my auto-steer set up man running over corn gotta get over just a little bit more there we go Stewart over corn these are doing this the other way I normally open fields oppositely I'm going right now [Applause] Wow talk about a jungle so I did kind of feel part of a field over there the other day I'm not sure if I'll put any of that in here or not but holy crap the reason I didn't start like I normally do which would be going straight in as to this actually fails out here and the bales are towards that side and I'm trying to figure out if the cane is too tall or or if I'm able to actually see the bales if I'm able to see the bales that'll make everything a lot simpler other words my wife's ACTU here with the drone she's videoing right now but all you have her once we get done making this opening round we will have or tell me where the bales are at what I'm getting close and that way we can avoid hitting them if we can [Music] yeah I'd say this is we're cutting right along we're going 4.1 mile an hour right now I'm sure I could be going a little faster but yesterday I had a few problems I think it was the wind that's why I quit yesterday he just wasn't quite feeding right and then I had to open up my conditioner just a little bit as far as the role gap on it because it was just it was causing problems I just wasn't able to feed it through fast enough and it was bunching them in a wad would go through all at once and that was not working good but my original plan was I planted this cane it's a cheap cane I find in it and I thought well if I not going to get very tall I ought to be able to just windrow it and if we don't have a lot of forage from the corn stocks and stuff then I thought well I'll just win row it and then we'll have more more crop for the the cows to eat well now looking at it my cane got a little taller than I anticipated I'm actually really impressed with this stuff I'm probably going to start planting more of it even for chopping reasons but I just got a lot of feet out here and I've got I think two acre or two to six acre or seven acre spots here and I'm thinking I'm gonna try to bail it if it dries up and if it don't dry up well by golly yeah I don't care I'm just gonna I'm just gonna roll with it and go with it that way and not worry about it being [Music] being a not if you don't dry down then I'll just go ahead and I'll just do the original plan and that would be to sloths graze it out here I'm sure I'll leave some I just want to see how well they clean it up in this stuff his tall shouldn't get my tape measure and just measure something quick but now wait and maybe do it on the next pass when the grown ain't flying [Music] man this stuff is just incredible [Applause] I'm glad I got autos to your other just driving would be a little tricky I know I can't really see where I'm going that seems we feed a lot better today than it did yesterday so I'm thinking that's what I didn't get I did plug it up yesterday one side a flip and post get in there try a wood I'm not sure where it came from but I don't know implement got unhooked there and someone's using this as a jack stand or what but that wasn't very fun digging all this stuff out it didn't take very long but a little hot yesterday out here be messing around doing that Wow I just can't believe how tall this is and if some of you guys are gonna be like wow and other people are getting a little big deal but you can see my core and it's outgrew my corn by quite a bit down here on this end be surprising if I don't get a few raccoons or something while I'm out here cutting [Music] [Music] I'd say this that's all nine-foot tall I'm definitely going to measure it we managed to this video sure wish I could tell where them bailed her out that'd be a nice comforting feeling if I knew I didn't have to worry about hitting hitting some bales this is the field last year it was rye and we I turned around I planted millet on it and it sat for a long time and then we and then we were able to bail the Rye off and we bailed the melon off later and this is that feel and it got muddy out here so we thought it and we weren't able to pick up the bales out here and then when it did dry up enough our spring was so wet we decided just to leave him out here into the leaving tracks and I just deal with it I guess deal with it and just work at it however we had to deal hung it close to the end here I better slow down man that was crazy talk I'm gonna have to get off this I think see if my shift my line again see if I'm gonna be able to mist up [Music] that's the cane males I have to call her and I'll be back in just a minute all right so here's one row bail that was right up to them but I can see I'm Buckley so yeah we're dealing with that disaster I think I'm by them if I should have just turned around once the other way I guess and I want to be dealing with these bales right now [Music] I knew eventually I have to deal with somebody and open not quite this soon [Music] so we have to watch very carefully at least once I find them then I don't have to worry about hitting them again this stuff's unreal [Music] I'm gonna quit videoing and we're gonna make sure that these bales I'll pick up more later all right guys we're gonna jump out we're gonna measure this stuff okay we're gonna call this the depot trap will stop over here look at the cordon quit nice and condition this stuff is just getting crushed up good I'm happy with that [Applause] fell two years on each plan out here I don't want to walk too far in [Applause] almost a black layer anyhow back to the task at hand I guess measuring this stuff [Applause] hey they're pretty close to being 9 foot tall thought you kind of leaning over cuz the wind I get up on the factory [Applause] one slot left on the way back again maybe this one wasn't the white is the last one that's it between 8 9 foot tall can see it sticking here [Applause] conditioners crushing it well I'm real happy with that okay hey I guess we're gonna finish up I appreciate you guys watching we'll see what we end up doing with this field and we'll go from there [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ted Kahler
Views: 1,114,709
Rating: 4.5023088 out of 5
Keywords: South Dakota, farming, ranch, Tractor, equipment, cattle, drone, dji, ivue, ivue horizon pro, dji phantom
Id: Exo2dZGKUp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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