FlossTube #110: Stitch Card Set H, Prim & Proper SAL, Shine On SAL and more!

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(upbeat music) - Hey guys, good morning. - It's March 24, 2021. I'm happy to be back. I hope that you enjoyed my storage video last week, that was a lot of fun to do and I loved seeing all the comments. So, since I've been gone two weeks I have a ton of stuff to show you. There's lots of new stuff from expo, lots of new stuff from Lori Holt, lots of new stuff from Priscilla and Chelsea. So, that's super exciting. I'm gonna start with stitch card set H. So ,our stitch card series with Lori Holt comes out once a quarter and there's four patterns within each. And so, if you are a club member that shipped on March 12th. So, I'm gonna show these to you. I had these framed at my local framer. They each took about two hours to stitch, and I stick these on Prim 25 count Lugana by Lori Holt. Let's see, so when I had them frame, I did ask them to leave more. (board scraping) I don't know what that light is up there, what does that do? What's that shining on there. - [Lilly] Oh, I think the pool. - [Kimberly] So, I did ask the framer to, to leave one inch. I usually leave about three quarters of an inch but I didn't want the red to really fight with the border, so I did ask, so that's why there's a little bit more room. So, if you want to join the stitch cards, you can join those at any time. And we are on H, and so the insides are all 24 by 24. Each time they will have different borders so you can mix and match borders, and you can mix and match insides. We are working on a box that will fit your stitch cards and that has been finalized and should be available in a couple of months because they have to produce them. And with this, we also just released a video yesterday on the penny pig which is right here, (board clanking) and Denise stitched it. And we're gonna show you an image. We stitch it on 25 count Lugana by Lori Holt. So, if you look, yeah, stay right there Lilly, if you look how different it looks, because this one right here in my hands is prim, the one Lily is showing you is cloud, so you get a different look. And we did this pillow with the six inch economy pad paper which is right here. And we do a video and we show you how to make this pillow. And we did finish it with the rick rack, which is called Vintage Trim by Lori Holt, all the information is in that video. And those are Lori's photos, so we went ahead and gave that pillow to Lori, she's putting it in her bowl and she will show that on our future "Flosstube" also. So, all of the pillows she has in her pillow bowl are smaller. And then this one she wanted to just make bigger, and use her paper and show how you can really fussy cut something in the center of it. And of course, when you're doing that pillow bowl, you could put the border on if you wanted. She thought it would kind of fight with it, so we left that off. So, let me know if there's any questions on that video, or those stitch cards, or what stitch cards are. Let me know if you have any questions on any of that. - [Lilly] Yeah, I'll let questions roll in. We did get a super chat from Doc Doc Goose Design Denise, for a hundred dollars, and she says we missed you last week, Denise and Ms. Gracie. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Oh my gosh. That's so generous, thank you so much. - Oh, and I did forget to show you the Stitch Card thread pack, and that is right there. So, we have plenty of these thread packs in stock. And so if you want you can get the card, you can get the patterns and the thread. I just forgot to show you that. I will move to Prim & Proper, this is also by Lori Holt. So, this is the pattern, and Lily's gonna pop up an image real quick of where Lori's at. And so Lori is stitching on 36 count Beach Brew by R & R Linens. So, she stitching and hers is much tinier than ours, she's using color four DMC, And so she kinda, if you see, if you go back to the image, she did the right side first whereas I started on the left side. So, she's doing the stitch along, she's just doing it her own way and her own order. Now, the next picture I'm gonna show you is, the dates. So, that one is, if you see week five, that will show you where we're at. So, we're gonna finish, and next week I'm gonna show you my final photo. And then the next photo is from last week and this was when we went to a ranch, and my kids were not very helpful with the photos I was trying to do. So I was trying to hold this, and I swear I thought that camel was gonna come and grab it. He kind of talked, he made a lot of noise. Like he would make noise, I'm not kidding. It was like he was trying to talk. And it was like, if we fed him, he was happy, 'cause each day they would give us food to feed the animals. And then if we fed him food he didn't like, he would spit it out, and like (mimicking camel), he would make that kind of noise (mimicking camel). It was so funny. But that was me trying to get a photo, and when I finished that photo, it fell and it fell in poop, I'm not kidding, and I picked it up real quick. - [Lilly] Ew. - [Kimberly] So, this is where I'm at now. Since I was on vacation I had time to, while I did this border part I also did this. So, I cheated and all I have left is this square. And I'm so excited because this pattern doesn't have any back stitch. So, when I'm done, I'm done. I don't have to go back and read, "Oh what back stitch do I have to do?" This and that. Now, to finish it, I haven't decided how I'm gonna finish it yet. I think to be honest, that I'm gonna take it to a framer just because I don't really have time to do this. Now, I love this finishing, but unless Denise does it for me I'm taking it to a framer. I did go to the framer last week and I took four things, I took two of the sampler of the months and I took Sew by Row, and with Sew by Row, I spent about an hour picking a frame and then it was not available, so, they picked a different frame. So, I'm not sure I'm gonna love the frame but we will see. And I think I took one other item, I took Be Mine to the framer and I'm really happy with the frame that I picked for Be Mine. So, I have four items at the framer. So, I could save this and take it or just take it, I'm not really sure. But let me know if you'll have any questions or if anything like that. I did see some people have changed right here. They added like another little scallop and that was pretty cool. And if I had seen that before I had done my mine I might have. Now, on this I am stitching on 14 count Sand Castle Hand-Dyed Jobelan, Aida by Witchell. And I am using the Prim or Floss Box. Now, when I'm done with this one we will probably be done using that Prim or a Floss Box, so, I will probably take those spools and add it to my little thread, cute little pottery barn holder thing I have, and then add it so that I have more thread in there. And if you wanna see that, that's in the video I released two weeks ago or last week. - [Lilly] Cute comment here from Ingrid Bowers, she says, love the pillow finishing and love the little pig. My neighbor has two rescue pigs, I might make this little pig pillow for them. - I didn't know there was such a thing as a rescue pig. - [Lilly] You save them from being turned into bacon. - Oh my Gosh. - [Lilly] I think correct me if I'm wrong. - Okay, so I'm gonna move. So, this is what I'm talking about. This is my Prim AuriFloss box. So, when I'm done, I'm gonna go ahead and put these on my shelf. And then if I need to get them back out, I will. And this is the cute new bag by Dot Dot Goose Designs using Lori's flee market fabric. (bag rustling) And I've just kept everything in here. Now, I'm gonna move to another stitch along that we're doing right now. And let's see, that is on, I'm gonna find it on my page. - So, on this one, this is the Shine On Cross Stitch from the Bonnie Camille Quilt B. And so we have a pop-up of the different stitch along, a lot of people have cheated and gotten ahead, so, I think that's awesome. And we are on week three, and so you'll see what I have done next. And then week four is gonna be the star. I don't know the name of it, but that will be the next one. - Here it is, this is what I have done. And I'm doing mine a little bit different. The sample is done on Lori's 25 count Cloud, and Priscilla mounted it on the sticky board which is using the Shine On fabric, and then we framed it so it kind of pops up from the frame. This is the book it's from, it's in the back of the book, and so this is the quilt that Bonnie and Camille designed and so we have a cross stitch to match it. We are doing this as a stitch along on our quilting channel which is our Fat Quarter Shop channel. And we waited until the cross stitch blocks came out to do the cross-stitch side. We separated them so that you could feel like you could do both. And so, I am actually stitching mine much smaller. So, I'm gonna show it to you right next to it. I'm stitching on Antique White 18 count. And the reason I don't want mine to be as big. So, I'm gonna show you mine. So, it's gonna be much smaller, so, this is that. So, if you want yours to be bigger, you would use Lori Holt's 25 count Cloud, or a 14 count, I'm using 18 count. Now, you can see when you look at my 18 count, those stitches are pretty tight. And so the stitches don't look as pretty, they don't lie as flat because there's less space for the thread to go. And it's a little bit harder because it's harder to turn your needle with such a small piece, but I am happy with it. I wanted it to be a little bit smaller. So, today I will probably go ahead and do this. Now, the one thing that I did to cheat, because when I'm doing a big project like this what I try to do is cheat a little bit, so that I can always be a little bit ahead. So, on the picture that Lily just showed you, this was week one, week two, week three. Now, what I did, was when I had this green and blue out, I did this, which is part of another week in the future because I just wanted to go ahead and use up the floss that I had on my board. And so this week when I do this, when I'm working on this red I'll probably come over here and do a little cheat. And when I work on the pink, so, I'll probably have half of this done. So, that as I go, if something happens in my life where I get behind it doesn't make me feel anxiety. So, I will be cheating and kind of doing, little pieces of future ones, and that way, when I get to the end it will be a lot easier. And I have been storing that in my cute little cozy quit bag from crosshatch quilts. And I am using the called for Cosmo, and I have it on my little beekeeper. And I put the numbers on the back. So, let me know if there's any questions on all of that. - [Lilly] From Katie Cohagen, what would be a good 16 count equivalent to 25 count cloud? I tried the 25 count, but I want the pattern to be smaller. - 16 count Antique White by Witchell, which is the same exact color as, thank you. So, I'll put it here. (wood clanking) So, this is Cloud 25 count by Lori Holt. It's an even weave. This is Witchell, an Antique White, and it comes in 18, 16 and 14 count. So, you could do yours and it's just white, it's not a big deal. I don't think there's too much difference between whites as much as there would be between gray, I think any white that you stitch on, even if you got it at a Hobby Lobby or anything like that I think any white would be fine. I think when you get into grays and tans, there can be more of a stark difference. But I really think with that pattern with white, it just works. - [Lilly] For Missouri Stitcher, are you using two strands of floss? - Yes I am. And I guess you could do one strand, but you would see white from the back. And so I'm definitely doing two strands. And when I am stitching on the 18 count I am using the needle size 28. I'm using Bohin. I didn't bring my bag, but I'm using Bohin needles on that because I'm finding that they are easier to get through the holes. And I usually use Pat Carson but on the 18 count I'm using size 28 needles. - [Lilly] From Maryland Perlman, is the Aida by Fiber on a Whim, a soft or stiff fabric? - [Denise] Soft. - Soft. - I think that if you compare Fiber on a Whim to Picture This Plus, Picture This Plus is softer. But I would say that Fiber on a Whim is also soft, just not as soft - [Lilly] From JP Thompson, when will 14 count Vintage Cloth and Shadow be back in stock? - Everything should be, we actually are getting a shipment of some of the colors, but I believe that's gonna be May, June. Some colors are coming in before that, but on that one the last I heard was May, June. - [Lilly] And from R. Williams, I just sorted the quarterly kit, will I get the March kit? - So, if you would like the March kit, email Cathy, C-A-T-H-Y @fatquartershop.com. Tell her your order number and tell her that you would also like to receive the "Stitch Quarterly" that just went out, and if there are any left, she will let you buy it. I'm not sure if there's any left off the top of my head. I am very happy and very thankful for all the really nice messages that we have received on "Stitch Quarterly", and there're really nice reviews, that really makes us happy and it's nice to see positive feedback. - [Lilly] From Pamela Bunclark, if you were using 18 count, do you stitch? Or can you stitch with a single thread, or would it not have enough coverage? - I don't think it would have enough coverage but you could definitely try do a five by five square or something and just see what you think. - [Lilly] And from Maydin Merrick, I never change needle size, is it important? - If you're doing 18 count, it would be harder for that size 26 needle because this 26 needle is thicker. So, it's up to personal preference. Everyone is different, Cheryl uses different needles than I do on different projects 'cause I do ask her for advice from time to time. So, I think it's all personal preference. - [Lilly] From Carmen G, morning, on the patchwork rabbit, did you use the DMC thread pack on the Antique White fabric? - So, we will move to that section. This is what she's talking about. This is cottontail patchwork seasons. This is a PDF, it is the first, the first one was free, which was the heart, this is the first one in our paid series which are gonna be PDFs. I'm stitching on 14 count Antique White by Witchell, but I am stitching with NPI. (zipper buzzing) - So, this is what I'm stitching with. We gave you threads for DMC, and for NPI Silks, I put my silks on Just My Type Floss Beads. And you can see that when I cut my NPI Silks, I cut them a shorter length because with silks they do better if you have a shorter length. And so, I have half of him done and I did cheat on there. So, this was my extra part. So, this week I'm gonna do the bottom left, and that's gonna be quite a bit 'cause you can see how much more stitching is here than here. So, it's gonna take me quite a bit. And I've been trying to do, if I'm starting a pink I try to do a couple other pinks at the same time, a couple of the purples at the same time, and I just use the Lori Holt Bitty Board, and put my leftovers on here. Now, since I wasn't gonna work on this when I finished it for a week or two, I went ahead and put my leftovers on here. So, you can see right here, on this one I just had this little piece left. So, I put that on the side. Now you could put it up here also. And I just used a brother label maker to put my numbers right here. And I'm just keeping all of that in this little bag that I made with our alphabet chart. And we did do a video, there's a video with info on that. So, I just kind of put everything back in here, and this pattern actually barely fits. So, I got really lucky. So, I am not gonna finish this today, I'm gonna just complete this part this week and so it will be done just in time for Easter. Now, on this one, I'm definitely sending this to Priscilla to finish for me. Are there any questions on that? - [Lilly] Let's see, oh, this is the question from before from Jennifer Daniel Johnson, would it be possible to come up with DMC color equivalence for the Fiber on a Whim cloth colors? - I would refer to their website and ask them for that information. - [Lilly] Thanks, and from Gabriel Flentons, on 28 count, how many threads should I use for back stitching? - That is personal preference, sometimes I use one, sometimes I use two, it depends. Lori uses two and I pick and choose. And usually what I'll do, I'll do one with a single thread and if I like it, I leave it. And then if I feel like it needs more, I just rip it out and start over. So, I do use a lot of discretion with back stitches and French knots and I really do change that a lot. - [Lilly] And then from, crafting a plan life, does Kimberly's start, stop on the bunny or will she travel? - I don't travel. (paper shuffling) - [Lilly] Oh, so neat. - Yeah. I don't travel. Now when I was here, I probably started here, and went here, and then came back up here, but I'm not really sure, but yeah, no, I didn't travel. And the way that I cut my thread, it's really enough just for one little triangle 'cause I cut it pretty short. Now, there's something over here that I did travel on. So, I will try to show you that. When we get to it, I'll try to remember. - [Lilly] From Shelley Johnson, I think I missed the second finish option for the stitches from the heart project, looking for something other than the suggested pillow was the second finish shown in a previous life? - It's not done yet. So, Priscilla's working on it and when she has time, she will do it. They're working on a ton of stuff right now. So, when she gets to it, I will be happy, I have always told her, do it at her own time. My stuff comes way after her stuff, so, when we get it back, we'll let you know, and we haven't shown it yet. And there's no rush because we have a whole another 11 months for Valentine's Day. So, we're in no rush, but yes, we will show it, it's just not done yet. And I think we took a bit of time to mail it to her. So, 'cause we wanted to add other stuff to it, and we're not in a hurry, but yes, we will show something. Now, she hasn't done it, I have no idea what it looks like. She'll probably debut it on her channel before mine. So, I would subscribe to "Stitching With The Housewives," and you'll probably see it there because what she does to me is so cruel. She shows it on her channel and then I have to watch to see it. I don't get a peak. I get to see it when you see it. (Lilly laughing) - [Lilly] That's great, and then before we move on we had a couple of super chats here. First one from Valeria Bauer for 9.99, and she put a pair of saying, thank you. - Aw, cute, thank you Valeria. - [Lilly] Oh, and the second one is also from Valeria Bauer, She put a super chat for 19.99 with a dancing pair that says you are amazing, and then she said, "Kimberly, could you please show me one more time, how to use the cross-stitch key? Thank you so much." - Yes, let me find it. (drawer scraping) We'll grab it, yeah, we'll grab it. I think I'd stole it, actually, I think it might be in this drawer over here, Denise. But I think if it was in here, I stole it, and put it in my bag, and I forgot to bring my bag upstairs, I don't know why, but yes, I will show you. We'll just go on and come back to it. - [Lilly] And then Ingrid Bowers is clarifying that her neighbor with the pigs, she said, "I live next door to a farm, the pigs were rescued from owners who neglected them." - [Lilly] I'm sorry I said the thing about the bacon, I just don't know how that works. (both laughing) I'm glad the piggies are in a better home, that's very good to know. - So, here is the stitch key. So, the way that I use it the most, there's several things do that you can do with it, but I'll kind of show you how I use them and the different things. So, the first thing is when I start, I start and use this corner guide. And I either start at two or three inches, but so on this one, you can see, I put it right here, and that gives me two and a half inches in, I'm gonna move my finger, and oop, I started right there. So, that's how I start with where, I was not sure it was gonna be exact but I use this to start. Now, you could use it there, or if you started in this corner, you could start here. But I obviously gave myself three inches all the way around. So, I use it mostly to start. Now, I also use it for the inches and I also use it. We went on a quilting photo shoot and we needed to measure a quilt, and we needed to know if they cut the strip two inches, or two and a half inches strips. So, Nova and I, we ran to the car, we grabbed this and I have used this to figure out what something was cut at. So, I use this for a lot of things, and you use this cloth counter to tell what cloth you're on. So, this is 14 count. Now, can you zoom in? Thank you. If you put the 14 count on here, you can tell that these lines line up exactly at the dots. So, I know I'm on 14 count and I'm gonna show you on maybe 18 count. (paper shuffling) So, this is 18 count. So, I would put this on here and I look at 16, but oh, at 16 count, it's not lining up exact. So, then I would move around and you can tell that it doesn't line up here but it does here. So, it tells you what count of fabric you have. Now, the next thing it shows you is the number of strands to use and the needle size. It is all subjective. Of course, some people use six strands on 10 count instead of four. You use two strands on 14 to 32 counts. So, the left number is your Aida, the right number would be your even weave or linen. And of course it is all very subjective because, for example, on 28 count, you use 26, but on 32 to 40 count, which would also be 16 count to 20 count, I use a size 28 needle, but Sheryl uses a size 26 needle. So, we put on here what I use, but it is subjective to each person. So, let me know Valeria if there's any other questions, and I'm gonna just put this right in this drawer with my little glasses that Kevin, I'll put them on. So I put them on, they're shaded. They have a shade to them, I don't know why, I didn't mean to buy shaded, but they're a little bit shaded. But Kevin thinks it's so hilarious when I wear them 'cause he's like, you look like a total old lady. So, I put them on just on purpose sometimes and just walk around the house just because it annoys him. And I think it's funny. - [Lilly] It is funny. Question from - - And that's okay, we're playing, 'cause I call him an old man too. So, we're just playing, don't put any mean comments. We play around a lot. - [Lilly] Fifth daughter, do you ever start from the middle? - So, I used to a long time ago, but now I don't. And I don't know, I think it just used to be a thing because when you got your pattern you used to get a package from Michael's, and it would have your floss, your fabric, your chart, it was easy to find the middle. Now, I feel like things are a little bit different because you buy your own fabric and cut it down. So, you have more room and you know that you have the inches around, because you're buying it yourself, cutting it down, so that's why, I think. - [Lilly] And Gwen Smith said, want to thank him really for her Excel spreadsheet of her DMC Floss on the organization YouTube. - Oh, thanks. - [Lilly] (cheering) Sure thing, and Valarie says thank you. - So, my last item that, well, not the last item, but my last item that I'm still working on is I got a little bit ahead. I am working on farmhouse Christmas and I converted my colors. So, I do keep this. It kinda sticks to my bag right here so that I can at any time see my conversion. This was the colors that Diane picked, and then these are Kimberly's colors. And I put a note of how many skeins I started with. I really don't need that, I don't know why I even did that. So, this is Farmhouse Christmas, which is a nine part series. And this is a bag from Dot Dot Goose, It's Got My Pig. This is my little dog. With his little friend that he doesn't have. - [Lilly] (laughing) Imaginary friend. - [Kimberly] Yeah, imaginary friend. So, I was trying to finish part three today even though my goal is next week, I didn't get as far. So, what I started with was doing the border. Now that border can be found on Little House Needleworks website, and then you purchase, there's nine of these, so, it's gonna be three by three. And what I started with is I did all of the white, and then I did one of the browns, and then I filled in the black, I've got some of the green and then some of the red. And then once I finish this roof, which is black, all I have to do is the truck, which is right here. And then I am leaving all of the French knots that go on the eyes, like the snowman eyes or the little man's eyes, I'm gonna do all of that at the very end. So, hopefully next week I will have this done and then I will have my part 10, I think, of Kringle's done. So I got that done, and I'm stitching this on 16 count beautiful beige by Witchell, and the reason I picked this was I was using it in Sampler of the Month by Country Cottage and I just liked the color. And so my colors, I think they're still very farmhouse. They're just a little toned down. I do feel like with this, I kind of had to stay within the farmhouse look and I don't feel like this is gonna match my house as much as I wanted it to, but there's really no other way to do it 'cause of the look. And I do have some stains, I'm gonna show you, look, I have a stain there. And I have another showing right here. So, yeah I saw those last night and I'm gonna tide pin those out. So, I said that fast, and some people were like, what is she saying? So, I'm literally saying tide, like the laundry detergent, pin, like a pin. And it's a tide pin. Do you know what it is Lilly? People didn't understand what I was saying, and I'll just ink it on there and it'll be fine. So tide pin, I'm gonna tide pin, well, this one I probably won't worry about 'cause it's not gonna be in it, but you can tell. I'm not as picky as I should be, I use lotion, you're not supposed to. I do this at my desk where I eat, you're probably not supposed to, that's what I do. Okay, I had two finishes while I was gone. This is our April Trucking Along, by Stitch With the Housewives. And then in May, I've got to do May and I'll be done. So, some changes that I made is, let's see, there's little chickens here and I made a carrot, a bunny. But this bunny right here is brown, and I didn't think a brown bunny on a brown sign, so I made a white bunny. And then let's see what else I did, I think that's the only change I made. And then I just left the little chicken off. I didn't put piggy up there 'cause there weren't enough stitches to make him look good, but I'm excited to be done. I am gonna be sending this to Priscilla to finish. This one was pretty intensive in terms of stitching. This one took more time than her previous, her and Chelsea's previous tracking alongs, but it's cute. And then for the back stitches I did use two strands this time, I did change the whiskers a little bit. So, I think that they had their whiskers way out here and I was like, okay, that's a lot. So, I toned the whiskers down a little bit. So, I finished that, and then here he is with the donkey. So, this donkey was in the same cage as the camel, it's like a really big, so they have in there a bull, a donkey and a camel, and I guess the donkey's 40 years old. - [Lilly] Oh, wow. - [Kimberly] So, anyway, one of the men that worked at the ranch let the donkey out and was like, "Oh ride the donkey," 'cause the donkey, the donkeys really, I guess, well tamed, and he said, "Oh yeah, he can come out of the cage 'cause he likes to stay in the cage, and I'll just come back and put him in later." He was so friendly, the camel was not very friendly but the donkey was really nice. He would let you pet him, and he was really friendly. So, that was where I was at. So, the funny thing on this one is I ran out of bamboo. So, on that one you can see I have everything done, except, okay, you don't have to move the thing, Lilly, right here I didn't have enough white to finish the bunny. So, I was completely done with everything except the bunny and the whiskers, and I don't know how, I didn't have another bag with bamboo in it, at the ranch, but I didn't, so I had to finish that when I got home. So, I did run out of bamboo. So, that was my first finish. My next one, I'm so excited about. So, I did actually this weekend, I decorated for Easter. Now, I know Easter is in two weeks and I should have decorated for Easter a long time ago 'cause that's what Kevin told me, but I didn't get around to it. But I got him done, I didn't change anything about the bunny. I hope she finishes it just like hers 'cause I love it, I do have to figure out how to get this crease out. I didn't change anything on this one, I even left the whisker super big. So on this one, I felt like the whiskers were okay big. The other one, I had to tone him down, and I liked the little birdies. There was no chickens to take out, so that was good. Oh, I did make one change, on here they have the whiskers white and on here I made them brown. Now, I don't know why I did that, I think that's just a mistake. so I'm actually probably gonna fix those whiskers to be white 'cause I'm noticing it here. I have no idea why I did that, that was an accident. So, let me know if there's any questions on any of those. Next to the pen with the long horn, and the donkey, and the camel, were goats. - [Lilly] Aw (laughing). - [Kimberly] And those goats were aggressive. And so I was trying to get the cross stitch to stitch in that little barb wire right there and it was not happening. And I thought those goats were gonna come and grab the piece also but they were pretty, goats can be aggressive, and yeah, that one, I was like, let me get this done and out. I was not as fond of the goats as the donkey. The donkey was super nice, and I was not a fan. The camel was fine if you had food, but when you ran out of food he was making all kinds of noises, and I was like, okay, we got to get out of here. - [Lilly] You naming all the different animals that were there and I'm like, it sounds like you're starting a joke, like a donkey, a long horn, and a camel walk into the farm. - So, a lot of the people who worked on the ranch had worked there for a really long time. So, one of the ranch workers came and was talking to us about the donkey. And I said, well, what is his name? He said, "I don't know, ask Lisa" 'Cause Lisa is another lady that works there, and she works with the animals. He goes, "I just feed 'em." He had worked there 40 years, and he was 70 years old. He had worked at that same ranch. So, it was very interesting talking to him, but he said, "Oh yeah, I just feed em." He's like, "I don't know their names," (laughing). - [Lilly] Oh, that's funny. - But there are, to be fair, hundreds of animals on there. So, he probably doesn't have time to worry about their names because he feeds all of them. It was one guy who fed. It was one, the guy and the lady, they took care of the animals. - [Lilly] Lori Holt said, "They're baby chicks, not birdies, Kimberly, LOL, so they were still chickens, just baby ones." I was laughing so hard when I saw Lori's comment (laughing). - She knows I'm not a farm girl, but I'm really mad about my whisker mistake. I'm gonna have to fix that. - [Lilly] From Fifth Daughter, what are the dimensions of the farmhouse Christmas stitch when you use the border? Just ordered my supplies. - So, it is available on Little House Needleworks website, but we will pull that up real quick. If you go to Little House Needleworks, and from there you click on cross stitch designs, and then from there you scroll down, you click on Farmhouse Christmas, and I'm gonna read it to you. If you use the border, it is 209 by 209 in stitches. And if you do individual pieces, each individual piece is 63 by 63. So, with 14 count, already did the math, it's in here. On 14 count with the border, sorry, 16 count with the border it's gonna come out 13 inches square. If you wanna do 14 count, and he's gonna help me out with the math, and it's gonna be 15 inches square, approximately. - [Lilly] Pokey Little Pineapple is asking, "Did the goats scream?" - No, they, they didn't, the animals talk. Animals talk, they were really quiet. - [Lilly] There's like a Taylor Swift Vine back in the day, I'll show you later - I don't watch Vine, I don't even know what that is, but I'll tell you another funny story. We took a little tour of the ranch, and they had two tours available, one was like for the history of the ranch and one was more of the animals, so we decided just to do the animals. Well, so they gave us these cookies that they had cut in half, and you could feed the llamas. Well, my kids didn't want to feed the llamas 'cause one of them was scared of the llamas. Well then the llamas were chasing us. So, we were in like an ATV, I guess. And those llamas were chasing us, it was so funny. And then they would go, (mimicking llamas), and the lady that was doing the tour was the lady Lisa and she was one of the ones that feeds the animals. And she said, when the llamas ears go up like that they're about to snort at you. So, the llamas kept chasing us, and as soon as those ears went up, she hit the gas fast. She was like, "It's about to spit on you, we're done." 'Cause they get mad because you're feeding them, and when you're out of food, they're gonna get mad. So she was like, it's time to go. And I loved it because I liked feeding the llamas, but I have one son that was like terrified and every time, what my other kids would do is they would let the llama catch up, and then they would say, "Oh, the llama's here." Because they didn't want to like tell him in advance the llamas were coming, it was so horrible. But you know what, that's what kids do and I thought it was funny. - [Lilly] (laughing) The llamas are coming. - They were letting the Lama sneak up on him, but he was far enough away. he was in the front seat between two people, he was fine, but other kids could touch the llamas. He was, we put him in the center because he really didn't wanna go on the animal tour but I'm not gonna leave my kid alone for two hours, so he had to go. - [Lilly] Before we move on, we've got a super chat from Christine Ellis for 99.99. Thank you Kimberly and Fat Quarter Shop for all the very helpful tips and tricks. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Oh my Gosh, thank you so much. - Thank you, we try. It has been really nice to have two weeks of stuff to show. It's been really nice because I'm like, "Oh if I could just do that much each week." But I think if I did, my arms would fall off. So, another item that Cheryl stitched, this is a little booklet from With Thy Needle And Thread called Jelly Bean Jubilee. And this is like a loose stitch, and she did it with a thicker thread, and she's stitching on 32 count linen from her stash and 36, yeah I can't read, I'm reading off a screen and I'm blind as a bat, 36 count linen DMC, and I think this is, I'm trying to think of the word of it. - [Denise] A wheelbarrow. - [Lilly] A wheelbarrow? - [Kimberly] No, it's a thread, it's a thick thread, what's that thick thread called? Pearl cotton. Yeah, and then this is just loose. - [Lilly] It was so cute. - [Kimberly] I know it's so cute, so I think she's done. Let me see here, oh yeah, she's done, so cute. And these are chicks, not birds. So, I got that. - [Lilly] You made the chickens. - [Kimberly] Any questions before, I have two things I'm gonna be teasing today. One is gonna be a full tease, and one is gonna be a tiny tease. So, our first one is brand new Lori Holt pattern. It is not gonna be for sale until Monday. So you got to stalk our website's what's new page on Monday. And Cheryl stitched it, it's so pretty right? - [Lilly] Oh yes. - [Kimberly] I got to move one thing on the table real quick. - [Lilly] I haven't seen this, wow. - [Kimberly] I know we did it just on purpose. So, you'd have to see it on camera. - [Lilly] Oh my God. - [Kimberly] So Cheryl stitched this on 25 count Lugana Barley by Lori Holt. So, this is Lori's fabric, it fits on here. The pattern, again, is not gonna come out until Monday. And we have on this one, it's just the EMC listed only, because and I'm gonna tell you the whole reason why, is when Lori was picking these colors she was very thorough and found that she could only get the look she wanted from DMC. So, that's why only one is listed. She couldn't find enough colors in RF Floss. So, we've got this thread pack. And I'm gonna show you all of it. I'm gonna try to, okay. When she got this framed, she added a, it's a little silver. I don't know what you call it, like an inset. So, it was custom framed, and the reason it was custom framed is she couldn't find anything that she liked enough from Hobby Lobby. Now, what we're gonna do, is we're gonna do this as a stitch along, and we're gonna do it starting in the very beginning of June. And the reason we're waiting is we want everybody to have time to get their pattern, we want everybody to have time to get their floss. Now on this one, there's a lot of colors. I can see a lot of people changing up the color. So, we want you to have time. And we're gonna divide it up into part one, two, three, four, five, six. And we're gonna post all of that information later. But if you want to get ahead start here and I'm gonna do something totally fun, I'm gonna take it out of its package. (paper rustling) I'm going to switch with her floss on here. This is pale gray going on 14 count on Fabric Flair. And I'm gonna put the floss on there. (wrapper rustling) Oops, it's gonna look good. So, this is very fall-ish, summer-ish. - [Lilly] It's spring. - [Kimberly] It's everything, but when it goes here, (paper rustling) Okay, that's gonna drive me crazy. Now, I'm gonna change. There's a couple colors that I am gonna change, yellow and orange are two of them, because those read very fall and on my fabric. These are just duplicates. So, you can see what a different look you can get, but that's my plan. So mine will end up being smaller because I'm on 14 count and Cheryl stitched on 25 count, which is the equivalent of 12 and a half count. So again, thread is available now, pattern will be available first thing Monday morning. Now this, if you're looking at Lori's and Cheryl's, hold on one second, I don't wanna drop everything. This opening right here, is 12 and 5/8 by 13 and 3/4. And when we do the stitch along, we will have this here and I will show you mine on top of it so that you can see. But I'm gonna just change these two colors just because I think they're a little bit dark just for my fabric. So, let me know if you have any questions on any of that. - [Lilly] I'm in awe, that's beautiful. - I know it's so pretty. And it is based on her flea market quilt. So, if you are doing her flea market quilt, it's a completely free applique pattern and she has videos on it, she's got blog posts, we have a kit, so it's based on that. Look at it, it's so pretty. It's basically masterpiece. - [Lilly] Yeah, it is. - So pretty, and I'm doing mine different not because I don't like it just because I like to do that. I like to change things, I like to be able to show you, if I stitched exactly like this, I would have nothing to add when I do the live stream. I wouldn't be able to show you the difference of the fabrics, or the difference of color, or the difference of things, and I want you to feel like you can step out of your comfort zone if you want to, to make it fit your house, or your personality, or whatever. 'Cause you could do this in black and white. You could do this in black and white and gray, totally different look, do it for Halloween. You can do so many things with this, you could do it in Christmas colors. There's so many things you can do. - [Lilly] Awesome, from Jana Gorsuch, "Will Lori's new patterns still fit in a standard frame?" - It would stitch if you could find a board, it's not gonna fit a standard frame. Hold on, go back to the size, scroll up. No, scroll up. 12 and 5/8 by 13 and 3/4, so, there's no frames that big. - [Denise] Oh no, 'cause 11 by 14 would be too small. - Hold on, but if you do it on 14 count, let me look, 'cause I already have it written in my book. On the 14 count, it will measure 11 by 12. So, you could put it in a 12 by 13 frame. Isn't 12 by 13 up to size? - [Denise] I thought got 12 by 16 was- - 12 by 16, so, maybe not, but you could always take it, put it on sticky board and buy like a really big wooden. I think it would fit on more of a piece rather than a frame. And that one the reason why she didn't make it exactly to fit a frame is because it's spaced on a quilt. And so if you base it on a quilt, and you change it too much it's not gonna have the same look. And if you want, you could take sections of this and make little pillows like we did. So, you could stitch this, put fabric around it, and make a bowl pillow. Just like you saw earlier in the channel with our bowl filler penny pig, And it would match the penny big, but you could do this. You could even make a rectangular pillow. You could make a big pillow. There's a lot you could do it. If you feel overwhelmed by the beauty of this and you want to take a small piece you could easily do that. You could do a whole bowl of pillows of just this and you can have like a big pillow, small pillow, big pillow, you know? Oh my gosh, I might do that, that would be cute. Ooh, that would be cute, maybe I'll do that. - [Lilly] From Nadine Merrick, "Will the pattern be PDF or just paper?" - It's gonna be paper now, and in six months it will be on PDF. - [Lilly] From Suzanne Penjay, "The silver is called a filet on the frame." And then Simone Harryman says, "Will the aqua for home sweet home be back in stock or should I find a different color? I also loved my 'Stitch Quarterly.'" - Yeah, she can look up a date, but yes, it should be soon. We'll look and see if it's shipped. The next item I wanted to show you is my previous finish. And so this is Little House Needleworks, and this one I finished last year. - [Lilly] Oh Sorry. - [Kimberly] So this, I had custom framed, and I stitched this on Wheat 28 count Lugano by Zweigart. And in this pattern, there are four and they come with Belle Soie thread. This thread is obviously green, I changed mine to Belle Soie cool mint. So, I'm excited to take this home to display it. Now, that is silk thread, and you can see that there is a lot more variegation than there is with just a regular classic color works. Now on this one, I did do one X at a time so that you would get more of a variation. If I had to go back and redo this, I would have used a darker floss because I don't feel that it stands out enough. But that's my previous finish, and I'm excited to take it home. I've made all four of the seasons. They're called the monochromatic seasons. Nothing showing? - [Lilly] No, nothing showed. - [Kimberly] Oh, okay, so we don't know when the aqua is coming, but we can check and give you an update next week, but it is supposed to be soon. So, now I'm gonna show you our club feature of the week. (board clanking) So, this is from Prim Stitch Series by Lori Holt. In a previous "Flosstube", she did show how she's doing hers, which is one big piece. - [Lilly] Sorry, one sec. - [Kimberly] And so, but she also did show it in person. So, we're through part nine. And the border that she's showing there is free. If you signed up, it's free and you can download it on our site. Denise is running to get something, I'm not sure what she's getting. This is made with the RF floss Prim box which is what I showed you earlier. And Lori is stitching hers is one big piece and we're stitching them individually. And I'm just gonna show you all of them just because I think they're so pretty. This is the medium frame of Lori Holt, sits on our website. Each of these is painted with one of her chalky chicks paint. On the back of every pattern it tells you the size, sorry, it tells you the color of paint she used. She did use different fabric right here, the same fabric right here, and she used her natural lace. So, she has finished all of these for me, so thank you usually to Lori. When I'm finished I'm gonna put these all on one big wall. So, this is part nine. And I'm gonna show you all the previous. I'm not gonna tell you the numbers, I'm just gonna show you, 'cause I am having a hard time reading today. This one is Patriotism and Industry. This is also based on a quilt. (board clanking) This one is Joy and Contentment. So, Lori painted all of these for me, finished all of them, and you see that this is gonna keep it consistent, the brown, which is from her Prim fabric. And on the back of all of these, she put a board and she covered in one of her fabrics. And we have all the information on here, including the color that she used to paint it with, so that if we ever need to get back to it it will all be right there. So, these are Lori's library cards. Here's another one. I thought, oh my gosh, we've got to start showing all of these. And when I get them all in one big wall, I will show you. This might be my favorite. It reminds me of my aunt, Bee, because she is actually an artist, and she would draw when I was a little kid, she would draw, and paint. She would do a lot of charcoal pencil art and she would always draw angels. And this is the little farmer. My little eye looks bad, my little, eye, he got squished. My French knot, oof, I think I should have made that French knot bigger. And so if in our club there are three left. This is the center, well not the center, but one of the centers, this is my second favorite. This one was a lot of fun to stitch. I remember stitching this at baseball. So, I remember before I went to the baseball game I had outlined the outside. And then when I went to the baseball game I just spilled it in. And my son actually played baseball last night, it was so fun, he actually got a score. I don't know what you call that in baseball. But he got a, whatever. He made a point, that's what I call it. (Lilly cheering) I don't know what I'm doing at baseball, I get so confused. I didn't stitch at baseball last night though. It's so pretty, the little sheep, that sheep was fun to stitch also. So, let me know if you have any questions on any of the other stuff that I showed. I had my previous finishes, my current finishes, all of that. - [Lilly] From Lisa Marie, do you think the look of 14 count and 28 count, even weave is a big difference, even weave tends to stress me out? - [Kimberly] To me, no, I don't, I like Aida. I think Aida is fine. Grab that Stitchy Stars right there. I'm gonna show that real quick. Just as an example why, let's see. So, this is 25 count oatmeal. I guarantee if you stitch this on 14 count Vintage Country Mocha, you're gonna see no difference. You don't see a lot of the fabric, where does your eye go? To the blocks. So, think about this, who comes to your house? And my house not very many people come over because we're a little antisocial. It was so funny the other day, Emma went to her friend's house when she came home and she's like, "Mom did, you know, other people they invite people over for dinner, did you know that?" I was like, yeah. She's like, "Can you all start inviting people over?" And I said, "No, because we are antisocial." And that's not a bad thing. It's just, but when you have people that come to your house they don't have a clue what that is, where are they gonna look, right there? So, to me it doesn't matter. - [Lilly] If it's stressing you out like do what makes you happy? - Yeah, because I will tell you something that I learned. I started Kringles last year in May, I cannot tell you how frustrated I get with that piece. The only reason I haven't started the part that needs to be finished next week is because it stresses me out. I cannot see holes and I get so frustrated, and I just get frazzled, it's ridiculous, and it's gonna be a beautiful piece, and I'm gonna be so happy when it's done. If I had to go back and do it, I would have picked an Aida. The reason I remember that Denise and I didn't pick an Aida is we couldn't find a color close enough. And we also didn't have Diane's sample because I wasn't at Needlework Market because it was my daughter's dance competition. So, I didn't have the chance to compare fabrics. But if I had, that's what's so great about me publishing Lori's patterns, is I can see what Lori does, and then I can compare a fabric that works for my eyes to it because I've got the sample. 'Cause somebody made the sample for us, which makes it really easy. So, if I had to do it again, though, I would have started with an Aida just because it takes me. It has to take me at least one and a half times the amount of time, it has to. I can tell, so whenever you're stressed, you should always relax your shoulders. Whenever I start cringles I'm like this, and then I'm like, okay, I have to relax, but I've only got two rooms left, I just want it done because it's just been difficult. And once I started that I realized how much more fun I have on Aida, and that's why 2021 is the year of Aida for me. - [Lilly] Lori Holt said, "I come to your house." 'cause you- - Oh yeah, Lori comes to my house. But if she lived here Lori would come to the house all the time. We have new neighbors and we went over to their house but he hasn't come to our house yet. I'm like, well, I was so impressed because, okay. So he wanted us to watch his dog, he's got a labra doodle, and he's so cute. He's big though, he's not little. Lily's gonna love this, his dog is named Spanky, his cats are named from "The Little Rascals", what, I don't know. - [Lilly] Alfalfa? - Yes, Alfalfa, and then there's another one, and I said to my kids, I said, yeah, I like a TV show, and he said "Little Rascals." I was like, Oh, well, I don't know. But I was so impressed because we went over there so, he could show my kids how to get in the house. His cats like to escape, so trying to tell them all the things. And we went in their bedroom 'cause he was showing us their house and their bed was made. I was like, "Oh that's why we don't have people come to our house." (Lilly laughing) - [Lilly] That's funny. - So, I'm gonna tell you a little tease. So, on Friday you want to make sure that you check out our, what's new, page on Friday. There's gonna be something exciting. I have a little tease. So, there's Piper, and there's gonna be something big on Friday. So, you're gonna wanna check our, what's new, page on Friday. And that was the tease that we got. So, it's obviously Stitching With the Housewives, and that dog is so cute but she bites. She's so cute. So, now Needlework Market was canceled this year because of attendance, being able to attend, so, there was Needlework Expo. So, most of the items we ordered came in, not all I'm still waiting on one thing, but I'm gonna show you what has come in so that you can pick and choose what fits you. So, we're gonna start with Hands On Design. - Do you wanna read that Lily? - [Lilly] Oh gosh, again, Ashley, correct me if I'm wrong, (speaking foreign language), - [Kimberly] And you can read that one too. - [Lilly] (speaking foreign language), I'm really butchering this one. (speaking foreign language). - [Kimberly] so, those are three new ones, very cute for your kitchen. Now this one, this is part of her Block Party Series, and I would really encourage you to go look at her blog, and her Facebook, and website. She showed this in a straight piece, so straight across, and it's so cute 'cause it's all 12 of the reindeer. Is it 12? - [Lilly] It's eight. - [Kimberly] Eight, okay, so all the reindeer that way. - [Lilly] Nine, if you count Rudolph. - [Denise] Yes. (Lilly laughing) - [Kimberly] And then this one I'm gonna stitch. So, this is the third of the Let's Talk Series, that is the seasons. So, I have made autumn, and summer, winter, something, I'm gonna make this month. So, this will be part of my Maynia and I am gonna make it just like her. The only difference is I think she does her sample on 32 count, which is equivalent of 16 count, but I'm making mine on 14 count. And then what I did is I took it to my framer and each time I just take the previous one, and then tell them, okay, space the edge of the same and do the same frame so that I can put it in my house and switch it each time. So, that's Hands On Design. The next ones are Theresa Kogut, and she is going to have a new fabric collection with Riley Blake. If you would like to see it, I will be showing it on our Fat Quarter Shop quilting channel this Friday. So, this is Pennsylvania Dutch Farm Series, The Heifer, Rise and Shine, Psalm: 91, 11. Pray. Whimsy Halloween, so, I think that's a witch upside down. And I liked this one, this is the Rejoice Rejoice Snowman. And then there's three big ones. (papers shuffling) Peacemaker, Franktur, I was trying to figure out what Franktur meant but I never figured it out. And then this one has been the most popular, Come to The Garden, and that's her sampler. So, that is Teresa Kogut new items. We're gonna move to Tiny Modernists, Your Own Kind of Beautiful, Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful. Do you wanna make that Lilly? - [Lilly] Yeah, I wanna make it for my mom, she has chicken and stuff in her kitchen. - [Kimberly] Spring Band Sampler. And then she's starting a new series called Spring Blessings, It is a four-part mystery and this is part one. And so, as she adds the next parts, they're all out. Sorry, one, two, so part two is up here. Part three is the corner flowers, and then part four she adds the sides. So, if you want to make that, that's a four-part series that will sell as a set. And then there's Mermaid Garden. Who's the Disney princess named mermaid? - [Lilly] Ariel. - [Kimberly] Okay, that's her, Sleeping Beauty, that's cute. And then part of the expo was... - [Lilly] Moo The Merrier. - [Kimberly] Moo The Merrier. - [Lilly] Oh my God.` - [Kimberly] And so each of the designers were encouraged to do a cow design. So, this was her Moo The Merrier called Strawberry Cow. - [Lilly] So cute. (papers shuffling) - [Kimberly] That reminds me of one time one of my kids told one of my other kids that pink cows make strawberry milk and he believed it. So, this is hello from Liz Matthews, and I absolutely love this pattern. Now, I'm never gonna stitch it because it would be humongous. I encourage you to go to her YouTube channel and watch her video from about a month ago where she shows all of this. This is a ginormous piece. It doesn't look like it, but it's a wall hanging, it is not a little piece. If it was little, I would make it. This is Gather Here, and I do believe she stitched that if I'm remembering correctly from her video 40 count. Gather Here With Grateful Hearts, Dutch Sampler, and Butterfly Cloche. And then I'm gonna show you Kathy Barrick's patterns. Amelia Prescott and Kathy Barrick is Hello's, Liz Mathews' mother. - [Lilly] That's cool. - [Kimberly] And this is a Dutch Sampler, A Quaker Dwelling, I love the quilt blocks, and Pieces of Old. And then Summer How stitch works, I'm gonna let Lily read the names. They kind of go with the other, the Hands On Design. - [Lilly] I can't read for the rest of it. (speaking in foreign language). - [Kimberly] And then Respond With Love. - [Lilly] I need to get back on my French lessons and all. - [Kimberly] And then Heartstring Samplery, All Will Be Well, Spring Time Pin Drum, I don't know what that says, ground force? - [Lilly] Grounding Force? - [Kimberly] Okay, can't read, and then My Necessity. Okay, so now I'm gonna teach you guys. Y'all have to wait a few minutes to see all of the other new items, and Lily's gonna come give you some tech tips. So, it's Tech Tips With Lily. (Lilly cheering) And I'll be right back. - Tech Tips With Lily time? Let me have a seat. (Lilly laughing) So, funny story, the reason I'm not showing you guys stitching today apart from tech tips are important. And I wanted to share them with you guys, is someone forgot her crotchet at home. So, next week I will show you my progress. But tech tips this week, I'm gonna put this down so I'm not playing with it. The description box, that's the topic of the day. So, a lot of the times Kimberly will say, "Links in the description, links in the comments, links down below," that's called the description box. So, we have Ashley here who is not only a wonderful human being, but she puts a lot of hard work into gathering all the links for basically everything you see on camera, all the patterns, all the frames finishes, anything we can find a link for to help you find it, she's the one who does that. So go Ashley, she's amazing. But YouTube, so here's the funny part. Links as you guys usually see on your browsers are long, they have google.com/ (speaking gibbering), random letters and stuff. YouTube has a character count for our description box and we usually max it out pretty quickly. So, to be able to provide you guys with all the links for everything and still make it accessible, we put like the most relevant things in our description box. But if you click the show more, right underneath the video, where it's a little arrow on mobile, I believe, it'll have a little description of the video and then right underneath that the very first link you see is links to all things. So, the general link, actually has a good title for it but I don't remember it right now, but it's the very first one, and that one takes you to a separate page outside of YouTube and it has every single link for that video, everything we showed. If it happens that we show something that we weren't expecting to show, like someone asks a question, we're like, "Oh let's let's show the cross-stitch key." We weren't necessarily planning on showing that today. Ashley, make sure to add it in right away, so then by the time, if you're watching this afterwards everything we talked about is gonna be right there. And then we do, as you guys can see, provide those links in the comments for you guys as we're going along this show. And the cool thing about the links too, is that Ashley puts them in the order of the show, so you can follow along as you're going through. So, I just wanted to share that with anyone who may not know about it, who might not know like, "Oh what's this random page I'm being taken to if I click all links," totally safe, set up by us, you're gonna find everything there. And then if you find that something's missing just let us know in the comments so we will add that link right away. If there's any questions, cool, this has been, Tech Talk With Lily and next week I will show you my stitching. - Thank you, Lily. So, now we have some more stuff. Maybe if I take off every other week, we'll have this much each week, I'm just kidding. - This is BFF Bunnies by Luminous Fiber Arts, and Spring Scamper, and then October House Designs has a couple of new ones. This is Cheerful Giver, Love and Joy, and this next one I will be doing, I am going to stitch this on. I'm gonna tell you right now, I've got to move a couple things. I'm gonna stitch this piece. Now, her sample was stitched on a really small count, and I'm gonna stitch it on this pale gray gingham, and by doing that, mine is gonna come out 'cause I already wrote it out yesterday, mine is going to come out bigger at seven and a quarter by eight, I'm gonna use all of her called for flosses, And I'm gonna stitch it as part of Maynia, FQS Stitch Maynia. So, I made that decision yesterday. And we do only have about 14 of these left, we are gonna be ordering more today. When things come in, I don't know, I just missed it when she showed it, I just loved it when it came in. So, decided last minute to add it. And than, I dropped something, sorry, as I do that, I didn't mean to Denise, I'm so sorry. As I do that, what I do is I go through and start on my cross-stitch journal and I put what I know. So, I know I'm gonna do this, I've already bought everything and you can kind of see I can give you some teases. These are just some different things I'm gonna be doing that aren't all filled in yet. So, home sweet home, I'm gonna stitch that with you guys. I haven't decided what fabric, so I haven't filled it out, but I do have some little teasers in here. There's some teasers for y'all. And then she also came out with Flosstube Friends. And then Lucy Beam, Ghost and Pumpkin's Drumroll. Now, remember on anything like this that's circular, you can stitch it and keep it flat. You don't have to turn it into a drum roll. I think that it took me a while to really grasp that concept. So, I'm hoping to take something that is written as circular, or cylinder ish and make it flat eventually to show you that. Cross Stitch Makes Everything Okay. This is funny, I Will Poke You. (papers shuffling) Halloween Under The Sea. She Wanted Some Honey, So She Got The Bees. And this is funny, Call The Doctor. Call For The Doctor, Call For The Nurse, Call For The Lady With The Alligator Purse. And then these are from Sue Hillis Designs. It's a booklet, so you can see. It's The Most Wonderful Spark of The Year. And then I think this one's gonna be the most popular, So Much Love. And then we have Needle Bling Designs, Stitching Is My Happy Hour. It's Always Happy Hour When I'm Stitching. Oh, she must love her some happy hour. (Lilly laughing) Easter On The Farm, Peter's Garden. (papers shuffling) Mrs. Claus Bake Shop. And then I love this one, Santa and Company. I love this one, so I am going to make these. I think that what I wanna do with this, 'cause I'm gonna do it in jolly July, Denise is gonna remind me, but what I wanna do is I wanna stitch 'em across horizontally, where it's like Santa, soldier, elf, snowman, where it's like this, across. So, I'm gonna do this as Jolly July. And then her Moo The Merrier, is Moo The Merrier Farms. Lilly likes the cows. And then From The Heart has Mini Springs. So, this is a smaller pattern, it's got chicks and lamb. Happy Birthday, Welcome Spring Sampler, (papers shuffling) Grateful Quaker, Freedom Quaker, Quaker Bees, I really liked this one. I can see Lori making this one. I was wondering if she's gonna make that one And then this is a sampler. One of the things that you guys asked for was for us to carry sampler. So, we're dipping our toes in it and we're gonna see how they sell it. If they sell we'll carry more, if they don't sell, we won't carry more. So, these are two samplers, and we decided to pick samplers that were more of a Fat Quarter Shop feel to dip our toes in so that we could try to get the best results possible. So, we do listen to your requests. - This is Shakespeare's Peddler, and I can envision Cheryl making this one. I think that she said she was actually, now that I think about it. And then Tea Cups and Keys. So, I think this also would look really good. You could do those all four together. I could see that framed, I can see it in a pillow, I can see it in red floss, black floss, blue floss, just there's so much you can do with these and mix and match them. And I did really like these. Now, this is the other one, sorry, let me move. I'll try to make them fit, this is scissors. So, I could see doing a lot with these, and Lori Holt's cream, what is it called, the trim? - [Lilly] Vintage lace. - [Kimberly] Vintage lace. - [Lilly] Natural lace. - [Kimberly] Natural vintage lace would look great on these. I was trying to think of the name, sorry. (papers shuffling) And this is carriage house samplings, and this is another sampler, Matters Choice, Quaker House Samplers, now I love this, I would make this. I would not put the years, and if I made this, I would make 'em, I would not put the years, and I would not put this, I would have it just be three plain houses, and then this is also included. So, I'm going to add some samplers to my lineup throughout the year. I'm gonna dip my toe in, but we're gonna dip my toe in the Kimberly way, which means 14, count Aida, leaving out all the stuff that is too old timey. Sorry, A Quaker Study, I really like this one. Halloween Seed Sack, and then this one, the next two got a lot of feedback on our Instagram, Horse Feed Sack, Chicken Feed Sack, Hungry Hare Feed Sack, and then I really liked this one also, this is called Fall's Gifts. Now, if I made this, I would make that, I would not put the year, and I would definitely not put the words, because I don't know what that means. So, please don't hate me in the comments, I'm just trying to be honest. The Nebby Needle, A Stitcher's Wallet. This one is beautiful in person. This pattern cover does not do the, I'm so sorry my stomach is growling (laughing). The pattern cover on here does not do this piece justice. It is beautiful, it says, "God shed his grace on thee," and if you look at her Instagram, and other stuff you will see the beauty of this piece. And I Live In The Garden, Oh my gosh, I Live In The Garden, I Just Sleep In The House, that's so funny. (papers shuffling) And then we've got Rabbit Valley Studios and this was one of my favorites, I love this. Now, I would stitch this, but I would not stitch home, I would just have the hearts throughout. So, I always take stuff and try to make it my own, I encourage you to do the same. And this is plant the seed. And big shout out to Denise who's helping me on the side, she's getting her workout for the day. And for pooling all these patterns, this is Scissor Tail Designs, and this is Humble Bee, Easter Brings Hope, Merry Christmas, and Be Mine Always, and I can really see this done in lots of different colors. And I could see this, I just decorated for Easter. So what I did is I went to the dollar street target, what is it called? Dollar spot or whatever, I could totally see doing pink tulips, aqua words, pink flowers, yellow up here, and using three colors and matching what I got at the dollar spot. Having Priscilla put it in a tiered tray thingy, and then I could put it in my tier tray. This is Chiseles' Little Winter Bag, and Flower Box. - I think these are printed on photo paper. (paper shuffling) And then Autumn Links To Tree, they're super popular. This is a woman and her husband (coughing). This is her Moo the Merrier Best Friends, the Easter Garden, I love the ears, love grows here. And then I think this is gonna be super popular, Autumn Town, I could see Cheryl making that. I don't know why I'm on here guessing what Cheryl's gonna do but it's fun to guess 'cause she doesn't tell me in advance. This is this one's for Lily. This is called Oology, I guess. Wait, no, this one's not for you, this one. - [Lilly] There you go (cheering), I was like, I do love science and mystery, so, cool. - [Kimberly] Is the last one? - [Lilly] No. - [Kimberly] No, this is not the last one. This is Erica Michael's, Tiptoe Through The Tulips. Do Unto Others? I think a lot of people need to read that these days. Spring Berries, what did you say Lilly? - [Lilly] Stop the shade (laughing). - [Kimberly] Sorry, sometimes people need to hear it. Bristol Barry's, Blessings Be More. And this one is Lions, Tigers and Trims. That would be so cute if there was a new baby being born, you could do all kinds of colors to match their room and put their initials, oh my gosh. And then this is Pedal Pusher Cloverdale Cottage, Spring And The Round by JBW designs, and on this one, we have a couple of these. There's like a Rabbit in the Round, Winter in the Round. I actually saw her patterns in person at Shepherd's Bush stitched up. And really, they looked so much better stitched up because there's so much detail in them. And this is Elf On The Shelf, and then a Christmas Stocking, and then this one, and Denise is gonna make, it's called Fireside Originals. A Couple of Spring Chicks, it's so cute. It's a little girl and little boy. And then Trick or Treat, and (speaking foreign language) I don't know how to say it. - [Lilly] Okay, that would have been my guess. - [Kimberly] And so, okay, I'm gonna tell you a funny story. This is how sometimes I am confused. Denise already knows what I'm gonna say. So, it's a sampler, it's got all the letters, and when we were ordering this, I literally said to Cheryl and Denise, I don't understand what 12, 34, 56 and 78 mean. And Cheryl said, "Kim, it's one, two, three, four, five, six," - [Lilly] Oh, I didn't put that together either. - [Kimberly] And I was like, what does 12 and 34 mean? - [Lilly] I read it the way you read Kimberly. - [Kimberly] Okay, good, it's not just me, 'cause. And then this one is Let It Snow. This is really nice. - [Lilly] That's really pretty. (paper shuffling) And then we've got Plum Street Sampler, and now we did these in no particular order. This one is Abominable Bundle, and then Bigfoot Bunch, (Lilly laughing) My Early Days, oh my gosh, you'll have to comment, and let me know, do you believe in Bigfoot? Let me know. And then Adam Names The Animals. And then Heart and Hand is one of my favorite designers, Friendship Garden, and Doodles in Spring, and I wanna make this one. The only thing is I might change the hand, but I do really like this one. And then we've got, Not Forgotten Farms, Bobbin' Along, and this is one of Lori's favorite designers and Peas and Carrots. And then Waxing Moon, The Last of the Monthly Trios Arrived. I really want to see somebody take all of them and do it horizontally, or do January, February, March, April, May, June, like three by three by four. So, that might be something we do in the future. The Punch Needle, most recent magazine just arrived. I'm gonna peek through and show you the one that you'll all want which is Buffalo Splaid Pring. Just I cannot talk (laughing), what did I just say? - [Lilly] Buffalo Splaid Pring. - [Kimberly] Buffalo Plaid Springs, so sorry, please, don't be mad Priscilla. We have a third pack, and I wanna make this one. And then also from Priscilla and Chelsea lots of new things. These two, we put online Monday they showed these in their video on Saturday, America The Beautiful, and Liberty Farm. These will be shipping out in the beginning of April. So all you have to do is pre-order from Fat Quarter Shop and we will ship it the day it arrives and I'm gonna make this one. I love it. I asked Priscilla last night, I said, is it gonna take me forever? And she said, no, she said it actually goes pretty quick. So, I'm trusting Priscilla that it won't take me that long. And last Fridays was Honey Bunny, And I love this finishing, I love that little thing. And then today's, our Strawberry Seeds, so this is their seed packet, I'm actually gonna show you all of the seed packets in a second. - [Lilly] Oh, I love it. - [Kimberly] My stomach is just growling, so if y'all hear something it's me. And then this is flower market and it comes with a free pattern, a free chart called garden love. And I'm gonna stitch this one, so, I bought this this morning. So, now I'm gonna show you all the seed packets together because I am obsessed with seed packets. I haven't made any of these, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to, it just means it's gonna be moved to in the future. So, I'm gonna show you all of their seed packets as of right now. I'm not saying they're doing more or less, I don't know. - [Lilly] Spicy Radish. - [Kimberly] This is my favorite one. - [Lilly] This is Spicy Radish seeds. - [Kimberly] Yes, Spicy Radish seeds. (Lilly laughing) So, right now there are seven. And so this is part of their tiered tray tidbits. So what I'm hoping to do is to do, I'll probably do these to start with, and when I go to do them, I will try to make all my colors go together. So, I'll use the same red throughout, and I would put all three of these on my tear tray at one time, so, I would make them all kind of go together. So, that is my plan to have some of the seed packets done for 2021. What year are we on right now? - [Lilly] 2021. - [Kimberly] I mean 2022. And then here, this just came in yesterday. We had wanted a tray and we had let Checker know, Gypsy Quilter is owned by Checker brand, and this is their tray. So, I'm gonna send a of these to Priscilla, and Chelsea, and Lori, and they're gonna finish some things on them and I'm sure they're gonna give some away. And then the flash sale today is Love Sweet Love. And that would look really good on Lori's tomato 25 count. - [Lilly] Oh yeah. - [Kimberly] And then our big release of today is right here. (stand scraping) I was decorating this weekend, and this came out two Fridays ago, but it was after our Wednesday live stream. This is the brand new Bee's Knees Book Stand. It is the blossom color, there was aqua before. So, the way that we do these is we do the color what's, when it's gone, it's gone, and the sooner this sells out, the sooner the next one will come. - And I'm gonna show you the back. (stand scrapping) - So it is very sturdy, it stands alone. And this weekend I was decorating for Easter like we talked about I know I'm late, but that's about as good as I can do. Priscilla finished this Happy Camper for me, this is Happy Camper by Lori Holt. And I needed something to go in my sewing room and it fits perfect. So, you can use it a couple of different ways. You can use it as a display, and I do have a hard time finding easels that are very straight because I don't like them to be easel back, so, this is a great option. I could see you finishing the cottontail patchwork seasons and putting it on here because it matches. But you could also put it next to you when you're stitching. (both laughing) Oh my gosh, y'all don't make me laugh. So, you could also put your chart right here, and stitch, and you could put it on the left or the right of you. So, this is our brand new book stand. So, now I'll answer any questions - [Lilly] Is the bookstand sharp. - I don't think it is. Some people have said it is, I don't think it is, to me it's not. It's all relative. - [Lilly] Yeah, I agree, I don't think it's sharp. From Pamela Bunk Clark, "Can you explain what exactly is stitch Maynia?" - Stitch Maynia started about eight or nine years ago, it is a Facebook group started by a man and a woman, and they're friends, and the only reason I'm not saying their names is because right now off the top of my head I can't think of them. I'm not trying to not give credit, I just can't think of their names right now. They started a group, they called it Maynia, and it was back when cross-stitch wasn't as popular. And it was a way to encourage stitchers to start a new project each day of the 31 days in May, so that, that would keep you going throughout the year. They have since decided they want to close their Facebook group. So, it's gonna close effective May 1st, and they're just not gonna run anymore. But I'm gonna keep doing FQS Stitch Maynia, and just make it our own. And I don't do it the same way, I just do different projects throughout May but that's also what I do in Jolly July, and Stitching With the Housewives holidays. And I do it throughout different months. So, that's what it is. I'm trying to think of their names. Cathy's okay, can you look it up so I can give them credit? - [Lilly] A question from Cathy Stoller, "Will the flea market flowers pattern being color?" - Yeah. - [Lilly] From Monica horseman, a cute comment, she said, "I have a cow named Strawberry, her offspring or Cheesecake and Milkshake." - Oh my gosh. - [Lilly] That's so cute. - So, Stitch Maynia was started by Garrett Kilgore and Katy Agruso. - [Lilly] From DK Quilter, true crime question, "Have you listened to the podcast, 'The Magnus Archives?'" - No, Ashley email me, I don't know what that is. I did watch the new Gucci Netflix. So, I knew the story, I was trying to tell Lori the story without giving it away. 'Cause I called her and said," Oh, you've got to watch it." So, it's all in Italian, but it's the story of the last family member of the actual Gucci's that owned the Gucci brand before it was sold off to an international company. And there was crime and all kinds of things. And I knew the story, so when I started watching it, I was like I already think I know what happens. When you watch it, you think are there really people out there like this? Like this really exists? I thought it was good, now it was hard to watch because I was trying to stitch, but it's all in subtitles. So, I finally just ended up just watching it and not stitching because I needed to watch it, it was so good. So, I'm not sure if Lori's watched it yet, but I called her and said, okay, you gotta watch this, 'cause she tells me when I have stuff to watch and then I tell her, but it's good. It was ruined 'cause I already knew the story, but. - [Lilly] And then we had a super chat earlier from Cindy Johnson for 49.99. And I think she put it, I think the pairs tumbling around. It's all excited. - Aw, thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you so much. - You did my cardio for today, thank you. - [Lilly] (laughing) That was funny. So guys, I missed seeing you last week, I hope you watch my storage video, and our penny pig tutorial. Subscribe to our channel and I'll see you next week. - [Lilly] Bye everyone.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop FlossTube
Views: 29,666
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Keywords: flosstube fat quarter shop, fat quarter shop cross stitch, stitch along cross stitch
Id: HThcfuOrAUg
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Length: 101min 15sec (6075 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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