FlossTube #76: 2020 Jolly July Pattern picks, FQS Stitch Maynia finishes, WIPs and more!

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(playful orchestral music) - Hey guys, it's June 17th, 2020, I'm Kimberly Jolly from Fat Quarter Shop Floss Tube and today we're going to talk about Jolly July. So Jolly July is where we stitch cross stitch throughout the whole month of July, along with Priscilla and Chelsea from Stitching with the Housewives. So today we're going to really focus on my plans for Jolly July and then a ton of ideas for Jolly July. And then next week, I'm going to show you all the finishes from the 2019 Jolly July. So it'll be super exciting and Jolly July can be whatever you would like it to be. You can do one ornament a day, or you could do a couple of projects and spread them out. And so just me showing you what I'm going to do might give you some ideas, and then I'm going to show you some different things that we finished in prior years and just totally different styles, just to kind of inspire you to try something for Jolly July. So the very first thing for Jolly July is Mistletoe Lane. This is a PDF pattern, you pay a onetime fee at Fat Quarter Shop and every Friday in July, you will get a section. So there are five sections and this is the first section. And so along with that, we're stitching on the 25 count Lugana. Actually, let's do this, let's do this. Upper camera. Okay, so I'm going to stitch on the 25 count Lugana and that is what Cheryl also stitched with. We have a DMC thread, actually on the cloth, our substitute is either Pewter Wichelt, which is darker or Touch of Gray. And we are sold out of Touch of Gray because Wichelt is 10 days behind on shipping. But we do have a little bit of Pewter in stock, but either Touch of Gray or Pewter will work. So I'm going to use overcast. And then we have two different thread packs to pick from. One is DMC, and one is Weeks Dye Works. They're very similar. I'm going to open the Weeks Dye Works to just show you. They're very similar. I will be stitching with the Weeks Dye Works. So there's two options there. And then we have this cute canvas bag and I will show you, when you purchase the PDF right now, what you would get is this. And this has your supply list, your stitch count, your finished size. And you know, if you want to substitute your colors, everything is here so you can see kind of what we started with, and if you want to change the colors, you totally can because it gives you plenty of information on number of skeins and that kind of thing. So that is Mistletoe Lane. I'm super excited to start that. I'm going to put everything back in my little bag so I have it. So on Mistletoe Lane, that's going to be five days of my Jolly July. So we'll go back to this, and the way that I did this is I am going to be doing about six projects. So I'm going to show you all of what my plan is, and I did my book again, just like I did Mania where I just put my Jolly July. So obviously there's 31 days. And so I filled it out till here and that way next year, when it's Jolly July, 2021, I can go back and just see Jolly July. I now have four of these books, so I might have a problem. - [Lily] Woo! - [Kimberly] Yeah, I might have a problem. So the very first item is going to be a continuation of Mania, which is Kringles. Oops, there's a thing in here that you're not supposed to see. - [Lily] (gasps) Secret. - [Kimberly] So this is Kringles and I'll show you what I have done so far and everything in my bag is just kind of thrown in there. I kind of just throw everything in there. So this is my progress so far, and I did not work on it after Mania because I wanted a break. And so my plans for Jolly July is one of the days I'm going to do the little swag. One of the days, I'm going to do this brim, brim that goes on the bottom. And then another day room four, five and six. So this will be five of the days for Mania. Sorry, this would be five days from Jolly July. So at the end of Jolly July, I'm hoping to be right here. And then that way over August and September, I can get this done and hopefully have it done in time to frame for Christmas. So this one, I just used all the called for colors, and I did want to let you guys know that we got this back, this in stock, it's called Au Ver a Soie number 4, 28, 128 or something. It's metallic thread. How do they search it? - [Lily] Find out on the-- - [Kimberly] Okay so Au Ver a Soie size 4, number 128. So what this is meant for is to blend with the yellow DMC. And I, it just came in so I obviously didn't use it. I don't have much experience with metallic thread, but we do have this in stock now. I'm not going to be using it. But the tips that we have for using metallic thread is to start with a smaller, a smaller strand so that, because every time you go through the fabric your, it snags a little bit. So I would start with a smaller strand and just restart as you need. So that is Kringles. I'm gonna put it back. But it's so pretty, it's fun to go back and look at something. And then the next one in my book is... I am going to work on Jolly St. Nick and Rudolph, which is a brand new Stitching with the Housewives pattern. I'm going to work on it for five different days. And the way that I broke mine up is, this is, I'm going to do the lights on the left one day, the lights on the right one day, the gifts and tree one day, and then the top of Santa one day and the bottom of Santa one day, so that this will be one project over five days. And I am using Chalkboard Black, Aida, 14 count. And I am using the Jolly St. Nick and Rudolph thread pack, which we have plenty in stock. So that's super exciting. And I have a bunch of things on my ring. Let's see, and then Mistletoe Lane we already talked about, which is right here. I don't want to move it. And then the next day I'm going to have four different projects and they're going to be brand new Stitching with the Housewives projects. They're going to release four of them on every Friday in July. So I scheduled them on the Saturday. So that gives me time to buy what I need on Friday and start on Saturday. So four of my days will be a brand new Stitching with the Housewives pattern. I haven't seen them. I had a hint of what they're going to be, but I haven't seen them. The thread pack I'm going to use for those is... Right here. So on them, I'm assuming that she's going to use some Chalkboard Black, so I just went ahead and got one. And then this is going to be a Be Merry Weeks Dye Works thread pack. So we're not able to get the Classic Colorworks right now. So what Priscilla said she was going to do is her and Chelsea are going to use the Be Merry Classic Colorworks pack. So if you already have that, then that's what you would use. We can't get that thread right now. So we made a conversion to Weeks Dye works, and this thread pack will be online very soon. And so this is what I will be using for the four projects from Priscilla and Chelsea. And then, let's see, Snow Village. So the very last, oh no, it's not even the last item. So this is Snow Village that I've been working on for such a long time. This is how I throw my floss in there. So you see, it's kind of, it's just whatever. I even have a, I even have a needle minder with a, with wonder clips. I just throw stuff in there. So... This was a Mania project. I had started this well before Mania though. And so during Mania, I got these two done, which was six and seven. For this one, I'm going to work on this three different days and I'm going to finish eight, start nine and start 10. So part eight is this right here, the snowball stand, so you can see us started it. Part nine is ice creamery, and then part 10, if you want to see what's going to be part 10, she put it, Country Cottage Needle Works put a sneak peek on her Instagram, and it has, it will arrive to us soon. So this is going to be three days of Mania. And then the very last one, I'm so excited! So... I will show you what I'm going to do on this one. So we got some Pine Mountain Design patterns in, and I just really love this one. It's called Christmas Typography. She has several that are typography, different styles, and I just love this one. It really, I don't know, I just loved it. And so she sells it as a pattern, paper, paper pattern, or a PDF. So we have the paper pattern and the PDF. I am going to stitch on the 25 count Lugana Cloud. And the colors I'm going to use are Weeks Dye Works Island Breeze, Turkish Red and Scuppernong. and I wasn't sure how many skeins I needed, so I'm just going to start with two of each and see how it goes. And I'm going to work on it nine different days. So I'm going to do each row as a week, as a day. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. So this will be fun because I know at the very end of Jolly July, this will be totally done. I will say that I really love this frame. Something about this frame is just, I love it. So when I go to my framers, I'm definitely gonna take a picture of this and try to find something similar. So that is my Jolly July plans. I'm so excited. So you guys let me know, I know that's like a ton of info, but it was really fun to take everything and kind of plan it, put it in my bags. I have been working on a lot of Mania, which I'm going to show you in a little bit, but I don't have that much to finish for Mania. So I'm going to kind of focus June on finishing Mania and then Jolly July, I'll be ready to go. - [Lily] All right. - And I know that was a lot. I'm so sorry that I overwhelmed you guys. - [Lily] No, you're good. We have a lot of questions that came in. So I'm just going start from the ones that came in soonest from Angela Stoutinger, what would be a 14 count Aida alternative for the new Stitch Quarterly? - [Denise] Aida alternative? - [Lily] Yes. - Give me a second and we'll find one. (indistinct whispering) Vintage Country, Mocha 14 count. And we have that in stock. - [Lily] From Judy Brown, when can we expect an alternative of Prem in 14 count Aida? - It's later in the video. - [Lily] Oh! - So we're gonna wait. - [Lily] Oh, it's coming up guys. Okay. From Gail Sale, on New Stitch Quarterly, do you stitch a one or two, one over or two? - Two. So that's 25 count. So you're going to stitch over two. And it's really easy, you know, when the 25 count, when we started carrying it, I was super scared of it. And Lori was like, it's easy because it's bigger than 14 count because it's really equivalent of 12 and a half. So it is super easy. - [Lily] Great. Gabriel Vuendosin said, Kimberly, can you accidentally show the Mistletoe Lane? - No, I'm so sorry about last Friday. I really, I'm so appreciative that everybody didn't yell at me Friday. So Friday, on our quilting channel, my husband came and was on the set and you know, it made me a little nervous. And so I showed the whole quilt that was a mystery, and I felt horrible for like all weekend, and I kept checking the messages, 'cause you know, to see if anybody commented ugly things and nobody did, and I was so excited that y'all were so graceful with that because I made a huge booboo. But that happens when you get nervous, I guess. - [Lily] Yeah, yeah. I think it was a great blooper, so. - I didn't (laughs). - [Lily] It's funny, 'cause most people afterwards are actually like, darn, like I missed it and now it's blurred out. - Yeah and then some of you guys complained 'cause it didn't blur it out, but YouTube, it takes like an hour or two for them to like respond to the blur, so that's the way it had to go. - [Lily] Yeah to, like processes and all of that. - Yeah, it has to like go through their, whatever. - [Lily] Yeah. Okay, from Trudy Brandenburg, I ordered my thread pack for Mistletoe Lane on the 13th, will I get it in time to start in July? (indistinct whispering) - Yeah, we can try to get all the Mistletoe Lane orders out though. We could try if that's all that's on your order, but we are behind. So I'm not sure it'll be there in time, but I'll talk to, we'll talk right after this and see what we can do if it's the only thing on your order. - [Lily] Right. From Patty Estep, is your floss pack still available for Christmas Alphabet from Prairie Schooler? - No. But we did a blog post and it has all the detail of everything I used and everything Lori used, and those are actually both here, we're going to show them later in the program and everything is listed so you can buy it individually. And the reason why is we have so many thread packs now and with DMC being in short supply, we kind of discontinued some because of the nature of the, you know, but it is very detailed on our, we went back and made sure our blog had everything listed. - [Lily] All right. From Leslie Bruning, Kimberly when using the 25 count, do you do two stitches to one? - Yes, so you go over to squares. So you would treat it like linen and we do have a video that Cheryl filmed for us on our channel. And we could, you could refer to that or I could do a little tutorial on it too. - [Lily] From Crystal Row, for Mistletoe Lane would white or chalkboard fabric work? - Yes. The only thing is there is some white. Let me look at the design real quick. Let me just look real quick. Chalkboard Black, I don't know, let me just look. I think Chalkboard Black would look a little messy 'cause it would be so many colors. I think white would work because the only white is not on the edge. So I think white would work, I would not do black. And if you were looking for light, I would do white or gray. - [Lily] From Lindsey Ladwig, Kimberly, what details do you record in your project notebook? I assume thread color swap outs and such. Every time I see your Snow Village piece, I really want to do it! - Okay, awesome. So what let's turn to one and we can look at it. So, can we zoom in on the top camera too? So what I do is I put my first, I'll put the pattern name and the designer. And like if it's a section of the pattern, I will kind of put a note like snowball stand because with Snow Village it gets kind of complicated about what, which pattern is number nine or eight, It's not listed on the pattern. So I put that. I put my start date, which this is going to be the day I start the, part eight. And then I put my exact fabric and I even put a skew number so that if I ever want to buy it again, I can find it. I put the stitch count and the size. And then here I put on the left, I put what was called for in the pattern, and after the arrow I put my color choices. And then when I have my pattern, I also... I will refer from this to my pattern, I'll show you what I do in the pattern. When I get my pattern, I don't want to show anything, when I get my pattern, I use this as my guide and then I put my colors in here. So no matter where I'm at, if I don't have my book, it is on my pattern. And obviously, you know, it's fine to write on your own pattern. So that's kind of what I do. But yes, I put like if it's Weeks Dye Works, I try to put the designer, but you can see like I on Christmas Typography I put row one, row two, brick middle, so I remember where to go. So I'll just go through a couple of pages. And of course, you know, you really, if you were doing this and it wasn't by the day, you know, you could do Snow Village as one big piece. Now I also put, I'll show you another thing that I do. Let's say they're done. So this is one where I've worked on, this is my Mania book, so here, like on this one, it was a word, and then I converted it, so I put my conversion over here. And then as I stitch, I put my time, I total it up, you cannot tell that I'm OCD guys. I mean, I'm just super, and then I put notes. Like I used the loop method, I stitched on rows, I didn't carry the threads over between the white, the top, I put a note for the top, so I would remember where I started, 12 strands are in the silk instead of six, and then just different notes. I keep notes. I'll flip through a couple, but I keep all that. And then I also in the front, like this one, I put FQS Stitch Mania. And that's really because next year when I do Stitch Mania in 2021, I can just pull this book. Now, obviously I lose all these pages, but it keeps it where I know exactly what I did in Mania. And you can see, I only have a couple spots left I only have five or six left. I only have one, two, three, four, five, six left. And one of those is Kringles and, oh actually not Kringles, one of those is Snow Village. So Snow Village won't be done until the end of the year, but I kind of have this so that I just keep myself super organized and I do have four books right now. I'll show you. And one thing that I do do, so one thing I do do is there's these little stickers. So this sticker tells me it's this book and this was my book that was started last year. So you can see how much I stitch. So I do use the book obviously, but this one tells me, so I try to put on all my, I haven't had a chance to put on these books, but I try to put a little sticker. And these are the little Lori Holt stickers and I put a little different sticker on so that I know when I open my book, okay, which one do I put it in? 'Cause then it'll just, this will remind me what it is. So that's a little bit about my journal and how I keep everything in there. I know it's really a lot of details and I know some of you guys are like, okay, I don't have time for that, I only have time for stitching, and that's totally fine. Like, do whatever makes you happy. Like I'm just OCD, so it makes me feel better to write down. And the one reason that I do like putting my time down is this is my job, actually. This is actually my job. So I need to be able to time what I'm going to work on. So for example, if I'm working on prim stitch series and there's 12 sections, I'm going to time it. And then after I've done one or two, I know, okay, it takes me this many hours to do it. So then I plan, okay, that many hours over this many days so that I can keep myself on track, because if I was not organized, there's no way I could come on this live stream and present all of this. So it's just a way for me to keep myself organized so that I can stay on track. Now, if you're just a stitcher and you're not doing this for your job, maybe you don't need the journal and that's okay. And don't feel like you have to do everything the way that I do. It's just, my brain is just a little, it needs a lot of, a lot of details. I like to have control, and so that book gives me a little bit of control because, but it also really helps me plan for the future on my time, because I do have another spreadsheet that tells me what I'm working on next and what day, for like the month of June. Now the month of July I don't need that because I've got it all in my book and I know what to work on every single day, but in June for me to get done with everything in June to start July, I have to have a schedule. - [Lily] All right. Question from Zan Litzitle, would that fabric you're using for Snow Village work for Mistletoe? - Yes, it would. I will show it again. And I will show it on top of it. So can you write out what it is? It is a white petit point on gray, I think is what it's called. So... White petit point on gray. It is 18 count. So it's small. So it's, the one thing I'll say is your piece will be much smaller than this, 'cause this is 25 count and this is 28 count, it also comes in 30 count, but I'm not brave enough to try that. Well, that would look really good. - [Lily] From Iris Rivera, I want the stitch Starlet Snowflakes for my Jolly July, but will likely do it all in one color using a silk red. Is it possible to know how many skeins I will need? - Yes, I'm looking at it. I would buy four or five, but if you're using the silk, you could maybe get away with three, but I would do four. Four would be sufficient, and I have found when you're working with over dyed, you should get as much as possible upfront so that the dye doesn't change from one to the other, 'cause I'll show you something that I worked on a little bit later and talk about that a little bit. But yeah, 'cause I'm looking at it over here. Do you think that would work Denise? Four or five? - [Denise] I think so. - Yeah. - [Lily] From Pandora Netlurk, is there a right or wrong side to the Aida cloth? - No, and was there a question I was supposed to answer still from before? No? (indistinct whispering) Oh, okay, yeah, okay, sorry. - [Lily] I was like, I think we answered it, yeah. - Sorry, we take answering questions very serious and we try to get to all of your questions, that's why I did that. - [Lily] Yes. Okay. From Veda Tobias, when will the whitewash 14 count Aida be back in stock? (indistinct whispering) - I ordered that quite a while ago, actually. So soon. Denise can email and just kind of tell them, hey, we need it, can you hurry? But everything is behind guys. Our shipping's behind, all of our, every manufacturer we order from is 10 days behind. So it's the nature of the way that I think a lot of you guys who are complaining don't understand like the seriousness of social distancing and how all businesses have had to change spacing of employees. If you can't have as many employees in a space, you can't fill as many orders and you have to follow the CDC guidelines. So all the companies are behind, so-- - [Lily] Oh, okay. Yes, okay. Next question. Sarah, Pat, Daniel, what was the size of the chart that you just showed, your last Jolly July project? Loved it too. (indistinct whispering) - Okay, right here, sorry. Had to think. So it is 98 by 123, and gotta find my book. When I'm stitching on 25 count, it's going to come out to 8 by 10. So I'm an 8 by 10 frame probably won't work because that's stitch to stitch. But if it does work, I would get a, personally, what I would do is just get a frame from Hobby Lobby, take it to the framer so they can stretch it. And, but I do want to do it in a red frame. But yes, 8 by 10. So the stitch count is 98 by 123. And she originally stitched hers on 32 count, which, that's way too hard for me. But 32 count comes out to 6 by 7 and, 6.1 by 7.7. - [Lily] Also, before you put that bag away, Joel Brazil was wondering where you got it. - So this bag I bought on Etsy. It is by DotDotGooseDesign. She does really great bags and she puts her little, there's her little thing. And I bought this a couple months ago. This is an at home collection, and I thought, oh, this will be great for Jolly July. It came in three colors and I think I bought all three colors, or came in four colors and I bought three of the colors. So I do buy her bags on Etsy. - [Lily] From Ilsa Rojas, please, I want to start a Prairie School or Santa's Ornaments in Lugana 25 count, any tips to cut the fabric, I find it intimidating, thanks for any tips. - So for cutting the fabric, I would take your stitch count divided by 12 and a half, which is the equivalent of 25 and add six inches. And I do have some Prairie Schoolers to show you in here so we can put a, maybe the 25 count prim next to it. And then you can see how it would look compared to the stuff we have in a stack. I'll just have to figure out where that 25 count is in the stack. - [Lily] All right, we've got a few more questions here. From Robin Key-Rexroad, will Mistletoe Lane be available as a pattern after July? - It will be, but it will be a PDF. It will never be a paper pattern. - [Lily] Okay, and okay, from Shabby Rose, is the wall of thread behind you really individual spools of thread or is it purely for decoration? - It's real. - [Lily] It's real. And we do occasionally pull threads from there for filming when we're trying to find a matching thread. - Yes. - [Lily] It's quite funny. And then we have to remember to put it back, 'cause then we have a naked spot (laughs). From Gillian, hi, when will the Jolly July stitch along bag be available again? (indistinct whispering) - End of this month. - [Lily] Alright. From Kay Pitemvy, will you be doing a thread pack for the new Stitchville cross stitch pattern? Stitchville. - Yes, we have to order that, so that is on, we just got that pattern yesterday, Denise is ordering it today. That thread comes from Japan. So it's not a thread that distributors keep on hand. So we basically emailed the distributor a list and tell them, hey, order from Japan, they send the order, then it goes from Japan to Ohio, then from Ohio to Texas. So we will order that today. - [Lily] Okay. A few people are asking if we could show the table runner that's on the table? - Oh okay, so this table runner... - [Lily] Cool. - I'm not going to lift everything, but this is a table runner that I did on my quilting channel, which is Fat Quarter Shop on YouTube, so I'd love for you to subscribe there, but we did this last September and this is called the high roller table runner. There's a link in the box, but it's a completely free pattern, you can download it, fatquartershop.com. When I, when we made this, we use the Swell Christmas Jolly Bar, Jelly Roll, Swell Christmas Jelly Roll, and our H700 triangle paper. And with this pattern comes different layouts that you can do. So you can do it as a big quilt and it doesn't have to be Christmas, but we just thought since it's a free pattern and a lot of you are quilters, maybe y'all could make that in your spare time. And we do have a video that we've linked in the box that gives you tips on making it. - [Lily] Yes. All right, from Hannah Edmonds, Kimberly, what are you most excited to stitch? - Oh, for, I'm really excited about this because I love to stitch words and, I don't know, I just love to stitch words. And to me, this seems like something different that I haven't done. So I'm, but you know, to be honest, I'm excited about everything I do. Every time I start, the biggest excitement for me is ending a project so I can start the next one. So sometimes if I get in a funk and I'm like, oh, I'm never going to get this done, I'll do something I'm not as excited about because when I finish it, I know I'm going to start with the next one. But I love everything I stitch. I mean, I would never stitch something I didn't like, I wouldn't like, that's not, I only do what I like and enjoy. If I'm not going to enjoy it, I'm not doing it. I'll have another employee do it that likes it, because then it gives them joy and they like it and they'll use it in their house. Like there's no point in me making something that I'm not going to actually use. - [Lily] Along the same lines, I'm going to ask everyone the comments if you guys want to let us know from everything we've just shown what your favorite stitch project that Kimberly's going to do is your favorite. - Yeah, and on Kringles guys, a lot of people have finished that pattern. And there's a lot of really pretty pictures on Facebook where people have finished it. And it's so inspiring because I'm like, oh, I can't wait till I finished it. It's going to look so good. So Kringle's is one that's super exciting to see as people finish it because different, you know people have used, most people have used the same threads, but they've used different cloths and different size cloths. So some of them are like smaller, some are bigger. To me it's just fun to see what everybody else does too. - [Lily] Emma Jolly says, hi mom. - Hi Emma! (Lily laughing) - [Lily] Okay, a couple more questions. From Pat Andrews on Lori's 10 count, do I use three or four strands? - I use four strands of DMC or six strands of Aurifil. And I have had so much fun. We have, we're doing a club for next year and yesterday we spent two hours picking out thread for one month. And so I'm super excited 'cause that's also on my list to stitch. Yeah, super exciting. And it's going to be so cute. - [Lily] From Betsy Klein, how do we get Priscilla and Chelsea's July charts? - They're going to release them in July. I don't even think they've stitched them or designed them. So they will come out on Friday. They will be available on their Etsy shop and at Fat Quarter Shop. And so I don't even, I won't have them in advance. So that'll give me all Friday to see, do I want to put it on black? Am I going to use the thread that I've already pulled? And 'cause you know, sometimes I change things, but I didn't want to stitch that Friday. I wanted to stitch the day after to give myself a day to get prepared. - [Lily] All right, from Donna Regal with, will Bonnie and Camille's cross stich be a stitch along and will it be kitted from their quilts B book? - We can talk about their stuff at the very end. - [Lily] Okay. - Okay, so I'm going to now talk about different ideas for Jolly July. So a lot of the Jolly July stuff I'm going to show here either I or Cheryl or Denise stitched it last year. So let's talk about Jolly July going forward. So the very first item is from Lori Holt's stitch cards set C. I can't show you the... All of her stitch cards are numbered. And last year in Jolly July, I stitched this, each card, I put it on the 10 count black fabric by Lori Holt. I left two, two squares in between. And then this is her medium frame, her medium square frame that we sell, and I framed it. I actually took it to my framer and my framer framed it for me. So this is one of my projects from Jolly July last year. And so I just put them, it's super cute, and I just use the called for DMC. And didn't, the only thing I changed was the fabric. So this is a cute way you could do, you could pick four stitch cards. You could interchange the stitch cards with her vintage Christmas pattern, which I'll show right here. So this is her vintage Christmas pattern. And all of these patterns are 24 square by 24 square. So you could put a Santa from here, here. And you could do this border, or you could do this border. You could take a border from a different stitch card and put the different inside. So that's what the whole purpose of the stitch cards is, is to be able to interchange. So if you, if you liked, maybe, maybe you liked the snowman and you wanted to add the, if you just wanted to do like animal type things, you could do the snowman, the gingerbread, the Santa, and the reindeer, and put all four. And that would be really cute. So those are two ideas for Christmas in July. And, let me have that pattern again. I'm going to show you from the Christmas tree, her little ornaments. So these are her vintage Christmas sampler patterns. And I'm going to show you the ornaments. So you could make these into ornaments. You could make it into this. This is the same exact pattern. And these are just different ornaments that Lori made. They're the same exact thread. You could also put them into the top of the mason jar. And then there's one more ornament that doesn't want to come off the tree. So we will show that... You can see that in the... (Lily laughing) I don't want to, I don't want the tree to topple over. So that is a great idea for Jolly July. Bringing Home the Tree was Lori's Christmas pattern from last year and I stitched this, we did a sew along and this is my version. I stitched on Aida 14 count white, and I used DMC. And I took this to the framer and they framed it. And this was one of the framer's frames. That's what y'all always ask me. And it's hard to see so I'm going to kind of do this. I do have glass in it, but it has a tint of black in it. See that? So I thought it was a little bit vintage and kind of went with the vintage vibe. So this is a Lori Holt pattern that you could do. Another one you could do that we started last year was Prairie Schoolers, Christmas Alphabet. - [Lily] That's so cute! - [Kimberly] And this is Lori's version. So this is the pattern, Christmas Alphabet Prairie Schooler. These are the ones that somebody asked about the thread packs. The thread packs are now gone, but on our blog, the Jolly Jabber, is all of the details on what you would use. That is Lori's version. And this is my version, and my version was stitched on 16 count chalkboard black and Priscilla from Stitching with the Housewives finished it, and on her blog she has information on her finishing, but I can see that she used cloud small vintage trim by Lori Holt, the red large vintage trim and then she used a chalkboard, not a chalkboard, a Buffalo plaid. So that is another idea. That one would be really cool to just do... All, that would be really cool to just do for the entire month of July. You could do one square a day. This is a very new pattern called Starlit Snowflake by It's So Emma. - [Lily] It's so beautiful. - [Kimberly] And this is the one that Cheryl stitched and Cheryl stitched with DMC and Priscilla also finished this one for Cheryl and she put two different pink finishing. This came from Hobby Lobby in the sales section. And the one that I made in Mania, I used, I used Classic Colorworks, Belle Soie silk in different colors, and Priscilla has it at her house to finish. So I will be able to show that in Jolly July, when she finishes it. This one is... (indistinct whispering) This one is called Merry. This is a pattern that Priscilla did with Hands On Design and there's two designs. So the very first one Cheryl did last year, and this is the cutest frame. Do you know where she got it? - [Denise] She said, Hobby Lobby. - [Kimberly] Hobby Lobby. And then, and the, you can, this is the fabric. So she just in-set it and then, so it's flush. If that makes sense, like it's flush across the top. So, and that is on navy fabric, navy Aida, and this is Classic Colorworks. And then I made the bigger version last year and Priscilla finished this for me 'cause she's awesome. And I used the called for colors, I was in the club and she just put a fabric here. This is a frame from Hobby Lobby. And then she put this little touches. So that is another idea for Jolly July. I mean, if y'all don't have ideas after this, I just don't even know. This is Snowy, which is also part of the chockfull series that Priscilla did with Hands On Design, Kathy Haberman. And this is my version. And Priscilla finished this one. I've got to fluff the bow. Look I'm fluffing the bow Priscilla. (Lily laughing) I'm fluffing the bow. So this was, Priscilla finished this. This is probably my favorite. I love this frame, if I ever see more of these frames in Hobby Lobby, I will be purchasing all of them because this is my favorite. The next one is Away We Go by Country Cottage Needle Works and I also finished this and I don't know where it is. So Cheryl did this one, the one that I did, I stitched on black, 16 count. So I'll have to bring that next week and try to find it. But this one, Cheryl stitched and she used navy Aida and she used the called for colors. It's really cute. And then this, she got at Walmart and she got this at Walmart and then she glued this little truck on. So that is another idea. Another idea is Prairie Schooler, she loves Prairie, Cheryl loves Prairie Schooler and has made so many of them. This is the Woodland Santas pattern and she stitched this on 32 count white petit point on raw, and the called for DMC. So that's super cute. The next one is the Prairie Schooler Santa Revisited III. And so you can see, they took patterns, you know, from 87, 93, 96, and put it in one pattern and she stitched this on 32 count red petit point on raw, natural. And she used the called for DMC. So if you're not familiar with Prairie Schooler they just called, they just always had DMC called for. The next one is St. Nicholas by the Prairie Schooler. So this one has eight patterns in it and this is one of her ornaments and she has made me several ornaments. There's, oh, several, she has made me several ornaments over the years and I didn't bring them because we got a storage unit and they're at my storage unit, 'cause I was going to bring them. I went through my stuff. This one, this is the prim 25 count by Lori Holt that someone was asking about earlier and how it would look with Prairie Schooler. So I'll put some Prairie Schoolers next to it, just for color, and I think it would look great. And then there's one more. It's the 2013 Santa. And look, it's so cute! And so this one's finished. Really nice. And then the last Prairie Schooler we have is Here Comes Santa Claus, 2005. And I really liked this one. And I liked the detail on his eyes and his nose. So she used all the called four colors here. And then we have a couple more ideas. So just a couple more, sorry. I know we have a lot today. So a couple ideas are you could do Santa's Village and you could just do one a day or start one. Last year, and we're going to go over this a lot next week, is last year I made ornaments and we have them all finished. We're going to show them one by one next week, but this ornament pack would be a good way to start. Another idea would be to work on My Christmas List. And for this one, we got this idea from Priscilla. Priscilla is working on this and she's been showing it on her Saturday videos with Chelsea. So if you want to subscribe to Stitching with the Housewives, she has her colors and we do have a thread pack. It's not in stock, but it will be soon. And this would be a great one where you could just work on it all throughout July. We have a lot of Prairie Schoolers in stock, so there's just another one that we have in stock. So we have a lot of the Prairie Schooler in stock, if there's something Prairie Schooler that you like that we don't have just let me know and we'll order it. This one I really like and never got to make. This came out last year, it's called Fresh Cut Christmas trees. And the reason that I like it so much is because it has words. I mean, I love to stitch words. It's probably my favorite thing to stitch. So this would be really cute. And that's that petit point fabric and then Plum Street Sampler, I thought this one was really cute. It says welcome home, and it's very Christmas-y. Well, it's called Home for Christmas, but it says welcome home, sorry. So I thought that was really Christmas-y. And if you look, it's hard to see that on the camera, but it looks very Christmas-y at the bottom. So that is what we have for Jolly July. - [Lily] Woo! - Let me know if you have any questions. That's a lot of stuff, I know. And we still have a ton more so, but we can go a little bit longer today and we can go over that. We might have to hold some stuff to next week, but we'll see. - [Lily] We'll see. Also confetti cannon for you for going through everything for us. - Oh, well confetti cannon for Denise who put it all together. - [Lily] Confetti Canon for Denise. - Yes, and Cheryl for stitching. - [Lily] Yay everyone, teamwork. All right, going down here on the list of questions-- - And Lori for sending me stuff. - [Lily] Yay Lori! - Yes. (Lily laughing) - [Lily] Okay. From Lindsey Ladwig, what's the pattern to Kimberly's right with Santa above the houses on the navy background? Okay, we did just show it, okay. - This one is stitch card set C. This one-- - [Lily] The one with the trees I think. - Away We Go, Country Cottage Needle Works. Okay, so this is stitch card set D, this has vintage Christmas, this is Away We Go, and this is Merry chockfull. Ooh, yay. - [Lily] From Sarah, Pat and Daniel, I stitch on linen, do you have a good suggestion to use instead of black, but still dark? (indistinct whispering) - I don't know-- - [Lily] Yeah, she wants something dark but that's not black. - That's not black. Let me, Cheryl will, we'll have to ask Cheryl afterwards and then answer you afterwards, 'cause I'm not familiar with linen, if you want to know the truth. I've never stitched on linen, I don't think I ever will. So I'm not as familiar with those products. - [Lily] All right. From Katrina E, what is the label on the back of your frame? - So those are just stickers that Cody, who works for me, made. But going forward, I'm going to use the library cards by Lori Holt. Those were all stitched last year. And so I'm going to fill out library cards going forward, but those were just stickers that she made. Basically, I gave her my cross stich journal and she took all the names and made all the stickers in one day and I just had them. But going forward, I'm going to use the library cards. And we don't sell the stickers, I know people have asked. - [Lily] Okay. From TMAC 827, hello beautiful people, I'm new to cross stitch and have not started a project yet, but I wanted to know what would be the best count for me to start using-- - 10 count. - [Lily] Okay, perfect. And yeah, I know they got some feedback in the comments as well, but-- - Yeah, 10 count or 14 count. 10 count is really good because it's really easy on the eyes. 14 count would be my second choice. - [Lily] Oh, from Carrie Babbit, question, I'm in the Austin area, and curious about what framer you use? I've been hesitant since not all are experts with framing stitched items. - I used Artworks, it is on West Fifth Street. I will just say they're great, but they're very expensive. So I just want to warn you before you go in there, but they do a great job. They take about three weeks, they do take a little bit longer, but I have used them since Emma was four, and so 13 years. And I've never had an issue in 13 years. So sometimes you pay for what you get. And I just feel like, and also, I mean, let's be honest, it really helps to Priscilla finishes half my stuff, 'cause if not, I'd be broke. So I do try to, depending on what it is, I try not to send Priscilla everything 'cause I don't want her to get upset or, you know, like I don't wanna like abuse my friendship with her, but I do love Artworks, I think they're very nice, and they're also very helpful if I ask questions and they've never made a mistake in 13 years. - [Lily] Okay, from Shelley Freeman, what fabric did you use for Christmas Alphabet? - 16 count black, chalkboard black, 16 count. By Wichelt. - [Lily] From Julie Washburn, is that blue frame an actual frame under the cross stitch design or is that a flat board below it? - This one? I don't know. - [Lily] No, it was one that we showed right now. It was finished by Priscilla. It's like a teal. - Oh, it was a board, it was, I think just a plain board from Hobby Lobby, it was like a frame and she painted it. Or it might've came that blue, I don't know. But it was from Hobby Lobby, I remember. But yeah, I don't remember exactly what it is. - [Lily] From Crafting a Planned Life, would Lori's stitch carts be good for a beginner? - Oh, absolutely. - [Lily] Okay, also from Julie Washburn, any good tips on how to get creases out of cross stitch fabric after done stitching? I try ironing it but the creases don't want to come out. Maybe I'm just too scared to burn it? - So I would use, Yarn Tree has a pressing cloth. I would use that with steam, but I would put the pressing cloth on top and I would iron it and then, you know, step away, come back, you know, in an hour, do it again, just do it until it's done. If you need to put a little bit of water on it, just to get it wet, that might help, but just, you know, just be gentle with it. And don't just keep ironing, 'cause you'll eventually get a scorch. So I would just do it, walk away, do it, walk away. That's what I do with my stuff. - From Gillian, I would love to do all of Santa's Village as one piece. What size cloth will I need? - Oh, there's so many Santa Villages, like Santa Villages, what's Santa Villages? - [Lily] Santa's Village. (indistinct whispering) - Oh, okay. Go to countrycottageneedleworks.com and there's a section that says Santa's Village, and on that page it has everything you need to know. It tells you the individual size, the big size, how to place them, everything is on Country Cottage Needle Works. - [Lily] From Melissa K Knutsen, could you use a variegated thread for the Starlet Snowflake? - Yeah, you could. And if you did that, I'd probably just do one color and just use it throughout. I've never used variegated though. Just to be honest. - [Lily] Okay, from Ilsa Rojas, how much boarder do the Santa's Ornaments have? - I don't know. She leaves like two inches around probably? Santa's Ornaments. - [Lily] I think it was all the, the Santa like 2008, the different years of the Santas? - She just uses about a two inch border around. But when she frames them, let me see. Three quarters of an inch, is what it looks like, three quarters, half an inch. But the two inch I meant was like probably how she starts stitching so that she has room to finish. - [Lily] From Diana Stoutenburg, can you tell us what floss and fabric the Real Housewives Jolly July are using? Trying to see if I have supplies in my stash, thank you. - She is going to be using mainly her Be Merry Classic Colorworks pack. So those colors are listed on our site and we are going to be selling a Weeks Dye Works version also so that if we don't have one in stock, we'll have the other, and those are all listed, if you click on the product on our site and scroll down, I don't think Be Merry's online yet, but it will be. - [Lily] Sandy Taylor was wondering if you would release the Yeti Kimberly stitch squad again? - Oh, no I just did that for fun. We really didn't even make any money on that. That was like kind of a pain to do. - [Lily] That's funny. - I don't know. I thought it was kind of silly that y'all would drink out of a cup with my name on it. So I, oh, Lily has one. I don't know. I feel kind of weird selling that, to me, but yeah. I mean, if we got a ton of requests, I could. I just, I kinda thought it was silly. - [Lily] I love mine, I'm just going to put that out there. Has my tea in it right now, it's great. Okay. From Crafting a Planned Life, so any project can be stitched on 10 count regardless of what is listed on the pattern? - Correct. - [Lily] And does that make a difference in the amount of floss that you'll need to make the project? - Yes, it does. So I would just double it, 'cause you're using four strands. So just double whatever you're doing and you just have to convert it from your stitch count to your 10 count. - [Lily] From Patricia Buckle, Buckley, sorry, last week Kimberly showed a patriotic design with the Americana fabric flare material, what was the name of the pattern? She indicated it was an older pattern that they were going to start-- - It was July 4th Typography. - [Lily] Oh, okay. - And that's the same designer as the Christmas Typography that I will be doing. And some of that fabric did sell out. We have already ordered it and should be coming soon. They take about, maybe another week. - [Lily] From Marilyn Perlman, did you get the 14 count Aida from Picture This Plus? - It hasn't come yet, but we ordered it. So we just need to figure out when they're going to ship it. But yeah, we ordered it a long time ago. - [Lily] Okay. From Alaxia, DMC just released new fabrics today, including Aida, Monaco and linen. Will you be carrying it? - We'll look right after this live stream. What, you want to type out where you saw? That'd be great. What website you saw that before, so you can save us time researching. - [Lily] Okay, from Mary Pichard-Ferber, I've read you should gently wash your projects with mild soap and water. Do you wash your finishes? - No. - [Lily] All right, oh and-- - And I definitely would not wash if you're using any type of hand dyed or, hand dyed floss, 'cause it could bleed. So I would definitely not if you're using that. But no, I don't. I do wash my hands though, every time, before I pick up a project. And if my hands get sweaty or I mean, I know that sounds gross, but if they get sweaty, I just get up, go to the bathroom, wash my hands, start over. - [Lily] Also correction, I said Gillian's name incorrectly. It's Gillian spelled with a G. I will pronounce your name correctly moving forward, thank you. - I was thinking it might be Galane. - [Lily] Oh, Galane. That's a pretty name too. But yes, no, feel free if I ever mispronounce anyone's name, I want to pronounce your guys's names correctly. Just let me know. And then Julia Washburn had a funny comment. She was like, you get a confetti cannon, you get a confetti cannon, you and you. Also confetti cannon for everyone behind the scenes in the comments right now. - Yes. - [Lily] We appreciate you. - And Lily. - [Lily] Aw, thank you. - It's so funny, I'm looking at the tree and I'm sorry it's bare. - [Lily] It's got the lone ornament that wouldn't come off. - But we have the ornaments over here, so I can move it. - [Lily] Okay. - I'll move it. And then we have ornaments. - [Lily] Put the littler tree in front of the bare tree. - It's just bothering me. - [Lily] Okay. From Susan Alban, just joining in, when are the next two secret Santa charts due in? - We're on auto ship with Hands On Design. So as soon as she releases them and she is on Instagram. So if you want to ask her, she's always great. Kathy's always great, she'll answer you. So I'm, we're on auto ship, so when she ships we get it and we load it the same day we get it. So, but she's definitely great about answering questions. - [Lily] Hang on. From Gidget Lacey, huge shout out to Brenda from customer service, she located my lost package and followed up with a phone call to make sure I got it. - Thank you! - [Lily] I'll let Brenda know. Oh, okay. And from Alaxia, they said that it's on the DMC website or that they, their announcement big link on the homepage and they posted on their Instagram. Thank you. Okay. Marietta Bechan was asking, how did Kevin feel after doing the video last week? - Oh, he was super, it was really hard for him to do. And I think he was just... I don't know how to describe it. It's really hard for him to do. - [Lily] Oh, I think he did so good. - He'll never do it again, I'll tell you that. He'll never do it again. - [Lily] At least there was the one. - Yeah, it was just really hard. I mean, he's just a very introverted person so it's just really hard for him to do that. And he's like, he did say to me, I just don't know how you do it. I don't know how you do it. And then we always have family discussions and we went to dinner Friday and he was like, your mom, I don't know how she does all that. And I'm like, it's fine. So, I mean, it's just, it's really hard for him. - [Lily] Yeah. - I thought he did great. And he thought he did horrible and I was like, you did great! - [Lily] He did really good, like, I was very impressed. - Yeah. He just doesn't talk much. So too, even just to, he doesn't talk much. Like even with his friends, if we went to dinner or something, like he just, he's not a talker. So not only are you putting yourself out there, first of all, you're putting yourself out there. Second of all, you're having to talk. Third of all, you're on camera. It's just really hard. It's not easy to do all this. It's easier for me 'cause I've done it a million times, but it used to not be so easy. - [Lily] All right, from Jennifer Keeny. I was late to join so you may have already answered, but will you have Teresa Kogut's new Patriotic sampler? - Yes. And it is on order and it looks amazing and Cheryl is going to stitch it. And so as she stitches it, she'll bring it in and we can show it and we'll figure out what cloth she's gonna stitch it on and make sure we have it in stock because it's a rather big piece, so it's not going to be as easy to get the cloth, if that makes sense. 'Cause it's pretty big, right Denise? Like on her Instagram, well actually Teresa Kogut also has a Floss Tube. So when she showed it, I was like, oh my gosh, it's huge. So if you want to see it, you could watch it on her, on her channel. - [Lily] All right, last two comments before we move on here from Catherine McMillan, funny comment, my husband doesn't understand why you have Christmas trees out in June. - Because we're going to have Christmas in July, at the Fat Quarter Shop, and next week we're going to have a giant Christmas tree with all our ornaments! It's gonna be so awesome! - [Lily] Yes we are. - I would just have a Christmas tree in my bedroom all year. If I could. - [Lily] They're pretty. - I like Christmas. - [Lily] Also Fat Quarter Shop Floss Tube said confetti cannon for Lily coming back from her trip. Thank you, Ashley, that is Ashley in the comments now. I appreciate it. It's weird to give a confetti cannon to yourself. - It's okay. Okay, so I'm going to show you kind of the stuff I've been working on. So not only did we, you know, working on Jolly July, I'm working on some other stuff. So I'm going to show you some of my finishes, some of my WIPs, all that stuff. So the very first item, last night, I continued, this is a Mania project, so I'm hoping to have this done by next week. Christopher has a baseball game tonight. So I'm taking this to baseball game. This is June Trucking Along by Priscilla and Chelsea. And so I did this last night. And the, what I'm hoping to do is do all the strawberries first, the bottom, and then the truck. And I'm going to show you this truck has a basket of strawberries and I'm going to do something different and I'm going to show you what I'm going to do when I show you July. So I brought this back out and I'm hoping to get this done by next week. And then I will have very few Mania left. And this is the new bitty boards by Lori Holt. And this is how I keep them. And if you fold it over, they don't fall. And so this is a great way, these are her smaller seven inch that she made just for cross stitchers. And we have gotten a lot of questions about how to use it. And this is exactly how you use it. And usually I put my needle in there also, like you can put your needle in there and it just stays. You could either put it this way. You can, it'll stand up or it'll go in. So either way. So it has a lot of uses and you can put a needle minder on the front and the back and it'll stay. And then you can put your needle on that too. So that is June. This is also another DotDotGooseDesign bag. So that is my WIP for the week. My finishes now, this is prim stitch series part one. So I can show you that. This is the new series by Lori Holt. One of the questions that we are getting is we need a substitute for 25 count for the people who don't want his 25 count. This is 25 count prim. All the information is on a blog post, but we found this is going to be our substitute. This is Wichelt cafe mocha. It is lighter, but it is, we could not find an exact match. This piece is not big enough to make the piece into one. So if you wanted to make it individually, you could use this, but Denise has already ordered this in a larger size that will fit the entire piece. They have to, they have to cut it, Wichelt has to cut it and package it for us. So it probably won't be here by the time the first pattern ships, but it is ordered. So cafe mocha, CF, what's CF? Country French. And the one thing I did want to show about this is, so this is the rig, this is prim that I'm stitching on. This is a Wichelt fabric, but it is much softer. I don't know how to explain it, but it's not as stiff as other Wichelt. So if you prefer stiff, you might not love this. I'm just being completely transparent and honest with you guys. So anyway, the whole point of this is, this is part one. In my nifty little bag right here, this bag is coming in July, I not only have one, I have two design boards in here. Don't ask me why. And I have, this is the floss I'm using, and this is her new needle minder that, this is what I mean about, you can stick a needle minder on here. So this one I have to fold it. Hold on. I have to, I have to fold it so you can't see, see it all. So I'll just say there, that's what you can see. So this is section three. So today I am mailing her part three and Lori is finishing for me two and three that go with this is for the pattern cover of the pattern. Now we're going to, you won't be able to see it until the pattern comes out, and if you're in the club, you'll be the first one to get it. It goes online before anybody in the store can buy it. And we have gone over all the information on this on previous, and we have a big long blog post. - [Lily] Also, when you said design boards, there's two. It reminded me of like, is it the Lays commercials that are like, you can't just have one. - [Kimberly] Oh, I know it's horrible. I have them, and you know the thing about these things is like this went with something else. And then when I was working on that project, I couldn't find it. And then it's in this bag and I've been wondering where it is, and here it is. Because yeah. So that is getting mailed to Lori today. Another finish I have is the July Trucking Along by Priscilla and Chelsea of Stitching with the Housewives. And so if you look on the hood of the truck, there's a cat. So Lily, can you scroll in? - [Lily] Yep. - [Kimberly] So I am, I'm annoying. So I was like, Priscilla, can you please draw me a dog? So she drew me a Piggy! - [Lily] It's a Piggy! - [Kimberly] And you can't, it's hard to see his black ears, but in person you can really see it. And so what Priscilla's going to do, in case you want a little Piggy on your truck, is she will put the diagram for this. When she finishes this whole piece, she'll put it on her blog. And my idea is on the June... Sorry, this, my idea on the June is... Sorry, on the truck right here, where the baskets are? I'm going to put another Piggy! And so I'm going to try, my goal is to have a Piggy on every one of my trucks. And when I, oh, and I did want to tell you the colors I used on Piggy. So on Piggy I used, for his body, Tea and Biscuits and for his ears, I did black coffee. I did a different, I did a couple of different colors on the ears before I got it where I liked it, but his ears are really black. And I know you can't see it on the camera, but in real life you can see the black. So it's so excited 'cause I have a Piggy. That's another finish. And then, see, I've been busy. I stitched Bent Creek's Glory. This was a Mania start. So, I'm going to be totally honest on this, I used 14 count natural light. So this is my third patriotic from Mania. I finished all three of them. The colors I use are General Arts chalk, Buckeye Scarlet, Carriage Black, Black Raspberry Jam. Okay, so can you zoom in some more? So, so one thing I did is on the pattern, they had a satin stitch in different sections. So you can kind of see the satin stitch like there and there. But I didn't like the way it looked on Aida. So I did Smyrna stitches and I got that idea from Priscilla. I didn't come up with it myself. So I did Smyrna stitches instead. Yeah, you can kind of see it right there. And then this has an alphabet and I just didn't do the alphabet part. So I actually sent, I actually found a board for this to go on that I already sent Priscilla. So I'm going to mail this to her today to finish for me, but I'm excited to have that finished. And then Priscilla and Chelsea also came out with Bloom, downloadable PDF last Friday, and Denise finished this already. So she got it on Friday, she stitched on 28 count Josalynn black and the called for threads. And it's so cute. So are you going to finish it, or are you gonna send it to Priscilla? - [Denise] Oh no, I'm gonna finish it. - [Kimberly] So she's going to finish it. (indistinct whispering) What? She's going to try to finish it, so when she finishes it we'll bring it. But oh my gosh, it's so cute. And then I have a framed finish. So I went to the framer. Actually Denise went to the framer and they hadn't called me yet. They always call me when they have something. And I said, well, when you're at the framer, can you just ask them if they're done? So this is one of my Mania finishes from last year. It is Madam Chantilly Love. I stitched on Phoenician stone, 14 count and just the called for DNC. And I love this. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it in my house, but I do really like it. So I really like it. And I like the frame. I was super excited about the frame. And then I wanted to show you prim village one last time before we mail everything back to Lori. So this was a stitch along, this is my piece. So I'm going to take this home today because I know exactly where it's going to go in my house. And this is Lori's piece. And Lori has my prim village that I stitched on overcast, and so when she finishes it and sends it back, I will show it, and this is Lori's large vintage frame. And the stitch along is finished and it finished last week. So thank you to everyone who stitched along and on the back, you can see her stitch, her library cards. This was her prototype. So this is what I will be putting to label all of my finishes going forward. And this is one of her, I think be basics fabrics that she put on the back, - [Lily] Lori Holt says, put it by your wedding photo at the end of your hallway? - [Kimberly] Oh, maybe I don't know if it'll fit. Yeah, I don't know. Somewhere, but that's a good idea. And then also wanted to remind you about the Singing in the Rain stitch along that we're going to be doing with Bev. So this is 25 count cloud, Lori Holt fabric. And we have a thread pack. This is the thread pack that Denise and I came up with. It's called Kimberly's Singing in the Rain. It should, really should say Denise's Singing in the Rain, 'cause she helped me. And then this is the pattern. And so there is a popup that Lily has, and this is kind of the plan that Bev has, and I'm just following along on her stitch along. So the hardest part is going to be that first week, 'cause it's the entire border. So it doesn't start until next week, but I might cheat and this week start the border, so that I'm a little bit ahead so that I'm less likely to get behind. So I changed the colors and I'm probably going to leave off all the back stitches except for the umbrella hands, just to kind of let you know, and I'll show it each week and I'll show you what I did different. I might even change where colors go, but super cute. And then... We also have some new items that I'm going to show. So these are the bitty boards that I already showed. I got these out of inventory so that I have more in my bag. So I'm taking these home with me today. I already showed you the new Kringle's metallic thread. And I apologize for it taking so long to come in stock, but it is in stock and I would love for, when you stitch it, I want to see how it looks. And yesterday we got in stock the new Punch Needle and Primitive series, Primitive Stitcher magazine. And I'm going to turn to the page. This is the thread pack that goes with Summer Daisies. And this is Priscilla and Chelsea, I'm so proud of them, and Ronnie. Piper wants to know where he's at. Piper's not in the picture. And when I was talking to Priscilla the other night, Piper was growling at Chelsea, it was so funny. It was funny, but not really funny 'cause I would die if I was in that house, I'd be scared. So this is her thread pack. So we have the magazines in stock and the thread packs in stock, and we have a ton of them in stock. Yesterday Camille emailed this to me. This is her, she's going to be releasing her own cross stitch patterns. So she based this on her Swoon pattern and another one of her patterns and it's called Stitchville. And she stitched hers on 25 count cloud, Lori Holt fabric. She is listing Cosmo and DMC. She stitched her sample in Cosmo. And so the only thing about it, that would be different, she does list 14 count and 25 count sizes. It is a PDF. There will also be paper patterns in a couple of weeks. We're pre-selling it, if you're interested. The only thing about this is if you are a beginner, it does use quarter inch and three quarter inch stitches. So just know that before you buy it in case you, if you don't want to do three quarter inch stitches, don't. Then don't buy it. I mean, I want you to buy it, but I just want you to know if you're a beginner, it does have more difficulty. And then, Cody got it yesterday and she started it. - [Lily] Go Cody! - [Kimberly] And she changes, she's changing the colors. So she did that overnight. And then this is our little... And then we also have some new needle minders. Nope, enamel charms that are going to come. These go with her book. So these go with the brand new Bonnie and Camille quilt B book. And these came in super early and we were so excited because everything has been so delayed. So there is a good times charm and a beehive star. So these are super cute. I'm going to take these home, put them on my bags. And I have had some questions, if Camille is going to do a stitch along. So I'm going to ask her. Denise is going to remind me to ask her, 'cause I don't know she's going to stitch along, but if she does it, it'll be kind of like what we do with Bev, where Bev runs it and I just do, you know, we just talk about it. So that is brand new, and this is not in the book or anything like these are her own cross stitch patterns that she came up with on her own and I'm not publishing them, she is. And the flash sale for today is the Spring has Sprung Country Cottage Needle Works and the Lori Holt 10 count... American blue. Yay! Okay, so I'm happy to answer any questions. I know that was like a lot of stuff. Next week is going to be super long also because we are going to show 31 ornaments. all finished, and whatever I finish this week. I have really big goals for this week on finishing. I'm going to have a lot of stitching time today because today I get to go have a mammogram, and after that mammogram, I have eight hours to stitch. So I've already planned my day. That's going to be my, I always have like, you can call it like sunshines and clouds. That's the way we do it in our house. Like, what's your sunshine of the day? Or what's your cloud of the day? That means what was good, what was bad? But today my bad is I have to get a mammogram. So as my reward, I'm going to stitch. - [Lily] Oh, that's funny, I call it dungeons and towers. - Oh, of course you do. That makes me think of Dungeons and Dragons, which I don't even really know what it is. - [Lily] That's funny, yeah. - But it's a good way to talk to your kids about, you know, 'cause I think, especially now with the quarantine, talking to your kids is really important because of mental health. I mean there's a lot of, kids can get in their head and like, you need to be able to talk to them about what was good today, what was bad, and then we talk about, well, does the good overcome the bad? I mean, I shouldn't, this is all parenting, we don't even need to talk about it here, I'm sorry. - [Lily] You're good. From Tula E Hubbard, what's your favorite cross stitching project? I guess that's coming up? Do you have one? - I don't know that I have a favorite. I obviously have a soft spot for anything Lori does because she's my idol. So you know anything that Lori does when I have, I have a blue hutch, aqua hutch in my house, so anything when I get all of those things out, I tell Emma, okay, these go on that table. So like her stuff goes there and I obviously like anything Stitching with the Housewives does, but anything I stitch I do love. And we do have a really cool one coming up from Lori that is so I'm so excited about it. I showed it to Kevin yesterday, he was like, oh, I love it! So I'm going to get that one done and hang it, I know exactly where I'm going to hang it in my sewing room. Already. - [Lily] All right from Amy Dement, what, that's batting on the bitty board and not flannel, right? - Correct. - [Lily] Okay. From JacksB82, have all the charts in the chockfull series been released? - Yes. And we have a set now of all of them. I think it's a set of seven or eight? Seven. - [Lily] From Polly Clune, can you get starlet snowflake in PDF? - Six months after the original release, which would be about three and a half months from now. And the reason we do that is a business decision based on being able to afford the paper, to print the patterns. It's just what we have to do as a business. But yes, six months after. - [Lily] From Kat G, what fabric is the love stitched on? - Phoenician Stone, 14 count Wichelt. And I just bought the prepackaged one and just stitched it. And I saved the other half. 'Cause that's all the other half the other day. - [Lily] From Angela Staudinger, can Cheryl do a video on three quarters stitches? - I can ask her? I mean, you could ask her and see, I mean, I don't know if she's gonna want to do it like right now. Just 'cause of COVID. 'Cause she just got back to work and she's got a lot to catch up on, but I don't even know how to do a third quarter of a stitch. So we can ask her. I mean, she's going to watch later, so Cheryl just email me and Denise what your answer is and when you want to do it and we'll schedule it. - [Lily] Yeah, Cheryl does a watch last, what was it? No, the week before last when I was like, oh I wish Cheryl is my grandma. She told me that she could be my adopted grandmother. And I was like-- - Oh! - [Lily] So blessed. - She's like so nice, like-- - [Lily] She's the best. But yeah, I felt sheepish when she emailed me about it. I was like, oh. From Crafting a Planned Life, what are you writing on the library cards? - Okay, so I am going to actually, I'm going to be spoiled because when Lori does them, she's going to do them for me. So on this one, she put the name of the pattern, prim village by Lori Holt, bee in my bonnet. She put the stitch count, she put the date, so like either the date you start or the date you end, stitched by Lori Holt, using prim R floss stitched on 25 count oatmeal vintage cloth, framed in a 14 inch square frame, pattern published by It's So Emma. So name of pattern, stitch size, all the stuff you would put in your book and you can write on the back also. And I did want to, I came up with this. I thought this was really fun, and y'all might think I'm a dork, but I don't have very much fancy floss. So that's the fancy floss I have. And this week I, when I was working on glory, forgot to mention. So when I was working on glory, I used red and I had done from here to here. I had finished half. And when I got halfway done, I went to pull different skeins and my stuff was a mess. It was all in a ball, and I was like, wait, I gotta be able to figure this out. So I saw this sitting on my desk, this used to have cards in it. 'Cause sometimes customers will send me cards, and so I have all my cards or you know, notes from my kids. And this was sitting on my desk and I was like, you know what, this would fit fancy floss. So Emma organized my fancy floss in there. And I know most of you have a lot more fancy floss, but this is my fancy floss, I'm so proud. But this is just a cute little thing from Hobby Lobby. And it, because what happened on my red is the two reds that I had left over from previous projects were darker. So on the right it's a tiny bit darker, but I don't think you can tell. But yes, I came up with that this weekend because everything was just kind of a mess. And I thought, you know, people might want to see that. And this is just, I mean, this was like $5 from Hobby Lobby. It was like, I've had this, we have this on the set, the quilting set, and when we bought it I told Cody, oh, I love it, can you buy me one? So it's like from two years ago. But I thought it was cute. And so then I put this like on my little entryway, I put it on there by my silk floss. And then that way, if I need it, I can say, can you go get me my bucket? My kids like to run errands for me. If they want Roblox, money on Roblox, what is that game? They play some game and they want money. So I make them ride, I make them walk the dog and do errands, make my bed, they make my bed every day. And then they can get Roblox money. - [Lily] Oh, yeah I don't know what that game is. - It's like Minecraft, kind of. You build a room and then you can like, if you buy stuff, you get more, but you can... So then they compete on who can get more. 'Cause then they can mess up each other's houses. I don't know. - [Lily] All right, from Creative Country Girl, will there be openings for the stitch club? - Yeah. You just can't get the last two. But the, going forward, yes. - [Lily] All right. From TJ tech, can you buy a 10 count cross stitch kit that includes the pattern thread and 10 count fabric? - So we might have some, is Red, White and Bloom still in stock? So one that we have in stock is Red, White, and Bloom. And then we're going to have a club next year that is going to be a monthly club, January through December. Last week I finished May. Yesterday we picked thread for the January and then we're going to kind of do that, and then we're going to launch it in about August, September. - [Lily] Lots of people in the comments are saying Roblox? - Yeah, that, whatever that is. - [Lily] All right, yeah, lots of people are saying that their children also love it. - Yeah, they love it. And then they like, there's a, okay. So our dogs name is Piggy. So imagine our surprise when one day they're like kill Piggy, and I'm like, what? So Piggy is a version of Roblox, and the goal is to kill the Piggy because the Piggy is the whatever. So anyway, at first I was like, what are y'all talking about? Or, you know, it's like, so there's a, it's like a Piggy. It's like a thing you add. - [Lily] Aww! - But no, they love Piggy. Piggy doesn't love them, but they love him. - [Lily] On the subject of Piggy, Peach said, you get a Piggy and you get a Piggy, L-O-L. 'Cause you were putting the Piggys everywhere. From Crafting a Planned Life, if I have questions in getting started, can I call customer service and they can help me to make sure I have what I need? Wish I could ask Lori Holt, but I don't think that's possible. - Why don't you email cheryl@fatquartershop.com and she can help you, and she can probably get to you faster than customer service. And she knows more than I know. So she will be happy to help you. - [Lily] Yes, for cross stitch-y things. - C-H-E-R-Y-L @fatquartershop.com. - [Lily] Cheryl. Few comments from Lori Holt here, she had earlier said granny chic fabric, I think for-- - Oh, for the back of your fabric? If that was granny chic, instead of be basics. - [Lily] Yes. And she also put three kissy heart faces and said, Kimberly! 'Cause you said she's your idol. And she also suggested that the kids should get animal crossing. I don't have animal crossing myself, but I also recommend it. And from Melissa K Hill, will you have more openings for the Classic Colorworks Floss Club? - No. She can not add to it. - [Lily] Alright. - But we will, for Weeks. - [Lily] Hannah Edmund says Piggy is an evil version of pepper pig, Peppa Pig? - I don't know what it is. It's a complicated thing. I just know that they ran around the house, Piggy Piggy! And I'm like what the, what are you talking about? It's just weird that our dog is named-- - [Lily] Piggy as well. - Piggy 'cause it was confusing. - [Lily] Okay, and then Lauretta Magers had this question earlier, so I wanted to save it for the end, she says, hi Kimberly, have you been keeping an eye on the Lori Vallow case? - Oh, absolutely. I watch that every day. I feel horrible for Kay and Larry, which are the grandparents. It is a tragic situation and I hope that they both get life in prison and they get what they deserve because it's a horrible situation. But I watch it every day, I watch Crime Talk with Scott Rice, so does Lori, we all talk about it. I watch It's a Crime 'cause Lori recommended it. I watched Gray Hugh's Investigates, I watch all of it everyday, all day. I watch Court TV, but yeah, I mean, I think it's a horrible injustice and evil at its finest. - [Lily] Whoa. - Do you not know what it is? - [Lily] I don't, you'll have to tell me afterwards. - It's so complicated. So basically there's a lady and she had five marriages and she might've killed her fourth husband or her third cousin, her third or fourth husband, allegedly, don't sue me. So then her fifth husband, her brother killed. Her new husband she bought wedding rings, then the husband killed the wife, allegedly. She was like 40 and she died. The kids are, two kids are dead. So basically they just like killed a lot of people because they were infatuated with each other, and it's a horrible situation, and yeah, a lot of people died. - [Lily] Alright. On that note. - So guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. I know it's been an hour and a half. I had a ton of stuff, but we will have more next week and we really hope you join us for Jolly July. - [Lily] All right, see you guys next week.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop FlossTube
Views: 23,201
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Keywords: flosstube fat quarter shop, fat quarter shop cross stitch, stitch maynia 2020, jolly july
Id: IkvrOlDjNBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 35sec (5375 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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